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<br /> � 3. Effect on QthQr �ecuritv. All real eetate mortgr�ges,
<br /> dead of trust, asaiqnments �tid security agreemen�s heretofore or
<br /> concurren�ly herowith to be granted eliall rema in in full �orce
<br /> } and eff�ct to the ext�bit �zot incanoietent witli thia Deed of T�:uet
<br /> • Modi,fcicai:ioi3 Agieeneiit and sliall COI�C�.11l10 ara secuaftcy fcor
<br /> �orrowers remaining indebtneae previouely existing until such sum
<br /> ` `:� ahall be gaid, as well as ar�►y fu�ure indebtednees owing from �`-
<br /> �� Horro�ex to..the Lender for futur� advances and renewals in ���-
<br /> ;,,,�,,,,,,,,,;.�� reepoct:1��0�all suma owing irom Horrower to Zender. �
<br /> a
<br /> , : 9, a,,,d�ionai�ocunientat�. Borrower f urther covenantv to -__
<br /> � k '� and v�i.th Lender that Horrow�r shall, and wi11, at any time, now
<br /> or later, upon request, make, do, exectite and deli.ver all such �
<br /> further and other acts, de�ds and th�.ngs as sl�all be reasonably
<br /> required to effectuate the inteiitiort oE thi� Deed of Truat
<br /> � . Modification Agreement and to inaure and confirm to the Lender
<br /> � all and s ingular the pxoperty, securities and rights desci ibecd,
<br /> and intended to be conveyed, as security eo as to render the �
<br /> � same, and all por�ions, whether naw owned or later acquired,
<br /> � sub�ect to these terms, provisions and conditions aacording to
<br /> �•� the �LUe intent and purposes expressed.
<br /> y:
<br /> ���''�� 5. t�alve�. The failure of the Lender, at any time, to
<br /> • � • require the performance by the Borrower of any of these terme,
<br />=�� covenants and agreements ahall, in no way, af�ect its rights to
<br /> �yx�� "� enforce the same; nor the waiver by tlie Lender of any breach of
<br />'-�;�Y
<br /> ;�,; ..,� any term, convenant or agroement be taken or held to be a waiver
<br /> -. � � ;. of anv aucceedin4 breach of any such term, covenant or agreement,
<br /> :_•,�,�;;k• ar as a waiver of the term, convenant and Agreement itself.
<br />_ "�.1L.).
<br />. - �+-.� �i'1
<br /> �e�:,�':�°,;,�� IN WITNESS W�lEREOF, th� unds � gned hava ed thie Daed
<br /> ��s��`=`a af Trust Modif ication Agreemen on the d f x t no ed above.
<br /> . __,:.
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<br />� Pamela . P
<br /> __----.= --= ►�Sorrower��
<br /> _� By �
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<br /> STAT$ OE N�BRASKA )
<br /> ) as:
<br /> --= COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> --�—' The foregoing Deed o� Trust Modifica�ion Agreement was
<br />-- -__�;m� acknowledged before me this a, s��� day of Februar , 199? by
<br /> �, ,,,,�,� RANDY L. POmAJZI. ANU PAmELA K. PUmAJZAL, husban and w e �
<br /> �`",��
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<br /> -... ,�����:. 3TATE OF NEBRASKA ) ���IMI'�MN ---
<br /> ' )es: �1►Owa1�l►Mr.1,iN1
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<br /> �`�°=z=='° r.ntrrJmv nr. unT.r. 1 --
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<br /> Y�r�� acknowledgedebef.oieDmcdthisTrust(�od�a�ioftion Agreement wasi99�, ��;.:'
<br /> ::,. .
<br /> _ by ��-c�: > K K�, �� ��,�,� , l,�'��1'� �sidvhi of Home Fedei al Savings ��
<br /> � .�', y and Loan Association of Grand is].and, a Eederall.y chartered
<br /> " savings and loan associatioi�, on , ehalf of the a sociation.
<br /> - �l�M11101��M�i Ne�ns1� � � .. , 'f t �, v.� .
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<br /> �„ �p�,�liSi�c N�t •y Public
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