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<br /> ie one or mcre �rcete nnd In yny ordee Truatee determina. Trustec may postpone sAk ot aU or �ny p�rcei ot the '
<br /> „ i �re�erty by publk nnnt�uncement wt the time and plac� at ony prevbusly Fchedukd sAk.l.ender or ite designee may
<br /> . purch�the Property al�ny eAk.
<br /> � Upon receipt oP payruent oP ide prke 61�, TiFUS¢ee a4�tQ deJve. fo tiie puech�se. 'II'e+��ee'e d�d c�;�veyW�g ¢fie
<br /> �'���'�� �. Property.The recit�M In the Trustee'e deed shaU be prim� tock evWence ot the truth of the state�nente mads thercip. .
<br /> ,,,�;,;,;�'� Truatec ahaU apply the proceeds of the sttl�ln the folbwdng order:(o)to oll coste wnd expensG+of exercistng the power oP
<br />_�;�� eak,and t6e aAk�Including the pAymcnt ot the Trustee•s tees Actus�lly incurred,not to exccal s.o 0 o g6
<br />�`• _ ot tde principAl�mount ot the note ot tha Hme of tha decl�ratbn oP def�ult,And resiaonAbk Attorneys'tees aa Qermitted by
<br /> Iaw;(b)to�tU iame e�:cured by thd Security Inatrument;ond(c)ony excest to tde pereon av persons kgaUy enutkd to it. .,
<br /> 22.Iteconvoyance. Upan payment of all sums secured by this Secudty Instn�mant, 1 ender shall rec�uest 'ilrustee to __
<br /> a recsnvey the Praputy and shell sumnder this Security Inswmcnt and all nous evidcncing debt secured by thls Secuaity ��
<br /> �,. Instrumert to Tcustce. 'il�ustea shall rec.onvey tha Property without werranty and without char�c to the person or persons Iegally . -
<br /> entided co i�Such person or petsons shall pay any recordaaon costs.
<br /> �� 23.Substitute Trustee. La*�der,at its optinn,may from dma to dme remove Trustee andappoint a succe.ssor avstee to any �-
<br /> ' Ttustee appoInted hereunder by en instru,ment recorded in the county in whlch thL9 Security Instrument is rcxorded.Without =
<br />��. � convayence of the Propaty,tha successor trustoe shall succeod to all tha dtle.powu and dudes canfeired upon'IYustecs heccin end —
<br />_�-. , bY aPPlicabb law.
<br /> 24.�ra�a�t fc:M�lic�.:,. Eusme�er trx�tt�ts thai cQgks of the notlo�..s of asf�lt and sals be �4.SlL IO BOttUNlCS�B 2��I�C89
<br /> � whkh Is the Address.
<br /> . ?.�.Riders o t6ie Securit�Inatrumen� If one a moro r}dus� aro executod by Boirowu and recorded wgethu with this
<br /> Security Instiument,the covenants end agraments of each such rider sl�all be incorparated inw and shall amend end supplement
<br />' - "- the covena�ts and agroemtncs of this Sociutty Insuument as ff the dder(s)wero a part of this Securlry Instmment� �
<br /> .•�,r,;,.� -
<br /> � [Check appllcable box(es)J
<br /> �Adjustable Raie Rida ❑Condominium Ridler 0 �-4 Famlly Rlder �.
<br /> _ � �•.=-
<br />�;,,. � .;� 0 Greduated Payment Rtder CJ Planned Unit Aevelopment Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider
<br />=��' '. '� , • �Ballaan Rider C]Rato Improvement Rider �Second Homo Ridu
<br />�t� L� � 0 VA Rider �OthEi(s)[sposify]��ignmente o! Rent �
<br />�.ti<,.„ sP R�
<br /> =';xt�,::� __
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<br /> -�_:�;�.:;��, �.. BY SIQNINCi BEIAW,Borcowu accegts and agree5 to the tecros and cflveaiants contained in this SeeurIty Instrument and in
<br />==��•-r=� any ridei(s)exxuted by Borcower and recorded wIth it
<br />��:�:- ` Witr�esses: � `
<br /> r��� -�5�� _
<br />����� DEBORAH L KIMBLE �T� _gn�,��
<br /> __ -r=':,�
<br /> ���.�� ' (S�)
<br />--� -Horrwver
<br />�—°— �S�) ��)
<br /> -Born►Mar •8ortower
<br />_- -__--� ,. St�te ot Nehr�akn, �wL COUety ss: �- -
<br /> --- 'Ibo fooegoing instcument was ec]mowkdged beforo me thi9 24� day of F�RRUARY � 1997 ,
<br /> -- bY D=SOIW{ L KItdHLl. 11 BINOLS PBRBON
<br />-��,� : Witness my hand end notarial seal at a�n xsLAND, tu► in safd County,tho date afoiresaid.
<br /> =�— My Commission Fsxpires: —
<br /> -'r.,� , Notary Publio �.
<br /> ---_ __-��: '.` iE�IIlMOTAAT,S�MMNlketh !.-
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