<br /> .. ., ...,.... ,
<br /> �.:�.,�... .
<br /> .. . - ... .. . ; ,
<br /> --�s---`- ... -- -----..._.__
<br /> 1 . � . � , s7— io���o . _ -
<br /> f 7. Pro4ectlnn of Lendere Rl�hte In the Property. if eorrower �aus �o perrom, the Covenants and aAroemence .� _
<br /> I contahed In thls Securky Inetrumenl, or there Is e lepal proceedhq that mey BI�nHbantly aMeat Lendere rphts h tho Property (such ee
<br /> e proCeadhp h bonkruptoy, probalo, for condemnatlon or foAekure or to anforce lawe or requlatinns),then Lender mey do and poy (or
<br /> whetover Is noceuanry to protoot iho vnluo of tho Proporty and 1_ondor's rlphts In tho Proporty. LondQ�e notlona mny Include paying .
<br /> uny suma aocurod by a Ii�n vrh6Gh ha8 priority over thls Securfty Instrument, appoerinp ki caurt, paylnp roesonnble attomey's fees end r
<br /> anterinp an the Property to make rpa6re. ARhouph Lende►mey take aotbn under lhls parenrflph 7,Londer does not have to do so.
<br /> My �mounts dlsbura�d by Under under thl� parapraph 7 ehall beoome addkbnal debt of Bnrcower secured by thls Security
<br /> Inetrum�nt. Unlesa Bortoww �nd Londer �prM to other t6rtne of p�yment, these amounts ehali beu fnterest hom the dxte o}
<br /> � dbburosment�t the Not�nt��nd ehaH bs p�yabb,wkh Interest, upon notbe ham Lendsr to Bonower requesthp payment, �
<br /> 8. Morto�g�e Inaure�ce. If Lenda raqulred mortg.:Q9 InsurttnCe A9 e Condttbn o1 meklnp iha loen s^CweA by thl9 �
<br /> 3wurky Instrument, Borrow�er ehao pay th� premiume r�quNd to mahuln the mortpap� inauranes in aN�at. II, for any naeon, tho � •
<br /> mortpage Inaurence covertpe roquPed by Lender fepass or oensas to be In eHeot, Bortower shall pay the premiums requfred to obtnln _
<br /> covorape substantialy equlvalent ta the mortpaya Ineurnnce prevbusy h e�}eot, at a coet substanttnuy oquNale+u to the Cost to
<br /> Barrower oi the mortpape Insurance prevbusy in eflect, hom an akemato mortyape {nsurer epproved by Lender. If subatantlaly
<br /> aqulvalent mortpape hsurance covernpe Is not avall�ble, Banower ehnll pey to Londer�aoh month a sum equ41 to ono-hveMth o} the '
<br /> yeary mortpape hsurnnce premium beinp paid by Bortoww when the Insurence coveraye Itpaed or ceased to b�In eNeqt. Landx w111 -
<br /> , accept, use and relafn these payments as a bss reserve in Ileu of mortqaye InBUrance. Losn reserv�payments may no bnger be � .
<br /> requPed, Qt the o tbn of Lendor. B mort �� i` �
<br /> p page Insurance covereqe (in the amount and for the perbd that lender requkes)provlded by ,: �r.,,
<br /> an haurer approved by Lender apth becomes avaltable and Is obtahed. BoROwer sh�tu puy tho prqniums roqufred to malntaln -
<br /> � mortp�pe In�uruiae h eMeot, or ta provlde n bss reswve, untll the requlrert�ent for mortpaye Ineurance ends In accordance wkh any ""�--`
<br /> ,���...
<br /> wr�ten aprs�rtwnt between Bortawer and Lender or apptloable law.
<br /> 9. IIIDpCCt10n. Lender or ts apant may make reasonable entries upon and fnspectbns of the Property. Lender shall phre •����"��`=
<br /> ; Borrower not�e at tho time ot or prbr to an Inspectbn speoHylnp re�aonable cause tor the hspectbn. _
<br /> - 10. Gondemnetion. The proceeds of any award or cislm tor damaQes, d�eot or consequenlbl, !n Qonneotbn evkh eny � - --- -
<br /> � condemnatbn or other taklny ot any part oi the Property,or tor aonveyance In Ileu of condemnatbn,are hereby tssqned and ohall be �...
