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<br /> „ � from time to time, have been arnended, Unless a flreater number
<br /> „ Is required by law, owner� representfng three fourths (3!4) or
<br /> . rriore of tfie units may in writing, duly acknowledged and
<br /> res;orded in the office of the Register of Deods of Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, effect an alteratlon, cleletion or amendment to this
<br /> f Master Deed and Declaration as the same may have been
<br /> ;�*+"�'y amended from time to time, except for the time that Declarant •
<br /> �� ��"�� has control over the Association pursuant to Article VI, Section
<br /> (b). Changes shall not bind any then existing mortgage holders ,
<br /> � of record uniess they shall Ifkewise consent to said change in
<br /> v✓riting. � �
<br /> • �� (j) All notices requlred hereby shail be in writing and sent by cArtified �y=�*
<br />� � or registered mail, return receipt requested: _
<br /> f,. _
<br /> „ � (1) To an owner at his last known address on the books
<br /> of the Associatfon.
<br /> ��:,� (2) To the condominiurn or the Association at the �`°'
<br /> registered office of the Association. �v-
<br /> ,;� �r
<br /> ` .� __
<br />.;,.%,; � ' Daclara�i �ha!! �'s�s vJrittsr notl�a �o t:�e Ccunt� Assssst�r of �aii Cour�ty, -
<br /> � . Nebraska, of the creatfon of the condominiurn so each unix in the condominium, -
<br /> �k� . , including the undlvided fnterests fn the comrnon elements appurtenant thereta, shall --
<br />==,`;�:�::,;,.. : ' be deemed a parcal and subject to separate assessment and taxation. -
<br /> "-..;�:�.r �
<br />— d'�.:.a�, —
<br />�^�l��.r.'�.�3'
<br />:y:4�_._�;;: ARTiCLE X. EASEMFNTS
<br />-� Easements are hereby reserved and gr�nted from and to owner and each owner
<br />-=.�;�:;° ..
<br />--�-° �°��� of unit for encroachment. If any part of a unitencroaches upon any other unit or ihe
<br /> ����r�,�§'� common element� or if any such encroachment shall hereafter occur due to the
<br /> - -"=�� � settling or shifting of the build(ng or for any other reason, or if such building is
<br /> -- ;�
<br /> --__-_��-�=" repaired or rebuilt after damage or destructfon. The Association shall have an
<br /> �-'�� easernent in and upon each unit for the perforrnance and repairs u�on the common
<br />`-=-���-r-��� elemonts and for emergency repairs to any part of the unit.
<br /> = _� _
<br /> -- ,�
<br /> _ - -�'� -
<br /> -_�; ,�:� -
<br /> --. __.:� �
<br /> -- _-:� u
<br /> -�'-p '� Ail present and futuro owners, tenants and accupants of units shall be subject "
<br /> _..,w Rs�'" '' �:
<br /> :,_
<br /> ;.'._:�'�;�:`.. . �
<br /> _- , ,._.�., . to, and comply with the provisions of this Master Deed and Declaration, the By-Laws, ::`:
<br /> � �..�.
<br /> - • and the rules and regulatl�ns as they rnay be amended from timo to time. The �=
<br />- acceptance of a deed or conveyance and entering into of a lease or the entering into -
<br /> ��• " occupancy of any unit shall constitute an agreement that the provisions of thls Master
<br /> _ Y •, Deed and Declaration, the By-Laws, and the rules and regulations, as they may be
<br /> amended from timo to time, are accepted end ratff6ed by such owner, tenant or ._
<br /> ., occupant, and all of such provisions shall be deemed and taken to the covenants
<br /> �_���`= runninq with the land and shall bind anv nerson havina at anv timp anv inrAracr nr
<br /> . � ,. est�te in such a unit, as though such provisions were recited and stipulated at length .
<br /> in each and every deed or conveyance or lease thereof.
<br /> 8
<br /> � �� I .
<br />