.� _
<br /> ' ,, , .-
<br /> . . . ...._L..a�. .
<br /> I .•.. "____ ... �
<br /> i p��,h�gg� DEED OF TRUST 97_ 1U1�.�.� Pn�e 4 � � �
<br /> l.o�n Nn 11163d (Continued) __ �
<br /> � �-- ---.. _. �� .— �
<br /> I 6ECURITV A(iREF:�AEliTi FINAHCIN�iTAY�MENYH.Ylw lollowinp provl�lon9 relallnp lo thts DCed o}Trust ac Q waurlty apreem�ani are a pnrt o! _
<br /> I this D�ad ul Trtxt. � :
<br /> , 6�Ctuyy Aynsrn�nt, Thls Imdummt tMN Censdtut�a awurlty aqroertwnt to lho sxt�nt any of tlw Prop�Ay ContHtut�s Ilxturs�a olMr
<br /> � pq�o�l prop�rly,and Und�r shaN tww aN ot tt�riyhts of a secured parly under fh�UNlam Comm�rdal Codo Ks trrNndstl hom tlrrN to
<br /> � am.. �
<br /> i
<br /> asctMty InNntt. Upon roqu�t by L�nd�r,Trusta shtA�xeauta linanclnp itabmsnh and lak�whatswr oth�r aotlon b nqussMd by L�nd�r
<br /> to p=rt:ct and co�Unir,�Lends�e hcurtty Interest In t►w Renls nnd Peraonal Property. in tddillon to recordirp lhh Oaod of Trust In Iha rNl _
<br /> , prop�ty�cprch,l.�ndK may,�t any tlrtN and wNhout furthu aulhoriuUOn hom Trusta,fll��x�cutW counkirparb,aopke a r�producllon�of ,
<br /> � thk DNd of Trutt aa�11n�ndrq suNrrNn� Trustor sh�N rNmburss L�nd�r lor aA��nsM Incurrod In ponc�tlnp a conUnulnp fhl�t�auiily
<br /> InMnet. Upon defaWi,Trustor ehaY ass�mbk fM PKSOntt Prop�xty In a rtunn�r tnd at a pl�ce rsasonsby conwnt�nt lo Trustx and LondK
<br /> artd m�k�Il avakabN to Unda witMn tlxN(3)days afl�r racsipt of w�INan aNmand kom Lender.
<br /> � ���. TM mtNtnp addrs�ses of Trustor(d�btu)and Lendor(sec�nd party),kam wh�h Information corwKninp th�s�curtly interat
<br /> , pranNd by ihb DMd of Trust mry M obtUn�d(NCh as rsqulred by th�Unitorm Commercial Codo),ar�a atnUd an tM ffrsl pay�of Ihks Gad '
<br /> ! ol'frutt. � .
<br /> F1�1Tt�EFi ASSUFiANCE8;ATTORNEY-IM-fACT. Th�fdlowlnp provfslons rWaUnp to turthar assurancas and�tlarNyHMacl aro 4 part of thls „
<br /> OMd d Tnnt
<br /> purqwr Aswnnc�s. At any Nrrw,tnd from urrM to time,upon request ot Lsndor,Trustor wNl mal<e,oxecute and dN(w►,a wIi causo to M , :
<br /> rtKd�,�x�cut�d pr d�iivor�d,to Undar ov to Undor's deslpnee, and when raquested by Lender, causo to ba Ifhd, ncord�d. nfiled,or -
<br /> nnaord�d,as Ih�caM rrwy bY,at tuch Nme�and in sucA offlcos and placos ae L�nder may deem approprkN,�ny and tA such matQap�s, '9�1f�'_
<br /> dMd�d trutt,t�curNy d»tia�s�curNY�9nertanb,flrunch�p stttortHnb,c6ntlnuatlon atabmonts,Inshumenb of furihK essurnna�artfflca�a� '�;•
<br /> and dhK docurrNnb as may,in lM sW�oplNon of Lender,bs nscesury a das�rabM in order to etfeclwS�,compNN, pertocl,conHnw,a ;;�:��L'
<br /> pr�rw (4)�hs pt�tb�n of Truslor unda tha Note,thb Oead of Trust,and tha Related Documents,and (b)tM W�ns and s�cu�ity Intansts
<br /> n
<br /> praMd by ti�is D�1 W Trusl as f�at and prior t;�ns on tha Prnparty,uhcth�norr otYnvd er hereafler eequked by Tr�ta. Unbss prohibftad by _ _
<br /> kw a�prMd to ttN contn�ry by Londar In wdtinq,Trusta shaA relmburse Lendar tor all costs end expensss IncuRSd In conn�cHan vrilh ttw _ �y:
<br /> m�M�rs rN�r�d to In thb par�praAh.
