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<br /> 02_��_1997 DEED OF TRUST Page 6
<br /> '• Lven No aszaos (Continued) �7., 1��381' �
<br /> { a I�validate eny ect done In response to such dotaull or pursuanl lo such nolico ol do1au11; nnd, no�wllhslflndlnfl Iho contlnunnco In � ��
<br /> possl�sslon of the Property or Ihe cdlocllon, �ecelpl and nppllcntion of ronls, Issuos or pro�ts,Truslee or Lnndor shell be onlllled to i
<br /> euesclso every riphl pioNded(or In the Nole or ihe Rolalod Dxuments or by lew upon Iho occurronce of any evenl ol defaull,Includiny Iho T c
<br /> rqht lo exercise the power o}snlo;
<br /> @) Commence�n actlon to foreclose thls Ooed of Trus!es a mortgage,appolnl a recolver or spocltically enforco nny o1 Iho covon3nls �
<br /> Mroof;and
<br /> � (c) Oc:lver to TruStc�C e�riHOn decleration of deleull end demand for salo end e wrllten no�Ce of de}null and elgCtlOn lo Ceu90 Truslor's .
<br /> Inlsr�st In tfi�Prop�rty to be aold, wNch noltce Trustee shall causA to bA duly filed tor recad in Ih0 approprlate omces of tha Caunty in
<br /> which lhe Property b located;snd �
<br /> (d) With raspect to all or any part d Ihe Per�onel Property,Lender shall have ell Ihe rtphfs and remedles of e socured perty under Iho +
<br /> lNbnske Unifam Commercini Code. �
<br /> I Forltlosure Dy Power of Sele. If Lenderelocis lo Iaeclose by exercise of the Power oi Sale horoln contnined,Lender shall notlty Trusloo and .
<br /> � shal d�poslt wlth Trusiee thts Deed of Trusl end the Note end such receipls and evidence ol expendilures made and socured by Ihis Deed o1 _
<br /> Trusl es Trusfee may requlro.
<br /> (e) Upon recelpt of such notke fromlender,Truslee shall cause to be recorded,published end deuvered to Trustor such Nol�e ol Deleull ,
<br /> md Nolfce ot Sate as then required by law a�d 6y thls Deed of Trusl. Trustee shall,wlthoul demend on Trustor,aRer 3uch time as may
<br /> Ihen be requlred by law and aNar recordahon of such Notico of Default and after Notica of Sela haNnO bcan givon n�requlrad by law,seli ,,��p�y�r•-..�
<br /> � Ihe Property et fhe time and plece ol Sale�xed by It In such Nolice o}Saie,elther as e whole, ar In separate lols or psrcols cr Ilnms es -.. _
<br /> Trusle9 shall deem expodlenl,and In such orda as II may delermine,et public auction to Ihe highest bldder tor cash In Iuwful money af
<br /> Iha United States p8yable al the time ot sale. Trustee shali deliver to such purcheser or purChesers Ihereot Ils pood and suMCient deed or --�—.
<br /> deeds conveying the propeAyr so sold,t�ui wlthaN r�ny covenani qr warranty,express or Implk�d. 7he reCitals In such deed ol any mallers - °•"�•A�c�---'
<br /> � a facis shell be conciusive proot G Ihe Iruthfuhes5 lhereof. Any person,Including wiihoul limiletion Trustor,Truslee,or Lender, may ,
<br /> ��_
<br /> pu�chase at such saia. ;
<br /> Y��„�: :;: -.-,,�
<br /> ' (b) As may be permiHed by law,eRer deductirp alt costs,tees and ezpenses o1 Trustee and of thls Trust,Inciudlnp costs ol evldence ot • r t••
<br /> Itla in Conneotlon with sate,Trustee shall flpply Ihe proceeds of sale to peymenl ot (I)ali suns exponded undAr the lerms ot this Deed of + '���"
<br /> Trust a under the terms ot ihe Note not ihen �epald,IncludinA but nol Iimited to accrued IMerest and lale cherges, pl)all other sums then � -
<br /> 68cured hereby,flnd (Iil)the remainder.If eny.to Ihe psrson or persons legelly entltled therelo.
<br /> •i:�":xn�'
<br /> (c) Trusteo mey In lhe manner provlded by iaw posipone saie of ail or any portion of the Property. �,'��`
<br /> R�mM�ai Not EuC1Ua1v0. Trustee end lender,snd each ot them,shall be enlltted to en}orce paymenl and pertormanco of any Indebtedness �ft�ril'�
<br /> �, or obYaallons s�curod by this Deed of Trust and to exerclsa s1i dghts and powers under fhis Deed of Trusl,under tho Nola,under eny o}Ihe _�
<br /> • Relebd DoCUments,or under any other egreement a eny laws now or hereafter In lorce; notwllhstancinfl,some or all ol such Indobledness
<br /> . ,'����; andoblipellons securod by Ihls Deed olTrusl may now or herearier be olhenxise secured,whelher by morigaqe,deed ot Irust.pindge,Ilan,
<br /> , � ,, �, assqnmenl or olherwise. Neilher Ihe aCCeptance oi INs Oeed ol Trusl nor Its enforcemenl,whether by court aclion or pureuunt to lhe power of �
<br /> + sale or olher powers Contatned In this Deed of Trosl, shait preJudice or In any manner aHect Trustee's or Lenders ripht to reallze upon or
<br /> enlaca any other security now a heroafler hald byTrustoe or Lender,Il being agreed that Trusiee and Lender,and each of them,shall be
<br /> = T � v.-��at tv erf��s ihY D63d o!Tsu�!�r..ari;c!h��::u!!;r.ow or herQSftQr hQ�ri F�y I an�laf nrTn�ctaa In cuch ordnr and manner es iheV or __ _ _
<br /> eitiwr of ihem may In thelr ebsolute disqetton determine. No rernedy conierred upon or reserved lo Trustee a Lender,Is Inlended to bo +'�r:-� .
