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<br /> AOPL..tI 001-70210023 '
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<br /> �J L'
<br /> 1-4 FAMIL.Y RIDER �T-�1Ui413 ��
<br /> • Assignment oP Renta �.-
<br /> THlS 1-4 FAMILY RIDfiR is madc this Z4TH ��y of FEBRUARY , 1997 ,�d is -
<br /> incorporated into end shall be dcemed to amend en�supplement tha Mortgage,Dced of Trust or Security Deed(the � -
<br /> "SecurIry Instrument")of the seme date given by the undersigned(the"Borrower")to saure Borrowcr's Nota to • � :_
<br /> :.;,c�:i«�i•�4�
<br /> .,.�j-,c�,..�3�v!.t�.�.,�a
<br /> . ,y.. -
<br /> . HOME FEDEFt�, SAVIN03 & LOAN R980CIATION OF CiRANA ISLAND ..,Z;.Y;�;�,,,._-
<br /> . -�i,1i�'.I..J11R:.i�'
<br /> (the"Lcndcr") ��.�r.��:-.
<br /> of the same date and covering the Property describecl in tho 5ecurity Instrument and located aG ° � ;�:_:
<br /> 1722 IDLEWOOD L.ANE
<br /> � . �3TtAND ISLAND, NFs'HRA9KA 68803 �?' ���`
<br /> fPropcny Addrei�l W.e`�,�_-
<br /> -:i_:i9e.:.__
<br /> ' ��(L � :-dr.��.r_—
<br /> a 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In additlon ta the covenants and agreements madeira the Securiry Instrument, �`�`�'� �
<br /> Bormwer end L.ender funher covenant end agcr.e as follows: .'N�,�`�
<br /> �' Property descdbed in the Seciuity Inshument,the following items are added to the Property descrlpdon,end shall
<br /> ' � • also consutute tha Propraty wvered by!he Security InswmenG building materjals,appliances and goods of every '��,�
<br />-. �`j ; napue whatsoever now or hemafter locuted in.on,ar used,or intended to be used in c,eiunecdon with�he Property, '°
<br /> __.____ - includina.but not limimii to,thosa for the purposes of supplylna or distribudng heati�g, cooling,electriciry,ges, _ .�:�
<br /> ' water. air and light,fim preven6on end extingulshing apparawa,securIty end access cantrol apparatus,plumbing, =°"`
<br /> bath tubs,water heaters,watcr closets,slnks.ranges,stoves.refrigerators,dishwashe=s,disposals,washers,drycrs, • �.'
<br /> ,+ awntn s storm windows swm►doors screens blinds shades curuiins and curtain ;�� '`z-:�
<br /> , 8. � � . � . rod�,auached m'urors.cabinets. �
<br /> . panelling and attached floor coveringa now or hereafter suached to the Propesty, all of which, inclucWg `AS'
<br /> � replacements and addittons thereto,shell be dcemcd to be and remain a part of the Propaty wvered by the Securlty "'-
<br /> �� Inshumen� All of the foregoing wgether with the Prope�ty described in the Security IasGrument(or the leasetwld ' _
<br /> ,���, estate if the Securlty Instrument is on a leasehold) cre referred to in this 1-4 FanWy Rider and the Sectuity #' �
<br /> ° �� Insuument av the"Pmperty:' ..-
<br />- B.USE OF PRUPERTY;COM�LUNCE WITH LAW. Sorrower shall not aee3c,agree to or make a
<br /> � change!n tho use of tt;e Property or lts zoning classitiwtion. �nless Lender has t+grttd in wridng w the change. ��y;,;;r
<br /> __ . .. Bor�wer shall comply with aU Inws, ordi�sances, regulations and requircments of any govemmental body �
<br />��� • applicabb to the Propecty. "'
<br />°" � • C.SUBORDINATE LIENS. Bxcept ns permiued by federal law.Bomower shall not al,low any lien inferior �:�•-
<br />="`.� " w tl�e Sxurlry Instrument to be perfected against the Property without Lender's prior wriuen pemilssion.
<br />- • D.REN1'LUSS IIVSIIRANCE. Bomower shall maintain insurance ageinst rcnt bss in addidon w tlie other �,�`
<br /> , `'� haza:ds for which Insurance is required by LTniform Covenant S. � _. _
<br /> ` ,�,.�::
<br /> �.; , E."B�P�'L�F�D'3°.*..^�Y.T Tm P.LIIlTST�i c�" fJ��.�T��. Uniform Coee.�t z 8 is deletul.
<br />— F.BOR1tOWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ggree ln wrlting� the flrst �_
<br /> - � sent�nce in Uniform Covcn3nt 6 wnceming Borrower's occvpancy of the Property i, deleted. All remain�ng `=-�
<br /> -- F;„;;��;;� � covenants and agrecments sct foRh in Uniforn►Covenait 6 shall remain in effect �����--
<br /> � �..M - -_-_.- - -__._'
<br /> � ♦ �� s �
<br />--�*�`• �r:. �tULTiSTATE 1-�FAMILY RIDER•FannU WI�NFr�ddle N�o Unlfo�m In�trum�nt Form 3770 31oS ""� ���
<br /> � a�p.,o�x �:;�:
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