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., , ,.,"t;,` � ' <br /> .. w�014� . . •. - <br /> .. . - . , .,�'-1 <br /> � ,. <br /> �. <br /> . � <br /> ..1 �'.----�--- �� � <br /> ._.._..._.._i._�.. . <br /> ..� �� � � <br /> 7. Protectlon of Le�der'a Rl�hu In the Property. i� Borrower iei� co oertorm ths covMance end agrarn�nro <br /> oont�in�d In thk S�ourity Instrum�nt, or thK�I� �lepel proci�dhp th�t rray sqnHbtnty aNeot Lencf��e rlphte h tho PropeRy(euoh es , ,� <br /> u prncoedinp fn b�nkruptay, probtte, (or condsmnstbn or forlekure or to enforce lawe er topulatlans),then Lender mey do and pay for �` <br /> � wh�t�wr h nsc�stary to protoot Ih� vtlue of lho Propwty end londorn rlyhts 1n Iho PropCrty. Lcndoro aotbns rc�ny Inoludo psyln0 , <br /> eny eums ��curad by e Ilen whbh h�a prbrRyr over thle Security Inetrumant, �ppearhp h couA, psylnp reesonable flttomsy'a taes nnd � ,y„ <br /> entwfnp an th�Prop�rty to m�tka r�palr4. AKhouph Londsr rnoy t�ke totbn und�r thls ptraprtph 7,I.�ndar does not havo to do so. � .r. <br /> My amount� dlsburo�d by Londu und�r thla p�reQraph 7 ahan b�conH adGRbnal dWt ot Borraw4r exurad By thla Ssaurlry ' ,,.. <br /> I Intirum�nt. UnMt� 6orrow�r �nd L�nd�r�arN to olh�r t�rm� ol ptYm�n►, th�a� amount� �h�ll bwr htsrset from the date of ^. <br /> � dhburs�n�nt at lh�Not�r�t��nd shtR b�ptyabM, wth fnt�nat,upon notb�kom L�nd�r to Bortaw�r nqu��tlnp p�yma►t• <br /> 8, 'L�{'iii7Q�wQ0 I4l�i1PGiD�.O. If Lcnd�r rcqulrcd mortp°C� Ineu+nnce ee � condklon ut m�khp the ban secured by Ihb� <br /> &curky InaWm�nt, BortowK shtN pay th�V pnmlum�r�qulr�d to rtuht�ln th� mortpap� heunnc� In �tt�ot If, for any r�ueon, lho <br /> a <br /> mOrtp#� htut�11C9 oOYer�QY r�quY�d by LIndM kps�1 ot CMf�b tt!b1i Yt �Hwt, Bortower ehall p�y ths pnmlums requk�d to obt�in ' <br /> cownq� tubst�ntl�ly squlv�Nnt to th� morty+�p� Intunncs prwbuay In �f(eot, at a �ost eubsio edl by Lendert tit substantialy� ' <br /> Bonower o1 the mortp�{� Insurtnoe prevbusy h Nkot, hom �n �Rem�t� moRpape Insurer �pp � . <br /> equNilant mortp�0s haunnce coverape Is not avallnble, Bortower sholl pey to Lender saoh manth a sum equal to one�twetfth of thA� � <br /> yKrlyr moRflap�h�urana prembm b�h� p�ld by Bovrowor wh�n ths heur�nc�cover�ye IaPsed or ceased to ba h eNect. Lendsr w�i . <br /> �ccept, us�and ret�h theas payments es a bse nauw h Ileu ol mortqayo InGUrnnCO. Loee reserve paYments may no lonper be <br /> requked, at the optbn of Lender,M mortq�pe tneurnna oowrag� (1n the tmount and for tha perbd thnt Lendor requYas)provlded by ;� _ <br /> cn Ensurar approved by Lender flgaln becomes �vaiYble ond Is obtah�d. Borrower shall pay tha premlums requked to mak�tah .l <br /> mortyape Inaurance h eHect, or to prov{de t bss resonro, untll tha requirement for mortgefle hsuranco ends h accordance wRh any ' ..�_�A-�� <br /> . written�prs�ment b�tweon Borrowor and Lendor or app�cabN law. n'��..;�_ <br /> g. 111tpOCt10P1. L�ndK or ke epenl may rnake rNSOn4bte mtrba upon Qnd hapootbns of the Property. Lender ahall pNe - ___ <br /> BoROw�r notfc��t th�tlm� uf or prbr to m hapwtbn sp�olyh0 roaeontbM otus�for th�hepeotbn. <br /> 10. Cor�demnation. The procxds ot eny award or olnkn tor dameges, dlrect or consequsnt�a� h conneotbn wfth eny <br /> ' cand�mnatbn ar othar takirtp of any p4rt of tha Property, or tor oonveynnca h Ileu ot condemn4tbn,are hereby essipned nnd shall be <br /> ptld to Lender. •,,.,� <br /> In the event of a total taklnp ot the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the Bums secured by thi� Securky Instrument, .. . •.