<br /> . , y : exclusive of any other remedy In this Deed of Trust a by law provided or permitted,but each shatl be cumulailve and shail be In edditlon to � ' .
<br /> every other remedy plven in thls Deed of Trust a no++or herAaHer existing at law or in equity or by statule. Every power or remedy piven by Ihe . : i
<br /> � Nols or nny of lhe Related Documenis to Trustee or Lender or to whlch either ot lhem mey be otherw(se enlltled, may be exercised, � � :�; ,
<br /> � aoncurrenty or Independently,hom time lo time and as orien as may be deemed expedfent by Trustee a Lender,and either of Ihem may ` "'
<br /> pu�sue inconslstent remedies. Nolhlny N thls Deed ot Trust shall be construed us prohiblting Lender hom seekinq a deRctenoy Judgment '�..: i� .
<br /> „ a�l n s t t l a T r u s t o r t o l h a e x t e n t s u c h a C 9 o n i s p e r m l d e d b y l aw. r.y�:
<br /> � Requtst For MotkQ. Trustor,on behall ot Truslor Nd Lender,hereby requests ihal a copy ot any Nolice of Delault and a copy oi any Nol�e s�
<br /> � �. of S�b under thls Dsed of Trusl be ma►led to them al Ihe addresses set lorlh In the Brst paragraph ot thls Deed of T�ust.
<br /> � � ., • VYYr�Ebclion ot Remedles. A walver by any party ot s breach ot e provlslon ot this Deed ot Trust shall not consittute a walver ol or • � �
<br /> `,!:'�
<br /> pr�odiC�ths partf�s riphts otherwise to demand strkl compllanCe wllh that provision or any other provision. EieClion by Lender to pursue any �
<br /> °�' rem�dy ptovided in this Dsed of Trust.ihe Nole,In eny Related Document,or provided by law shall not exciude punuit o}any other remedy, i��'''y�r
<br /> + and in elrcHon to nuko sxpenditures a lo teke etEOn to peAorm an obllgalion of Trustor under ihls peed o}Trust etter fellure of Trustor to 7 i��•�
<br /> �• perlorm shnll not e(teCl Lender'a rlpht to dectare a deleufl end to exercise any ot its remedios. — ___
<br /> : • � Aflamey�'Fees;Enpenaes. if Lender Insqtules am sult or actlon lo enlorco any ol Ihe terms ol Ihis Deed ot Trusl,Lender shetl be entltled lo �._
<br /> d recovK such sum as the court may ad�udpe reasaiable as aHorneys'tees el tdal end on any appeal. Whether or not eny courl nCtion Is �,r,�_
<br /> � j Invdvsd,eN re�sonabb e�enses Inourted by Lender wh�h In Lender's opinion Are necessary al any time ta Ihe protecNon of Its Interest a Ihe =___
<br /> ' � enlaoement of tls rlphts sheli become a part ol!he Indebladness paysble on demand and shall bear Interesl at the Note rate from lhe dale ot —__
<br /> � � e�nditure unt{I repald. Expenses coverad by thlsparagreph Inciude,wilhout Ilmit�ti�n,however sub�ecl to any Ilmits under eppi!ceble law, _--_.
<br /> q Leider'�nttwneys'tees whether or not Ihere Is a kwsuli,Includtng attorneys'fees lor bankruplcy proceedings(including efforls to modity or
<br /> •• � L vaale eny nulomalio sley or InJunctlon�, eppealsend any enHclpatad posl-)udgment collec�on servtces, the cost of searching records, � �___ _ __T�s
<br /> ' T t obWnlnp tlfle reports(InCtuding lor6clowre reports►,surveyors'reporis,apprnlsal foes,Utle InswanCe,and lees tor the Trustee,fo the exlenl T - -°-
<br /> �' $ perMlted by applicabb Iaw. Trustor elsa will pay am coud costs,In addition lo all olhar sums provlded by law. �'�_ _
<br /> # Riphls ot Tvustl�. Trustee shall have e9 o41he righls and dutles of Lender as set forth In this secllon. ��,�
<br /> , � POWLA�AND OBLIQATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The tollawfng provlslons retafing to the powe►s and oblfgations ot Trustee are part ot thls Deed of
<br /> TNSt. �'.'�� Y .
