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<br /> • 02-21-9997 DEED OF TRUST Page 4 ' .-
<br /> Loen Mo 424005 (�ont�nued) 97�, �01�1 .
<br /> pnA of Ihe Indebtadnese eeaured by Ihls Deed of Trusl; (b)e epeclflo tex on Truslor whlch Truslor Is eulhorlLed Or requlred to deduCl from ;..
<br /> p�yrrNnls on ltw Indebt�dn�ss seaurad by IhIS type o1 Daed ol Trusl; (a)8 lex on Ihl9lypa ot Dood ot Trusi charpeable apelnst Ihe�endor or
<br /> Ih�hddw o}tha Notw end (d)� epeciffo!ex on flil or eny portlon o1 lhe Indebtodness or on peymants ol princlpal end Inter�sl mndo by ":
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> ' SubNqwnt Tute�. If any tax to wh�h thls secllon�pp!les Is enacted subsequent to Ihe dste ol Ints�eed of Trusi,lhls event shsll have the
<br /> s�rtN WkCI a�tn EwM of D�ttuit(as delined bNow),end Lender mey exercls��ny a ill of Its ovella0le romsd.�es la an Event ol Defaull es „
<br /> provid�d bNow unNss Trusta Nltwr (�)p��th1 fex before II bscomes delinquent,a (b)conleal�Ihe tuc�a provlded�bove In Ihe Taxes and
<br /> Llens eecflon�nd deposlb with Lender cash or a sufflclonf corporale suroty bond or olher securlly setlstac!ory to Lender. ' �`
<br /> SECURITY A(iREEW1ENT;FIHANCIHO STATEMENTB. The tollowlnQ proNslans relallnp lo lhls Qeed ol Tru91 os�security ayreemenl are a puA of
<br /> thl�DNd of Trusl.
<br /> � 81CtlAly AptMrttlnt. This Inatrumenf shetl con3lltule a security�proement to Ihe extenl tr►y ol the Property canslilutes 6�ctaes or other �
<br /> pM�orKl prop�vty,tnd Under thaN have�p of Ih�rlqhls of�aecured party under the Unl(orm Commerclal Code u emended hom Ilme lo
<br /> tltn�.
<br /> 81cWlty IniH�it. Upon r�quest by Lsnder,Trustor ahell execute Ananclnp et4tements end leke whatever olher actlon Is requested by Lender ,
<br /> to p�ri�ct�nd Contlnue Unders s�curity Inlereel In Ih�Rents end Pereonal Property. In addlNon to reoordlrp thls Deed ol Trtnl In the real � ,
<br /> , propKly ncords,L�nd�r rtu�y,al any Iime end Hilhout further euthorizalion hom Trusta,flb executed counterparts,copies or reproductlons o( . ,.:
<br /> thle Wsd ol Trust�s a Mmcinp stat�menL Tru34or eheil reimburse Lender tor ail expenses Incurted In pertectinp or conlinuinfl Ihis security �~"°
<br /> intsresl. Upon def�ult,Trustor shall essemble the Personal Praperty In e manner end el e tace roesonabl convenienl to Trustor�nd Lender w �
<br /> . and make II pvalleble to Lender wilhln ihroe(3) days ntter recelpt of wrlNen demand trom Lendor. Y � ����
<br /> + 4 Y4�.�i:�"_
<br /> Add�sues. The maitinp tddresses of Trustor(debta)and Lender (secured party),Mom which In(ormatlon concernlnp the secudty Interest -r°����,,,,__,,.
<br /> . flnMed by Ihis Oeed of Trust may be obtelned (eaCh es requlred by the UNtorm Commerclal Co�e),are as steled on lhe 8rst page of this Oeud ;'�'�'-_�-
<br /> ��-
<br /> ol Tntst.
<br /> FURTtER ASSURANCEB; AITORHEY�IH-FACT. fie topowlne provistons relaUnp to turther assurances end nitaney-In-lacl are e parf of Ihis .:;,.�.__
<br /> ' Deed W Trust. "-��
<br /> �,��.
