! �
<br /> �..
<br /> - . •L
<br /> ., �: -
<br /> I _"`
<br /> � � �,.
<br /> ! 18. Bo�rower'A Rlght to Relnstete. If Borrower meeta certah condkbns, eorrower 8hall h8ve �ne rqn� to nave
<br /> entorcernent o1 thM Sscurity Instrumant dlsconthued at ony tkne prbr to lhe earller of: (a) 6 days (o; auah other perbd as applbatote
<br /> I�w rrt�y epeoity for relnetat�t) before sab of the Property pureun�tt to any power ol aele aontnhed In thls Seaur9y Inetrurr�ent; or �
<br /> (b) entry of a.�udpment entorclnp thla Socurity Inatrumcnt. Thoee aondltiona aro that Borrower: (o)payn Londer all sumo whk:h the �
<br /> v�outd bo dua undor Ihis Socurity Inatrument and the Note es H no tccolerotbn had occurted; (b) cure� any deleuR ol�ny oth� ,
<br /> cov�n�nt or �pnert�ente; (o) ptye �N �xp�naea hcuned In enforoinp thb Sacurky Instrumant, hcludhy, but not Iknked to, reasonabi�`
<br /> �ttomeys'hea;and(d)t�ksa euoh aotbn aa��nder may rs�sontby raqure to aeaun thit ths Ilen of thls 3ecurky Inewment, Lende�s '
<br /> elphte h the Property and Borrowers obllpatbn to pay the sums aecured by thls Securky Instrument ahall aontlnue unchanyed. Upon � �
<br /> reinst�tamwrt by Borrower, thls Securky Instrument and the obllpatbna socursd hsrsby ehall rwnatn fully eHaotNe as d no acceNratbn G
<br /> hn� occurrcd. Hue�ovcr,thls rl�ht to relnetete shall not tppN I�the case of scCeleralbn undor parepreph 17. •—�
<br /> 19. Sa10 O��101Q; Chenqe of Laen Serviaer. The Note ar a pArtlil hterest In the Note (topether wlth lhls Sxurity
<br /> Instrument)mey be sold one or more tYnes without prbr notice to Florrower. A eale m9y resuR h a chanpe in the enlNy (known es the �
<br /> 'Loan Senicer') thet callects monthy payments due under the Note and this Seaurity Instrument. There also may be one or more
<br /> uhanpes at the Loan Serv�Cer unreteted t0 a 6ale of the Note. It there {s�ahanqa of lhe Loan Sero�er,Bortower wl�be plven wrkten � *
<br /> notke of the change h acoordance wkh panflraph 14 above and applb�bie lew. The not�o witl etate the namo and address ot the
<br /> new Loan Servfcer and the address to wh�h payments should be made. The not�e wlll also oontah any other Intormation requfred by
<br /> epPilCabie Iaw. .�.
<br /> 20. Hazerdous Subatancea. Bortower shall not cause or permk the presence, use, disposal, storage,or relea�e of any
<br /> M�erdous Substances on or Vn the Property. Bortowor shall not do, nor albw anyone efse to do,anythhp aNeating the Property that
<br /> Is Ml vbiatbn of any �nvkonmanfal Lne�. Ths procedlnp two sentences she11 not eppy to the presence, use, or storage on the . _ ,,,
<br /> PropeRy of smail quantRies of Hazardous Substonces that are peneraliy recoenlxed to be appropriate to normal restdenttal usea and to
<br /> mahtmanCe ol the Property. .. � ._ •-
<br /> Bonower shall prompty yNe Lender wrkten not�e oi any hvestipatlon,alalm,demand, Iaweuft or othor actbn by eny povemmental
<br /> or rcpulatory aQency or prNate party Invoiving the Property and eny Hezerdous Substance or Hnvlronmentai Law of whbh Borrower has `��`�','°``-y�-
<br /> a
<br /> actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notifled by any qovemmental or regulatory authorfty, thet any romov8t or other remedlatbn ' ;�.� .. "�":
<br /> of any Harerdous Substnnce aHeathp the Property Is neceseary, Borrower ahall promptly take all neces88ry remedlal aotbns In . ,�y�s i►
<br /> acaordance wRh Envhonmental Law. ._--
<br /> As used h thts parapreph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances deflned as loxtc or harardaue substances by ;i��r
<br /> Environmental Law and the folbwhp substances:gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or tox� petroleum producls, tox� pe3tloides and . �, ���_
<br /> herbbldes,vol�tlle soNents, materials containhg asbestos or fortnaldehyde, and radbactNe msterlels. As used In Ihis paragraph 20, „ � '_—
<br /> � "Envlronmer►tel Law' means federei Iawa and laws of the Jurisdbtbn where the Property Is bcnted that reWte to heaAh, salety or ,
<br /> envkonmentat proteotbn. 4
<br /> NON•UNIfORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender tuRher covenant and epree as foliows: � !
<br /> 21. Aeaeleratlon; Remedies. Lender ahall qive notice to Borrower prtor to acceleratlon followiny �,
<br /> Borrower'a breach of eny covenant or agreement in this Security Inatrument (but not prlor to �
<br /> eeeelersUnn under paraaraph 17 unleas apptioeble law provides otherwise). The notfce�hall specity: ; .'� .