<br /> peld to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a totnl takhfl of the Property, the proceods ahall be epplied to the eums secured by thls SecurFty Instroment, �"��
<br /> T � whelher or not then duY, wkh any exceae paid to Bortower. In the event of a pnRlel takhq of the Propirty fn wh�h the fair market „ , °_
<br /> . ' vetuo ot the Praperty knmedletey betore the taklnp Is equal to or preater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> � instrument Ynmedlatey before the lekiny, unless Bartower and Lender otherwise apree fn wrkhp, the sums secured by this SeCUrky ,..=�.
<br /> � � InsWment ahall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muRlplied by the folbwhp trectbn: (a) the total amount o} the sums -
<br /> .4 seaurod Mrt�sdktely before the takhp, dbided by (b) the fAtr market value of the Property knmedietey belore the Wkhp. Any bniance ;�, �.
<br /> � shaN M pafd to Bortowa. In the event of a partlnl tnkinp of the Property in whbh the foir market vak�e ot the Property Immediatey �� ,
<br /> betore ths ttkhy is leas thnn the amount oi the eums secured Imnedtately before the takhp, uniess Bortower and Lender otherwlse ' � '� :
<br /> , � apne h wrkinp or unless appNcaEle 4�w otherwise provldes, the proceeds ehall ba spplbd to the sums secured by thls S�curky ��'•` .'F s
<br /> � Instrumsnt wh�ther or not the suma tre then due. '' ;� ,�;.'
<br /> T If tho Property la ab�ndoned by Bortower,or M,after notice by Lender to Bonowsr that the aondemnar oMere to mtke tn awad or , •• �,i4
<br /> �• � settle a olaMn for damaqes, Borrower falis to raspond to Lender wkhh 30 days after the date the notbe Is plven,Lender b authorixed ,�
<br /> ' . ,� to coffect end eppy the procseds,at ks optbn, ekher to restoratbn or repak ot the Property or to the sums secured by thls Seaurky ��
<br /> e Instrument,whether or not then due, �q. �M
<br /> , Unieaa I.ender and Borrower olherwfse apree h writhp, any applfcatbn ot proceeds to prinatpai shaG not extend or postpone the
<br /> � due dato of the monthy payments rote�red to In pareflrephs 1 end P or chanye the amount o}euch pnymente. � .�
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Released:Forbee�ence By Lender Not A Welver. Extensbn or u,e �n�e ror peymenc or 'i
<br /> • modNicatbn of unortlutton of the awns socured by thts SeourNy Inswment pranted by Lendor to any successor In interest of Borrowor �
<br /> BhtN not op�rab to �Iease the Ikb7ity of the oriphnl BoROwer or Borrowere succeaaora In fnterest. Lender ahall not be roqulnd to - — --
<br /> • corr�nco procwdinps ayfhst any successor In Interost or refua�+to axtand tlme for paym�nt or oth�rwho modMy amortiratbn of the F --��
<br /> suma tecund by thie Sacurky InaWment by reaaon of any demend made by the oripinnl Bortower or Borrower's succestors tn E�,�"�
<br /> . tnbnst. Any forbdutnce by Lender h ex�robhp any ripht or r«nedy shall not be a waiver of or pnolude Ihe suerciss o}any ripht or C--=--
<br />_.. c _.
<br /> r�dy �-°-°�
<br /> Y •� 12. Successora end Aselyns Bound; Jolnt and Several Llebllity; Caalqner�. rne oovenanca and
<br /> . �,":;—_.
