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.'�, -,,,,.. - <br /> "'"�,�� ' � . . .: j,- <br /> <":+'".� " - ...'��:.: . _..._. <br /> � M�M�.� : . <br /> �,. .,.._.. .,, ..---... .._ ._.. . ... <br /> 1 . . ^�'+.;�_ _. <br /> •� �;�=_ <br /> I 9?_ ��i3�.�� _� . . <br /> I <br /> � � Incateci wlthln tvaenty foet of tho outside perimeter of the " <br /> cnr�daminlum property. All gardens are to be well maintafned and <br /> sliell be kept free of weeds et all tlmea. Tho Association may <br /> ; u�t�bll�ti from time to time rule� end reguletfons regarding <br /> I porEfone end other uses end pPactices �f owners, guests, end <br /> 1 roeldonts of the units, <br /> . -'� i <br /> �� � (�) No animsle pf eny kind shAll be kept in the unit for commercfal <br /> ' purpoeae, Household pets in tho unit will be subject to regula�lon, � <br /> r�etrlctlon, and exclusion enzi apecial essessment as rney be :_����.;�' <br /> � ' dc�tc�rmined by the Asaocietfon from tirne to tfine, fncluding ��'• �- <br /> � .z�.:__. <br /> r�rnovel of eny pet which becomes en annoyance to other unit . • �r•�,: <br /> ownere. Eech unit owner ehall Indemnify tho Associetlon, all �1.���,_��4 <br /> � other unit ovvners, and the Declarant againat any and all Ilabllity `���- <br /> arlsing fram mafn4�inirjg a pet. Awnfngs, sunscreons, outsfde ��,-- <br /> televlelon or other entennas, oatellite dishes, atorage or perking �f <br /> �• of boats, camps, trallers, motor homes, equlpment, machinery, or ��'':�;P <br /> elmllsr Iteme ehell all k�e subJect to reguletion, restrictian, °'fu"` <br /> ,�.� excluslon �nd speclal asse�ement by tha Association. Indivitlual ,;�_==-= <br /> gerb�ge cans or trash receptacles ore to ba permitted outside only <br /> ��--- <br /> ('� In arnae dASlgnod theratc�r by the Assoclation. Outslde wood t,'.,�� <br /> ; , pllAS� clothos Ilriea and clothes hangers will t�e subJact to _ <br /> � � regulatlon, r�strlctlon, excluslon and apec:lal asses�ment of the <br />- 9 ,-�.;oL`�!°:lt2t�. nLt9!�° s4�? �f h�thA�i�p arills wlll be sub�eCt to � _ <br /> regut�tlon, restrlctlon or exclusion by the Associetion. No out - <br /> . � bulidings or other structUres rr�ay be erectecl on the condominlum <br />_ propArty without the epproval of the Assocletlon. �!o pl�yground <br /> � equlpm�nt mey be erected on the condaminium property without �„ <br />'`�� the epprovel of the Associetlon. __ <br /> - � �r lhl T'hls oondominlum may bt� termineted or waived by written - <br />���� , agreemnnt of four fifths (4/6) of the unit owners or more with the <br />-��T�;�`,...�:°� coneent of ell li�n hoiders of ��cord; which agreement shali be _ <br /> �-r'"""';� ocknowledged end r�cotded in the offiCe o4 the Register of Deeds -- <br />'�%_��W�"' of Hail County, Nebreske, end terminatlon shall be effective as of <br /> -�_'^'��;�a"�� - <br /> ____;,��� the recorcfing dete. The termination agraoment m�y specify that _ <br />_��'�°�� ell or pert of tho unite end commnn erees be r�oid following <br />�-'�r�•.. termfnatic��z. Ii tho rae{ eetete constituting ths condominium is not � <br />�iuti�,•. � sotd folinwing terminetlon, the unit owners shali be��me tenents ` --`�" <br />---°y=r��_+�.. <br />--�� ��_,-. .__ In common end whlto th� tenency in common exists, �ach unit <br /> � � "'�«� ownef arid hl� or her succ�seors In Interest shell have an <br /> �'--��'��°�� � �x4luelve rlght ta ac:cupenr.y of that portlon of the real estate that <br /> — .,�.• - <br /> =w���-��-• form�rly Gan�tituted hla ar her unit. In nn eve�t mey any part of �, <br />�„�"� � � the� property be eald or otherwlse disposed of without the p�lor :�_ <br />_ • tar�nle��tlUr� ur welvAr ��f the con�iominium, unless 3ale or �=' <br /> - • �' dlApogltlo�i I� nnprave�d In writln8 by ownere �op�esonting one �- <br />- � hundred p��rco��t 1100'4f�1 af the unit awners and by holders of aU � <br />- � ��.�.� <br /> - ° f mnrtgray�j� c�f rai:ord u�vnring c�ny unite wlthin the corrdominlum. ��_,;,,�,„_,_ <br />- �' Nutr�ultNt�tNndln�� �tyy provlAlan In the By-Laws, there shali be no "'�-s= <br />- � re�duatlnn e�r d��loda�i or cnnvay[�nca of the common elements ';-'�-'" <br /> , wltljaut die prlor wrltten �nndont of the holders oP all mortgages '.`.j`;��� <br /> `__--h�' , _ �t rucurd eu�liiet us�v unfte wltiiln tfiv cc�ndaminium. � <br /> 111 Unl��f�F� o ��r��att�r ��iu�d►t�r IN roqulr��ci uy Ifaw, awners of units <br /> � ro��rorioi�t�ii�� twu tl��r�fri I?l31 c�r mc�ro al tho unit� muy t�t eny time <br /> Ir� wrlUn{�, iaiily cir.knc�wlt�U��fu1 �irrd rocc�rdc�d In tho uffico of the <br /> — ' .,---.- RO(�19�Of OI 110Qt1fl t1i �-+�ni{ �,iiiiiiZ jl� i�aiiCiiiitia� i:«;C:: .`3S1 8►�na�l;,irnQflt - —. <br /> �__ _ . <br /> . � tc� tha Hy•I,awH whit;ti FuE► attt��:hc�ct hr�rt�ta t�nci es tho samc� moy, , <br /> . � <br /> h <br /> ° r <br />