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<br /> .� / ,.
<br /> �.���•... - .. ''rq�.
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<br /> ""' """"'A'�+��f^t,.... _�.' '" "_ ....... .. .. ... .... .- . ...... ... .�.._.. _._. ......_...,.'"__.._... . . . _. .. .. ..... ... �.,... ��
<br />. . ..._.,_.� r4.�.
<br />.. +ub�l�uinall� ri�wval�nt murtgagr inxu��mrr ra��i;��c i, nul a�':ulahlr.��urr�x�cr tih:dl ��a� to l.rndcr ra:h mnn�h n ,um rqu:d tc� —=-
<br /> � unc•�u•rlfth ��I thr ycarly nuirtgngr in.urancc prcntiutn bcin� puid t,y f�urn,arr �tihrn thc irnur.uicc .u�erag� lap�cd ur r�a�cil tu
<br /> hc in cllrrl. l.�ndrr«ill a«��tl,u,rnnd��rt++in�Ire�c p.iynk'11tti u� a lu�+ rrticnc in Ili•u uf nwrl�:ci�.r liuuranir. Lu�+ r�ti�r�•r _.
<br /> ptiymrniti may nu I�m��r h� nyuircd. ui ihr�►plihn��f�1rn�rr. if in��rt��itir in,ur.uur�•�,��ra�!r tin thr;�muunl an�l lor Ihr perfi�d �.
<br /> ' ' �h:u l.rnJrr rri�uiir.l ��ru�i�trd hy an imurcr.ipprav�d hy Lcn�lrr a�:ain hcrutnr,a�:iil:�hlr:uul i, uhlainrJ fiurruucr ,hall puy
<br /> thr prcntiun�+ rcquircd t„nsiinl�ii�t mnrt}��gc iutiur:incr in�Ifrrl, nr tu provulc a lu,. rr,�rvr. unld thr rrc�wr�nici►t lur inurt�age �
<br /> insur:inrr cnd, in arrnr.lanr��+nh any ��•nttcn a�:rccmrnt hrt�cccn I���iruwrr and Lrn�lcr�,r applir,ihlr I,n�. '
<br /> 9. Inspcctl�►n. I.��ndrr ur it, �iEcnt r�i�iy makc rra+w�ahlr rnu•ir, upc�n��nil in,�icru��m i,l'ih� I'n��,�riy. l.cndrr ,Itall �;ivc
<br /> Hurrm►cr nulicc nl thc tim�ul ur �iriur iu cui inspccii�m,prri(yin�; rra,unahlr cau,r li,r ihr in�prrtiun.
<br /> ., l0. ('ondcnutaUon.7'hc pr��rc�d+��1 mty a��•urd ur cl:unt tur d�una�c�. �lirert nr :�nt�ci�ucntial. iu c��nrrruun wiUt �in)�
<br /> . cundctnnatiun ur nlh.r lal�in�:af:in} narl ��t Ihr I'n��nrly. ��r I�,r r�mvcyanrc in liru ul cuudetnnati�m, .u�c hrrchy ati,i�nc�l and0 .
<br /> +h:�ll hr p,u�l tu l.cu�ci.
<br /> �� '� In thc c�•cnt ul'a tut:d takin� ��I thc Prup�rty.thr pn,ccrJ..hall hc applicd tu thr+unu.crurcii hy thn Secin•it�•In�trununt,
<br /> ^.�;:.• �►•hrthcr ur nnt thrn duc. «ith�iny c�crc., pai�l lu 13�n•mwrr. In thr r�rnt ul a p�uti:il takiu� �d thr 1'r���urty in «hich thc lair
<br /> � " markct ��alur ul�hc Prc�perty inuiicJiatcly hrfurc tlic takinE i� eyu:il tu ��r�;rcatcr ihun ihc anwunt ul thr�urn� .rrurrd hy thi��
<br /> ' •'� ` Scrurity In.trunirnt immrdiut�ly hcliirc thc iakinE. unlc,�Bi�rru�vrr and 1_rndcr ulhrr��i+c agr�c in writing,thr+um,,rrurcd hy ,
<br /> thiti Sccur►ry In,u•umcnt tihull h� nduc«l hy thc amount ul thr prurcrd. nwltiplicd hy thc tidl��a•ing Ir.ictiun: i,u thr total
<br /> amuwu ut'thc +um>�crur��l immcdiatrly hcli�rr lhr takin�. dividcd h�� (bl thr Fair markrc valuc ul thc Pn�perty inuiir�li.UCly
<br /> hrli�re �hr tal.irg. Any baluncc �hall tk paid t�� f3urrowcr. ln thc r�•cnt uf a p:u'tial taking nl thc f'r�,pcny in �rl�ich Ihr I:ur
<br /> markrt value uf thr Pruperty intntediately hcli�rc thc tuking i� Ir,.than thr�mc�unt��f thr,um�,ccurcd immcdiately helim�hc _�:;`
<br /> taking, unlcs, Hurru«•�r anS Lcn�lcr�,thcr���i,r ugrcc in writin�� ur unlc�. applirahlc la��� uthcru•i.c prc,vidcs. ihr pi��rrcJ. ,h:�ll ��r_
<br /> � be applicd tu thc+um+�aured hy thi, Sccuriry Instrunuut whett�cr�u nut thc wnu arc thrn duc. �
<br /> If thc Property iti ahan�lunc�l h�• Burrc�wer. ur it.ut'ter notirc by L�nJrr tu Borruwcr that thc cundenmur ufterti ti�makc an �_-
<br /> � award or sctde a rlaim ti�r Jamugc�. Rcrrrowcr fail� tc� rc�p�md to L.cndcr within i0 �ays af�cr thc dutc thc nuucc ih �iv�n. _�
<br /> 1� Lendcr is authorizcd to c�illcrt and apply thc proceeds,at its uption, cither to restoraticm ur rcpair ul'the Prnperly or to thc�umti
<br /> •'� secured by this Sccurity Instrum�nt.whether or not then Jur.
