<br /> in theProperry anel rigl�Cs undcr tivs Security Insh•ument; �nd(d) takcs such a�ction as Lender may
<br /> reasonably require to aseure fhat Lender's interest in the Propexty and rights iuidet tlile Security I�isCrument,
<br /> and Borrower's obligarion co pay Uic su�ns secured by thie Security H�etrument, sl�all continue unchangod.
<br /> Len�der may reqture thaY Borrower pay such rcinstatement smns and expeneas in one or more of the Pollowing
<br /> fonns, as eolectcd by Lender: (a) oash; (l�)moncy order; (c) certitied checic, bnnk cl�cck, treasurar's check or
<br /> cashier's check, provideci any such check is drawn upon vi ivntitution whoee deposits ar insm cd Uy a
<br /> fedaral agency, inahumentaliLy or cnHty; or(d)�lech�onic Punds Trai�sfer. Upon reinstatement by Bon ower,
<br /> tivs Sccurity lustrument xnd obligntions securu�d hcreby shall remain fiilly efFcxfive as if no acceleration had
<br /> occnered. IIowevee; tliis right to re�instate shn11 nof apply in Yhe case ot'acceler�Cion imdch Sectiou 18.
<br /> 20. 5ale af Note; Change of Loan 5ervicer; Notiee oi Grievance. 1'he Noee or a p2rt;a1 iuterest in the
<br /> Note(togetliar with Yhia Seci�rity InsLrun�ent) can be sold one ox moro times wiUiout prior nofiea Co
<br /> Borrower, A sale inight result in a oh�ngc in thc entity(laiown ae the °Lotan Servicer")fliat collects Periodic
<br /> Payin�nCs duc under flia Note and this SecuriCy Instrunient and perFoinis other n�ortgage low Aervioing
<br /> obligfltions under 4Ac Note, this Sectn'ity Tnsh•ument, and App1icable LAw. There�Iso migl�t be one or more
<br /> chaages of Yhe I,oan Serviccr um�clated to a sala of the Note. If iherc is a cl�ange of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> L�orrower wlll be given written notice of tl�e cl�ange which t�ill stafe fhe namo and address of the uew Lonn
<br /> Seruicer, fhc address to which payments sf�ould be n71de and any other information I2�SPA requires in
<br /> comiection with a noticc of h�onsfer of servicing. IP the Nofe ie sold uid 1liereaf4er th�e Loaii is scrviced by a.
<br /> LoEUi Seivicar oYher then the purchatcr c�f the NoYe, tihe niortgage loui ecrviciiig oUligations to Borrower will
<br /> remvn with tha l.oan Servicer or be trwaferred tc� a sncce9sor Loan Servicer and arc not assmnad by the
<br /> Note purohaser imless otherwise provided by the Note purcl�aser.
<br /> Neiflier Borruwer nor Lender may convnence, join, or Ue joined to any judicial acCion(as either an
<br /> indivi�ival litigant or the meinber of� clasa) th�t arises&om t1�e oUier�arty's acrions pcirsuant Co this
<br /> Security Instrusneut or that alleges that the other party hna breacl�cd ar�y provision of, or eay duty owed by
<br /> reason ot; tUis Security Insh�ument, tmtil such T3orrower or Lender'hna noHficd the otherparYy(with such
<br /> noticc give�i in oompliance with Hie req[uremcnts of Section 15) of such alleged breanl� e�nd afforded the
<br /> other p�rly herefo a rcasonaUle period afCer the giving ot etich��otice to take corrcetive ac[ion. If ApplicaUle
<br /> Law provides ti time peciod whicl�must elapee bePora cert�in action c�n hc talceu, iliat time period will be
<br /> deeincd to be��easonable for purposes oP khis parag aph. The notice of acceleration and opportunity Co cure
<br /> given tio Borrower pnrs2iant ko Socfic�n 22 and 1he notice of aeoeleraCion givon to f�on�ower pursu�nk�[o
<br /> Section 18 shall be deemed to aatisfy fhe noticc�tiid opportmiity Yo takE correotive aatiou prouisions o£this
<br /> SecCion 20.
<br /> 21 � Hazdrdous SubsYanCes. As used in this Swtion 2L (a) "Hnzardous Subslunces"aro those suUstances
<br /> de$ned as Ioxic nr 1lazardons substanoes, pollutnnts, or wastcs by Endv oiunentatl Law and the fo1lowing
<br /> suUstiancee: gasoliue, kerosci�o, otlzer tlaimnable or toxic�e6roleum prodetcts, toxio pesYicides and he�bicidos,
<br /> volarile solvents, meY�erials containing asbcstos or founaldahyde, and radioactivc u�aterials; (l�)
<br /> � °L+`nvirontnenlr�l Z,aw"means federal laws and laws of thc jnrisdiction where the Proper�y is]ocated that
<br /> relaCe to healtak, eafely or cnvrronmental pratection; (c) "EnuironmentaC Clecrnup"nicludes anyrespouse
<br /> action, reinedia�l action, or xetnoval aotion, as def3ned ii��nvironmental Law, zwid(d) an"'Emzronn�r�enCal
<br /> Condition"�liutns a condition th�t can catise, contributo to, or otheiwise h7gger an�nvirarn�ieutal Cleanup.
<br /> Borrowcn sha11 uot cause or permit the�rescncq usc, disposal, sCor�ge, or rele��se of nny H�ardous
<br /> �Sul�s[nuoes, or tl�rcaten to release azry T3azardous Sul�stancce, or1 or in the Property+. Borrower shall not do,
<br /> nor t�llow�nyone else to do, uryPl�ing at'tecYing�the Property(a) UiaY is in violakion oF any E+nvironmmital
<br /> Law, (b)wlnoh ereates �n L+nvironrncntal Couditioa, or(o)whi¢h, clue to thc presence, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazerdous SuUstaAice, creates a condition ih�f ndversely affects the value of the Propprty. Tlie preceding tv✓o
<br /> 231203
<br /> NE�R�SKA-Sln�lc Fam Ily-Fantlie h4 ae/Freddle A7 ac UNIFORM INSTRVI.1 CNT form 3028 11�7
<br /> VM P O^ VNl P8(N[)(1105
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financlal Senloes Page 73 of 1�
<br />