=-- <br /> �, whsth�r or not then duY, wkh tny exCese pafd to Borrower. In the event of a partinl takhp of the Property in whbh the(eir mflrket 'r'f�+�� <br /> ; vtlue ot the Property Ime'iediatey betoro the tekhq Is equal to or preater than tho amount of the sums secured by thb SecurHy ��_ <br /> Instrument Immed�taly betore tha takhp, unlesa Bortower and Lender otherwise ayres h wrkhp, the sums secured by thls Securky ���� <br /> InsWment shall be reduced by the emount ot the proceeds muRlplied by the tolbwhp haatbn: (a) the total tmount o! the sums : <br /> �. secured knmediatery before the takinp, dNlded by (b)the telr market value of the Proporty himedlatey batore the tekhy.My baiance f� <br /> thall be peld to Bonowar. In th� ewnt ol n ptrtial Wkinp of the Property h whbh the faM rtwrket valus of the Property Imrtwdi�tey ;; ,� <br /> . � befon ths takhp Is bse thm th� amount of the suma secured Immedi�tery before ths ukhp, untesa Borrowe� end LendK otherwfse .� ,• <br /> �pree in wrRhp or unbsa eppilcabb i4w otherwtse provides, the proc�eds ehall be apPlied to the sums secured by thls SecurNy <br /> t: ,: <br /> -_-__--- w�o.'iL'R�it::ti�!r 4!!!4t!!!S SU!1}R AfA 4han due. .1_- . <br /> � • If the Property fs abtndoned by Bortower,or H,eAsr not�e by Lender to Bor►ower that the contlemnor offera to make.n awaiu or -- ;,.° <br />° � settle a okim tor d�mag�a, Bortower faMs to raapond to Lender wkhh 30 daya after the date the not�e k 91ven,Londer is authorlad : , ,�. <br /> ' ro coMct md �ppy the proceed9, at ks optbn,ekher to restoratbn or repaY of the Property or to the suma secured by thls Securkyr �� i', �'�- <br /> � � Instrume�►t,whether or not then duo. "�;' <br /> Unfese Lender and Borrower otherwfse apree fn wrkinp, eny epplSoatbn of proceeds to prinopel�hall not bxtend or postpone the _T_ <br /> �� due dete of the monthy paymaite ret�rred to h parnpraph8 1 �nd 2 or chanpe the tmount ot euoh paymente. , <br /> 19. Borrower Not Released: Forbeeranae By Lender Not e Welver. Extenabn of �na tMe tor paymant or <br /> ��.;.. <br /> • � modMication of amort(retbn of tho sums secured by this SecurRy InaWment yranted by Lender to any successor In htereat of Bortow�r '} ��- <br /> a• ihaN not op�nb to nMas�th�IIQbYky of th�orpinel Bortoww or eonowere suce�eson in Int�r�st. L�dv eh�ll not b�nquir�d to <br /> � � commenCe proCeedhps�9ahet tny aucceseor in Interast or reluse to extond tlme for payment or othervvfse modNy emoRlration of lhs = <br /> cums secured by thFa SsCUrky InsWment by reason ot nny de�nand made by the orlpinai Borrower or Borrower's successoro h ;� <br /> ��' <br /> hterest. My torbwruica by L�ndor In exwcislnp any rfpht or remedy shall not be a wah+er of or preolude the exe�olse of any riyht or V _ _ <br />_� ' � rerr�edy. �.: <br />� , . "�� 12. Sucoeseors end Asstpns Bound; Jolnt end Severel Llebtlity; Co-slqners. The oove�onts ana �- <br /> apreement8 of thb Securky Instrument shAll bind and benefk the aucCessoro and assipns of Lender and Borrower, subJeot to the r _ <br /> ' �� provbbna of pvapraph 17.Dorrow�s eovenants nnd aqreertients ehall be Joht and severaL MY Borrower who aaalpne thb 8ecurky R, <br /> InsWmmt but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•slpninp thls Security Instrument onty to mortpape, prent, and oonwy that <br /> �� _ .�; Borrower's hterest In tha Properly under the terms of this Securky Instrument: (b)Is not personal.y oblipated to pay the sums secured ry,7e1��,��„ <br /> � by thls SeCUrity Inetrument; and (a)ay�eas lhat Lendsr end any othcr Bouo�ver maY e�fsa to vxt�^d, modity.torbesr or make eny E __'" " <br /> .