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i � <br /> �, <br /> . - . .�ir�..,v�- <br /> , . .......... _ <br /> , . .... ' . .. <br /> __.._... _�3�aose3uen�...._.. . . . . <br /> . ..I �l "'_ _ _"_" <br /> � -.— <br /> Bortowe�l saerow tccount under the tedenl Rstl Eatrtte &ettlem�nt Proc�duns Aot of 1974 as em�nded trom tkne to tMne, 12 U.S.C. ' .. <br /> 2601 et nq•('RESPA"),unless another law lhat epplbs to the Funda a�te a lesaer amount. If ao,Lende►may,at nny Ikne,ooH�ot a�d <br /> hokl Funda in an emount not to exceed the leaser nmount. LendK mny estimete the amount of lunds due on the bean of current dato <br /> and rpaaonnbW erstimetos al oxpandtturo3 of futuro Eocro�v Items or atherwlse h acoordanco�vkh appl�able law. <br /> 7he Funda �hell bo held In an hstRutlon whose depoake ere Ineured by a federel epsnoy, instrumontality�, or�tNy (Inoludinp <br /> Lender. Y Lender h suoh an InetRutbn) or(n any Federal Home Lo�n B�nk. Lender ahall eppty the Funda to pay Ihe Eeorow Item�.y <br /> ._t <br /> � Lend�r rruy not chtrp� BortowK(or hoidhp and �ppylnp th� Funds, onnutly mayslny the eacrow ncooun6 or v��ylnp tha Escrow 1 �, <br /> ItKns, unMs+s I.w�d�r ptys BoROwx�lnterest on the Punds and appl�abk faw pwmks Lender to muke suah a charQe. Howaver,Lender ' <br /> may requlre Bonower to p�y e ons�tlme oharpe tor an hdependmt rsal�stat�tax reporthp ssrv�� used by L�der In connrotbn wNh ♦► L;; <br /> thb bran,unlesn applicable I�w�rovides athcrv�lso. Unl�:,s nn aprc:m�nt hs mnda or eppilcabH law requkes htareat to be ptld,Under �'i <br /> sh�M not be nquk�d to pty Bortower any hterest or e4mhps on the funda.Bortqwor and Lender may apre�k�wrilh4, howwer, th�t � . �` <br /> - Intirest tihall be ptid on the Funda, Lender she� phrs to Bortower, wNhout ahRrge, an annual aCCOUntiny of the Funda, dhowirtp � <br /> • Crodlts �nd d�bRs lo lha Funda and lhe purpose lor which eaah debR to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledped ae addRbnd� <br /> securit�lor aA sums soaured by this Securfty Instrument. " <br /> if the FunQa hefd by Lender exceed the amounts permkted to be held by applfcnbie Iaw, Lender ahali account to Borrower lot the .. , <br /> excess Funds h accordance with tha roquiromanis of appi�9ble 4�w. If the amount ot the Funds held by Lender at any tfine Is �ot � _ <br /> auffbte�t to pey the Esarow Items when due, Lender may eo notNy Bortower h wrRhp,and,h suoh case Bartower shalt p�y to Lender � ���;K: <br /> tho nmount necoaenry to make up the deflcienay. Borrower sha�l mnke up the deffcienay h no more than tweMe momh.y payments, el �,�,}__=:,$�F=:. <br /> • Lenders sole dlscretion. � -.�_=_ <br /> Upon payment h 1u11 of ali sums Secured by lhis Securlly Inetrument, Lender shAll promptty refund to Bortower eny Funda heid by . ��¢ s-_ . <br /> r N� �� ___ <br /> � Lender. It, undsr parepraph 21, Lender sh411 acquto or seN the Property. Lender,Prbr to the ocqulskbn or sale of Ihe Property,she! �_;��_ <br /> ; eppy Qny Funds held by Lendar at the tYne of acqubkbn or aale ts a credR�pahst the sums seaured by thb Seaudy Inatrument. <br /> � 3.ApplicatloD Ot Payments. Unless applfcabie inw provides olhe+wise,all paymar�t�rcoeMed by Lender under part��pha �� ,_ __ <br /> 1 md 2 ahaN be tpplkd: fhst,to any propayment charaes dw undor tha Notr, aaaond, to amounts payabk under pera0raph 2; thlyd •� ��--�_•--- <br /> r _as„� <br /> ' to Intarest du9;fourth,to prinolpal due; and