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. W� . ' �•i',' . <br /> J• <br /> .. . ,� � � � '� ..S`..:�,:e,:. <br /> .. _._r.o� ���r _ ' ...-.....w.�.�'_' ._.._..•.�_ ...•!L.4.,...._............ - .�._...._..__..."_"'__�1.'_'_—.--..r.., rnr�-= �,.�„�.,;.�g��=. <br /> �` �J __. <br />.-.—=-._ . ..:�.. . _. <br /> " . '�•. Burrowcr shall promptly givc I..endcr writtcn noticc of any invcstigation, claim, dcmand, luwsuit or othcr nction by nny <br /> govcmmental or rcgulutury ugency or privatc party involving thc Property aud any Haznrd��us Suhstunce or Envirunmentul Law _ <br /> � of which Dorro�vcr has uctual knnwlcdge. If Rorrowcr Icarns, or i� nntificd by any governmental ar regulutury authnrity. Ihat <br /> any rcmoval�,r��thcr rcmcdiuticm uf any F��ir�rd�iu�Suhshuuc affccting thc Property is ncccssary. B�irru�vcr�.hall promptly tnl:c(� � <br /> � idl ncce,s�:ry remuliul artic�ns inaccordanre with Envirnnmentul Li►w. 'y <br /> As u,cd in thi� paragraph 20, "Haiardouti Subtitunccs" are�hosc suhstmiceti Jetincd us toxic ��r h;uardous substanccs hy� <br /> Envirunmental Luw und the folluwing +ubstnnces: gusuline, kerosene, other tlammablr ur [iixir petroleum product5, tux�c - <br /> !, pcsticidex and herbicidcs, volatile scilvcnts, matcriuls r�,muinin�usbestos ar formuldchydc, and rudiaacnve matenals. As used i - <br /> s this paragruph 20, "Environmemal Luw" nuanti fcdcral luws und laws of thc,jurindictian whcre the Property is lorutcd th� _ <br /> � � rclutc tc�health, safety or environmcnr.d protccticm. <br /> N�N-UNIPUItM CQVENANTS.Borrrn�•cr and Lcndcr furtlicr covcnant a►id agrcc us fi�llmvti: E <br /> _;����t,�� 21.Accelerntlon; Remeclie�. l.ender shAll�Glve�totice to Borrawer prlor to ucccleratiun Polluwin�;Horro�ser's brcuct Y <br /> - r oP uuy covenunt or ugreement In thls Securlty Instrument (but nut prtnr to �cceleratlon w�der parn�ruph 17 unle.�. _ <br /> ,;;,,�rj+f t upNllcuble Inw provides other�r(se). The notice shull specify�: (u) the defnult; (b) the actiun requtrcd to cure the defAUlt;�' - <br /> :,.;;,��� (c) u dute, not Iess than 30 days fram the dute the notice is�Iven to Borrower,by which the default must be cured;nnd e <br /> �, (d) thnt fnilure tu cure the detuult on c�r before the dute specified in the nottce muy resuR in ncceleraticm of the sums = <br /> ', � secured by this Security Instrument and sule��f the Prnperty. The notice shull further Inform I3orro�tier of the ri�ht to - <br /> reinstute after acceleration and tl�e ri�;ht tu bring a court action to ��ssert Yhe n�►n-existence of a defi�ult nr uny nther � <br /> �.� deFen�e of Horrower to uccelerntion und +ule. If the default Is not cured nn or bcfore the dute specified tn the nutice, <br /> �• � I.ender. ut lts option, may re�quire Immediute pAynient in full oP ull sums secured by this Scrurity Instrument without <br /> r furthcr dcnu�nd and mu}� invoke thc po�s�cr uf sule and uny other remedies permftted by applicable Ir�w. I,endcr�haU be <br /> entitled tr�cullKCt aU expenses incurred in pursuing the reuiedies provided in tBls puragt�aph 21, includi�t�,but noi limited <br /> . , � to, reasonnble Attorneys'fees and costs uf dtle evidence. <br /> IP the pmver aP sule Is invoked,Trustee shnll record A notice aP default in each county in which Any part of the <br /> �_ _:�� Property is I�cated and shall mnil copies of such nottce In the manner prescribed by Applicuble luw to Rorro�r•er und to <br /> ;.� ,, the other persons prescribed b}�appltcuble lak•. Aftcr thc dmc rcquircd by�applicable la�v,Trustee shal!give puhlic noticP . <br /> of sale tu the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable la�v. Trustce, without demand on Bo�rower, shall sell <br /> - the PropeMy aY public auction to the hl�hest bidder At the Hme und place und under the terms designated in the notice of <br /> sale In une or more parcels and ia�any order Trustee deternilnes.Trustee muy post�one sale of�II or any parcel of the __ <br /> '• '' i'roperty by publlc an�ouncement at the time und place of any prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee mny "" <br />=� "��" purchase the Property at any sale_ - <br /> _ Upon receipt of payment��f the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's d��ed conveyin�; the _ <br /> ' Property. The recitnls in the Trustee's deed shall be prima fncie evidence oP the truth of the statements made therefn. <br /> ''"�1� Trustee shnll npply the proceeds of tl�e sale in the followin�order:(A)to all costs and expenses of exercisin�the po�ver of <br />=•-� ' ' sule,and the sule,including the payment of the Trustee's fees uctually incurred,not to exceed�o f 5 0.0 0 o r � %a <br /> '��'"���.�' of the principal nmount of the note at the time uf the decluratlon of defnult, und reasonable attorneys' fees as permitted <br />-_;�sry by la+v; (b) to all sums secured by thls Secur[ty Instrumenh nnd(c) any excess to the person or persons Ic�nlly enNtled to <br /> ��• <br />- •- ii. <br />„''-,`� 2Z. Reconve ance. U on a ment of all sums securecl b this Securit Instrument, Lender shall re uest Trustee ta <br /> .-.,,�;,.•y, Y P P Y Y Y 9 <br />=��z�r+� reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrumcnt :�nd all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security <br /> ."`�'°�=`� Instrument to Trustee.Tru�tee shall reconvey the Property without warrunt,y and without charge to the person or persons legally <br /> �''��'l=�� cntiNcd to it.5uch person or penons shall pay any rccordation costs. <br />-��"-'�"""'�� 23. Substitutc Trustee. Lendcr,at its option, may from timc to time remove Trustee and appnint a successor trustee to <br />:-�..�.�.� <br /> `_---------- any Trustce appointed hereunderby an instrument recorded in thc county in which this Security Instrumrnt is rer,orded.Without <br /> — conveyanee of the Property, the successor tmstee shalt tiucceed to ull the title,power and dutics conferred upon Trustee herein <br /> - and by applicuble law. <br />___-��� 24.Request for Notices.Bonowcr rcqucsts th�t copies of the notices of default iind sale be sent to Borrower's address <br /> _��-,������ which is the Property Address. <br /> -- � 25.Riders to this Security Instiument. If onc or more ridcrs are exccuted by Borrower and recorded together with this <br /> ----��- _ Sc:curity Instrument,the cnvenants and agrecments of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement <br /> the cov�nnnts and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Instrument. <br />- _.___— (Chak applicable bux(es)� <br /> �Adjustable Rate Ridcr �Candominium Ridcr �I-4 Family Rider <br /> �Graduated f'aymcnt Ridcr �Plunnecl Unit Development Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider <br /> O$alloon Rider • �Rate Improvemet�t Rider 0 Second Home Rtder <br /> - -----�------- ❑V.A.Rider 0 Other(s)(specify] - <br /> - -Notice of llefault <br /> �- BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower acreptg and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and <br /> � <br />