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201108345 <br /> designated a snUstit'ute uotice address Uy notiae to Lender. Borrower shall }�rompCly notify Lender of <br /> Borxower's cl�zngc of address. If Lencler specifies a procedure For repoxtiug Borrowcr's change of address, <br /> then Borrower shall nnly rcpor t a change of address tlu ough that specifieci prooedure. <br /> There m2y I�e only ono desi�ia(ed notice nddress imder this Sectuity Tnstrwnent at airy one time. Any nolice <br /> to Lender shall be given by deliveriug ii or by snailing it by first� class mail to Lei�ider's address stated herein <br /> wiless Lender has designat�d�nothe�•address Uy notice Yo Borrowcr. Any noYice in connection with this <br /> Security fnstaLtment sha11 not Ue deemed to U�Ve Ueen given to Lender witil actnally received Uy Lender. If <br /> �ny no�ice requircd by this Security Inskumenf i� also required uuder Applicablo l,aw, tUe Api�licable Law <br /> requirement will satisfy tl�c cottespondtng�reqniremenL undcr this Seem�ity Inetrari�enC, <br /> 16. Governing Law; 5everahility; Rules of Construction. 'T]�is 3ccLU ity Inshuinen6 shnll be governed by <br /> Pedoral ]aw and fhe law of the jurisdicCion in which the Property is located, All ri�;hls aud obligpfiona <br /> contained ici Phis Sccurity Hisl�tiunent ace suhjecC to any requiiemenCa nnd IimiCations of Applioable Law. <br /> Applic�ble Law naighl'explicitly ox implicitly nllow the�arties to agrea by contract or it might be silent, bnt <br /> such silence shall not be construcd as a prol�ibitYOn agains�agrcoment by contract. In the event thHt any <br /> provision or clause of thie Secivily Inetrument or the Note eonflieCs with Applionble Law, such conflrct shall <br /> noi aFfcct otlier provi�sions of this Sect�rity Inst��umei�t or til�e Note whioh can bc given efPect�*rithout Chc <br /> conflicling provision. <br /> As used in this Sccurity Inst�tunent: (a)wotds of thc r�lasouluie gender shall mean ttnd inclnde corresponding <br /> neuYer worde or wo�ds of tho femiiune gendar; (b)worda in tl�e singtt7aa•shall mean and include tlie pltual <br /> and vice versa; and(e) the wotd "may" gives sole discratiion without any oUligation to take£ury action. <br /> 17. Borrow er's Copy, $orrower sl�al] Uo biven one copy of the NoCe and of tl�is Security Inetrume��t. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used iu this Seclioin IR, °It,teresc 'tn <br /> the Property" means any legal or bevoficia1 interest in tlie ProperCy, includiug, buC not liinited to, those <br /> bcnc�ficial interests transferred iu fl l�oiicl Por docd, contracf for deed, ivsfnllmcnt sales contract or escrow <br /> ¢greemenf, Cho intont of wl�ich is the hasisfer of title by 13on ower a�t a future date to n pi�rch�aser. <br /> Sf�11 or any part of fl�e Property�or�iry InteresC in tl�e ProperEy is sold or transferred(or if Rorrower is noti a <br /> natural person and a benofic'ra1 iuterest in Borrower is eold or transfarred)wlthout Lender's prior an itten <br /> con�ent, Lc��der mny requi�e immediate payment iy� full of all sums secured by fliis Security HistsmnenC. <br /> However, this option shttll not be exercised by T,ender iC strch exercise is prohiUited l�y Applic;able I,aw. <br /> If Leuder exercises li�is option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of Accaleration. The nolioe shall provide a. <br /> period of noY less then 30 days froin the date the notice ie given in accordaiice with Section 15 wittiin which <br /> Borrower must pa�y all sums seonred by this Sccnrity Instrament. Sf Borrower fails to pay these sums pria�to <br /> 11�e expira6on of this period, I,endea�may invoke any romeclies penniYted by Clvs Secttrity Inatnunent withou[ <br /> further notice or demand on F3orrower. <br /> 7 9. Borrower's Right to Reinstate AfYer Acceleration. IPBo�tiower meets certniu condi[iovh, t3orro�ver <br /> shall lklve the riglit to hflve enforcoinent of this Secwity TnetrnmenE discontimied a�t ury time prior to tl�e <br /> carGest of: (a}five days before sale of fhe 1'roper�ty pureuant to any powar of salc contained'ni this SecnriCy <br /> ItislrumenC; (b) suol� otl�e��pei�iod as Applicable Lnw might specify Por 19ie termina[ion of Boerower's right to <br /> reinstaYe; or(c) enh•y o£a j udgmcnt enforcing tliis Security Instrutnent. Thosa conditions are CliaC Borrower: <br /> (a) pays Lender all sums which then would l�e due titnder 11iis Security Ins�nunont and th�Notia as if no <br /> accclor�tion had occwred; (b) cm�es any de�Patil( of airy od�er coveuents or agreamenCe; (e)pays �11 expensee <br /> � incurred ia enPorcing kl�is Security Instiumenti, inchiding, b�it noC liinited to, reasonable aCl�ornoys' fees, <br /> property inspeotion�uici valuation fees, and oCher fees incurred for thc purpose oTproEeot�ng Lender's iuterest <br /> zsisoa <br /> NENNASKA-Singlefamlly�PannieMae/Fre�dieMacUNIFORM INSTRUIdENf Form30261/01 <br /> VMPn VMPBNE1 �10fi) <br /> Wollers Kluwer Flnanclel 8ervlaea Page 12�ot�7 <br />
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