<br /> �y `.
<br /> I1NprMy-Nt-Fact. If Trustor f��s to do any of tIN thlnps nferrad to in tho pncedirp paraprepF�,LYnder may do so for md In ttN nart►�01 . �r'r ���:
<br /> Tnxtor and at Tru�lors t��. Fa such pwpows.Tnnta hanby krsvocabty�pPolnts Undar u Trustors attarNy-IM�ct fa the purpow `,-,,��_
<br /> d rtwklrp��t�CUtinp,d�Nweinp. Ifiirp.ncardlnp�tnd d01rp all olher thlnps as may be �ry or d�sk�bl�.In Lend�a soi� oplr.lon�to � --
<br /> aoCOmplith ths matMrs rNKr�d to In IM protxdinG P��G�oDh• i<: :y�;:
<br /> Fl�.l,�iFpRINANCE. If Tnutor pQy3 tM th�Ind�bNdnass when due,and otherw{se perlams aN the obHflatlons Impoad upon Truda undar IMs ` �
<br /> DNd d Trutt, L�ndsr shell axscula �nd doliver to Trustai e request tor fuA reconveyance and shaN exeCUte nnd daliver to Trusta 6ultabls
<br /> �,. �yt�nma p(tKminatlon of tny Arwndnp tt�t�mxnt on fit�sNdenclnp Lenda's aecurlty Interest In tM Ranls and tt�s WrsonU ProPKty Any
<br /> ncp�wy�np�iN roquind by I�w 1h;M b�paid by Trusta.M permittod by applicable law. ;-,
<br /> pEFA{�T. Each of tM folio'A4r►�,�t tM opNon of LenWr,stuN consfiluk an svent of detault('Event o}OefauiP�und�r tNs Oeed of T�ush ; �_S.� �
<br /> pNM�l1 on Ind�bl�dt�N. F�Yun of Trustor to m�k�any payment when dw on the Indebtedness. � ������;
<br /> pNW*pe qh�►�yRNnts. Failun ol Tnnta wNhin Ihs Brrw raqulred by thls Dead ot Trusl to mak�any paymmt tor ax�s a insunncs,or � ;
<br /> any oth�r payrn�M n�assarY�o prwant Ninp W or to ef(ect dlschups of any Non. �`
<br /> p�twN la�FYVa of 4hltd ParH�a. ShoWd Borrowu or�ny Tnutor defalt und�r any I�an,actertslon of aWN,sscuriiy�prwrt�ni,Purchsse a ;�
<br /> ��nt,or any otMr�prwm�nt, in hva of�ny other credltor a p�rson that m�y materialty atroct any of Borrow�s props�ty or
<br /> Barovwrs or any Tnnia's�bMity to r�y ftN La�a perfam Ihelr resp�cdw obilpadons und�r thb Dwd oi T�usl a tny ot the Rel�tad "� '�
<br /> DocumMts. �
<br /> Co�npN�r�a DNwlt. FaNUto o/Tnntar to compy wrih any otM►tsrm,obllpatlon,covenant or condHlon conlalrwd In thb CsM d Trust,fM 'i� "
<br /> . NoM a In�ny of IM HN�t�d Oocum�nb. ,.