lest,to any late charpes due under the Note. ,� ,-- - <br /> � 4.ChafQCi; Uem. Borrower shatl pay all taxes, assessments, oharpes, fines and Impoakbne attributable to the Property �-���: <br /> �•. <br /> �' whbh m�y ttttin pNOrky ovs►this Securkyr Ustrumsnt, and ieaeehotd payments or pround renta, If any. Bortowx sh�N pay thes� �;;��,��_. _ <br /> obNpatbns in tho manner provlded in parayraph 2,or It not pald In that manner, Borrower shail pay them on ttne dkectry to the person .;, . <br /> . ow�d ptym�nt. Borcower shaN prompty 1um{sh to Lender all noticos of amounts to be pald under this para¢raph. II Bortower makes ,��:;�� <br /> . �• these pqmenle direoty. Borrower shtll promptry tumish to Lender recelpta evidenclnp the paymants. ' ��� � <br /> F3ortowu dhaY prompty di8chnrqe any I{en wh!Ch has prbrky over th{a Securiry Inetrument unkss Bortower: (a)�preea h wrRh�to �"�•� ��; <br /> ! . tha paymsnt of the oblfsntbn securad by the Ilen fn a manner accepUble to Lender; (b) aontests in pood t�kh the ran by,or d�fends *� `.. <br /> � ayYha!enforcement of the Ifen h, lepcl procec+�lnqs whbh N the Lenders ophbn operate to pravant the er►forcernent of the Ikn;or (o) ; <br /> ----- ---� aCUres trom tns noider of thv i'wn an ayri��,u��i s.4ptIICtarY ia'�C� su�csdhe!!�; ►.he ita, t� th�a Security InnWmenL It Lender �• <br /> ,- iui _ <br /> Y �,. <br /> ' ' ` d�tam►in�s thtZ any part of the Property is subJect to a Nen whbh m�y attain prbrity over this 3ecurfty Inatrument,Lender r►KY atw ,_ <br /> " � BortowK a notice kkntNyhp the IVen. Bortowe�ahall eatlsly the Ifsn or take ono or more of the aCtbns set lorth ebova wkhin 10 dayb ., ::� <br /> .� . �°� of tha plvhp ot not�e. �; .-�: <br /> 6.liazerd or Property Insurence. Bonower shall keep the Ynproven'wnts now ex�schq or hereaRlr ereoced on t►� <br /> � PropsRy Intured �ptMSt bss by firo, har�rda InObded wkhh Yhs term'exteaded ooverope"and any other hezarda,haqidhp fbods a � ; �i; <br /> � tbodinp, tor whbh Lender �squirss Insunnc�. Th1s hauru�ce ehaN be mthtained h the amounta and for the perbds that I.rndlr �' <br /> i r�qulr�. Th� tnaunnc�carrMr providinp tha Insunncs eh�M be chosen by Bortower subJaot to Lendar's�pP►oval whbh ehaM not W - <br /> unroaaonaby wNhheb. it Bortower hHS to mainteh covenpe doacrbed above, Lender may,at Lenders optbn,obtah ooven�pe to _ <br /> protsat L�ndws rlphn In lhe Propeny h accordanc0 wkh ptnpnph 7. <br /> AY Insunnc�poYafss and nnaw�IS ehall b��cceptaba to Lender�nd ehall holudo a standud mortyape olnuse, Lender shell haur ��� <br />� �• the riaht to hotd the poNOba u►d renewala. If Lend�•r requfres, Borrower shall prompty plve to Lender aN rbcetpte ot ptid promiume �_ -_ <br /> ` ' ' ' end renewal notiC�s. In ths evant of bss, Borrower shall pNe prompt not�e to the hsurance carrier and Lender. Lender mtY meks :' . <br /> :-- - - <br /> • � �'����� proof o�bes M not rrµde promp4y by Bortowar. _. <br /> ' �' UnMss L�ndor�nd Borrowsr otherwise apree h wrkhp,insurtnce proceeds shall be applied to rostontbn or reptk of tb Propaty �=.i_ ----- <br /> t� demay�d, M ths reatontbn cr repalr is economlcally foasible and Lend�s security Is nct bssened. If the rsatoratbn or rap�Y b not �^����- <br /> _.-. ocortom�alM/te��bb or Lsndere seourity woutd bs Iessened, th� hsurance proceeds 6hali be appli9d to the sums secured by thb �� __ <br /> � � 6�CUriiy InaWmwnl, w��rt�w or not thcn duo, with enp a.czse pQki to 6amowrr. If Barrowcr abandone the Property, or doas not �+��-__�__� . <br />� anawcx wNh(n 30 days t not�e from Undar th�t the hsunnce cerrfer h�s oHered to settle a ol�kn, then Lender may colkCt tho �•- <br /> ' ��.,; <br /> '.