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201108345 <br /> 12. l3orrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. F;xtension of the time for paynnent or <br /> inodificntion of�mortiztirion o�P 11�0�uiros sectu�ed by this Securiry InstrumenC granted by Lender Yo Borrower <br /> or a�ry Successor in Snterest of Borrower shall not operate to relezsa the liabiliCy of Barrower or fury <br /> SUCCessors ni Iuterest of Borrower. Lender shall n�ol bc rcquired to coinmenee prooeedings against aAry <br /> Successor in Tnte��est of liorrower or to rafuse to extend tnne For payment or othenaise modify ainoetia�tion <br /> o£the sums secured 6y tl�is Sccurity lnstrtunent by renson of any demand made by the original Borrowvr or <br /> aaiy Succeseore in Interest of Borrower. Any forbearance by Lander in exsrcising a�ry right or cemedy <br /> including, wiYl�out limitation, Lend�r's accep�u�ce of pay�nents flrom third persons, c��tities m� Successors in <br /> IiiCr�rest of Rorrower or in ainounEs lass thnn Hie�moimC flien due, shT11 not be a w�iver of or preclude the <br /> exercise oP any right or remcdy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Cn-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Rorrower covenants and <br /> agrees ihaC Borrower's obliga�kons and liability shall be joinE and several. IIowever, any Borrower who <br /> co-eigns f1iis Security Histrmnent but does notexecute CheNofc(a"co-signer"): (a) is co-sigiivg Cl�ie <br /> Sectu�i6y Inst�ument only to mortgage, grant and convey Che co-sigvcr's iutecest iu tha Property nnder thc <br /> terms of tlus Securily Inslrumcmt (b) ia not personally obligated to pny tho sums secuxed by tlris Seourity <br /> InsYrument; and (c) agrees thnt Lender und any other Borrower can agree to exCend, modify, forbear or n�ake <br /> any accommodetions wiCh ragard Co the terms of fhis Sccur'rty Inst�wnent or the NoCe wiChoLtt the co-signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Subjcct to the provisione of Section 18, any Succeesox in I��terest of Rorrower who �ssumes Borxower's <br /> ohligations imcier ¢hia 9ecurity Inst+mnorit in writuig, and is approved by Lender, s1ia1l ol�tain all of <br /> Borrower's rights and beneflts under this Security lnstrument. Borrower shall nol Ucs rcic�scd from <br /> Rorrower'a obligafions aud liability under khis Secm-iCy Ineh'ume��t uiiless Lender flgeea Co suoh releaso in <br /> writing. 'I'he covenants Emd a�'eemenCs of this Seciirity Instxumenf shall bind(except�s provided in Section <br /> 20) and benefit the auccessorF and assiE,ms of Lender. <br /> 14. Loan Charges� Lendcr may cl��rbe]3orrower fees for seivices perforn�ed in connection with Borrower's <br /> clafault, for the pnrpose of prolecting Lendcr's intorest ni Che Property end righfs under this �wurity <br /> Jnstruanent, uicluding, Uuti not limited tio, akforneys' fee�, prope�ty inspecdion ancl vnlunCion fees. In rcgard to <br /> any otUer foas, t1�e aUsencc of express authoi•ity in thie Securily InsW'urncnt to chacge a speciffe fee to <br /> Borrower sl�al l noC be coriel7'ued as a prohiUitiou on Uie ehargi ng of auch fee. I.ender may not charge fee,s <br /> Ihat arc expressly prol�ibited by tlus Security Inshtiment or by Applicable i,�w. <br /> ]f fl�e Loan is sub,ject to a law wl�icl�sets�maximum loan chnrgos, and tl�at]aw is �fsnally inteipreted ao Ihat <br /> tl�ie inlere�4 or other]oan chargcs co1lected or tio be oollected in oonneclion with tlie Loan exceed tlie <br /> permitted limits, then: (a)any such loav cl�arge shall be reduced by the nmouiit vecessary tv reduce the <br /> chasge Co the�permitted limit; tuid(b) nny sums al�nacty collecfed firom I�orrower which exoeeded�ctviitted <br /> limits wil1 Ue refitnded to liorrowar. Lender may chnose to mrikc tl�is refund Uy reducin�the prinaipal owod <br /> under flie Note or by malring ti direct payment to Barrower. If a refimd reducos principal, the reduolion will <br /> be tseatecl es a pertinl prepe,ymen[wifhout any prepayment chaa•ge(whether nr noh a prcpayment charge is <br /> providecl f'or wider tihe Note). Borrower'a eoceptance of any ��icl1 refund made by direcC paymeut to <br /> Borrower will eonstituto a waiver of any right of action S3orrower might have arising ouY of such overohargc. <br /> 15. Notiees. All no6e�:s give�� by Borrower or Lender in oonnection with this Secm�ity Insh�umenY muaC be in <br /> writing. Any noCioa Eo Borrowcr in oomiection with tlris Security Instinn�enti shall ba deemed to haue been <br /> given to Bomower when mailed lay firet elass n�ail or wheu actually deliverec�to Borro�er'e��otice adchess if <br /> sent Uy other means. Notice Yo any one Borrower ehall constihite notice to all Borrowers unless Applioable <br /> Law cxpres5ly requires otherwise. The notico address shall be hl�o Property Address unless Borro�ver haa <br /> NeeansKa-sm ieFamn -Kao�ieo.�aarFreamarneouwr-orzmi iNSTaun�eNr � zai�oa <br /> VMP(r� 9 Y Form 3026 7/07 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finanolal 3ervlces VMPB(NEf(1106) <br /> PAgB 1'1 O��'/ <br />