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<br /> 0�-�1-10�7 DEED OF TRUST Papa 6 ��:�-
<br /> Lo�n No�1�4008 (Continued) ��►,,, 1p13l9�
<br /> - i RIAI�����CS� .,
<br /> M�oN h�poYSrn�d by MW conetru�d In�ccordenc�wtll�IM fewe of the St�ts of Nehraake,
<br /> „ pra�d�p�p�a T ucj����In Ihb OMd of Trust u�fa canwnbnco purpose�only nnd ere no!to be iised to Interpret a deflne lhe
<br />� MNOIr. ZMrw thaM b�np rt�ol Ih�Iniwasl a Nktr u►e�tad by lhb pe�d al7rusl wlth tny olhsr Interal a�state In IIH Prop�rty�1 nny
<br /> NrrN hNd bp ov fa tfN MnMt of L�ndu In�ny capulty,wlihouf Ih�w�tem consenl ol Lender.
<br /> � , MuN1PM PIAIW, AM oW{p�NqrN ol Tru11a unde IhN DNd ol T�ul1 t1wN b�jdnl and t�wral,tnd�N nh►nneK lo Trusta thaM mNn sach�nd
<br /> �wry Trusbr, TN�munf tlut wCh of ih�Darow�n etqnlrg bNow h respornlbk la MI obNp�NOne In Ih!s DNd af 7rus1.
<br /> `� B�YK�biiiry, il�caurl of core�pN�nt Jurlsdlotlon And��ny prpvhton of Ihh DNd of Trusl lo h�Invalld or uMnforcwbb as lo ony psreon a
<br /> ' p ckicunNlarab 9ucb Ilndlnp ttwll nol rondM Ihnl prov{�lon InvaHd a un�ntorcKbk�e to any othu p�rtor►s a ckcumttanca. If fMSlbk,any
<br /> euch pM�n4rp provhlo���h�N bf dMm�d t0 b�mtdiMd to bs►Nihln tl»Ilmlb of enforce�b�ily a vatldity;howwer,II Ihe oHmdinp proNslon
<br /> .. .,.:+►-�""` cannol bw lo mafMsd,N tt►�M b��Mckln and tq other provlslona Of lhh Deed of Trust In aR other rrtspecl�sheN nrrqln viNd and�nfaceabla.
<br /> '°'""'"''��' MuaMOr1 Mld MNyn�. SubJwl lo Ih�Ymitations etated In Ihls Deed o1 Trust on tnns(er of Trusla'0 InlK�1,Ihls Oeed ol Trust shtil be
<br /> bindn0 tKWn wnd Intx�fo ih�b�nafll of Ih�pMly,lhetr eucc�ssas tnd esslpne. II ownebhlp ol th�Prop�rty bocam�s v�sled In� person `: •
<br /> . ; an«rnah TrtHior, l�ndM, wifhoul noNc� lo Trwlw, mrp dNl wilh Trutbr's tucc�aton wHh r�tw�ncv fo thh Owd ol Trust �nd ih� �.'
<br /> � � Indeble�nele by wey ot forbearance or axlenston without rotspsinp Trusfa trom tha obl{poilans of Ihls D�d of Trusl a IIObI11ty under Iho ___._
<br /> IndW11dn111.
<br /> �. TMM�1�df I�F�MeC�. TirrN h W tM�nc;�In Ih�p�lamanc�of lhh DMd of Trusi. �-`=
<br /> , c-,-
<br /> WfMWf�aA1 ConNnt�. UntJ�r th1tN not b�dMmW to luve w�ivod tnb riphls und�r lhb DNd of Tru�t(or undM fh�R�IaIW DoaslrsHnts) R::-°
<br /> �,� uMM�Iuch w�lwr M In w�1Nnp and alpn�d by L�nd�r. No dstay a omisslon on IM p�rl o}L�ndor In�x�rct�lnp any rlpht sh�M op�r�t���•
<br /> � w�WM of suCh rlphl a Yny otMr ttphf.A walwr by tny p�rly of�provls�on of Ihh Desd of Trusl ehdl nol constiluN�wdwr ot a gn�udlc�ths �-`�
<br />;- p�Ay/o r10M ofh�rwF�to d�rrµnd aMcl compli�nc�wllh tful provlslon or�ny other provlslon, No pria w�iver by LincNr,na any caurse ot �,:-
<br />- W�Irp bMvNn L�nd�r and Trusta,sh�N conaUluta a wtlwer of �ny of Lender'e rlphts a any o}Trustor'e obHpalions as to�ny luture '`=
<br /> ' h+ua�ct`ora. WMnsver conserd by lenc►x b requ!red In Ihh�eed ot Trusf,ih3 pranlirtp uf saah cortrant by Londcr In any Instance s1uN nat
<br /> . coraMlul�conHnulrp cons�nl to eubsequenl Instanc�s wherl6uch consent is raqulred.
<br /> �'"~:.
<br />- ' �: W�hr�r olfbnNNNd kx�mptfon. Trustor Mrsby rsN�seemd walvea ell riphls and benefiu of tM hameatetd ex�mptfon lawa oi Ih�Slito of ---
<br /> N�bnska u to�N Indebt�dnesa secured by Ihis�eed al'Q'rusl. �`:::.
<br /> ' TERMS. _
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