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�s- , <br /> � <br /> ;� • <br /> r,y�, • . , _� <br /> �. . . <br /> .v,�,1�,,,,,,�x.,. � �J � ..._,yw,q�� �� <br /> ..i"s W...�� . . .. ... _-. '- -- - -...—....—..- - _ <br /> ' ... .. ..___..«..:��_.e.... ..... .. .... ... . . ...._.i_ ...---.......... ... .._` -------'--., .._ .. ..... r..a --. <br /> ----••.—-----1 W 11�i�.iW/V r?CA..-_ -.� <br /> � . Thc Fu��ds shull hc hcld in un institution whotic depcnits arc in�ured by a fedcrul a�tency, in�trumentality, ur entity ' •,-;.':��'� <br /> (including Lcndcr. if IAndcr is�urh un inshtutiani nr in any Fcdcr.d Hamc l.��un Bunk. l.cndcr,huU apply thc Funds a� pay thc •• <br /> F.srrow Itcm�. Ixndcr may ni�t rharga Rurruwrr litt huldin�; and .�pplyin�thc Funds.nnnually annlyiin�; thc rxrow nrruunL ur <br /> vcrifyfn� thr lium�v han+,unlc�� lxndcr payti l�urrowor intcrc�t on tlic FunJ�and applicahlc I�iw p�rntitti LenJ�r lu in:�kc tiu�h n <br /> � a churgc. Iluwc�•cr. I.cnder muy reyuire Burru�vrr lu pay u�mc-timc rhargc tiir an inilcpcnJcnt n�d cslut�tax rcp��rtin� xrvicc <br /> uuJ hy L�n�lcr in �unncrtiun wilh lhiy luan. tutlrsti �irplicahlr law pruaidc� ��Ihrrwi+e. Unlcys uu 7j;fL'l'I11CIlI iti tnadc ar <br /> .ipplic.thlc law rei�uirc,intcrc�t tn hc p.ii�l. L�:ndcr.hull iwt bc rcyuircd tu puy tiorruwrr any intcrest ur carnings on thc Funds. <br /> „ flurruwrr anJ I.cndcr m�rv ugrrc in writinp, hnwcvrr. th.0 intcr�tit,liull hr p�iid un thc Fund+. lxndcr +h�dl givc ta Hc,rrnwcr. <br /> withi�ut chargc,��n annual accuwuin�: ul lhc t�unds, sl�uwing crcditti and dcbit+ tu thc f�und� .tI1lI [I1C �Uf�1(1tiC fi)P WI11CIl CACII <br /> ., dcbit tu thc FunJ, �wu nr.idc. 'I'h�FunJ,:irc plcJgcd u�additiun:il scrurity for all tium��rrurcd by thiti Scrurity Instrument. <br /> If thr Ft1nd, held hy I.rndCr rxreed !he amnunl� rennitted t��hn c�ld hy applic;ihlc Inw. I.rndrr�hall ncruunt tu k3urrowcr <br /> li�r thc cxcc+� fund, in urcorJaurc with thc rryuir�nuntti uf.ippliruhlc lutiv. If'thc amuunt of thc 1'unds hclJ hy LcnJcr.0 any . <br /> tim� i,nut+uClici�nt In piry thc Etirruw Itcros whcn Jur,l,endcr mcry ti��iiutify Fiunawcr in writing, and. in such ru�r l�urrciwrr <br /> .•. :"� ,hall pay tu Lcndcr thc .unount ncr�,sary tu mal.r up thc dcliricury. I3urru�vrr,hull makc up thc Jrticionry in nn morc thun ,. <br /> .. . "` t��clv�monthly paymants,ut l.cndcr'�+ulc di�cretion. <br /> Upun puyment in t'ull ul'all ,um, �rrured hy this Serurity Insu•ument. l.endcr ,h:ill pr�nnptly rrf'und to Burn�wcr any .. <br /> Fun�l.hcld by l.cnder. If. un�ler paragraph?I. [.cndrr+hall ucquirr ur�rll thr Pri�perty. I.endrr.pric�r tc�ihr aryuitiitiun nr ,ulc <br /> . nf Utr Pm�nrty.�h�dl .���iy,iny Fund�heW hy I.cndcr at thr timc nl aryui,itinn ur�al�a� a crcdit againtit thr+unu�c�•urcd hy . `.`" <br /> thi,Srrw•ity [n>trument. "'-`- <br /> . �� 3.Appliciitioe�nP P►�ymc�lts. Unlc,ti applicahlr la���pr�,vidc,uthcr�rix. all paymcntY rrrci�•cd h�• l.cndrr unJcr p.iragraph, �'.�.