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<br /> � Borrowors �sCrow nC�ount undor ths tedenl Hs�l Esta2�SattbrtNnt Proc�durea Aat of /974 aa 4mended hom tYne to time. 12 U.9.C. __
<br /> • ' 2601 �t esq.("RESPA"),unloa4�tnother kw th�t appNea to ths Funde eete a i�saer Qmount. If ao,Lender may,et any tMe, colact end �
<br /> hold Funda In an amount not to sxceed iha lesser ampunt. l.onder mey estimate the amount of(unda due on the busis ot ounent data ��
<br /> and rouontblo��tYnat�e of��p�ndRuros of futuro Eecrow Itema or otherwtee In aCOOrdance wlth appllcnbla law. , � -
<br /> The Funda eholl bo heid in an InstRutlon whoae deposks are hsurad by e fodnral npenoy, Innuumenteltty, or entky mcludn8 ;_
<br /> Lender,H Lend�r Is ouoh an hetkutbn) or h �ny Fedanl Home Loin Bank. Lwider ehall appy the Funds to pay the HBCrow items. `.�
<br /> Lendar may not aharpe Bonower for holdYep and eppylnp the Funda,annuelry �n�yzhy Ihe escrow acaount, or verHylnp the Escrow ,
<br /> It�ma, unksa Lender p�ye Borrower hterest on the Funds�nd applfcable kw pertnks Lender to make auah a charpe. How9ver,Lender . .
<br /> may roquln Bortower to pay a on♦tYne ohQrpo tor tn Indepandent real e�tato tax repoAhp aerv�e used by Lender h aonneclbn wkh
<br /> , ,.r
<br /> thb b�n, unMsa�pplb�ble bw provldss othsnvise. Unleas en apreertwnt Is made or applloable I�w requires Interest to be paW,Lc�nd�r
<br /> shnN not be nquirsd to pay Borrower any hterest or esmhpe on the Funda. Borrowsr nnd Lsndsr may apree in wrkhp,howwer,lhat
<br /> Intereat ehall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall pivs to Bonower, wflhout ohtrpe, an annual accounthy of the Funda,ehowhp �-
<br /> � arodNo cnd debka to the Funda and the purpose(ar whbh e�oh debk to the Funds wae made. The Funda sro pledged as�dd8bnal ,
<br /> seCUrky for all suma secured by thFs Securlty InaGUment. �
<br /> If tha Funds hetd by E.ender excaed tho amounte permktsd to be heid by applfcable law,Lender shall account to Borrower tor tho
<br /> �xcess Funds In ncaord�nce wkh the requiremer►ts of �pplbabb kw. I} the emount of tho Funds hekl by Lender at any tima �not ,A:i.°J-
<br /> auNble�t to pay the Escrow Itema when dve,Lender msy so notNy Borrower in writhp,end,In suoh caae Elorrower shell pay ta Lender ;_;;,,,�'_`"'-�-
<br /> the amount nsce3sary to make up the defbienoy. Borrower shall make up the deNolenoy In no more thnn tvroNo monthty paymente,at • ° ---
<br /> Lenders sob discretbn. . .<',�;:;:
<br /> � Upon ptym�nt h fu8 of all sums secured by this Securky Instrument,Lender shall prompty refund to Borrower any Funda haid by ;.T,_r
<br /> Lender. If, under parapraph 21, Lender shail acyulre or sell the Property,Lender�Prbr to the acquiskbn or sale of the Prop�ty, shall �
<br /> e�ply any Funds hetd by Lender at tha tYno of acqulsklon or eale es e ared!t apa�st the sums secursd by thfs SeCUrky InsWrrant. , _
<br /> 3.Applicatlon o4 Paymenta. Unbss applicable law providos atharwise, all payments received by Lender under paro�rephs ___
<br /> 1 and 2 eh�q be applMd: tirst,to any prepayment ahary�s dua under the Note; second,to amounts payabte under parapraph 2; thfrd -
<br /> �� to hterest due;(ourth.to prhapai due;end last,to any hte oharpes due under the Note. ,;:a�_.:
<br /> , d 4.Cl10rQli; Liens. Borrowar shaN pay aN taxsa, assessmw►ts, oharoes, ftnes and Imposkbns attributable to tho Property •,�,�;:��'���
<br /> ' which may attatn prtority ovet ihts Security Instrumsnt, and feaeehold payments or pround rents, M eny. Borcower shall Wy these
<br /> obNpatbns In ths manner provided h parayraph 2,or H not paid In th4t manner,Borrower shall pay them on tYne dMeaty to tla person ,ti:,:;;;`��
<br /> � owsd p�ymenG Horrower shaN prompty tumbh to Lendw all notbes o} amounte tu be paid under this parapreWh. If Bon'owM mekes ���"�`°'a!� _ _
<br /> :�c��'� .
