, •�� .
<br /> . . :.. . . t
<br /> , � „ . -
<br /> � . Oz-14-1997 9�� 1U�'�.�'�`�' DEEU OF TRUST Pe�e 6 .
<br /> ,� Loen No 4116�8 (Continued) _ .,
<br /> � �. �
<br /> ' (b) Commenct Bn ectlon to loreclose thls Deed of Trust as e mortgage,eppolnt e recolvor or s{,oclfically enforco any ot Ihe cavonunta
<br /> j Pwreol;and �
<br /> I (o) DNiwr lo Truste��wrltten doclarnllon o}defaull and demand for selo end e wHtte�no�ce of detwit�nd oHctlon lo ctus�Trustore
<br /> Interest In Ih�Property to be sold,wh�h not�e Trustse ahall ceuse to be duty liled for recad In Ihe�pp�oprta��offlcos of Iha County In .
<br /> ' whlch th�Ptop�rly b located;�nd I
<br /> (d) W{th raspect to ell w any part of Ihe Personai Proporty,Lender shell have ell the Aflhls and remedies of�s�cure�p4rty under Ihe
<br /> � N�brnaku Unliarn Commercial Cod�. � .
<br /> FoncOown bfl Pow�r o18ab. 11 Und�r NYCta to fw�close by ax�rcise of the Power of SaN herefn contalr»�.Unde sha�l notly Truslw and
<br /> � ttuN deposll with Trustw Ihls D�ed of Trust and!h�Note and such recelpts and evldence ol expendilures matl�and eecured by thh Dead of
<br /> Trust a TrusiM may nqulro. �
<br /> � (a� Upon ncNpl of nuch notics hom Lender,Trustee shali c�use to bs recorded,pubttshed and delivered to Trusta such Nol�s of DetaWi I
<br /> and Notk�01 Sde u then rsqulnd by law and by Ihis Deed of Trusl, Trustee shall. wllhoul demand on Trustor,after such t�me�s rn�y �
<br /> Ih�n b�nquk�d by law and afl�r ncordallon of suCh Notice of Defaull and after NoUc�of Sde hiNnp basn plwn as roqulrad by kw,sall
<br /> lM Prop�y ol Ilw tlrtw and place o}�ato flxod by It In such Not�e of Sab,elther as�whole,or In sepante lots or parah a Items as
<br /> 'fnnlN thall d�em expadNnt,and In such ord�r aa II may detsrmine,�t publb euctfon to ihs hlphest biddu for cash in lawful money of
<br /> IM Unitsd Stefe�payabb at ths tlrtb ol saie. Trustee shall dNlver to auch purohaser aPurchasers thereof ib pood and sufflcMnt deed or
<br /> dseds conveyirp tM property eo add,bul without any coven�nt or wartanty,express a Imp�led. The rscit�b In such deed ol any mtiflera
<br /> or►aats shaH be concluslve ptoof o1 lhe Iruih(ulness thereof. Any person,includlnfl without Ilmitatton Tnnta,Trustee, a Lender, may
<br /> purchase at such sale.
<br /> (p) As m�y b�p�rmid�d by law,�rter deducUnp ail costs,fees and expsnses of Truste� and of this Trust,Includnp cosb of evidence of ___
<br /> HtN In cannscdon wlth sale,Trostee shatl apply the prceeeds of sale to payment of (i)all suma e�Wended under tho terms of thfs Deed of •�-
<br /> Trust or unWr the terms of the Note not then repald,Includinp bu!nol Ilmiled to accrued inlerest and ale chnrpes, (Iq all other sums then -�,,,,�
<br /> aacured hareby,and (111)the remainder,II any,to the person a persans lepalry enlitled therelo. �• :r�-- �
<br /> (o) Trustee may In the rtwnner provided by taw postPOne saie o}all or any portlon of the Property. �+ .Lk•;�
<br /> RNn�dNi Not FScciutive. Trustee and Lendor,and each ot them,shell be entitled to enforce payment and perlarrunce of any Indebledness •�
<br /> or obNpaflons aoaund by lhis Deed of Trust and to exercise all riyhts and powers under tNS Oeed of Trust,undar the Note,under any of the �'3�
<br /> RWntsd Oxumenta,a under any other apreement a nny Iaws now or hera8fler In face;notwilhstandinp,some ar all of such indebtedness �, � �`�
<br /> �nd obllyations seCUrod by thls Deed of Trust may now a hereafter be oihenvise secured,whether by mortpape, d�ed of trusl,pledpe,1'�en, ' ��
<br /> asslpnment or othsrwlss. Neither the acceptence of thVs Deed of Trust nw its enforcement.wheiher by couA acHon a pursuant to ths power ol
<br /> sa4 or othsr pow�re aontainod In this Deed ot Trust,shall preJudice or In any manner aAect Trustee's a Lender's riyhf to reall�upon or �. �
<br /> � snforoo�ny othe►security now a hereatter held by Trustee or Lender,il belnp aflreed thel Truslee�nd Und�r,�nd each o(Ihem,ahall be
<br /> mNtl�d to snforce lhls Deed of Trust and any other securlly naw a hereafter held by Lender or Trustee In such ordar Rnd rtutnnar as lhsy a
<br /> Nther of If»m rtu�y In thelr absaub S�relion delermine. No remedy con(erted upon or reserved fo Trust�e or Lmder,b inknd�d to be . ,��
<br /> wcdu�tvo of any ottw�remedy In thf3peed olTrust or by law provlded or permitted,but erch al�nll ba cumulative and shall b�In addition to
<br /> �wry:other remedy piwn In thls DBed ip{Trust or now or hereatter existinp al law a In equity or by statute. Every powx a remody qlwn by tha ��� � '/ .
