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201108345 <br /> sentences shall not a}�ply to tha presence, use, or sCoragc on tl�e Property of small quantities of Hazardnus <br /> Substencea tkRt v�e gencrally recoguized to be appropriate to nomial residential uses and to maintenuice of <br /> tl�e Properfy(including, but not liinrted to, l�az[u�$otts substances in conawner producte). <br /> Borrower sh�ll promptly givc i.eiidea wriCCen notice of(a) auy iirvostigation, claitn, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> aotion by any governmenf�l or regtiilatory agency or private party involvit�g the Property and any Hazau�dons <br /> Substance or Environmenfal Lew oP wl�ich Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) rtzy Enviroiunentnl � <br /> Condi[�ioix, inc1uding but noC iimited to, any spilliizg, Icalcuig, dischacg�e, release or threat of releasa of any <br /> Hazardous Snbstance, a»d(c) any conclitiou caused by the pre.scnce, use or rele�se of a Hazardous Substiance <br /> which edversely ttffects the v2iue of$�c Vroperty. If Borrower learns, or ie noti'ied l�y any govermnental or <br /> regulatory authnrity, or auy privnte pnrty, fha[' any removal or ofher rettaedinlipn of�ny Hazardous Substence <br /> affecting tTie Property is nece.sear�y, l3orrowee shall proi�tly take all ncccssary rainedial nctions in <br /> accordaz�ce wifli F.nviromnei�ital Law. Nothing herein shaIl create any obligation on Lender for an <br /> L�nvironmv��tn1 Cleanup. <br /> Non�Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Leuder covenanC nnd�7gree�a followe: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice Co Borirower prior to xccelcraEion follo�ving <br /> 13orruwer's brench of nny covenanC or agreeme��t iu tl�is Sccnrity vieh�nment(but not prior to <br /> necelers�lion imder �eckion 18 tmless Applicable Law pruvides otl�crwIso), TLe notice ahall Specify: (a) <br /> tlie dofault; (b} flie adim� reqnired to cm•c Uio defnnit; (c) � dai�e, not less Ylian 30 days froin the date <br /> the nukice is given to Bm�irower, by which the defm�lt mast be cnred; a���l (d) that faIlnrc to cure tlie <br /> defanlC mi or hefure the dnt�c spccified in Llte nolice may resulk in acccicrntion oP Che snms securod by <br /> this Secm�it�InsLrmnent and n�de of flic Piroperty. Tlie noLice shall fm�thor inform Bm�rower of the <br /> rig]�C to rcinstate after accelera6on ;ind tlie rigtit to beiug a conrc action to .�ssw�t tha nou-existeuce of a <br /> defaiult or any ofher defense of Borrower to accelernCion and sale. If tl�e def:ttdt is not carod ov or <br /> befnre tUe dxte specifiod in the notice, Lender� at its opfimi ivny reqnu•e irumedi.ile p�yme�it in fitll of <br /> all emug secpred by this Secarity Instrament wifhont farther demand�and may involce Che power o1'sale <br /> and any otlier remediea permikted by Ap��Hcable Lnw. Lender sliall be enEitled to collect all expeuses <br /> i�imu�red in pm•sning tlie remedies pirovided in Eliis Sectiw�22, includi�, but nof.linuted to, rcasonablc <br /> �Ctorneys' fees and costs of t1Cle evidence. <br /> IY tl�e power oY sale is iuvolced, Trnstee shnll reeorcl n nofice nf defaiJt in e:�cl� comily in wLicL any <br /> p:u�t of the Proporty is located and sl�nll mnil copies of encit notice in the�nanner prescribed by <br /> Applicable l,aw to Boirowa� and to fhe o[lter persons prescribed by Applicnble Law. AFter the time <br /> reqnired by Appl9cable I,�iw, 1�•nstcc sliall give pnblie�mt9ce of sale to the persoue and in the�namier <br /> prcacribad by Applicable Law. 'Crnstee, witlionY demnnd on Bm�•ower,ahall soll tho Properly nC piiblic <br /> anction to thc l�igliest hicl�ler aC Clxe tiine:uid place and under Nie terms designa�ted in tlie notice of salc <br /> in m�e m•more pareols nnd in any urfler Trn�Cee deterinines. Trnstoo may postpone sale of:dl or any <br /> pnrcel of the Yrope��ty by public amioancement at Che time and plxce of.iny previonsly scLeduled sale. <br /> Lendcr or ite dosignea may ianrcli:ise tlie Property nC nuy s71e. <br /> Upon reccipf of pa�ueuC of tlie�rice bid, Trastce shnll deliver Eo lhe pm•ch:iser Trnstco's deed <br /> wnveyi�ig tlie ProperCy. Tlte recitale Li Clie'frnstee's deed shall be primn facie evidence of tlio h•ntli of <br /> the sCate�nente mAde tl�ereiu. Trnstec shflll apply tlie proceeds of'the salo v� tliefollowir�g ordei: (a) tu <br /> all coets and expenses o�f exercising flie power oF salo, and tl�e sale, iuchiding tl�e pnyma�t of LLe <br /> Trnstec's fecs ach�ally incurred aud re�isonable attorncys' fces as permi0Cec1 by Applicnblc Lnw; (b) to <br /> all sums secm•ed by tl�is Secm9ty Instrmueut; and (c);uiy exeesa Co Yhe person m•persmis legtilly <br /> eitlit�led to il�. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fem lly-Fannle h1 aelFredtlle M ac U N IPORld INSTRUW F.NT Porm 302 n i!O i <br /> VMF� VMPB(N5)(1706) <br /> Walters Kluwer Finunclal Services Page 1h of 1 Y <br />