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<br /> • EXHIBIT A ,��—���3��
<br /> ,,
<br /> � � n •t�nncr ot� �nm, cuns•iusti+n n rn�rr or sr•,c•rioi� �ruiTi�•rr —i+iu�•. . �'
<br /> � ' (?.9) '1'UI�USIIII' �LL•:V�N (l.t), IIUII'fll, IIANCI's NIIJL•' (9), uL3'1'OI'
<br /> , � 'l•IIL•' G'PII ('.fl., IIALL f:OUN'PY, II�U�tA31(A, AIJD tiUlll: Phlt'1'ICUL,AIILY "
<br /> �3 I)I:SCIIIDGi) A� FOI.i,nu3: Uiir,IUi�Ii�a A'1' A YOIN7' OItC '1'1I0U3All�
<br /> '1'lI1tGL•' IIUt7Ultl'.0 '1'uL'N1'Y I�IVL•; ANA �LVtiN '1'LI!'1'll3 (1,325 •7) Pli�'1'
<br /> "�"`� 174ST ANU '1'WO 1'IIQUSAUU l�LVi; IIUIlI)ItI.0 l�0ll'1'Y-'1'IIIIEL•' nNU'I'Iill�►'Y
<br /> . .. . ; -SCVCN IIUNpIIL•'U'1'll3 (2,5'�3•37) Fl:l!'l' SouT'II oF ;It� IiUtl'I'lIL•'n,','1'
<br /> ' COfiIIClt 0� Snib SGC'1'i011 '1'�•�I3N'1'Y-NIIII, (2)); TI16NCf ItUUNLtIG � -
<br /> • IILS'1'litiLY �1 DI3'1'11IlCC Of UIJL•' 'tII0U3i111U 'PNU IIUIIUtiLD ^a I%'PY
<br /> • (1,260.0) 1�CI':1' '1�0 A Pniil�P O�d �191L Cns'1'L•tiLY LINE Ot' TnG S'1'. �'r;
<br /> • JOSGPII unnr�cit or TIII: Ut1i01� FACIrIC ITAILIIOAU COIiPANY, ;,N.17 —
<br /> POINT UEINO '1910 'I'lIDU5A1�lU rIVli IIUIfD�f:U TIII(11'Y-NIIIL AIID 7'llltliG °�'--
<br /> 'PL•"N'fIIS �?,539•3) I'f•:G'1' SOU'1'll 01' TIIG IJOIITII LINC 0� ShII� �,_.
<br /> ' � EL'C7'ION TWGI�'1'Y-I�IIlC (27); '1'l1�IICC 11UIItII110 �OU1'UGIILY ALUI70 E_<<
<br /> 3AIU I1I011'1'-Ol�-•t7AY LINL � UYSTANCG OG SIX IIUNDIl�U 'f11LLVE �'-
<br /> !� . Al1U l'IVL' 1'L•'II'1'lIS (L12.5) PL•'L•"1'; T1IGWCE RUilNIWU L'!►STGRLY Q'��
<br /> ' ;S � AiIU PANALLLL '1'0 1'lIL•' ADOVL•" L•'Au'1'-tiL"S'1' LINC A UzSTANCL• O1� �-�
<br /> "„ '" ONI"s '1'IIOUSiIiIU I�IVIi 11NU 'PWO 1'IiN'1'l15 (1,005.2) 1'rL"P; 7.'lllilJCL -�-
<br /> • 1�IVL' TL•'N'fllS (�00.5) PIiL•:'P; 79lCNCG JlUHI1xIi0 LAS1'L'11LY A
<br /> � UIS'1'AFiCC OC '1'WO IIUNUIIIip 1'I1T1'Y AND IiICIIT TCN'19IS (2 50.(1) -
<br /> r ' CI:C'f p 7'lll'sNCC IiUNN111U NUII'1'llliltLY n l�i::'C:IiCG OF '1'IIIR'1'Y-'1'�70 ___
<br /> �`'. (32.0) l�liC1' '1'0 '1'IIG POill'1' OR [iL•OINIJiI:U, I'sXCLPTIN� 7'lllifZL•-
<br /> ; FflOtd A CI:RTAIII 79ihC'1' OI� LAI�U ULl'UGD '1'0 '19fL; CI'PY OI'OItA11U _'
<br /> IaLA1JU, 1lCUIlASICA, 'i'Illi SAI1G A9 Itf;COt1DGU IH UL'CD �001( 172
<br /> �a' fAOC h0U Iti 79ILS OIrFICI; Otr Il1;QISTLR OP ULCU"u, IiALL COUN'[Y,
<br /> AND
<br /> •� !