<br /> 4 Fu�th�r MwrMfc�e. At tny tims,and irom time to time,upon request ot Lender,Trusta will meke,exeaute and dollver,a wlY cause ta be � -
<br /> ti mtdo,�xecutsd or delivered,to Lender or to Lendsrs designee, and when requesied by Lender, cause to be 111ed, recorded, refiMd, or
<br /> � � rereaorded,as the Case mey be,at euch tlm6s flnd In 6uch oHices and place9 es Lender may deem epproprla�9,any and el suC�mortpflyss, '"=�"•-
<br /> • �. � dYeds of trusl,seoudty deads,seaudly apreemenis,8nancing statemenls,contlnuadon statements,Instruments of furiher assuaRa,ceillACalas, .•�r�:`�
<br /> �nd Othe►doCUments es mt�y,lo the sde opinion ot Lender,be necessary or deslreble In order fo eHecluete,complato, porfect,confinue,w
<br /> prtservo (a)lhe obliQatlons ol Trusta undor lhe Note,Ihls Deed of Ttust,tind Ihe RelBted Documents,and (b)the Aens and seculty Intarests ,
<br /> croatad by this Oeed o(Trust on Ihe Property,whether now ownod or hereafter scqulrod by Trustor. Unless prohiblled by law ur oqre¢d to ihe �"'�
<br /> '�, cont n ry b y Lsnder In wd�r p,Trustnr shall reimburse Lender tor all cosis and expenses Incurred In connectlon wilh Ihe mellers roferted to In . �
<br /> Ihls ptraqnph. .�"`;�
<br /> � Adomey-ln-FaCt. It Trustor falN to do any of Ihs thinps reterted lo In Ihs precedinp perapnph,Lander mAy do so for tnd in Ihs ntm�ot �;�� .-
<br /> Trustot and at T�uttor��xpsns�. Fu such purposes,Trustw hereby Irtevocabty appoints Lender�s Trustor's�ttorneyHr�f�ct far Ihr purpos�
<br /> of makinp,sr.�cutirp. deMverirq,tfHrp,recadinp,nnd doing all other Ihlnps a8 mey be necessery or desirebb, In Lender'a sob opinlon,to '•
<br /> __,____ �ccomplbh the mntlers reMrred to In the precodlnp parngraph.• b `
<br /> FU.L PERFOAMANCE. If Truslor paya aq ths Indebtedness when dUe,and otherwlse peAorms all tho obliyations Imposed upon Truslu under thls -
<br /> r�. De�d of Trust, Under shaa ex4cule and deliver to Trusiee a request for tull reconveyance and shall execute and deliver to Truslor suitabla `
<br /> stntert»nb oi iermin�Hon of any Rnencinp stetemenl on file evldenclnp Lender's security Interesl in Ihe Rents and the Personal Propertyr. Any ' � "�.
<br /> ' reconveyance(ee requirod by 4w shuil be paid by Trustor,ll permltted by applicable tew. ,� �-
<br /> , � DEFAU.T. Each of lhe Idiowlnp,at the optlon ol Lender,shall consillule an evenl of delaull("Event o(DelaulP)under thls Oeed oI T�usl: .::
<br /> � OHaWt otllndsDtWnep.Fallure of Trusta to make any payment when due on the Indeblodness. •
<br /> F
<br /> � � 01fMiM on 0lhK Prymants. FaNuro of Tnrstor within the Iime requtred by thls Oeed of Trust to make any payment for faxe5 w Nsu�nce,Or ! ��
<br /> eny o1Mr peyrtMnt naCessary to pnvent Qllrp o}or to etlect discherpe of eny Ilen.
<br /> „ � CompNrfc�WhuH. F�Hure ot Truslor to comply w(Ih any olher lerm,oblipnlfon,covenant or condltlon contained In thls Dead of Trust,the
<br /> Not�or(n�ny ot tM Fislal�d Oxumenb. --�=��—v
<br /> F11M StatenNnt�.Any werranty,r�BpresentaHan a stetement mado a turnished to Lender by or on behalf ot Trusta under Ihla Oeed of Trust, ��*�
<br /> . 1M Nots or th�Retl:ed DoCUrtwnb b folse a misleadlnp In eny melerial respeCt,either now or at the time made a turnlshed. �
<br /> ..�
<br /> Dtfecflve Collatlt�izetlOn. This Deed of Trust w nny of the Related Documents ceases to 6e in Iuil torce and eNect(Inctudin�Ieliure ot any f ,::.-
<br /> � � coAat�tal dxuments to Create e vaiid and peRecled security Interesl or Ilen)at any Sime end for anyraeson. �_��_—
<br /> Onth or Iniofvency. The death of Truslor, the Insotvency of Trustor,ihe appolntment of e recelver lor eny part of Trusior's property,any '-
<br /> : �SSfpnm�n!for tM beneAl af crsditors, arry type of creditor workout,or the commencement ol any pra,�eedinp under eny btnkruptcy or ��`r'�
<br /> Insolwncy I�ws by a apNnst Trustor. °--
<br /> - - 5 FO►eC10N1►s,FOrtNtu��,OtC. COmmencemenl Af foreClosure or foAefluro proceadings,whether by Judblal proceeding,selt-hetp,repossession ��.��w.��_—
<br /> ••� . • a tiny othor matNod,by ltny creditor of Tnrtor or by eny qovommontal egonoy apain;t any of th�Proporty. Hoelow�r,ih►s sub^�.eNOn sh��!not ---, -__—_-
<br /> �y ,.� �ppty In th��wnl of a pood falth dlsputo by Trusta es to the valldity pr reasonableness of tho clalm which Is ihe basls of Ihe faeclosure a
<br />�"- faslYituro procesdlnp,proNded lhal Trusla qives Lender wdften not�e of such dalm and furnishes resorves or e eurety bond lor the ctalm �=�=�
<br /> :�.. ::'. xtlsf�ctory to Und�r.
