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I <br /> � �_� <br /> �e <br /> � . .. .. �i <br /> . ._ . _. _ . f. <br /> ! , g7_ �14�.�SO ;r_ <br /> • � rt wer meots certeln condklons, Borrower shall heve Ihe rqht to have � ,, � <br /> 18. Borrower• Rl�ht to Relnat�te. u eo 0 <br /> i entorcement of this Securky Inatrument dlsconthued at any tfine prbr to the eariler of: (a) b days (or such other perbd es appibable � <br /> ' law mey SpecNy for rehstatoment) betore sate of the Property pursuant to any powar of sale contnlnod h this SocakY Instrument; or ; ' <br /> ' (b) entry ol a �udpment enforclnp this Securtiy Inetniment. Thnee aonditlons nr� that Bono�ver. (n) pnys lcnder afl eums evh�h thon � : <br /> ' would be due under thls S�curity Ins4Nment end the Note a6 M no accebratlon hnd occurted; (b) Curos any dd�uR of eny other <br /> 1 covenent or epreements; (a) pays all o�enses Incurted h entorchy thls Security Instrurnent, Includhp, but not Iknled to, reasonabk, _ <br /> I attomeys'lees;and (d) tekes such uotbn as Lender mRy rea8onably requMn to nssure that the Ilen of thi9 Securky Instrument,Lc�nders <br /> I rlpht6 h the Property ond Borrowers oblipatbn to pay the sums eecured by this Security Instrument shall co�thue unchenped. Upon � <br /> relnstetoment by BOrtower, this Security InstNment and the obtyatbn8 8ocured hereby ehall remah fully eHeCtNe e6 N n0 eCCeleratbn <br /> I had ceaurred. Howovar,this r{pht to roNStnto shall not nppy M the cese of ecceleratbn under parayraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale oT Note; Chen�e of Laan Servlaer. The SJOIe or a pertlal InterBSt h the NOte (toflether with thls Security <br /> Inetrument)r.say be sold one or more tknes whhout prbr not�e to Bonower. A sale may resuh in a chsnpe In the eniky (known as the <br /> I "Loan Serv�Cer") that colfeots monthy p4ymenta due undor the Note and thls Security Instrument. There also mey bo one or more � <br /> chanpes of the Loan Serv�er unrelated to a eale ot the Noto. If there Is e ahanpe of the Loan Servicer,8orrower w� be gNen written <br /> not{ce af the change In acoordanco wkh peregraph 14 above and applbable law. The not�e wlll state the name end address of the <br /> new Loan Servber and the eddress to wh�h payments should be made. The notVCO wlll nlso contuk� uny other hiormatlon requkod by <br /> epPlfcabte law. • <br /> 20. Hezardoua Subst�ncea. earrower shall not cause or pertnft the presence, use, dl�posal, storage,or reiease ot any <br /> Harardous Sub6tances on or N tho Property. Bortower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to�he� presen eII use4 orthstorape on t iee ' <br /> � Is in vioietbn of any Environmental Law. The precedhg two sentences shall not apply <br /> Property of small quentkba of Hazardous Substances that are peneraly rocopnized to be approprlate to normal residentlal usea and to <br /> maintenance of the Propaty. � <br /> Bortower ehall promptiy qhre Lender wrNlen notbe of any investfpatbn,clakn,demand, Iawsuit or other aotbn bp any povemmental <br /> <-= <br /> i or repuietory aqenoy or private party InvoNtnq tho Property end any Ha�rardous Substance or Envkonmental Law of xhfch Bartower has , :.4�:: <br /> aCtual knnwiedfle. If Borrower leams, or ts notffled by any povemmental or reguiatory authority, that any removal a other remedln4lon k.: <br /> oi any Hazardous Substance atteathq tho Property Is necessary, Bortower shall promptly take all necessary remedlal actbne In I � :�1'F <br /> acaordance wkh EnvYOnmental Law. � ,� <br /> 1 As used In thb purepraph 20, "Hezardous SubstanCOS" are those substences deihed as toxb or harardous eubstances by � �. - � <br /> t� � EnvYonmentc�i Law snd the folbwing substances:gasoline, kerosene,other f4�mmabte or toxb petroleum products. toxia pestbides and �_-- <br /> ., i t .. <br /> herbb(des, valatlle aohrents, materials contalninp asbestos or fortnaldehyde, and radba�tbe muterlals. As used In this parap►aPh 20. !' � <br /> �� � 'E n v f r o n m e r►t a l L a w' m e a n s t e d e r a l l a w s e n d l a w a o f t h e Jurladbtlon where the Property Is Mcated thet relete io heahh, satety or ��i <br /> ' '� environmental protectbn. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANI'S. Bortower and Lender turther covenant and upree as folbws: _ . <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedtes. Lender ahall �Ive notice to Borrower prlor to acceleretton followiny f• ; ; <br /> Borrower'a breaci� of eny covenant or a�reement in thts SecWrity InaVument (but nc,t prlor to y <br /> _ - w�a�:�T��ron •�na�r �•,•aa••�h ��unleas anplicable lew provides otherwise). The notice ahsil apecify: __ <br /> �__. ...v <br /> � (e) the defeult; (b)the ection requi�ed to cure the detault; (c) e date, not ieas ihan s0'ay. ������ �.