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� 201108345 <br /> 23. Reeonveyance. Upon payment of all smne sccw�ed by tlus Security InsCrimicnt, I.ender shall request <br /> TiusLee:to reconvey the Propertiy and shftll surxender this Security Ins�t'tunent and all notes evideucing debt <br /> secured by flus Security Inshument to TiusCee. Trustee shall rewnvey Yhe Property witliout warranty to the <br /> peraon or persons legally entitled to it. Suoh person or persons sha11 pay any reoordation costs. l,ender may <br /> charge such person or porsons a fee for recouveying the Proporty, Uut only if the fee ia paid to a tlurd pnrty <br /> (such as the Trustee) for serviccs rendered uxl the charging of the£ee is permitYed uucier Applicable Law. <br /> 2�1. 5uhstiYute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may G�om timc to time remove Tnistee and appoint a successor <br /> teustee to auy Trustee�ppoinCed l�oreurider by�i inshnment ree�rdcd in die county in which this Seciitity <br /> IneLrumcnt is recorded. Without conveyanco of the Property, the sucoessor tru�tee s1�a11 succeed to all the <br /> title, power and dutics con3eued upon Trustee hercin and by Applioable Law. <br /> 25. RBqUest foP NoYiceS. Borrower requestis that copies of Che notice of default nnd sale bc scttt to Rorrower's <br /> address whiah is the Property Address. <br /> 2atsa3 <br /> NEPRASKA-Single Feml4y-Fannle Meelfreddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Fonn 3020 1/01 <br /> VM P(a VM P6(NE)(11�G) <br /> Wollers Kluw er Rnanalal Servloes Paqe 15 of 7] <br />