<br /> " pW�stN�mM�ts. Any warnnty,npnsanWtlon a statement rtud�or furnlshed to Lendat by or on bah�lf of Trustor unWt thls ONd of Truct, ��
<br /> � � 1h�Nol�a t`:.°�."�Cxun►�nb b fak�a mtsNadirq In tny malMial rospact�at�wr now or at tha Umo mad�ar turdshad. -- -
<br /> ' i p�tCliw CpNM��ltatlpn, TMs DMd of Trust a any of tha Relatod Docurtwnts coases to be in tull(aa and�MSM(Indudirq h8un of any ..
<br /> ; cqNrMral docurtNnb to cnaM a v�Nd and peri�cted s�curity Intenst or Ifen)at any Hme a�d fa any raason. _ �:
<br /> t'- prMh pr tMOly�ncy. TM d�ath W Trustor a ths dissolu8on a iKminallon of Trust�s�xfst�nc�aa�potnp burlr�,ttM Insolwncy of _ i i�'
<br /> •� Trutta.th��PPotntrt�nl of a ncalvK fa�ny part of Truttors prop�rty�any asslpnrn�nt for tha bonMit of credaors.�nY NW of cndita worfcoul. r.:�=--
<br /> � or th�comm�nc�rn�r�t of any pracwW np und�r�ny bankruptay ar Insdwray kws by or ayelnst Trusta. ;.��-
<br /> . � Foroeio�un�ForNKt�n,olc.ComrrNnament of Wncbsur�a(orfNturs procMdleps�wMih�r by jutMcMl proC«dlnp,�M-hMO�rposs�sston ----
<br /> , w�ny sH�K mMhod�by�ny aedlta of Trustor or by any powrnmental�rwy�p�lnst any of tM Prop�ty. Howw�,tt�fs eubs�clton s►�II nol �-li
<br /> � y.+pH 9n Hw�wr►t of a pood taNh dispuM by T►ustor a to ths wNdNy a naisonubNn�aa of ttN cl�lm wMCh Is tM basts o�the foreclosura or , .s.� -
<br /> �pN�ilur�prooMCMrp.provldW th�t Trusta�L�ndK wrMMn noUCa ol such ctUm and furNslwa ns�rw�or a sur�fy bond tor ttM dalm
<br /> aa�f�ctory ta L�+cMr. "-�
<br /> • 'ir�ao��'s�i__,�
<br /> �•� � pn�ch pf pq►�►AOrNm�nf.Any bnnch by Tnnta under ttw terms of any other aproement balwsrn Trusta and lend�r ihRt b not n+rNdi�d �
<br /> r• wlthin any prao�p�rlpd provid�d 1Mrefn,InduWrp wft�o;�Amitatlon any�yn�ment coneerninp any Ind�bt�dne�a oth�t obNqllDn of Trustor •�=j-:_�:�:
<br /> , .i � . b L�ndK�urMtMr�xistlrp now or kter. " '°��.�..._-�
<br /> • • Ewnts Affecrinp(ivar�ntor. Any of tho precadlnp events occurs with respect to any Guarnnla ol any ol ttw IndWtadnoss or�ny Quarantor .�-��k� '�`
<br /> �:��r�t-r w�v-,_r1aa...
<br /> • d{�t pr b�cpmes InCpmp�tent,or nvokas or dispuWs the validity ot,or IfablNty under,any awrenty of tIN Indebtedn�ss. Lendi�r,at ks opNon. '7�re�.
<br /> m�y�put sh�N not b�tpuk�d to,permil th� �wrant�a es4b to assum�uncondltiomNy tha obNpadom arlalr�unQ�r tM pwnnly In a . _�••�^!,;�;.?�
<br /> '' martr�ptlshctory to L�nWr,nnd,In ddnp Bo,Curo th�Eve�t ot OafauR. - �••
<br /> ;' ,..lL�.';
<br /> AdvKN Ch�nps. A mdtafal edwrse clunpe occurs In Trustor's flnanclal conditton, or Lender bWieves the prospect ol p�yment or - �
<br /> � p�rfOrmanp Of tM IndYbt�ckNSS h Impaired. _ � '�"••,,..,�, .