<br /> 'Y Unless Lender and Horrowcr otherwi�e agree in writin�:, any applicaliun uf pruceeds �o principal shall nrn extend or —__
<br /> �. postpone thc due Jate i�t'the tnunthly payments referred to in puragruphs 1 anJ 2 ur changc the amuunt of wrh payments. �^^
<br /> 11. I3orrmver Not Releused;Forbearnnce By I.ender Nnt u Wuiver. Extensiun of thc timc fc�r paym�nt ur mudificution
<br /> ul�unortir.atie�n of thr sums serured by ihis Securiry lntitrument�ranted by Lender tu any succeti+or in interctit��f'Bnrrower shall __
<br /> � noc��peratc to releuse the linhility of the originul Burruwer or Borco�vrr'a sucre�surs in intcrc.rt. Lendcr shal l ni�t bc reyuircd to
<br /> commence proceedings against any sucstisur in interctit c�r rcfuse to extenJ tinm for Faynunt or�uherwi.e nx+dify amonizutiun
<br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reasun uf uny demand madc hy the original �orrower c�r Borrower's
<br /> ° successors in intcrest. Any forbcarancc by Lender in exerri.ing any right or remedy shall not hc a�vuiver of in•preclude the
<br /> � exercise of any right or remeJy.
<br /> 12. Successors und Asslgm Bound; Juint and Severul Liability; Cu-�;i�ners. The covenunts and ugreements of'this
<br /> � Securiry Instrwnent shall bind and bencrt the successors und assigns uf Lrnder and Borrower, subject tc� the provisions uf
<br /> �� paragraph 17. Borrowcr's covenunts and agreements shall hr _juint and scveral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> ' Instrument but does nut execute the Nnte: (al is co-tiigning this Security Instrument only to nu�rtgnge, grant und ecmvey thAt
<br /> . • Borrower's interest in thc Yroperty undcr the tcnns of tnis�ccurity ins[rumem: lh) i�noi pri�uuuliy��Lii�ated i:.pay ihc a;:��„
<br /> • secured by this Security Instrument:and(c)agrees thut L.ender and any uther B��rrc�wer may agree to extend, modify, forbear or
<br /> make uny acconunodatians with regard to the terms of this Security Intitrument or the Note without thut Bon•ower's consent.
<br /> 13. I.oun Chat�es.If the loan securcd by this Security Instrument is tiubject w i�law which sets ►naximum laan charges,
<br /> �=�r; :.' : and that luw is finally interpreted so that the interest or o[her luan rharges collected or to bc collected in connection with the
<br /> - ' •• Ioan exeeed the permitted limits, then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reJuced by the amount necessary to reduce the ehurge
<br /> •, i�. � to the permitted limit; and (b)any sums already collectcd from Borrower whirh exceeded permitted limiis will He refundeJ to
<br />-'e'�;.q;,..;,,,.,. Borrower. L.ender may chonse to make this refund hy reducing the pnncipal owed under the Note ��r by muking :� direet
<br />�`;�% ; •;• ' payment to Borrower. (f a refund reduce, principal, thc reduction will be treated us u partial prepayment without any
<br /> �,.. ,��,•: prepayment charge under the Note.
<br />=-- ,:,..., 14.Nofices. Any notice to Borrower providcd for in this Security Instruntent shull be given by delivering it or by mailing _
<br />--�,,��';�!a�, it by tirst clatis mail unlcss appli�ublc law rcquires use of anuthcr mcthod. Thc notice shall be Jirccteci to thc Property Address
<br /> -=°ar�at:�Y,. or uny other address Borrower designates hy notice to I.�:nder. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to _
<br /> =--a:-�,u�nit�a Lsndcr's address statcd hcrein or any other address Lcndcr�csignatcs by notirc to Horrower. Any noticc providaf for in this
<br />— �°�'�`•� Securiry Instrumcnt shaU be Jeemed to havc bccn given to Borrowcr or Lendcr when given as provided in Ihi s paragraph.