<br /> a�re�n�nb of th(s 8ecurky Instrumxit shaN bind and benetlt the successors afld asafpns of Lender �nd Borrower, subbct to ths _
<br /> provbtons of puepnph 17.Borrov�e�n covenints end ayrsertronts shall be;oht and sevenl.My Borrow�who caalpns this Seourity
<br />_ Inswm�nt but doas not executa Na Not�: (Y) Ia ao•sipntnp this Securky Inatn,ment only to mortgag�, gront, end convsy that �''- � =
<br />- ..,�,' Doftowa�s kttorest (n the Pro under th9 terms of fhis Secur Instrumetth (b)fs not L���
<br /> _ psrtY fty psrsonaity obi��:c�ta pay tho suma sE:ured �""�'��`�°�"�`
<br />--j ' by this SsCUrky tnsWmenh, and (o)aQrees that Lender and any other Bor►pwer may apree to extend, modffy, lorbenr or maks any �":,�_._-
<br /> - -_, , accommodatbna wkh repud to termt of thb Security Ustrument or the Nota wkhout that Bortower'e oonsenG �-= --
<br /> � y'-' •„ 13. Loan ChtK�es. if the ban secured by thls Securfty Instrument Is subJect to a iaw whbh sets meximum bon chei p n s, `'#;*Y'�--==--
<br /> ' ^ ' and that I�w Is tinaNy hterpreted so that the Intenst or other ban charpes coNected or to be collectad h conneatbn wkh the loan � ���..����-'-�'�-
<br /> 1� uccNd th� pKmkt�d IYnks,then; (�)any�uch ban eharpes eha8 be reduced by tho amaunt neceseary to reduCS the ohupe to the ��-�� r'+
<br />�• 4� �:7;^,� I:,1
<br /> :_; p�ermitt�d Nmk; and (b)�ny sums slyt0y colixted 6om Bartower whbh exceeded permkted Iknks wlll be neNndsd to Bonower. Lender �°o�+h-
<br /> may ohooa� to mske thb reNnd by reduoinp th� prhoiptt ow�d under tha Nota or by makfnp 4 dMect payment to Bortower. If a �.� �,��i;� '�S
<br /> . �� reNnd reducss prinalpnl,the reductbn wfN be Veat�d as a partial prop�yment wkhout nny prepayment aharpa under the Note. ;,,; �':�:�_�+?�;^.:-'�
<br /> 14. NoUces. My not�s to Bortower pravided tor In Qhls Securky insWment shall be plven by dewerhg R or by rtuNinp ft by � �,:`;;�'F�;n
<br /> tirot okss maA unless appl�abk iew requires use o} nnother method. Tha natfce shall be directed to the Property Address Or any , . . .
<br />= other addrose Borrower desipnates by not�e to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be pNen by tiret claae mall to Lendere addross � . , �
<br /> ateted horeh or any other address lender despnates by notba to Borrower. My notice provided lor h thb Seourky InaWment shall �
<br /> be deeitied to hove been pMon to Borcower or Lender when piven ss provided fn thfs peraptaph.
<br /> _ 1b. Doverninq l.aw; Severablllty. Thls SeCUr}ty Inetrument sh811 be povemed by ledersl 16w and the 16w of the
<br /> jurfsdbtbn In whbh ths Property Is lecated. In the event that any provlsbn or clause ot thls 3ecurily InsMiment or the Note conti�Cta '
<br />— wkh applioable kw, such confl�ct s1uN not aHect other provisbns of this SecurNy inatrument or the Note which can be pNen effect
<br /> without tha oonflbtlnp provisbn. To thts end the provisbns of thls SeCUrity Instrument and the Note ere declared to be severable. ,
<br /> - _ �6. 801'rOWE��B r.ODV. Bortowor sha0 6a aNan ono cnntemud r.nnv nt thn Nnfo and n}fhle Anrvv�v �netn.ment ...------ ----
<br /> __ _- _ - - - - - -• - --- - - - - - ----.. ..____..._....
<br /> __ . _ _ __
<br /> 97. Trenafe� ot 4he Property or a Beneficlal Intereat in Borrower. It ell or eny part ot ►he Property or any .�
<br /> - hterest h R Is sold or transferred (a H a benefbtel Interest (n Borrower Is sold or tren�terrod and Borrower Is not a netural person) , �
<br /> wkhout Lendere prior w�itten consenl,Lender may, at ks optbn,requke knmediate payment h tull of all sums secured by thls Securky
<br /> Instrumsnt. Howover,this optbn shaB not be exerolsed by Lender N exerolse Is prohibked by tederal law as of the date of this Securky
<br /> �nstrument. •
<br /> If Lender exercN�es thls optbn.lendor shatl gNe Borrower notfce ot acceleretbn.The not�Ce shaq provlde a perbd of not less than ,
<br /> 30 deys from the data the not�o b delHered or malled withh wh�h the Borrower must pay ell sums secured by this 3ecurity
<br /> InsWment. If 8orrower talls to pay thesv cums prlor to the oxplratbn of thls perbd,Lender may Invoke any remodles permkted by this
<br /> Securityr InsWment v�Nhout(urthet ndiCe or demand on Bortower. Form 302D B/90
<br /> � F10Z9.LMtl(Y/Y6) Pap�9 0l 6 .
<br /> � .
<br /> . i 4bG �
<br />