<br /> those payments diraoty,Bottower shaN prampty tumish to Londer rocetpts evidenohp the payments. � .
<br /> �; Borrow�r ehdl prompiy disahirpe any IMn whbh hta prbrity owr thls 8eCUrlry UeWmant unlesa Borrower. (�)a0rees fn wrltinp to ;';i" " ;j..
<br /> tho payment ot th�obYpatbn secured by the Iien In n mannor ncceptable to l.ender; (b)Contests In yood fakh the Iien by. or de(ands ✓�•+'
<br /> ap�hst enfon:ement of Ihe Ifen in,bpal prxssdhps whlch h tho Lenders ophbn op�r�ts to prevent the enforcxr�ent of the Wn; or(e) '•.
<br /> -- �� . �x•
<br /> aecuros hom the holder of the Ibn an agreement eatisfaCtory to Lender eubordln4tlnp tho Ipn to tnts Seauriry inatrumeni. ii i.m��;a — _
<br /> � detertnhes that any paR of the Property Is subJect to a Iien whbh may ettain prbrity over thts Security Instrument, Lender may phre � ,a;,
<br /> �� Bortuwer a nutlCO IdentYyinp the Iien. Borrower Ghali satisty the lien or take one or more of the satlone set foRh above wRhin 10 day8 �
<br /> ,�_
<br /> • � of the pivinp of not�e. � ��
<br /> S I:-
<br /> � 6.Haz�rd or Property Inaurence. BottOwer shell koep the improvements now ex�t�np or nereager orecced on che .
<br /> Propsrty haure�apafnat bss by tt�, herarda hcluded wkhh the tertn 'extended coverape"and any other huarda, holudinp Ibods or '
<br />' � fbodtnp, tor whlah Lwid�r requires hsurenco. This inaurance shtA be matntaMed h the amounte �nd for the perbds ttut L�nder � .Y
<br /> " requtns. Th� haunnce Carrler provkJhp the Inaurenco ehaN bn chossn by Bortower subJect to Lender's approval whbh sh0 not be __
<br /> l unnaaonably wkhheld. It Borrower(aAS to mahtaM aoverepe dascribed above, Lender may, at Lenders optbn, obtaN coverape 40 _ -
<br />� proteot Lend�'s rtyhts B the Property h ecoordance with pareyreph 7. �'�w-
<br /> �� � AN Inaurancs polbMa and ronn+ab shell ba acceplable to l.�►der and shall Inalude a standard moftyape okuse. Lender a�aN has --
<br />� ,� the ripht to hold ths poliCbs and rsnsw�tls. If Lender requkes, Bortower shatl prompty yNe to Under all nCelpts of pa{d promluma �
<br />" . � E�".
<br />,.,., , . , ltnd nnawal notbes. In the evont of bss, Borrower shall pivo prompt notVice to the hsurenCe cartier and Lsnder. l.�nder mey mak6 �,_
<br /> - , proot ot loss M not rtude prompty by eortower. Q=
<br /> UnMss Under a�d Bortower otherwiss a9rse In wrkhq,hsurancs prxeeds shaN be applkd to restoratbn or repaP ot Sho Property �.
<br />;,�., , �, dam:Qrd, M the reatorelbn or repnk Is economlaeiy faasble and Lend�d securlly b not ksaened. It the reatoratbn a rep�lr b not _ _
<br /> � . •':•<�^ ecanomlcally feasbf0 or Lendera seCUrky wouid be b3aened, the insuronce proc�ds shali ba applie� to the sum& ssctar�d by tht� � = -- --
<br />:a:-:h... .
