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<br /> principal amount of the Indebtedness securod by thls Deod of Truat,not Includina suma advanced to protect the security oi thia Daod of ,
<br /> Trust,exceed the orlginal principal arnount eteted heroln,or$� ,whlchovor lo greater.
<br /> 18.Mlocellunooue Provlelo�s. + • „
<br /> (a)Borcower Not Released.Extonalon o}the ilrne(or payment or modilicallon of amortlzatlon of the oums secured by this
<br /> tionod,and without aHecting the Ilen or charge o}thla Deed of Truat upon any partion ot tho Property not then or tharetofore
<br /> ' released as security far the full amount of all unpald obilgatlons,Lander mny,Irom tlmo to timo and without notice(I)releese
<br /> any person so ilable,((i)oxtend the maturlty or elter any o1 tho torR�s o1 any euch abllpellone,(III)prant other Indulgences,(iv)
<br /> release or convoy,or causs to be released or reconveyed at any tlme nl Lender'e optlon any perael, partion or eli of the
<br /> � Property,(v)take or release any other or additlonal securlty or reconveyod nt any tlma at l.onder'o optlon any parcel,portlon or
<br /> all of tha�roparty,(vi)Yake or releaso any othor or uddltlonnl cccurlty tor any obllpation horoln montlonod,or(vij mako compa
<br /> ' sftions of other arrangements with debtora In relatlon thereto. �
<br /> . . (b)Londer's Powers.Without atfecttng the Ilabllity o}sny other pereon Ilablo for Iho{�nymont ot any obllpatlon hereln men-
<br /> °���" tioned,and without aftecting the Uen or chargu oi thla Deed of Truat upon any por►lon o1 Iho PropeNy not then or theretoforo
<br /> • "' reteased as securitj for the 4ull arnount o}all unpald obllgatlona,Lender mey,from Itmq to tlme and wlthout notice(I)release .
<br /> any person eo Ilable,(II)extend the maturity or alter any o}the terme of any such obllgatione,(III)grant other Indutgences,(iv)
<br /> release or convey,or causs to bu relensc�d or reconveyed at any tlme nt Lender'e optlon any parr.el, portlon or ull of the ••
<br /> Property,(v)take or release any other or additlonal security or reconveyed et eny tlma at Lender'e optlon any parcel,portion or
<br /> ail of the Property,(vi)tske or release any oiher or additlonal security lor any oblipatlon hereln mentloned,or(vll)make compo•
<br /> • s(tlons oi other arrangements with debtors in relatlon thereto. ' _
<br /> � (c)Farbearence by Lendar Not a Walver.Any torbeeranco by Lensier In exercising any rlght or remady hureunder,or oth- , -
<br /> ' �` erwise aiforded by appllcable law,ehall noi be a waiver ot or precludo tho exerCise of nny guch rlpM or remedy.The procure- -:��.:±1:
<br /> � ment of Msurance or the payment of taxea or other Ilena or charges by Lender shall not be a walver or Lender'e right to acceler- ;ri"�.
<br /> ;.,�' ate the msturity of the indebtednesa secured by thls Deed of Truet __3«�
<br /> � (d)Succeasore end A�signs 8ound;Jolnt and SswrN LI�bUIty;C�pdon�.The covenante and agreements here(n con- �..
<br /> �••�'± tained shall bind, end the ri�hte hereunder ahall Inure to,ihe respective successore and aealgna of Lender end Trustor.All —
<br /> covenants and agreements of Truator ehali be Jolnt and several.The captlone end hoadlnps o}tho parnprapha ol this Deed of �"f''�
<br /> �,,.=-�._
<br /> • . � Trust are for convenlAnce ant artd are not to be used to inte ret or define the rovlslone hsreal. ��-�-.
<br /> Y �P p �-�..-
<br /> � � (e)Requeat foe Noticee. The partles hereby request that a copy of any notice of default hareunder and a copy of eny notice �:yu_
<br /> . of sale hereunder he malled to each party to this Dead of Trust at the addreas set forth above In the manner prescribed by �;,.__-
<br /> •• applicabte law.Except tor any other notice required under eppSicabto law to be glven In another manner,any notice provlded for —_
<br /> •� :,� fn this Deed of Trust shall be given by melling euch notice by certlfied mall addreasod ro the other partlee,at lhe addresa set ��-��-
<br />- torth above.Any noNce provided for In this Deed oi Trust shall be ettective upon matilnp In the manner deelflnpted hereln. If �`'W--
<br /> Trustor is more than one person,notice oent to the addreas set bRh above shall be notica to ell such pereon9. ==__--
<br /> � (�Inspectlon.Lender may make or cause to ba made roasonable entrlea upon and Inapectlone of the Property,provlded __
<br /> that Lender shail give TNator notice prfor to any s�ch inspectlon specl(yi�p reasonabte cauae therefor related to Lenders Inter =_
<br /> est in the Property. -
<br /> . (g)Rsconveyance.Upon payment ot all aums oocured by thls Deed o}Truat, Lendor shall requoat Trustes to reconvey the
<br /> Properly and ehall aurrender this Deed of Trust and alt notea evidencing Indebtedness seaured by thla Qeal of Truat to
<br />- Truatee.Trustee shail reconvey the PropeRy,withaut warrenry end wunout cnerpe to tne person iepaiiy eniifiad inereio.Tn,sivr
<br /> ' shail pay ali coats or recordatlon,if any.
