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<br /> � 'Pro�eda')In connectlon with condemnatlon or other teking of ihe Property or pert thereof,or for conveyance In Ileu ol cantlemnation. ��
<br /> ' Lender shall bo ontitiod At Its option to commenca,appear In and prosecuta In Its own namo any actlon or procaedinp9, and shell c�iso ,
<br /> �� be entitted to mabce any compromise or settlement In connacllon wlth such taking or demage.In the event any portlon ol tho Property!e '
<br /> so taken or damaged, Lender shall have the optlon In iis sole end ubsoiute dir�:retfon, to apply all euch proceeda, after deduciing
<br /> thereirom ali costs end expensea Incurred by It In connection wfth such Proceeds,upon any indebtednesa secured hereby end In euch
<br /> order as Lender may determine,or to apply all euch ProcRede,efter euch deductlona,to the reatoration of the Property upon such con-
<br /> dltiona ae Lemler may dete►mine.Any application of Proceeds to Indebtednesa shail not extond or poatpone the due date ot any pay
<br /> ments under tho Note,or cure any deteuit thereunder or hereunder.Any unappllod funds ahall be pald to Trustor.
<br /> 8.t�ar7orna�co Isy Lcnd.e. Upon the occurronce of un Evont of Dofault horoundor,or If any Acx Is lnkon or Icgal prc3ceading
<br /> �• ; commenced which matedaliy aNects Lendere Interest In the Property,Lender may in ite own diecretion,but withouY obllgatbn to do so,
<br /> -� and wlthout nopce to or c�emand upan Trustor and wNhout releaeing Truator irom any obllgation,do any act which Trustor has egreed
<br /> ,,,,..«�% ' but falled to do snd may also do any other act It deems neceseary to protect the security hereoi.Trustor shAll. Immedatety upon
<br /> .,...�cor• demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all coats and oxpensea incurred and suma expsnded by Lender In c�nnecdon wilh the axer-
<br /> alse by Lender of the foregotng righte,together wfth Interest thereon at tho detault rate provided in the Note,whlch shall be added to
<br /> • the indebtedness secured heroby.Lender ahall not Incur any Ilablllty because of anything(t may do or omtt to do hereunder. �
<br /> 9. Herardow Materlels.7rustor shail keep the Properly In compllance wlth ali appltcabie lawa,ord►nancea and regulationa
<br /> � relating to Industrial hygiene or environmental protectbn (collectively referred to herein as"Environmentel Laws'). Tmstorshall keep '�%`=�-
<br /> the Property free trom all substances depmed te be hazardou�or toxlc under ary Envfranmsntal i�wa(caltactively refa�ed 4o hsrain ' •��i'
<br /> _� as"Hazardous Materlals').Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on or under the - �y"----
<br /> • ' Property.Trustor hereby agrees to indemnity and hotd harrnless Lender,Its directors,officere,employeea ar�d agents,end any succes• �'�'�
<br /> sors to Lendera interest,from and ayainst any end all clalma, damapea,Iossea and Iiabllities adsing In connsction wilh the presence, ��`�.
<br /> � � use,disposal or transport of any Hazardous Matedals on. under,irom or about the Property.THE FOHECiOINCi WARRr1NTIES AND -
<br />� � ' � 10.AsslpnmeM�ot Rsnts.Trustor hereby aselgns to Lender,end grsnts Lender e securfty Interest in,all present future and i•,�'='.
<br /> �•s.
<br /> " after aris(ng rents,issues and profits of the Properiy; provtded that Trustor shall,untli the occurrence oi an Event of Detault,hereunder, ' '
<br /> , have the ripht to�ollect and retaln such rents,issues and profits es they 6ecome due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of �'`°"""`
<br /> Detautt,Lenc9er may,either in person or by agent,with or withnut bringing any actlon ar proc$eding,or by a receiver appolnted by a � T:
<br /> court and without regard to the adequacy oi Its secu�ity,anter upon and take possession of the Property,or any paR thereof,in Ite own ����r�`
<br /> •� name or in the nams of the Trustee,and do any scts whlch it deems necessary or desireble to preserve the value,merketablllty or r
<br /> rentabfliry of the Pro�erty,or uny part thereof or interest thereln,or to Increase the inwme therefrom or protect the security hareof and,
<br /> with or without tak(ng possesslon of the Property,oue for or otFienvise collect the rents,issues and praflts thereof,Including those past �'=�
<br /> � due and unpald,by notfiying tenante to make paymento to Lender.Lender may eppty rents,Issues and proi(te,less costs and expens- _-'�
<br /> ea of operation and collection including attomey's fees,ta any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lendsr may deter-
<br /> mine.The entedng upon and taking possesslon of the Property,tho colleation of such rents, issues and AroTite, and the eppllcaUon
<br /> ' thereof as aforesaid ehall not cure nr waive any defisull o�rrotice oi default hereunder or invatidate any act done(n responsg to such
<br /> . default or pursuant to such notice of default and, notwithatanding the continuance In possesslors of the property or the collection,
<br /> recolpt and applicatlon of renta,issues or proflts,Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every rlght provided tor in any of the
<br /> ' Loan Instruments or by iaw upon occurrence of�ny Event of Default,Including without Iimitadon the dght to exercise the powe�ot sale.
<br />•_�:;:�!.=,' • Further,Lender's rights and remedles under this paragraph ehall be cumulative with,and in no way a Iimitetion on, Lenderadghta artd
<br /> remedles under ariy assignment of leases and rents recorded against the Property.Lender,Truatee and the recelver shall be Itable to
<br /> ;�+�Y� �•''- accaunt only for those rents actually received.