�. <br /> I an�l �tihall bc applic:l: ffr�.t. te�:ts:}� pr�p:+��snrnl ct�:�ro��.dtte uitdr.r thr Nute: �er�mJ. tu umountti p.ryahle under para�raph 2: �'"' <br /> ' tlur d, �o intcrest duc; fuurt h, to principa l duc: un d luti t,m any la te c hargcs Juc un dcr t h e No tc. �',��"_� - <br /> 4.Chi�r�;es; I.tens. 8orrower tihull pay ull taxcs,assessmenty, rharges, tines and impu,ition+ attributablc[u the Property ��t_=__ <br /> ;� which ma nttain riurit ��ver thiti Securit Instrument, and IeaseholJ � ments or round ren►ti, if un , Borrower shall u �'"_`'- <br /> Y p Y Y P�Y � Y P Y <br /> �I thctic ubli�atiuns in the manner provideJ in paragruph 2,or if nut paEJ in that manner. Borrower,hull puy them un time Jirertly ----_ <br /> rto thc pcnon a�ecd paymrnt. Barra�eer shull pmmpQp furnish t« Lender ull notices of umi�unts to hr paid under this paragruph. ` �_ <br /> y 1(Bc�rrowcr make�these payment,Jirectly.Bc�n�o�ti•er shull promptly furnish to I�;nder receipts evidencing the paymenh. ,�;_-�__ <br /> � Bnrrrnver�hall prompdy discharge any lien which hus prioriry ovcr thiti Security Instrument unlc+s Bnrruwer. (:o:igrccs in �-._ <br /> ' �vritinE tn the payment c�f the ohliguNon sccured hy the lien in a tnatmer acceptahle to Lrnd�r: (h)contr,ts in g��ail faith the lien �� <br />_ � hy, ur defen�is aguintit enti�rremcnt of thc lirn in. Icgal proceedings which in thc L.endcr's opiniun uperatr to prcvent the _:`--'M'"�- <br /> enforccment uf the ficn; or Ir) ��rureti fr��m the hnlder of the lien im agrrrment+atisfact��ry tu l.cndrr tiuhordinating Ihe lien to <br />_ A�i, Scrurity I�istrumcnt. If LAndrr Jctermincs thut any part cif thc Property i, wMjcct to a lirn whirh may auain priority over �"°'°` <br /> this Security Insirument, l.cndcr may givc Ni�rruwcr u rnnirc identifyin� thc licn. Borruwer�hall s.uisFy thc licn or takc one ur <br /> morc uf thc uctinm,rt forth abovr within 10 da s uf the�iving uf noticc. ��,-y� '� <br /> • 5. Hazard or 1'ropertv Inswvnce. Borruwcr +h,dl kc�p the improvcm�nt+ now cxititing on c�rcafter crccted nn thc — <br />-� Prnperty insure� ugainst los, by firc, hazards includ�d within the tcrm 'cxtended coverage" and uny other hausrds, including - <br /> ' •• ,�, Ooi>ds or tlnc�din�, ti�r which Lcndcr rcquirc. insurancc. Thiti in,uruncc shall bc muintaincd in thc umounts unJ for thc pet•iods <br /> ��� that L.ender ccyuires. The insurancc rarricr providing thc insurance shaU bc rhosen by Borruwcr subjert to Lendcr'ti apprrnul <br /> �.• w..0 �. ... 1 .:�hh�l 1 f .ya.�r Pw�lc t�� m��nt��i r,�v�.ruon �In�_•rih��l ahnyi� �.�•tl(�PI'tl1AV :II I.L'IlliCl'�ti <br /> ... i'ruiC�i �uau iZCii w u�iii:iio:.��:ff:.;j ::. L. I B:):[.. ! . Q ...t,,,. . . - . <br /> option,obtain�rover3ge tn protert l.ender'�rights in the Propeny in accord:�nre with p�tragraFh 7. <br /> � ' All insurance policies and renewals shull be ucceptable to [.ender and shall inrlude u titandurd mortguge clause. Li;nder <br /> i;.i;: � �� shaU have the right to hold thc policies anJ renewals. If L.cndcr rcyuires, Borrowcr shall prc�mptly give to Lc.ndcr all rcccipts of <br /> ;r._r.�;,:.,•�.' paid premium�and renewal notices. In the event of luss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the inxurunce c�rrier and Lender. <br />=-�,,�.