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<br /> � asso�amants, Ilens and charges for taxes dus and unpaid on a
<br /> � unit end exc�pt prfor duly recordad mortgages and li�n
<br /> ' � I Inatruments. .
<br /> . : � (dl Eech awner of e unit shall be responsible:
<br /> ��"""'�,{ (1) To meintain, repair and replace at his or her
<br /> L.:M'N7•�•
<br /> ; expense, all portions of his or her unit which are nat ���
<br /> . � included fn tho definitfon and context of common :��
<br /> � . � elements and each owner shall be responsible for
<br /> ' the repafr, mafntenance and replacement of all -
<br /> y exterior doors, including garage doors and the
<br /> mechanical operators thereof appurtenant to said
<br /> S owners unit; it being undorstood that the only
<br /> � As�ocietfon maintenance of exterior doors shall be �-
<br /> � the painting or finishing of the extarior surfaces
<br /> thoreof. If any owner fails to repair, maintain or =
<br /> '•� �a replace the exterfor doors, including garage doors of
<br /> �i` his or her unit as set forth in the Master Deed and
<br /> Declaration or amendments thereto and the By-Laws
<br /> k � or emendments thereto described herein, the
<br /> �� � Association may perform such work, invoice the
<br /> � � �y�` owner thereof end secure and enforce a claim and
<br />�-::�r::.�: , iien inereTOr ayaiisi ��Q Cu,tr���s:td his n� hAr unit in
<br /> ��;���. �' I(ke manner as a delinquent assessment for common
<br />.. ..����;,,��
<br />.,';; :�}:�_;: element expense.
<br /> ',J(,'rY�qt� .
<br /> __ (2) To meintain and repeir or replece as necessary atl
<br /> -�1�`�'`�� . utilities within that owner's unft and any damage to
<br /> N�--�-�-� , the common utilitie� ceused by use within that unit.
<br /> -a;�
<br />. --,}%
<br /> �;,�"=,_.-
<br /> ;,:���'
<br /> ���� (3) To refrein from painting, decorating or changing the
<br />���.
<br /> _—�_�,� appearance of any portion of the exterfor of the un t
<br /> --- unless approved by the Association in writing.
<br /> ��T �— (4) To properly report to the Association any defect or
<br />..;?r;�� need for repairs which ara th�e responsibflity of the
<br />_--:��;� Assoclatfon.
<br />-'�� (e) Each unft shall be used and occupied only by one family, its
<br /> �,�,�;�� servants and guests and bd used for residential purposes only.
<br /> =�������� No unit may be subdivided into e smaller unit nor any portion
<br /> _:y:�� �"�'��+ thereof sold or transferred without first eme�ding this Master
<br /> -�,�-- •.,
<br /> ��:��:��� '�� ` Deed and Declaration and obtaining the written consent of the
<br /> '"�"" " ' Association settin forth the change fn the unit to be subdivided.
<br />'��,;,:� g
<br /> , :�:��
<br /> `'_'"`';:,�;;<�;'.s.• -
<br /> �"�` '� �' '�` '� (f) No practice or use shell be permi4ted on the condominiurn
<br /> _ ..=�.;-
<br /> y�. �>,,: ..•.: property or in any unit which shatl be an annoyance or nuisance
<br /> ' '' to other owners or residents and which shall inte�fere with their
<br /> . '�,.�.�;t
<br /> .�. peaceful u�e and enjoyment of thefr unit. All partions of the
<br /> � -.•����� condominium and of each unit shall be kept clean, safe and �
<br /> --s�:'�'"���.._,''__ ...,..►.o.., s.,.� .,� ���n thwrnnf shell be mede which constitutes a
<br /> -__•-• _ _ :- �.,.��....� ...... .... _-- -• —•—- -
<br /> � . ��� � violation of any lawa, zoning ordfnances, govemmentai
<br /> j reguletfons, or regulationa of the Aseociatlon. No one shall fix or
<br /> , �. repair vehicles on tho condc�minium propc�rty except min�r routine
<br /> - • repair of vehicles owned by tho unit owners. No vegdtable
<br /> ^ . ga�dens shall be ellov�aed on the condaminium property except fur
<br /> � � desfgnated areas not oxcoedlnd �Ighty aquero feet parcels and
<br /> 6
<br />