�` '' -� In=unnc� procw�ds, L�ndw may uss the proceads to repalr or rostore the Property or to pty surns Recured by thls Securly <br /> ��,.-- <br /> . • ;' Inairument,whether or not then dw. The 30-tJay pe�lod wIN bepin when the not�e ts phren. ---_ _�---� <br /> x _�.. � <br /> - � ,� Unisss UndK�nd Bortowet otNsrwiso apre�h wrkiny, any applbatbn ot prxeeds to princlp�l shall not extend or postpon� the _,_�--__ _,_ <br /> � due d�ts of lhe nionthry payments reterr¢d to h pareprnphs 1 end 2 or ohan4e the amount of the payments. Ii under panpnph 21 ���. <br /> tM Prop�ty b acqutred by Lender,Borrowers rqht to any insurence potblea and proceedc resuRinp hom dQmape to the PropeAy prbr �t - 4{�` <br /> � 7i ` ���1+7� . <br /> f to the acqubltbn shaM pase to Lender to the extent of tho sums socured by thfs Securlty InsWmenl immadietey prbr to the �r.,;:.:�:�'' <br /> `.:1�::ii..:�...+r�.v <br /> � acqu hkbn. '':L ._.�,r. ..• , : <br /> y � � 8. Occupency, Preservation. Meintenance end Protectlon of the Property; Borrower'a Loan �����;'''�%"��d�° <br /> �.,�.,.. ,..�,� <br /> ApP11CS11011; L�i�Eh0lda. Borrower shnll xaupy, establlsh, and use the Property as Borrowers prhatpal re�ldence wkhh shty � ,�;t.}f:•'. , <br /> days aRer the executlon of thb 3ecurity Instniment and shall canthue to occupy the Property as Borrowers princlpU resldance for�t . .�,',;��`� . <br /> te�st one yar tRer the date of occupency, unless Lender otherwise eyrees In wrRhp, which consent shetl not be unreasonaby , , <br /> wRhhe�d, or unless extenuatiny ctaumstonces exist whioh are beyond Borrowai's conVol. Bortower ehall not destroy,damepe or imptV <br /> th� Property,aNOw the Properly to deterbrato, or aommR waste on the Property. Bortowx shaN De h defauk N any fortekure eatbn or -• <br /> � prxeedhp,whethar olvH or crlminal,Is bopun thtt h tendere pood IaRh JudQment couid resuk h tortefture of the Property or othorwBe ,. , <br /> _ . mtterieAY Mpak the Iien crotted by thls Socurity In6trument or Lenders securRyr hterest. Bonow�r may oure such a detnuk end <br /> -- -_ ..._ _� ...� .. <br /> ' fehS►Bte. fls p�OVldld h pflrApreph tfi,by causinp the ectbn or proceedinp t0 be tlKmisseC wKn a ru�np inai, in�e�ve�o y'vvv �a+�. - _"' - <br /> � determhatbn, preaiudes lorfekure o} the Bortowt+rs hterest h the Property or other materlal Impairment ot the Uen created by lhis <br /> Secu�ity Inawment or Lenders security hterest. BoROwer shan also be h delauR M Borrowar, durhp the loan epplbatbn process. <br /> gave materl�ty false or Inaccurate hformatbn or statements to Lender (ar falbd to prov{de Lender wkh any rtutertal Intormetbn)h <br /> connectbn wfth the loan evldenced by the Note,hcludlnp, but not IEnfted to, roprosontatlons conceminfl Borrowera occupancy of Ihe <br /> PrOpwty �a n prhClpal reaidenCO. It thb Security InsWment is on � leasehotd, Borrower ehall Compy wRh tll the provtsiona ot Ihe <br /> : le�se. It Borro�rer taqulres lev tkte to tho Property,the 19asehold end the fee tkle shall not merge unle9s the Lender agrees to�he <br />_ " mer�er h wrkinp. Form 9o2a croo <br /> Fi0�0.1M0(P/o6) Pap�4 0l 6 <br /> 1 , µO ' <br /> . . _..... ... ' <br /> - . . ... .. . .. . . . ._ . .. . .-.itlii�--_ ...._. . _- <br />