<br /> S�curily� InsWrne�t, wh�ther or not th�r► dua, wkh any excsas p�ld to BorrowK. I� BorrowK abandans tha Proparty, or d��not �'-
<br /> y: ^°.°-- onswer wkhM 30 daye s not�e from IAntkr that the hsurance carrler haa offered to settle e ofaM, than Lendcr msy coNeat the _
<br /> �':�';"`;"` �' Insur�nas procseda. Lender may uso tha proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Securky __________
<br /> • � inatrumer►t,whether or not then due. The 34day perbd will b9qin when the notice is pMen. _���""_
<br />= � • Unless Lendsr and Borrower otherwise apree In wrktnp, any appl�atbn of prooeeds ro prhotpat shall not oxtend or poeip�ne the �_:�,;:��.��_�
<br />- � due dtte of the monthy payments referred to In paraprephs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount of the payments. If under panpraAh 21 �,����
<br />} the Property fs eaquirod by Lender,Bortowera ripht to any Insurance polbies end proceeds resuRinp from damape to the Propwty prbr -- ::'
<br />� to the eoqulsNbn sha0 pass to Lender to the excent of the sums seCUr�d by thls Securlty Instrument Ynmediatey prbr to the ��-`
<br /> •r
<br /> � acqubRbn. ... _'
<br /> " 6. Oocup�noy, Preservattoro, Matnte�ance end Protectlon of 2he Proparty; Borrowea'e Lo�n � .k��;�.1��^.,,�.�
<br />- . AppllcatEon; LEa�EhOldB. Horrower shall occupy, estebifsh, and use the Property as eortower's prinalpai residence wlhin sbcty �.�-��-�-��-�_: .
<br /> . ".,:�,�.
<br /> � days aRK th�ex�cutbn of thls 3ecurky Inawment and shaN oonthue to ocoupy the t�roperty as BoROwors pnc�qal resldence for at � ,
<br /> , le�st one ywr after the dats o} occupancy, unless Lentler othervvlse ayrees h wrkin�, which consent shall not he unreesonaby , '' ;" .'�'
<br /> wNhheid, or unbss extenuetinp circumatances exiat whfoh are beyond Bortowers control. 8orrower shall not de3troy, damaqe or Ynpat • �
<br />- the PropeRy,nlbw the Property to detertornte, or commR waate on the Propsrty. Borrower shall be In dotauk M any toAelturo�ctbn or �
<br /> = proceedlnp,whether cN�or crirtdnet, is beyun that h Lender's good fakh Judflment could resuft h foAekure of the Property orothervvise
<br /> - ` • •LL. ��� .w� c... ...e.� �... �ti�. Cd....Y.. In�fmmenf nr Imdu�n cwcutitv htef0.St. BOROWOf T8Y ClItO SUCh ti dA18Ul� 9fid __ - _-_---_ , ------, -_
<br /> .�-_._- -----_._-_- uiw�wo.� .uN.. ...v +... v......�.. ..� ....� ���...� .
<br /> ...�'_...�... -. _' __ _ • '
<br /> ______. _- ___—_.—__.
<br /> reinstate, as provided in peragreph t8, by causlnp the actbn or proceedfnp to be dismissod wkh a Nihp tiiat, In Lende�s qood lakh � -
<br /> determhatbn, precludes forfekure ot the Borrower's Interest h the Property or othe� muterlal knpairment of tho Ilen creatad by this
<br /> SecurNy Instrument or Lenders securRy fnterest. Bortower ahell ai5o be h defauk M Bonower, durhy the ban application process, -
<br />� gave materlaly false or fnaccurate hformatbn or statements to Lender (or talled to provfde Lender wkh any materlal htominibn) in .
<br /> _ connectbn wRh the ban evldoncod by the Note, hcludlnp, but not IknRed to, representatbna concemhg Borrowers occuponcy of the ,
<br /> _ Property ae e prinofp�l resldence. If thls Secur�ty Instrumont Is on a feasohob, Bortower ahall compy wfth all the proviskns ot the
<br /> leaso. It Borrower acquires fee tkie to the Property, the basehold and the tee tkle shall not merge unle3s the Lender ngraes to the �
<br /> - ITI6f08f h Wfh1110. Form9o2E o/00
<br /> Ft07Y.LMQ(II/�E) Pip��ol 6
<br /> { , �
<br /> 1 ,�s
<br /> !
<br />