<br /> `�'h°"--r'�+1 15. Governin� L�w; Severabillty. This Security lnstrumcnt sh311 bc govcrned by fcderal law and the ]nw of the
<br /> --=-'�`.�,°�� jurisdiction in which che Peoperty is locatcd. In the event that uny pravision or cluutic of this Security instrument or the Note
<br />"-="�=r�� conflicts with applicable Inw,such conflict shall not affect other prov�sions of this Security[nstrument or ihe Note which can bc
<br /> �'�}=�- iven effect without the conflictin rovision. To this end the rovisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declured
<br /> � •�.��.:, � F P p
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> __���-- 16.BorrnEVer's Copy.$orrower Sh<�II he�iven one confor��ied copy of the Note anJ of this 3ecurity Instruntent. �-
<br /> �•`L'�..� 17.Transfer of the Praparty or n Benefcial Interest in Borrower. If all or any pan of the Propetty �or any interest in it
<br /> ��°=r r� is sold or transferrcd(or if a beneficial intcrest in Borrower is sold or transferreci and Borrower is not a»atural person)without
<br /> ����;��,� L.ender's prior written consent, i.ender may, at its option, require immediate puyment in full of all sums secured by this
<br /> °�=r'�`� Security Instrument.However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exerc�se is prohibited by federal law as of the date
<br /> __--��,.��;:
<br /> — •,n� of this Security Instrument.
<br />:`;�;�'�'.�:�:�r If Lender exercises this option, Lcnder shall give Borrowcr noticc of ucccleration. The notice shall provide u period of not
<br /> __ -:� ;:;;,;� les,than 30 days from the dute the notice is dclivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> - . .,. `.� Security instrument. If Borrower fails ro pxy th�se sums prior to the expiration uf this period, Lender cnay invoke any remedies
<br /> permitted by this Securiry Instrument withr�ut further notice or demand on Borrnwcr. _
<br /> -- �' � 18. Bnrruwer's Rl�ht to Reinstate. If Aorrower meets cenain conditions, Borrower tihall have the right tci huve d
<br />� • ��� enforcement of this Sccurity Instrument di�continucd ut uny time pnor to thc rarlier uf. lu1 5 duys (or ruch c�ther pericxl as t.-•��
<br /> ' applicable law may spccify fur rcinstatemcnt) bcforo sulc of the Property pursuant to uny p��wer uf�ale runrrincJ in this
<br /> � � Securiry Instrumcnr,or(b) entry of a jud�mcnt enforcing this Sccurity Intitrument.Thosc conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays _
<br /> I.ender all sums which then wauld bc due andcr this Securiry Instrument and the Note as if no acceleraiion had occurred; (b) •,;,`
<br /> cures any default of any nther covenants or agrcements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Securiry Instrument. -
<br /> includin�, but not limited to,rcasonablc attorncyti' t'ces: and (d1 takcs tiuch uction ati Ixndcr may rcusonably requirc ro assurc
<br /> .,,,,;,°' � that thc lien of this Security Instrument, l,endcr'�rights in thc Property and Borrower's obli�ation to pay the sums scrured by
<br /> _�� + this Security Instrument shull continuc unchangcd. Upon rcinstatement by Borrower, this Sccurny Instrument and the
<br /> -�z_ ---___, � ohlieations secured herebv shall remain fully effective ati if no ucceleraticm had occurred. However, thi,right to reinstate shall,
<br /> ,� ��� � not apply in thc casc of acccicration undcr p.iragr.iph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of' niote; Chan�e of Luan Servicer. Thc Nutc or � partial interest in the Notc (togciher u•ith this Security�
<br /> Instrument)mxy be sold onc or nwre timrs without prior notire w Bvrrower. A salc may mtiult in a rhangc in thc entity(known
<br /> � us the"Loan Servicer")th3t collects rnunthly puyment�due under tl�e Notc und this Security Instrument.There ulso tnay bc one
<br /> � or morc rhangc+cif the I.oun Scrviccr unrelatcd to u sale uf the Nota [t'thcrc is ci rhunge of thc I.uan Sen•icer.Bormwer will be
<br /> given written notice of the chanbe in acccirdxnce with pur��ruph 1�3 ubove and upplirablc law. The notice�si 11 state the name and
<br /> • addres+of the new Lc�un�ervi�er and the addresti tu wh�ch paymcnts shuuld be mude. Thr notice will also cc�ntxin any uther ,
<br /> information rcyuiruf hy applirablc law.
<br /> Z0. Hai.urdous Substeners.Burruwer �hall nut cause or permit die presencc, uxe, di�posal. �tora�e,ur relc:�sc of any
<br /> � Hauwrdous Substant�ti on or in thc Property. Burruwrr �hall nut do, nur allow anyunc �I+e ti� do, anything al�fccting thc
<br /> - Praperry that iti in viulalion uf<oiy Environmrntal L�i�ti•. 'i'hc prcccding hvo ,cntcnces xh�Jl nat apply ro thc prctiencc, usc, or
<br /> storagc un thc Property��f �mull yuuntitics uf Haiarduu+Substanrcti that xrc gencrally rccognired t�> bc appropriate to normal
<br /> ' residcntial uses and tci maintcnance��f'the Property.
<br /> _ r�oo a o�a Farm 3028 9/90 +
<br />