•.�•;;. Lender may rnake proof of loss if nut madc prompdy by gc�rrowcr. <br />-"`_.=� �, � Unlesti Lender und Borrowcr othenvice agrcc in writing,in�urunce procccds shall hc appliui to rescoration or repair of the <br /> �"�'`�'�.�'�,~ Property damaged,if the restoration or rcpair iti econumically I'ea�ihle and l.endcr'ti�erurity is not Iesxened. If the restaration or <br /> -���+'"� repair is not economirally fessiblc or Lendcr's scruricy wou1J be IesseneJ, the in�uranrc prueecds ,hull be applied to thc sums <br />=; ':' "�" secured by this Security [nstrument, whether or noc then duc, with any exress paid to Borrower. If Horruwer ubandons the <br />_t;,-•��-''`"'' � Propeny, or does not answer within 3Q days a noticc from Lcnder[hat the insurance currier hus offered to setdc a claim, thcn <br />����'�� ,,,�'�` Lender may collect thc insurance prcxecds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair ar restore the Property or ro pay tiums <br />�"'��''i�' secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not Ihen dur. Thr 30-Juy period will hegin when the nc�tice�s grven. <br /> �'-����' Unlcss Lender and Borro�ver utherwise agrce in w�ri[ing, any upplication of pracecds to principal shull not extend ��r <br /> y—,�,��� postpune the duc datc of thc monthly pa�•mentti ref'erred to in parngraphs I and 2 or changc the amount of[hc paymcnts. If <br /> -���R=�r�'�,�� under paragraph 21 the Propcny is acyuired by Lender,Horrower'ti right to�uiy inxurance policics anJ procceds resulttng from <br /> -°^•YS�.�� damage to the Property prior tu the acyuisition shall pass to Lender u�the extent of the tiums secured by this Security Instrument <br /> �"""`�` immediatcly prior to thc acquisition. <br /> �'�'`��� 6.Occupnncy.Preservation, hiaintenance und Protcrtion of the Property; Borrower's IA�an Appltcatiorv; Leaseholds. <br /> � ��='•�� Borrowcr shall occupy, establish,and use the Properry ati Borrower'ti prinripul residenre within�ixty duy,uRer the execution of <br /> -"`i�''`�''-� lhis Se�:urity Instrument and tihaU cuntinue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at leatit one ywr xfter _ <br /> _� '���� the date of uccupancy. unleti� Lender otherwise agrees in writuig, which canscnt ,hull nut be uiu�asonaNly willil�cld, ui unlcss r <br /> _ -- � extenuating circumstances cxist which are beyond Borrower'ti camrol. Borruwer �hall not destroy, damt�ge or impair die <br /> `��=f`'-= Property, allow thc Propcny t�i detcrioratc, or conunit waxtc un thr Prapcny. Borre���•cr shull bc in detiiult if uny ti�rfeiture � <br /> ' �'`f'�`'�' � action or proceeciing, whethcr civil c�r criminal, is begun that in LenJer's guud Caith judgment cuuld result in forfeiturc of the - <br /> '-�� �� � Propeny or otherwise materially impair the lien creatrd by thi�Sccurity Instrument or Lender's sec:uriry interes[. Borrower may <br /> � -'='-`�:: cure such a default anJ reinstiue.:�s proviJed in paragraph I R,hy causing the action or proceeJin�*ti�he Jismiti�ed u�ith a ruling _ <br /> _"��"4"=" � that, in Lendcr'ti gocxi fuith determination. precludrti forfciture ��f the Borrower's interost in the Pruperty cir uthcr material <br /> .;.