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<br /> e ���TAUST�flA3�z�T_.�Q� acRE�MENT ... '- _
<br /> � ` (Variable Rate ta Fixed) �P :�;;
<br /> H � ON AGREEtdENT made and executed � �_�-
<br /> �liis .�`�f� daY o� Februar , 199?, bY and between \a �
<br /> t�' PA�1ELA K. POmAJZL husband and wife '` _
<br /> � hereinafter referred to as "Borrower" , and HOME FEDERAL SAVZN(3S
<br /> ANn LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLANA, hereinafter referred to as
<br /> � � ` ��Lender." .
<br /> WITNE9SETH:
<br /> �' WIIEREAS, Borrower did execute a certain Ad�ustable Rate Note
<br /> -j� payable to the order ot the Lender in the total original amount
<br /> of ,Z!�0 HURDREp FIF1'Y TIjOl1SAND AND NO/100------�Dollars (� 250��� %
<br /> ' the Note described above wae secuie� �y a 8��� ^f .
<br /> WHEREAS,
<br /> Trust with Adjustable Rate RideH dLted County Register of1Deeds
<br /> � record in the Offiae of the
<br />� 0l1 Novemher 5 , 1992, as Documellt No. 92-109623
<br />��� ' ' T' � i.n reepect to that real estate deacribed ae:
<br /> ".`_°S • •�• See Attachment Exhibit °A"
<br />�`�T . ��.�,�.y'
<br />' .,
<br /> i°;" ;.
<br /> ,�.:..' .
<br />"�.�_� ;',w".�
<br />�'��:° wHEItEAS, Barrnwer hae requested that interest be converted
<br /> --�-N".�-----
<br /> ��'�-�-�--`Y4� to a fixed rate rAther than the variable rate specified by suc
<br /> —_�_�_K�.�
<br /> � -.�, � � Deed of Trust with Adjustable Rate Rider and �hat the state
<br />=�=���'' maturity date be also hereby modified;
<br /> �`u i:as.
<br /> -`�'=-`-�` �JHEREAS, �L.ender is wi111ng to convert suc�hchaDa�id1ofrTrust - -
<br /> —�-y�"�" ��� loan intio a fixed rate lo�n ta be secured by �
<br /> - _��_� witili Ad�ustable Rate Rider and modify the existing maturity date;
<br />� .�°*A±�� WHEREAS, Borrower and �,ender hereby desire to amend the ___.
<br /> �-="'�''��° � existing Deed of Trust with Ad�ustable Rate Rider identified
<br /> ;�+��'"' � hereinabove to provide that it shall continue to secure tlie
<br /> ,�;-�`-�:�.�. -
<br /> � presently remaining indebtedness from and after the a e _
<br /> .'"`�;.�- hereinafter specified togetk�er with a fixed rate of interest -
<br /> - � � �• rather than a variable rate as originaliy set forth in such
<br /> Ad�uatabla Rate Rider; _
<br /> _. • �. _ NOW, THTREAFTER, it ic� ac�l�ed: __
<br /> ' � 1. �i erest Rate an�M..�turitv rtodi£ica�ion. Commencing
<br /> � effective �••�- • '" - indeb�edness secured by
<br />� ,�;� � � the Deed •f Trust wi'� '`.��+, te Rider he�einabove
<br /> � _�ak_-_ _L_„ ....�e"`��. ac.is .I�s iXed rate of �P��P and one-ha].f
<br /> - r - : � idenLi=iea lSLiGtli a�..-.��; ,R,�.s.,�.�.--. -_.
<br /> � � percent (3..5—°£1 throughout the�"i'�tR�lYhif►g term of such
<br />— indebtedness and, notwitbs�anding the provis�tons contained in tihe
<br /> -- Ad9ustable Ratp Rider, �here shall be no further ac��ustinents Co
<br /> �� .• such interest rate. The L-inal. matiurity of such indebr adnei� zoU� ,
<br /> � modified, secured by such Deed of. Trttst ahall be .Y
<br /> � ' , no�withstnadinq any other date of maturi.ty whir.h may
<br /> .. have been specified in the Deed of Truat hereinabove identiified.
<br /> � 2, ront{n�lir►a Ef£ect. Except as specific�r�;ly: inod�.�ied�'bY
<br /> tihis Deed of TruBt Modification Agreement, � all otihex�terms':±and
<br /> � provisions of the Deed of Trust with Ad�ustabi�•�Rate'��i°di�r•�� ��'
<br /> , .
<br /> herei.nabove identified shall remaiu in full force and ef.fect.�
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br /> -- --__��, _
<br />