<br /> - ���_;;�� ��ds�o.i nK��sn�ncn to Trustae a Lon�er or to wh�h eitfsr of fhem moy be otherwis�enUHed, may bs exercised, _�
<br /> conCUrrently or Independently,from time to tlme end as o(ten es msy bo deemed expedknt by Trustae a L�ntler,and aiMr oi fnem may
<br /> pursw Inconsisbnt remedtes. Nothinp In thfs Deed of Trust shall be construed as proh@itinp Lender hom s�eiclnp a deflcbncy Judyment , _� ,;�� "
<br /> �p�inst tM Trusta to ttw extent auch acUon Is permltted by law. • �'', � i
<br /> pplNSt For Notla. Trusta,on behalt of Trosta and Lender,hereby requests that a copy of any Notk;e ot Ddeult�nd a copy of any Nolbe �-• � •
<br /> of S�I�under this D�ed of Trusl be malled to ihem�t the addresses set(orth in tha flrst parepraph ot tMs Dsed olTrusl. ,;..,::: _ a i
<br /> r �Yv., t
<br /> WMvK;Elecibn of Remedias. A waiver by any party ot a breach of a provislon of thls Deed of Trust slwY not consUtu2e a waiv�r ai or
<br /> proJudlce th�party�riphts otherwlse to demand slrict comp0ance with ihal provlsion or any other proNsion. ENction by Lender to pursue nny • �'�f
<br /> rsmsd�/providad in thb Deed of Trusti lhe Nate,In any Related DocumeM,or provided by law shall not exdud�pureuft of any othar remedy, � � �
<br /> �nd an elecilon to make expendilurea or to take flCtion to peltorm an obllpBtion o}Trustor under thls Deed of Trust atta falture of Trustor to
<br /> pe�torm shaN not a}Nct Lenders rlpht to declare a default and to exerclse any ot Its remedles. .r,..`
<br /> " AttaMyi'FNS;l�enees. If Lende�Institules any suit or actlon to entace eny o}the terms oi this Qead of Trust,Lender shall b�antilled io • �
<br /> ncovK euch sum ta itw cuurt may adJudpe reasonable as aflwneys'feas at trlai and on any appeal. Wh9lher a rsot any court�ctton is ?� �-
<br /> Invdvod,aN reasuruble expenses Incurced by Lender which In Lenders opinlon are nect�sery al eny Iime fa the protecUon ot its interal a the �`"
<br /> � �� �nforartbnt of Ib dphts shail become a paA of the Indebtedness payable on demand and shal bear Interest at th�Nob rate hom tM date of ••. �'�°
<br /> ucpendituca unUi rapald. Expenses covered by this parayraph InClude,wlthout Iimiteilon.however subJeCl to tny Ilmits undsr appNGble law, �* - -���'""
<br /> ; L�nd�r'a attorn�ys'taes whether or not thore fs a ktwsuit,Inciudirp attomays'faes for be�crupby proce�di�ps pndudinp eHats to modity a ;^�-�,�`� _�_Y
<br /> �� vecaN any autortwlb etay or InJuncUon), appeais end eny antbipated post-Judpment coilec�on servlces. Ihe cost ol ea�reMnp ricords, ��; -
<br /> �t;;;� obttlMnp fttle ropals (lnCludiny toreClosure reports),suNeyors'reports,appralsai tees,title Insurance,and Pees far the Trustee,to ihe vxtont :.�_��r=s�;�=
<br /> �'v�.' permitt�d by appWc�bb kw. Trustor also wlll pay any Court costs,In additlon to all other sums provided by law. j7�.'��� '�•=r
<br /> �Y.`�R�'y.�_ ��
<br /> , '�� Rt�b ot TNStos.Trwtee shail have all of tF�ri9hts and duties o}Lender as sat forth In thls suctlon. , �T+r,�•,__.
