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<br /> �� G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon Lender's requcst,Borrower shall assign to I.ender all Icascs of the
<br /> Property and all secwity deposits mede in connection with leases of the Property.Upon the assignment,Lender
<br /> shaU have the right to madify,cxtend or tcrminate t�ie existing leases and to execute new leases,in Lender's sole
<br /> discredon.As used in this paragraph G,the word"lease"shall mean "sublease" if the Security Instrument is on a �
<br /> les�sehold. ' "' '
<br /> ' Borrower ab.�olutcly And uncondidonally assigns and uansfers to Lcnder all the rents and revenues("Rents")of the � _�`�p�=�-
<br /> p�roperty, regardless of tc�whom the Rents of the Property are payable.Borrower authorizes I..ender or L.ender's ___ _
<br /> agents to collcxt the Rents,and agrecs that each tenant of the Property shall pay ihe Rcnts to Lender or Lender's . ;���_-__
<br /> agents.However,Borrower shall ceceive the Rents until(i)Lender has given Barrower nadce of default pursuant to _ _—
<br /> para�ph 21 af the Securlry Inswrncnt and(li)I.ender has given nodce to the tenant(s) that the Rents arc co bc , -_
<br /> paid to I.ender or Lender's agenG 'fhfs assignment of Rents consatutes an absolute assignment and nat an �
<br /> assignment for addition�l security only. .�•x•�}'�"°�
<br /> If I.ender gives nodce of breach to Horrower:(i)all Rents received by Borrower shall be held by Bonower as '•{.:A ,
<br /> tr�stee for the benetit of I.ender only,to be applled to the sums secured by the Security Instrument;(iI)I.ender shall ,y�,��.=�"�
<br /> bo endtled w collect and receive all of the Rents of the Property: (iii) Borrower agrees thet each tenant of the =;,.
<br /> ��4'f�:..�
<br /> Property shall pay ell Rents due and unpaid to I.ender or L.ender's agents upon I.cnder's wriuen demand to the • M„�,„;,��
<br /> tenant; (iv) unless appllceble law provides othenvlse, ell Renis collected by Lender or Lender's agents shaU be ���� - _ _
<br /> applled first w the costs of taldng control of and managing the Property and coAecdng the Rents,including,but not
<br /> Wnited to,atWmoys' fees,receiver's fees,premiums on receivet's bonds,repair and maIntenanco costs,insurance _ ;,
<br /> � premiums,texes,asscssments and other charges on the Property,end then to the sums securecl by the Security ��;
<br /> Instrument;(v)I,ender,Lender's agents or any judicially appointed receiver shall be liable w account for only those '�;
<br /> _— '
<br /> Rents actuelly recelved; and (vij i.ender snaIl be enuded io nttvo a�ivai npM,i�t�t� taa:�c�a�s3ars af w°s3 ' `��
<br /> mana,ge the Prope�ty and collect the Rents end profits derived from the Property witho�t any showing es W die �.�
<br /> ' inadequacy of the Property a�security. :� � c. �.
<br /> If the Rents of the Property are not sufficient to cover the costs of taking control of end managing the .�_
<br /> • Pnoputy and of collexdng the Rents any funds expended by I,ender for such purposes shall become indebtednes�of
<br /> Boaawu to Lender secured by the Securiry Instrument pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7. ' :��
<br /> Somnwer repm.sents and warranta tt�et Borrower hes not executed e��y prior assignment of the Rents and has �.,�
<br /> . not end will not prrforn►any act that would prevent Lende�fmm excrcising its dghts undcr thLs paragraph.
<br /> �- Lcnder,or Lendu's agents or a jucficially appointrd receiver,shall not be required to enter upon,taice control -
<br /> - ` � of or maintain tha Property before or after giving nodce of default W Bo�rower. However,I.ender,or I.ertdex's
<br /> agents or a judicially appointeci recetver,may do so at any dme when a default occurs.Any applicallon of Rents • _�:
<br /> " ''.� shaU not cure or waive any default or lnv�idate any other right or remcdy of I.ender.This assignment of Rents of
<br />_� . ._ �.. the property aha11 temiinau;�vhen all the sums secured by the Security Instrument are gald in full. ---- -
<br /> - • I.CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Bo�rawer's default or bmach under any note or agreement u� -
<br />_ . � which Lender ha9 an intenest shall be a breach under the Secur[ty Instrument and I.ender may lnvoke any of the `
<br />� • . : remedies permitted by thc 5ecurIty Insm�men� •,-
<br /> �� �f Rlr SIGNTNC AF.TAW,gomnwer accepts and ngrces to the teims and provisions contained In tnis I-4 Family ' �.
<br /> :?y. ' ; Rider. ; --— _-�=-�
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<br /> '" ' DBBORAH L KIMBL •Borrower •Horrower ..---- -
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<br />- ` (SCSI) �S�) `::°
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