<br /> � ' PowKS ot Tru�te�. In nddlHOn to all powem ot'TNStue arlsing es e mafter of law,Trusloe shaQ have the power to take the following acllons � :.�,�v�
<br /> wilh r�ap�ct to ttw Property upon the wiute�requesl oi Lender end Truslor: (a)Joln in preparirg and fiiing a map or ptat of lhe Real Property, . " _
<br /> • . " Indudl�p th9 dedlcation ot sirsets or olher Hphts to Uie public; (b)Joln in granling any easemsnt a crenting any rostriction on Ihe Roai Property; •
<br /> and(c)Jdn In any eubordinstion a other agreemenl nHectfng this Deed of Trust or.lho intorest al Lender under this Deed of Trust.
<br /> " . TNelee.7ruStee shall m08t ell qusliflce0ons requir�d for Trustee under eppilcable Inw. �n addidon to Ihe righls and remedles sel farlh ebove, • •
<br /> wl�respecl to all or ony parl o}the Property,Ihe Trustee shall have ihe dght to foraciose by nouce and sale,and Lender shal!hava the Mght to
<br /> forodose by Jud�tel toreclosure,in either Case In aocordnnce wllh and to the full extenl provided by appllcable law.
<br /> SuaCaeo►Tru6teE�. Lender,et Lender'6 opllon, mey hom tlme to Ilme appolnt a succsssor Truslee to any Trustee appolnled hereundor by nn
<br /> • imhurrNnt executed nnd acknowtedgod by Lendar and recorded In lhe ofHCO ot the recwder ol HALL County,Nebrnske. The fnstrumenl shatl ,
<br /> ' conldn,In addilion to all ot'r.ar melter�requlred by state lav�,ihe names of lhe oripinal Lender,Truslee,and Trustor,Ihe book and pupe(or
<br /> computer system tetorence)where this Deed of Trusl is recorded,and lhe name end addross al Ihe succeESw truslee,and Ihe instrumenl shall
<br /> be�xeouted nnd acknow{edped by all Ihe benoRclerles under Ihe Oeed of Trust or Ihelr successors in intarest. The successor trustee,wiihout .
<br /> camr�yance of Ihe Property,shBll 8ucceed to flll the Atle,powor,and dutles conferred upon Ihe Trustee in thls Oeed ot Trust and by eppllcabla
<br /> , la�.Thb pracedure fa sub�tituHon of Irustee ehall povern to tho exduslon of all other provisions lor subslllutfon. --
<br /> _-.- "._._ � ..���r��������ww���w ww�ww w�w��l�l� •��.���t��..�J���LV f���J�/T�..���L���L�1�...Jt�� ��..�.�l����\�...l�I�L�I�.YL �w.l�I��II
<br /> '-'""�"--"" � ItUt/{.CO �V tnva�vnwnvv�nc�rn�ncv.rn� im�a.o�nvm unovoavv. nua�ana��vou�m.n -. .-.. -
<br /> 7 R!r uw�vo w om.a v��mo�nwnu...o�o•.v a.w�. __�:._-__..--.-...-_
<br /> be att6C9vo where aCtuaily dolivarcd,or tvhon doposltod wlth n naffonally reCOgnlzed overnlpht courler,or,II malled,shali be deemed etteClivA when
<br /> . deposH�d in ihe Unitad Stnte9 msit flrsl Ctess,cerll�ed a replstered meil,postage prepeld,direcled lo the addresses shown nesr the bepinnlnp of
<br /> thfs Deed of Trust. Any parly inay chsnfle ils eddress lor notices under ihls Dead ol Trusl by giving Iormai wrlHen notk:e to lhe other perlies, �
<br /> Sp9City�q tFult Ihe purpose of the nol�e Is lochanpe ihBperty's flddrsss. Ail coplea oi notices of(aeclosure irom�he holder of any Ilon which has .
<br /> pAorityover iNs Deed o!Trusl shall bo senl lo Lender'snddress,es shown near Ihe beginning of Ihis Deed ol 7rust. For nolice purposes,Trustor
<br /> agreea lo keep Lender end Truslee Intormed et eu Iime9 0l Trustor's curren!eddress.
<br /> iMiSCflLiiHF0U3 PROVISIONB. 7tro IoliowlnB misceEaneous provlslons are a pa�t of Ihls Oeed of Trusl:
<br /> � �ANRdrt►enb. Th:s Oeed o}Trusl,toqoUter wilh eny Related Documenls,conslilulos Ihe enliro understnndinp flnd agreemoni of tho pnriles ss
<br /> � to Ih�matters Set torih In lhls Deed of Trusl. No e�eratlon of or amendmont to Ihis Deed ot Trust shali be elteclive unless glven fn writ�ng ond
<br /> Isqnad by tho party a parlbs soupht tobe charQed or bound by the alleratlon or am¢ndment.
<br /> I Applle�bia Law. This Deed of Tnist Aes been deavered to Lender end eccepted by Lendet In the Shle ot�Heb�e. Thie Deed ot Tru�t
<br /> ;
<br />