�1> impairment uf�he lien rreated hy this Security In,trument ur Lendcr's sc�urity intcretit. Borrower shall xlsu bc in dcfault if '� <br /> Borrower,during thc laan applir�ition prcicr��,gave materially falsc or inacrur.�te infurmation or titatem�nt�to Lender tur failed E�c` <br />— , *�� to providc Lcnder with any matcrial inti�rmt�tiun)in connertiun with the loan evidcnced by thc Nute,ineluding, but�►cit limited t. __�-- <br /> ; to, reprcsentutinns concern�ng BurruN•er'�ucrupancy of the Proprrry ati a principal residence. If thi.Seruriry hi�trument is em a �r:_ <br /> , li::►tichuld, Borrowcr shull cumply with all thc provision� uf thc Icase. lf Borrowcr acyuires fcc title tci the Prupeny, thc ;�;,;__ <br /> -. � IeasehoW and the fec titic shull not mcrgr unlcss Lendcr agrces to thc mcrgcr in writing. �=�;=-��r_ <br /> . ,;,. 7.PivtccNon of l.endcr's Ni�;hts in thc Praperty.If B��rrcnvrr fuilti tv perfurm thc cuvcnants and agrccment�a�tuaincd in ���.;::��'�;_ <br />—. �% ' this Sccttrity lnstrumcnt. or thcrc is a Icgal procccding that may significantly affcct Lcndcr'� rights in thc Propeny (such ati a � <br /> ' roceedin in bankru tc. rubate. for rondemnation or fcirfciture or to enfc�ree law� ur re�ulation�), thcn LenSer ma do xnd ��-''��-- <br /> p @ P 'S', p b �' ���-,.��, <br /> • . .� pay tbr u�hatcver is necc+tiary to protcrt thr vciluc c�f'the Propcny and Lcndcr'� rights in thc Property. Lcndcr'�artiun+ muy ..,,;�;:,, <br /> :"''' ' includc paying ciny .ums ,ecurrxi by u licn which hati priurit�• uvcr thi, Sccurity In�trumcut, appraring in cuurt, pc►ying <br /> rcasonablc aunrncyti' fces and cntcring on thc Pruperty io makc rcpair.. Although Lrndrr may takc artiun undcr thi� paragr.iph <br /> '_-- /. LC11QC!(It�Cs n�tt ttuvC to uu tiu. ,- _ <br /> An}� unwunt� di�hur�cd by Lrndrr undcr thiti par.�graph 7 ,h,tll he.��mr :idditional drht of Bc�rrvwcr �crurrd hy this , <br /> 5crurity Intiirumcnt. Unlrs� Burmwcr xnJ [Andcr agrcc tu uthcr tcrms��t'pa}�mrnt, thc.c .unount� �hall hcar intcnst I'rum thc <br /> _ Jat� uf dishuncmcnt at thr Nutc rutc and tihall br payablc. with intcrctil, upun nutirr frum l.�ndcr ro Borruwrr rcyuc�ting <br /> payntcnt. <br /> S. R1oM�a�;e lnsurance.If LrnJer r�yuireJ murtgag� in�w���nce aa��ri,nditiun�,f making thc luan srrured b}�Ihi.5acurit�• <br /> Instrumrnt. Bnrrc�wcr shall pay thc prcmiumti reyuircJ tu maintain thr murtEagc in�uranrr in rffrrt. If. li,r xny rca,un, thc <br /> nu�rtg.{gc in,uranrc ru�•rra�c rcyuimd h}� Lcn�cr laptic+ur rcatirs tu bc in cCfcct. k3urruwrr+hall pay thr prrmium�rcyuirr�l to <br /> obtain cuvrrugc �uh,tamiall�• cyuiv,Qcnt tu thr nwrtgu�r imuranrc in rifrrt. at a ru>t wb�tamially cyuivalrm a, thc <br /> cost tu I3��rrow�r ��f Ihc mortgagr insurxnrr prr�•iuu�ly in rfli�ri. I'rum an aRcrnatc nwrtgagr inwrcr appruv�� hy Lcudcr. II <br /> „ . v„���„�n Form 3026 9190 <br /> - • � ' i <br /> : <br /> ---. ..... . . .. --- - ..._.._ .,._.. .�,._.._..------��-�- -- — ,—._._ ._.__.... ----- ----c,�:-- --- - <br />