<br /> _ ,R=:"-�=��r 11.Event�of Defaul�The foilowing shall canatiNte an Event of Default under this Deed ot Trust:
<br /> `-`'�'���€,; (a)Failure to pay any Instsliment ot principal or interest oi any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> _=�•�"��� � (b)A breach oi or defautt under any provision contained In the Note,this Deod oi Trust,any of the Loan inaVurnenLs,ar any
<br />���^''•�;�"' other Ilen or encumbrance upon the PropeAy;
<br />- >-��;��,,,_ ' (c)A w�it ot oxecutlon or attachment or any simllar process shali be entered egainst Trustor which shall become a Ilen on
<br />_.._ °..,�.:=: -i:'f�
<br /> _.4--.;:��,� the Property or any portlon thareof or interest therein;
<br />-�•-rK;'�:�`�:���;� (d)Thare ehall be flted by or against Trusioror Borrower an actlon under eny present or future federal,state or other atetute,
<br /> .;-,.;_.��_�-���g� law or regulatlon relating to bankrupicy,i�isolvency or other reilef tor debtors;or there shall be appnfnted any trustee,receiver or
<br /> -�-�TM=�.� liquidator oi Trustor or Bonower or of aIl or any pa�t of the Property,or the rents,(ssues or proflts thereof,or Trustor a Borrower
<br /> _._-.�...V„r
<br /> -�•.�ye�-' : shall make any general aesignment for the bonefit of creditors;
<br /> (e)The sale,transfer, lease, essignment.conveyance or fuRher encumbrance of ail or any part ot or any tnterest In the
<br /> -_��'�'�"�!'•�" � Properiy,eithor volun�►rily or involuntartly,wi4hou2 the express wdtten consent of�ender,provided that Tn�storahailbe perrnit- - �
<br /> -:.<,�:� �� ted to oxecute a lease of the Propertyr that does nct Contain an cptlon to purchase end the term of whtch does noE ezceed one —
<br />_ .-.:��,:,. year,
<br /> -�`'-.,� (�Abandonment oi the Property;or
<br /> ,,,w,���,�, (g)It Trustor Is not an fndividual,the issuance. sale,transfer,assignmeni,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(if a
<br /> __�;�?` �� corporatlon)a total of peraent of Ma issued and outstanding stock, or(If a partnershlp)a total of per-
<br /> ''�"?�°�� cent of partner�hip interests,or(if a Iimited liab�iry company)a total of percent of the Ilmited Ilab9ily compa-
<br /> �'7t;�'?�','��,�,� : ny interests or voUng�ights during the period thla Deed of Trust remaina a Ilen on the property.
<br />`•��'��'• `" �� 12.Remediea;Accsteratlon Upon Default. In the euent of any�vent oi Detauit Lender may,without notice except es required -
<br /> _ - � - . by law,declare alt indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupan becnme due end payable with-
<br /> ''
<br /> � out any presentmsnt,demand,protost or notice of ersy klnd.Thereafter Lender may: �-_---
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Tmetse shail thereafter cause Trustor's Inter-
<br /> s
<br /> est In the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be dlstributod,all In the manner provided in tho Nebraska Trust�eeds Act; '=�==�=
<br /> 3 (b) Exercise any and all rights provided for In eny of the Loan Instn�ments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Q-�=•�_�--
<br /> : 1 Deiauik end ''�;;,:
<br /> t (c)Commence an action to foreciosa this Oeed of Trust as a mortgage,appofnt s recefver,or specitically entorce any af the ',����
<br /> �. covenants hereof. .,. °}��'
<br /> � - No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be exclusive o}any other romedy hereln,in the Loan ��
<br /> Instruments or by law provided or permitted,but each shal l be cumulative,shall be In additlon to every other remedy gfven hereunder, .�'��
<br /> � � ` In the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at law or In equity or by stntute,and may be exercised concurrently,Ind�pendently �
<br /> .�°
<br /> ----:__ -____ orr.u�sivalv. �
<br /> , �__ _z_,_
<br /> - �� 13.T�ust��.The Trustee may rosign at any time without cause,and Lender may at any time and without causo appoint a suc- "
<br /> cessor or substftute Trustee.Trustee shail not be Ilabie to any party, Includinc�without ilmitetion Lender, Borrower,Trustor ar any pur- �•
<br /> . chaser of the Property,for any loss or damage unless due to reckless or wllltul misconduct,and shail not be requlred to talce any actlon '
<br /> in connectlon with the enforoement ot thla Deed of Trust unleas Indemnifled, In writing,for ail costs,compensatton or expenses which
<br /> , may bo associatad therewith.In addition,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale ot tho Properiyr Qudicial or under the power o}
<br /> sale granted herefn);postpone the sale of all or any podion of 4he Properry,as provided by law;or sell the Property es a x7iole,or In
<br /> , separate parceis or lots at Trustea's discretfon.
<br /> 14.Fset and Fatpenses.In the event Truetee solls the property by exercise of power of eale,Tn�steo shall be entitled to apply
<br /> any eale proceeds first to payment o}all costs aRd expenses ot exercising power of sale, including all Trustee's foes.and Londer's and
<br /> Trusteo's attomey`s tees, actually Incurred to extent permitted by appllcablv law. In tho evant Bonower or Trustor exercises any right
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event of Default,Lendor�hell be entitled to recover trom Tn�stor alt costs and expenses actual�y incurrod as
<br /> a result of Trustor's detault Including without Ilmitation all Trustee's and aflorney's tees,to the extent permitted by applksble law.
<br /> ib.Futzra Advances. Upon request of Borrower. Lender may, et its option,make addqlonal and tuture edvancesand read-
<br /> vances to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with intereat thereon,shall be secured by thts need of Trus4.At no Ysme shall tho
<br /> �
<br /> • .
<br />