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<br /> „ - ' 26th �eb• ,18 97 byandamong� ,P.,:.-
<br /> � THIS DEED OF TRUS7,la mnde ae of the_ day oi -_
<br /> � _ � 6teven W ftYan 8 Ki�berly S Ryan , t�unt�and and wife . � ��1"'"-
<br /> � t he Tru s t o r, ran a an e - \G�-'�:;_
<br /> , riarwoo v
<br /> - . �,r (herein'Trusto",whetheroneormore), � �'�`-''
<br /> � whose mailing addresa Is_ -_
<br /> theTrustoa Five Points Bank, a Nebraska Corporation _ -
<br /> , P.O. Hox 15U1 Orand lsland, Nt 6d8U2 (hereln"Trustee"),and -"`
<br /> whose maliing address Is _
<br /> Five Points Bank �:,:_
<br />- the Beneflclary, ��,
<br /> �U1S N. broadwel l Grand Ialand, Nt. 688Q2-15Q7 �hereln"Lende�'). =�:;-
<br /> .�
<br /> whose mailing address Is even yan ��°
<br /> -. � •• FOCi VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Including I.enders extenslon of credlt identified heroln to _
<br /> & Ki�berlv 5 Nyan
<br />: � (hereln"Borrower;whether one or more)and tho truat hereln created,the recelpt
<br /> � ' ot whlch is hereby acknowtedged,Treistor hereby Irrevocably grants,tranafers,conveys and asslgns to Truatee,IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> � • � POW ER OF SALE,for the beneflt and securlty of Lender,under and subJect to the tertns and condttlons heret�after set forth,the resl
<br /> = ', " property descrtbed as tollows:
<br /> a;:-,
<br /> � Lot Twenty (20), Block Two (2). Brentwood Subdivision.
<br /> ��`;� ' City of Grand Island, Hal1 County, Nebraska
<br />��,�;; � �•.
<br /> y�"•,�F�� Together wlth ell bulldings,Improvoments,tixtures,streets,alleys,passageways,essementa,rlghts,privllegea and appurtenances
<br /> - ` tocated thereon or In anywlse pertalning thereto,and lhe rents,Issues and proflte, revarslons anrl remalnders thereof,and such par-
<br /> -- �"�``' sonal property that Is attached to the Improvements so es to conaUtute a flxture,Inctuding,but not Ilmlted to,hoatlrtg and cooling equlp-
<br /> �'�'��'�' ment;and together wlth the homestead or marltal Intersats,If any,whlch Interests are hereby released and walved;atl ot whlch,Inctud-
<br /> - `"`�`:"`' Ing replacements and addttlons thereto,Is hereby declared to be a pait of the real estate secured by the Ifen ot thls Deed of Trust and
<br />?;"��:-��;,z •• - all of the foregoing being reterred to hereln as tha"Propert�.
<br /> �,�;�=,;,� Thls Deed of Tnast shell�ecure(a)�t�et�ay�e�;of the prindpal sum and Interest evldenced�i n�rq��or���t�or credlt agree-
<br />----^--�-n�«� mont dated F e ruar�+ ,having a matudty dute of •
<br />�„°��;��"+� 5,035.50
<br />�'�"���� In the origlnal pdnclpal amount ot$ ,and any and atl modlficatlons,extenslons and renewals
<br />-��� theroof or thereto and any and all iuture advances and readvances to Borrower(or any ot them if more than one)he�eunder pursuant
<br /> ----��� to one or more promfssory notes or credit agreements(herein called"Note"); (b)the payment of other sums advanced by Lender to
<br /> — protect the secudty of the Note;(c)the perfortnanae ot aIl covenants and agreements ot Trustor set forth hereln;and(d)all present and
<br /> - --���--�� tuiure Indebtr�dness and obllgatlons o4 Borrower(or any oi them;f more than one)to Lersd�r whether dlrect,Indlrect,ebsotute or contln-
<br /> ____�::�: ��: gent and whether a�ising by nole,guaranry,overdraft or othorv:lso.The Note,thls Dcnd of 1'n.ist and any end ell othe�documents that �
<br /> ��-e3=_�_^�d secure the Note or otherwlse oxecuted In connectlon therewlth, lncludtng wlthout Ilmitatlon guarantees, socurlty agreemente and
<br /> -�' ;.'�' asslgnmente ot leases and rents,shall be reterred to herefn as the"Loan Instruments',
<br />- - ��' Trustor coven�nts and agroes with Lender as tollowo:
<br />�...o`�'�''::"�•��
<br /> _�=��_�-�:� 1, p�yment of Ind�btedn�ss.All Indebtednesa secured hereby shall be pald when due.