<br /> � (h) Psnonal Proporty; Security Agreement.As additlonal security tor the psyment of the NoYs,Truator hereby prante
<br /> Lender under the Nebraeka UNlam Commerclal Code a secunty Intereat In all tixturea,equlpment,end other p�reonal property
<br /> . used in connection with the �eal estete or improvements located thereon,and not otherwlse declared or deemad to be s part of
<br />- the real estate secured hereby,Thle instrument shall be canstrued ea a Securiry Apreemen4 under eald Cod�,�nd the Lender
<br /> - . , shall have�II the dghts and remedies of a secured paRy under sald Code in additlon to tNe riphb and r�m�dN�under thlr
<br /> 3,...;. �.,. .;� paragreph shall be cumulstive with,and In no way a Iimitatlon on,Lender's rlQhts and remediea under any othsr�urtty�pne�
<br />-- ment signed by Borrower or Tmstar.
<br />- (q Llens and Encumbrances.Trustor hereby warrante and represente Ihat there le no detault under ths provlslon�ot Any
<br /> - � " •�-x mortgage,deed of trust,lease or purchase cantract describing ell or any paR of the PropaRy,or olher contr�ot,Instrument or
<br /> ;`'��'� :;�.t' agr�ment constltuting a Ile�or encumbrance against all or any part of the Properly(collectively,"Uena"),mxlltlnp u of the
<br /> �,i date of thia Deed o}Tn�st,and that any and all exlating Llens remaln unmodifled except ee discloaed to Lender In Tru�tor�wrlt-
<br /> �`��-``"` ten disoiosure of Ilena end encumbrances provided for he►eln. Truator ehall timsly p�r(orm dl ot Trustor'r obllpatlon�,
<br />�''`�`5's``�'!� covenants,representaUons snd warrantiea under any and all exlating and tutura Liena,ehell promptly torwerd to LsntNrcop1�f
<br />�;;��-=*��� oi all notices of default seM fn co�nection with any and all exisNng or tuture Llens,end shall not without t.endet'e prlor wdtt�n
<br />-_;:��-�tt� - consent in any manner modify the provislons ot or allow any tuture advancea under any exlatlnp or futuro Ibnf.
<br /> ay��y,,*.° ; Q)Applicatlons ot P�yrnmta.Unlesa otherwlse requlred by law,svms paid to Lender hersundsr,Includinp wtthout ImRe•
<br /> L;�;•t;�;� tion paymsnts of principal a�d Interest,Insurance proceeds,condemnatlon proceede and rente and prolib,�hall bs�pplled by
<br />�'.". �`Fw,�- +. Lender to the emounts due and owing trom Trustor and barrower In such order es Lender in Its tols dl�retfon de�ms d�sir•
<br />��,;;�a.,... e�le. ----
<br /> z�+M��;. (k)�vera�itity.It any provlsion of this Deed ot Trust conflicte with applicablo�aw or is dectared lnvalid or otherwl�s unsm --
<br /> `"":?�`<�° forceabta,such con(Iict or Invelidtty shall not affect the other provislons of thla Deed of Truat or the Note whfch can bs plvan
<br /> _�.��="' e8ect without the confllcUng provislon,and to thts end the provislons of thls Deed oi Truet and the Note ure dsciared to bs rsv
<br />'��'��_,. � erable.
<br />�"`�1 �;N�,�.
<br />�.,x�. �. (I)Tsrms.The terma"1'ruato�'and"Borrow��'shall include both singular flnd plurel,end when the Truator end Borrowsr er�
<br /> 2�-���.�._';..., the same perc�on(s),those terms as uaed In thla Deed o}Truat shall be InterchangeAble.
<br /> ; c- . (m)Governlrtg Lew.This Deed oi Trust ahail be govemed by the laws of the State of Nebraske.
<br /> C .
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<br /> -..�. `!�Y--
<br />_-. Trustor has executed this Deed of TNSt as of the date wdtten above. -�
<br /> _ � ��, _ -
<br /> : :,��
<br /> _� D �������.l.�/!�- //7: /�/'Q'y"' _ . ;, _
<br /> - ; --_ __- Trustnr Truatnr _ �_ .
<br /> . -.- teven W Ryan , Husbanl� - �
<br /> - ~ Ki�berly Ryan , Wife Truotor T�uetar �
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<br /> :7 ' .
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