<br />_� ;,i n crnct of iand ioca'ted in 'thu tioucnwcasc uuarcar oi ciie °
<br /> . NorthrtesC Quarter (swi/A Htii/4) of Section Twenty-tiine
<br /> (29), Townsl�ip Elaven (il) Horth, Range Nine (9), West oE
<br /> the 6th P.bt., ilall County, Nabraska, and pore
<br /> � • pnr.ticularly describad as follows: To ascertain trie
<br /> _� ` � point of boqinning, commonao at the Northaast cornor of
<br /> �:;-i�;y.•�� • Seotion Twenty-P:ine (29), Township Eloven (11) North,
<br /> ";`;.-+�;��:. Rango Nine (9), tiest o� the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br /> - �'�;��,;; Nobraskai thenco running west on the north line on eaid
<br /> �-�-��-Y"�'"•: Section Twenty-tiine (29) �or u diatanea oP One Thoueand
<br /> _.:e:�rtt...� ,
<br /> �. ,?,�t� f� Three Hundred Twenty-Fivo and Sevon Tenths (1,725.7) feat
<br /> ..-,- to the northaast corner of the Northwest Quarter of tlae
<br /> _`•.�•:ar j t�� Northennt Quartnr (NWl/4 N81/4) o! said Seatlon Twenty-
<br /> __<,�:,�,,,,� . Hine (29); thonca runaing eouth on the east linc oi tho
<br /> -"��'"-`� • Hn�t Half ot tho Northeaat QuaXter (Wi/2 NEi/4) oY enau
<br /> �• '��'� � ewtioh Tw�nty-Nina (29) for a diotence o! Tao Thouennd
<br /> °�"'"4=�'��� Fiva Fiundred Forty-Three and Thizty-Seven Hundredtho
<br />= ��'".�� (2,5d3.77) faet to tho northea�t cornor o! n tract ot
<br /> ...�:e�v_7}.ag . lend aonveyed to Jon F. Luebs recordad in the Regi�ter oP
<br /> _=;�,,,,,.�, Daaas Otfice o! I►all County, Nebraskn, in Deed Hook 161
<br />'-""''::.��. et Paq� 571, being tha actual point o! beginningt thence
<br /> -�;i;;.u�,� oontiinuing Bonth on the atoredoscribed oourse ior a
<br /> --��*-� • dSetnncs of Thirty-Two (72) foati �ttenca delloctl.ng right
<br /> --�''�' and running aest on a lino parnllel to Ch�s north line o! , -.
<br />-,,.�•��s� eaid traat ot land recorded in Deod Book 161 at Yoqe 5`rl E
<br /> _���j��� por a distance of Tao Ftundred Ninaty and Four-Tnnths _
<br /> (290.4) feeti thencu dallacting rioht and xunning north Y
<br /> � � on a line parallel to the enst line ot the West Flalt ot =
<br /> `��'�� the Hortheae� Quurter (w]./2 NGl/4) oP esaid :ection
<br /> "�"":5�:3'" � Twenty-ttine (29) tor n distnnce�of Thirty-Two (12) faet
<br /> °� � � Co the north line ot snid tract of land recorded in Dc3ed
<br /> ""� Sook 161 at Faga 571t thenee deflecting right and running =
<br /> - .,..,�y..,
<br /> ene� on the north line of caid tract of land racorded in _
<br /> �� Doud Book 161 at Paqe 571 !or a dicstance of T�+o Hundred . _�,
<br /> - Ninety and Tour Tenths (290.4) faet to tha actual po3nt �.
<br /> ot beginning, except the F.ast• Thlrty Three (3]) feet
<br />- inethefCltycofiGrandaIslandthila116County.�Nebraslca,S treet •
<br /> -_ ' � 'F..
<br />= . c3.
<br /> _ � �+4 -
<br /> � � - 15. ..�� _
<br /> - ..'__ . _-_._;_� ^.-- .. ..-...—.....,�...-�..
<br /> �...---.__—�___"__^__. r. ""'___'_..�__•-•......e-.�..«a;a�pq�s-� . . ' ..
<br /> ..^ . . . - . .. W -
<br /> _ ; ,. _ .. • -•`•., ..
<br /> i,a'
<br /> x .. 4 ;.w� . .,
<br /> .. � .�, . . •• . . • .
<br /> � •
<br /> � � � - � .. _ _ . __ _- _._.
<br />