-y � �� <br /> - tccommodatbns wRh ropard to terms of this SecurNy Instrument or the Note wRhout th8t Bortov+ore ooneent. r _ <br />�� . ._ �'; 13. Loan Cherqea If the ban aecured by thls SecurRy Instrument is subJeot to n �aw whbh se4c mexYnum bAn oharpes, -- <br /> and that law Is finaly Interyreted so thet the Interest or othor ban cherpes colbcted or to be collected In connectbn wkh the btn .`�!-=�.�=�.:.- <br />- . ��� exceed the pumkted Ilmka, then; (e)any such bnn charpas shall be reduCed by the amount necessary !o reduce the aharpe to the ?�_��� <br /> � � pe�mltted Ilmk; and(b)any sum�skeddy colbcted irom Borrower whiah exceeded pertnkted Ilmks wili be reNnded tu BoROwer. Lender � �W; �y�,k., <br /> � may ohoose to make thla retund by reduclnq the prY�cipal owed under the Note or by makinp e dlrect payment to BoROwer. If a -�•:�1�� :�, <br />- re(und reducas prhaipal,tho reductbn wlll be treatod es a pertial prepayment wkhout any prepayrnent oharpe u�der the Note. T_,_.,,'.,;. • <br /> r 14. NOtiCCB. Any not�e!o Bortower provkied for h this Security Inahument shall be glvon by delhrerhp R or by malAnp k by .. �,.,;��;;�.;; <br />� frst oirss mall unfess �pplicable {aw reQures u3e ol another method. The not�e shall be dlrected to the Property Address or any • ;;�`M-:�;` -, <br />�� oths�address Borrowet desipnates by not�Ce to Lender. My notbe to Lender shsll be pken bY first clasa mall to Lenders address •. '.; <br /> � steted haroin or any other addrsas Lender desqnatos by notice to Borrower. Any notice provlded for h this SeCUrity Inswment eheii � ~�,;'. � <br /> " be doerrssd to hav6 b�en phnn to 8orrower or Ler►der when pNen as provlded k► thls paraOraPh. <br />' 16. Governinp Law; Severabflity. Thb SeCUr$y InsWment sh811 be povemetl by federal 18w and the lew o} th9 <br /> � JuNsdiCtbn h whbh the P�operty ts bceted. In the event that any provlslon or atause of thls Security Inatrument or the Note ooniliCts , <br /> wkh applfcable Ia�Y, such conll�t shall not eHect other provlsbns of this Security Instrument or the Note whbh can be glven BHect <br /> without tho oonflbthp provlsbn. To Ih�s end tho provlsbns of thls Securlry In8trumAnt and the Note sre declared to be severabla. <br />� -. ... es_��...����n....., o.,......,a,etisu��w�n nne cnntormed caDV of the Note and of this SeCU�ity InSVument. <br /> ..._.:_-.--- � -- to. oan�v��. .wpt. ..�........ _..____•---- - � <br /> , 17. Transter of the property or e Beneticlel Intercat in Borrower. u an or any part or ehe PrapeRy or any - <br />- hterest h k Is soM or transterred (or M a beneficlel hterest In Bortower Fs suld or transferced nnd 8ortower Is not a natural person) <br /> - withnut Lenders prbr wrltten Consent, Lender may,at ks op4bn, requke knmedlete pnyme+�t h full ot all eums seCUred by thls Securky <br /> Inswment. However, this optbn shtl not be exe�cised by Lender N exerolse Is prohlbRed by federal law a9 ot the date ot this SecurNy <br />- InsW�t. . <br /> It Lender exerolses th►s aptbn,Lender shau gke Bortower notfce of acceleratbn.The notbe shalt prov�de a perlod of not less than <br />� 30 days hom the dute the not�e Is dolNered or malled wkhin whfch the Borrowor must pay all sums seCUred by this Securky <br />' Instrument. It Borrower falis to pay Ihese sums prior to the e�lratbn ot thls perwd,Lender may Invoke any remedfes permkted 6y this <br /> Security Instrument wkhout turthvr notice or demand on Borrower. Form ao2e e/on <br /> F10tY.LMO(Z/oE) Ptp�9 01 6 � <br /> . I <br /> �'1 - I_ __. _ ..... _. _.. _.. <br /> 44E <br />