<br />���"`����=� � 2. Tltle.Trustor la the owner of the Properry,has the rlght and authorlty to convey the Property,and warrants that the Ilen creat-
<br />-.r�pa '` � ed hereby Is e first and prlor Ilen on the Property,except for Ilens and encumbrances set torth by Trustor In w�iUng and dellvered to
<br /> "'�-= ' Lender before executlon of thls Deed of Trust,and the executlon and�ellvery ot thle Deed of Trust does not vlolato any contract or
<br />-;.;,.�•� ' ��t other obligatlon to whlch Trustor Is subJect.
<br /> ?;`' ; � 3.T�x�s,Assessments.To pay before dellnquency alt taxes,speclat assesaments and all other charges agalnsi the Property►
<br /> ;�,;;'� � now or hereafter levled. -
<br />- a.Inturanc�.To keep the Properly Insured agafnst damege by firo,hazards Inctuded wlthln the tenn"extended coverage",and _
<br />- � such hazards as Lender may requlre.In amounts and wlth companles accspteble to Lender,naming Lender as an addiUonal rtamed
<br /> = Incured, wlth loss payabte to the Lender. In.case of loss under such pollcles,the Lender la authodzad to adJust,collect and compro- �
<br /> _ � �,� miso,all clalms thereunder and shal� have the optlon of apptying all or part of the insurance proceeds(I�to sny Indebtednoss secured �
<br /> � hereby end In such order as Lender may detertnlne,pq to the Trustor to be used for the repafr or restoraUon of the Property or(III)tor ",
<br /> ' any other purposo or object satistactory to Lender wfthout affecting the Ilen of this Qeed of Trust for the full amount secured hersby
<br />- ,�r�r�� � betore such payment ever took place.Any appllcatlans of proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date ot any
<br /> ��`� -_�__ oavments under the Note,or cure an�default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> .. __. __-___ .. �__��'��...�....t�...s�e e..HL�innt �
<br /> -___-__.____.___.�__ . .
<br /> _ � 5, E�crow.Upon w�itten demand by LenCer,7rustee s�ali pay io isnder, in sucn ntniu�oP da�o.n.o���.a�..o.�.y�......,....••.-.-••-
<br /> ` � • sums to enable Lender to pay as thoy become due one or more of the following:(q eIl texes,assessments and other charges ayalnst
<br /> �. � the Property,(II)the premlums on tNe property tnsurance requlred hereunder,(Ili)the premlums on any mortgage Insurance requlred by
<br /> - Lender.
<br />- 8. Nlelntenance, Repaln and Compllence wfth Lawa.Trustor shall keep the Property In good condltlon and repalr; shalt
<br /> prompUy repalr,or reptsce any Improvement whlch may be dan�aged or destroyed;shall not commit or permit any waste or detertora-
<br /> tion of tho Property;shall not remove,domollsh or substantlally alter any of tho Improvemente on th�Property;shall not commft,sutter
<br /> � or pertnit eny act to he done In or upon the Proporly In vlolatlon of any law,ordlnance,or reguletlon;and shall pay and promptty dls-
<br /> '� charge at Trustors cost end expense all Ilens,encumbrancos and charges levled,Imposed or acceased agalnst the PropeAy or any
<br /> part thereo}.
<br /> 7. Etrolnent Qomaln.Lender f�hereby esslgned all compensaUon,awards. damages and other payments or rellof(h9relnafter
<br />_ ' Necs�s���.ro»mn...a�s
<br /> OtYMNrnWMr4dCtxYnraTnrrd8rvfn71WOWwn.ltro�n.N�trWU ' � . }
<br /> !
<br /> , '._—_'_' . ' I .�YII�'
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