<br /> ,,. C &�sCh of Olhlr AprNnMnt. Any breach by Trustor under the lerms of any other eyroement betwesn Trustor and Lender that is not remedied —_-- _ _
<br />- wI1Mn�ny qraa p�rlod qroNd�d thKetn.Inciudinp wilhout Ilmitation any apreement concfxninp any Indebted��ss or other obli�atlon of Trustor ��,�;�„�,.;�
<br /> ,. �_ to L.�ndK�wh�thK ucbHnp now or I�ler. --�-------� �,
<br /> . i
<br /> • Evsnb Atteotlnp Quanntor. Any of lhe precediny events occurs wilh respect b eny Gusrentor ol any o}the Indebtedness or eny(3uarantor ,:�;;r; , �i�'`
<br /> � da a b�comss InCOmpetent,a revokes a dls�utes the validity of,or Iiablllty under,any Civaranty ot the Indebtedness. Lender,it its opllon, " ..,, .,�..°;
<br /> m�y,buf stuia not be rnqulrod to, mR the usrantor's estate to assumo uncondltloneil the obtl atfons arisl under Ihe uaren In a '�`'wi�'.`s,•�=-�•.: -� �
<br /> P� Y 9 n4 9 h ..h.,�ta,,..c • -
<br /> ' mtnn�r satfsfactory to Lender,and,In ddnp so,cure the Event of Oafault. �"�;,;�.��,:;, ,t`� -
<br /> Iniecurlty. lsnder In pood taith desms itseB insecure. �,�°.��,���t....
<br /> ExlstJnp Indebtldnesf. A detault ahall oCCUr uncler any Existinp Indebtedness or under any Insirumenl on tho Property secuH�p any Exislinp � •
<br /> . Ind�bledness,or commencement of any sult or olher ection to torectose eny existing Iien on Ihe Property. ' � = .
<br /> Riphf to Curo. if such e failure Is curabk and II Trustor hes not been piven e not�e of a breach ot the same provislon of Ihls Ceed oi Trust , ' , , �
<br /> ' vAthln the precedlnp twelve(12)monlhs.il may be cured(and no Event oi Oetauii wlil heve occurred)if Yrustor,aRer Lender sends w�llten
<br /> �, notkv demtndlnp cure ol such faliure: (a)cures tho ialNre wtthln tttleen(16)days;or (b)It the cure requlres mae ihan 8fteen (t6)days, �,,;��
<br /> ' Immedlatety Initlates step�suMcient to Cttre the Iallure end therea8er continues end completes all rensonable end neccrssary stops sutflclenl lo
<br />- producs compllenc�ae soon es reasonabty pracl�al. �
<br /> - -- � RI�M3 AND REYEDIES AN DEFAILT. Unnn!he or�urtunca e}anv Evonl ef DataWt and al anv tim�thAranfl�r.TruaW or Londar.a!Its ention. -- --- - _ --
<br /> 3 _. . . . -_ _�- - - _
<br /> muy uce�ciss any orn a maro ot the foltowinp itphts end romedles,In edditlon lo any other rlphls or remedles provided by law:
<br />�� � ACCNN'litlon Upon Dlf�ulh Additionel Aemadles. 11 nny Avent of defnuli oceurs as per Ihe terms ot Iha Note socured horeby,Lendor may �
<br /> . declars aA Indebtednesa secured by fhls Oeed ot Tnisl to be due end payabie and the same shall Ihereupon become due and peyable wlthout
<br />- �ny prvssnlmeM,demand,protest or noNce of eny kind. Thereafler,Lender may:
<br /> � (e) Ellher In person or by npent,wllh o�wflhout bringing any eatlon or procseding,or by a recelver eppointed by e coud and without '
<br /> ropaird to tho 4dequaCy of Its sxudty,enter upon and take possesslon of the Property,or any part Ihereol,in Ils own name a In ihe name
<br /> - ot Trustee,and do eny acts wh�h It deems necessary or deslrQble to pre90rve lhe veiue,marketablllly or rentflbllily of the PropsRly,or part
<br /> ' of the Properly or Interest in the Properry;increaso the Income trom the Property ar protect the secudty of Ihe Property;end.wuh or wlihoul
<br /> - tflkinp possession ol lhe PropOrly,sue fc:r or otherwise collact tho rents,lssues and proflts ol the Properry, Including Ihose Dast due and �
<br /> � • urspnid,end epply the same,less cosis end e�enses of operatfon and collectlon,Inciuding ettorneys'tees, to&ny IndebtodnBSS secured „
<br /> � " by ihis Deed of Trusl,ell In such ordar as Lnnder may determine. The entering upon and teking possesslon ol lho Property,Ne Collectlon
<br /> ; of such renta,Issues and profits,end Ihe appllcatlon ihereof shall not cure or wnlvo any defaWl or nolice of delault under Ihis Doed of Trust
<br /> : � , �
<br /> ' y �u�
<br />- � . .
<br /> I • _ �
<br />