<br /> � x,.�ewity. Lent{�r In pood hfth de�ms I�eM ins�cttre. .� ' ._;
<br /> .�.
<br /> � prApWtrq hMrelw(12)�monthtNt�mty bo caW(and no Ewn!of Oetault wfH haw occurrsd)N Trusta.�lw�da s�nds wrltMn
<br /> notla demandinp c�us ot such hllt+re: (a)cura tiN I�AUre wNh1n Itfteen(t6)daya;or (b)M th�cun roquka�mon th�n flM�n(16)days,
<br /> Imm�diaMty Iniqakt st�ps sufAcNnt to cura th�Isflun Qnd thet�atlx conflnues and compNtss 411 rensonabb and n�aas�ry sMps suMcleM to
<br /> � prpdooe cortpNana�s soon as nisorubly precYcal. .
<br /> qIGH'�E AND REMEWE8 ON DEFAI�T. Upon tha occwrence of any Event of Defautt end at any timo thereaRer,Trusta�or Lend�r,at ffs opNon, '
<br /> ; may pcKCis�any on�a moro d Iho foNOwinp riphts and Qemedi0s,In addltion to any other riphls or remedies provldecJ by lew:
<br /> � A�cN��qpn upon DttMUif;Addlt{or�al Remedbs. If any event of default occurs ns per tha terms of tlx�Not�a�ctKSd hereby.Londer may
<br /> -._—_-. • • .r�...i.nw�.�.�■�.r.ur.d hv th�a�md of Trust to be due and navable end the same shall lharouDOn becoms due md p�yabt�without
<br /> -- .._ _ ..�...��.�..._____.___---- -- •
<br /> � my pr�nAtqnt,dMnnnd.Protesl or nollo�of any kind. Thereatte��LencJer mey. --•- ___ _.__
<br /> (a) EIIMr In pKSan a by cpent,with or wHhout brinpinp any actton or proceeding,or by e recelver appdnted by a court�nd wilhout
<br /> rpud to tM adoquacy ot Ib eocu�ily.enter upan and take pos�.,esslon of!he Property,w�ny part thoraof,ln fts own nuTM a in the narrN
<br /> of TruttM.and do any tab whlCh tl dearta n�csssary or desk�bl�fo Pres�w Iha value,markotabWty a ronlabfNty of Ih�PropMty,or parl
<br /> of tM Prop�rly or Intw�st En 11�Prop�fy;lna�ss�th�incoms kam 1M Properly or protoct Ihe sscurity of lh�Prope�ty,and,wHh or wllAotji
<br /> tdcinp ppYS�ulon of the PYOpKtY,tt��or a oth�rw%�colNcl llw nnls,tsss�s and prolfb W tfw Pro�rty,Indudinp thos�piet due and
<br /> unpald,�nd apoty th�strrM�Nss coab and�xp�nsrs ef op�ratlon and coN�ctlon, Ir�iud�np�tto►n�ya h�s,to�ny IndabMdrass secured
<br /> py tMt Desd W Trust,�II I�duch adrr as Lmdx moy detKanlne. TM�nterinp upon tnd tokiog poaaesato�W th�Prop�ty,tM cdbction
<br /> of such nnb,Issws�nd prolib,cnd the�pplicatbn theraof slwH not curo or wafve any defeult or rwtbe of Mht�l1 under lNs D�M ot Tn�sf
<br /> or InvrlldaM any�ct done In rosponse to auch deleult or pursuant to such notice ot de'a�lh, and, notvWlhs4ndlnp tM cenNnua�ice In
<br /> poss�ssion of the Proparty a the collectlon, reCelpt and appllCation of rents, Issues or pro8ts,Trusles a L�ndu s1u1 be er,tllied to
<br /> �xKCbs w�ry r{pht provided for In the Nof�or the Related OoCUments ot by lew upon the occurrence of�ny�wnl of detault,Includinp lhl�
<br /> riphf to�tM powsr of sale;
<br /> I ' . . i .
<br />