�� , <br /> i dete the noUce Is yiven to Borrower, by which the deleult must be cured; and (d) thatfnilure to cure . � ; <br /> the defautt on or betore the dete specifled In the nottce may resuft In accelerstton of the auma <br /> aecured by this Security Innrument end aele of the Property. The notice sl�11 i��ther Inbrm . <br /> � � � Borrower of the rlqht to relnatate erier eccelersUon and the rl�ht to briny e coun ecUon to asaert the �. <br /> non-exlatance oi e deiault or any other defense of eorrower to e�cceleratlon and e,ele. It�he default te ..:: ��� <br /> not cured on or before the date apecified in the notice, Lender at Its optlon msy requl�e immedlate �=� � <br /> , payment in 1'ull of otl aums secured by this Seeurity InsVument without turther demand and may .-�:,.. <br /> Invoke the power of aele and any other remedtes permitted by appliceble tew. Lender �hall be .a:w. . <br /> ' entitled to collect all expenaea I�curred in pursuiny the remedies provided tn this parsqreph 21, . :4pw�Y�,, _ <br /> � fncluding�but not Iim(ted to.reaanable attorneya' fees and cosb of title evidence. . �� <br /> It the power of aale Is Invoked. Truetes ahell record a notice of defeult in each county In whieh � ��: <br /> eny pert of the Properly is loceted snd ahall malt copies of suah notice In the manner prescribed by • f��•.--� � <br /> s Ilceble law. Aiter the time �'t <br /> epplfceble lew to Borrower end to the other persons prescribed by epp .�...., � <br /> ' requlred by appliceble lew. Trustee �halt �Ive public no�Ice of sale to the pereone end tn the manner :��� <br /> pre�erlbed by eppilcebie IAw. ?rustee, wlthout demand on 8orrower, shall sell the Praperty at pubilc _ ";�� <br /> auctlon ts the hlyhest bidder at the Ume and place snd under the terms deaignated In the notice of - <br /> • � �� �snie In one or more percels end in eny ordcr Truatee deEerminea. Truate�a mey poafpoe�e sale of ell •`s.—__. <br /> . or sny percet of the Prnp�er�y G� pcablte as�Rauneecrsee�8 es the ���►e and pl�c� of aray �are�io►s�ly . , „�•.{`����'���� <br /> y '�:.� f '�Ib.._"_..-_..- _ <br /> � scheduled sale. Lender or Ita dattanee mey purcha�e the Property et eny aale. •� """`� -���' <br /> � � Upon recefpt of payment ot the price bid� Trustee shall deliver to the purchas�r T�uetee'a de�d �:`-:-��,.,, <br /> ' � conveyiny the Property. The reclt�+la in the Trustee's deed ahall be prime fecte �vid�nce of the iruth � ,;::.,,. � '+*�� <br /> of the stutemenb mede therein. Trustee shall epply the proceeds of ti�e sale In the tollowinp order: , � <br /> (e) to ell coste end exp�na�a ot exarciaing the power of aale, end the sa4e� tncluding ihe payment of � <br /> � the Trua4ae's teea actually Incurred, not to exceed 3 9G of the princlpal amount of the note , <br /> at the tirne of the decleratton of deteul4, and reasonable ettorney's tees es permltted by law; (b)to ell <br />_ sums secured by this Socurity In�Vument; end (c) eny excess to the pereon or peraona lepally <br />- entitled to IL <br /> 22. Reaonveyance. Upon puyment ot ali sums secured by thls SeCUrky Instrument, Lendor shall requeslTrvstee to reconvey . <br />- the PropeRy end eha�l 6urrender thls Securihr Instrument end ell notes evidenchp debt secured by thl9 Securky InBt►ument to Trustoe. <br /> Trustee ehell reaonvey the PropeRy wkhout wartenty and wfthout Churge to the person or persons Iegaiy entRled to R. Such person or <br /> pasona shatl pay eny recordatbn costs. <br />-� 23. Subatltute Tfuatee. Lender, at Us opdon, mey trom tkne to tkno remove Trustee and eppolnt a successor trostee to <br />-� any Trustee eppotnted hereunder by an Instrument recorded h the county h wh�ch thls Security Instrument b recorded. Wkhout <br /> _, ennvavQnca nf the P�ODBrtY. 6uCC6880t tNStee ahall sucCesd to ali the tkie, power and dutles contorced upon Tmstee hereln and by <br /> '_ ..�_::- -� • • - <br /> . epplicable t8w. � -- -.- - <br />_ � 24. Aequest tOr NotiCe�. Barower requests that coples of the not�es of defauR and saie be sent to Borrowers address <br /> � whbh Is the Property Addross. <br /> I 26. Aidera to this Security Instrument If one or more ridera are executod by Bortower and recorded top9ther wkh <br /> thls SecurNy Instrument,the covonants �nd agreements of each such rider shall be Incorporated hto and shell amend and suppbment <br /> ithe covenants and agreements ot thls SeCUrfiY Instrument as H the rlder(s)wero e part of this SeCUrity Instrument. � <br /> I <br />_. Form 3ose e/eo k <br />— 1 Ff020.LM�(7/C0) Pap�4 0l 6 I - <br /> • I <br /> — � 46B <br /> .. � .. ._. _... _.. � <br /> a. _.� . - . -. . <br />