<br /> . (e) the deteult; (b) the nctlon requlred to curo the tleteult; (cj a cieie, noi ieSu i��a�� o: d.:�i::::.sr �~= --�`-� -_' -�-
<br /> dete the notice la given to Borrower, by which the defeult muat be cured;end (d) thet feliure to cure ,� ':
<br /> the deMuit on or betore the date �pecifled In the notice mey result in acceteretlon ot the aum� ,
<br /> secured by this Securlty Inatrument end sale of the Property. The notice ahell fuKher iniorm ��: �,i .
<br /> Borrower of the rt�ht to rolnatate niter acceleretlon and the riqht to brin� e court ection to essert 4ha -y;�: ! ,;
<br /> nomext�tence of e defeuit or any other defense of Borrower to soceleration aod sale. If the detault ta
<br /> not cured on or befo�a the date apecified In the notice, Lender et tu optlon may require Immediate '`{"y: `ic .�
<br /> payment in tull of sll sums secured by thlo Security InaVument without furthe� dem�nd and mey .;,:,��.r�. . ��
<br /> � invoke the power of sale and any other �emedles permitted by appliceble law. Lender shall be ;,e,;.',�>. ,; `
<br /> � entlUed to collect ell expenses Incurred In pureuinq the remedies provided in this psreyraph 21, .rt,�; .
<br /> Inetudinp,but not Iimlted to, reaaonebie ettorne s' tees end costs of tiUe evidence. �°ms* � ��
<br /> If the power of sate la Invoked� Trustee shali record e notice of deteult in each caunty In which t"�r �
<br /> nny part of the Property Is loceted and shelt matl copies of oueh notice In the mannar prescribed by .��.�•�� •��"
<br /> eqpliceble lew to eorrower and to the other persona preecribed by eppliceble lew. Atter the time %, ����
<br /> .;;,:,,.>.. _
<br /> requlred by epplicable tew, Truetee �hall qive public noUce of sale to the peraons and In the menner ; `__:�„9,,p..—
<br /> proacribed by applicable lew. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall aell the Property nt public _ .
<br /> �s� auoUon to the Mphest bidder et the Ume end plece and und�r the terma desipnated in the notice of z F���',��
<br /> sale In one or moro parcels and In eny order Truatee determinea. Trustee mey postpone sale of sll ;�,�±�'�,�.�i�,�_
<br /> �. ar any parcel e4 the Wroperty t�y publte a�nouncement at the 41me end p{ace ot eny prevtously ._.a►���„__
<br /> � �eheduled saie. Lender or fb dcWpnee mey �uroiia�e thE Pro��cty at any r.�le. �-�-�-~ �
<br /> ' e�' Upon recelpt of payment ot the price bld, Truatee shell deliver to the purchaser Truatee'� deed ; ��:_— �—,
<br /> ± conveylny tb�e Proparty. T he rec i t e l�In t he Tru s t e e'a d e e d s h a l t b e p r lme facie evid�nce of the truth ::�''�„x;�
<br /> � of the �tetements mede therein. Tru�tee shatl epply the proceeds of the eale In tha tollowinp order: . � ��•
<br /> (a)to all costs end e�enses�t exerciatnq the power ot aala, end the aale. Includinv the peyment of '���
<br /> the Trustee'a feea netunlly Incurred� not to excead 3 96 of the princtpel emount of the rtote
<br /> at the time ot the declareUon of deteutt, end reAaoneble e�ttorney's teea e�permitted by Isw; (b)to ell �
<br /> aum� aecured by this Security Instrument; end (c) eny excese to the peraon or persone le�etly � ,
<br /> entlUed to It.
<br /> 22. Reconveyence. UpOn payment of 8il sumE 6eCUred by thfs SeCUriry InsWment,Lende►sheli request Truste9 to reCOnvey .
<br /> the Property end ahall surrender thls Security InaWment and eli notes evidenche debt secured by this Securky Inbwment to Trustoe.
<br /> TNStee shau reconvey the Property wkhout warrenty and wRhout charpe to tho peruon or persona�epaly entRied to N. Such person or
<br /> persons shall pay any reoordatbn coste.
<br /> 23. SubsUtute Trustae. �ender� at Rs optbn, may trom th» to thie remove Truste6 and eppoint a successor watee to
<br /> any Trustae eppolnted hereunder by an hstrument recorded In the county In whlch this SecurRy Instrument Is recorded. WNhout
<br /> . , conveyance of ths PropeRy, successor tNStee ahall succeod to all the tRb, power end duties conferced upon Trustee hereln and by
<br /> � .---- --•--- -
<br /> .. I epD�faable law. f ------.._ .
<br /> 24. Requeat for Notices. flartower requests that copies of the notice3 of defeuk and sale be sent to Bortower's addresa
<br /> I whbh Is the Property Address.
<br /> 25. Ridera to thia Sccurity Ins4rument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recarded topethor wRh
<br /> � this Securky ineuument, the covenants and aqreaments of each such rlder shflll be lncoiporated hto and shell amond nnd supplemont
<br /> the covenants and agreements of this SoCUrity Instrument s8 H the rider(s)were a part of thfs SecurRy Inatrument.
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> Form�0��C/00
<br />- i F102Q.LM0(2/00) Pap��al 6 i
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