<br /> �e'�''.�:' �,ra,�--
<br /> POWER6 AND OBLIQATIdNS OF TRUSTEE. The fdlowinp provislons relatinp to the powerstnd obllpations of Trusteo ara part of thfs Oeed of �,
<br /> . . Trust. ''�'��.--�=
<br /> . . . �-?-;W;q._K
<br /> ; Poweta of Trusta. In eddiNon to all powero of Trostee arising as a matter of law,Trustee sheu have fhe power to t4ke the fol.bwiry sctlons ;- ;
<br /> �; wHA rosp4+Ct to tM Property upon the w�ilten reqtwst of Lender and Trustor: (�)J�in In p�opa►inp and 811np�m1p a pkt of th�Fieal Property, -.,,,�;�`��"�r r �`
<br /> Includlrp ths dedka8on ot stroets or other rlyhis to the publiC; (b)Joln in qrantinp eny easemenl a cxe�ting any r�Mctfon on the Re+tl Pro�pertyr, ��:,`,•;:-�i�
<br /> . � ':,' and (c)Jdn in any subadlnatlon or other eyr9ement affacling lhis Dead of Trust or the Interest of Lender undor Ihis Wed o1 Trusi. �.c.,� � 'Y�
<br /> �` 4�, .,
<br /> • � YN�tM. Trustae shaH m6et ell qualiHCations requlred tor Trustee under appliceble law. In nddtllon to lhe rlphb�nd romedNs set torth above, �.,,;
<br /> �r fo�roClosa by Ju�dlcl�i f�ore losuri,in elPher case1ln axordance w h ando ihe fu�ll extenit P d�d bY nPPlicabla pw�nder ehall have the righl to ,
<br /> 1.E Succ�sfcr T►ua1H. Lender,al Lenders optlon,may hom time to time appolnt a successa Truslee to any Tnrsleo appdnted hereunder by an �,.•` .,
<br /> . •'� instrum�nt exeouted ond acknowtedpod by Lender and recorded In Ihe oMice ot the reco�der ot HALL County,Nebroaka. The Inshument shell ..
<br /> contaln,In additlon to all other malters requked by stale Iflw,tho names of the oripinal Lender,Trusteo,and Trusta,the book and paye(or .,
<br /> ' CampuNr system ro(erence)where lhis Deed ot Trust IS recordod,nnd the name and address ol the Successor Uustee,and tho in,trument shall
<br /> bo ax�autod tnd�Ck�owledqed by all the beneficlarles under the Deed ot Trust or thelr suoceuors in interest.The sucCessor trusteo,wHhout
<br /> Convayaru�of tF►�Property,shefl succeed to aN thn dtle,power,n�d dutlos confartod upon lhe Truslee In this Doed oT Trust and by appllcable
<br /> law. This procedure tar substltu0on oi trustee shall yovern to ihe exciuslon of all other proYSlons for substilu8on. � •
<br /> �� - tiOTICEB TO TRU�YOR AND OTHER PARYIES.Any nottce under this Deed ol Trust shuu be In wridnfl,may be be senl by tek�(acsimille,and shail ..
<br /> be etf�ctiw when actwly deiivered,a when deposited wNh a nationalry recognized ovemlpht cou�ler,or,It mailed,ehall b�deamed eNeclive when
<br /> � doposit�d In ihe United States mall flrst class,cerliHed or repistered mail,postaqe prepafd,directed lo ihe addresses shown near ttw bepinnlny of I
<br /> thh Da�d of Trust. Any party may chanye Its address for notices under lhls Deed of Trust by g�n9 formal wrinen noticA to the other parlbs,
<br /> �_���u.����........,.�..���.,..,���..,.he�u,e.,e.��r�n,�d��e. tui cenlds ot nntk�s of forectosure kom the hdder of any Ilen which has �.
<br /> -'— - a�Inn.�ury a....••e pv.pv��......�..���.��..�..e�_���_.'•'_"_" . • � :.'-_'.__._. ::�.
<br /> , priortly over thls Deed of Trust 8hall be sent to Londers address,es shown near the beqlnninfl oi INS Deed oi Trust. Fa not�e purposes,Trustor •
<br /> eyrees to kesp Lender und Trustee Informed at ali tlmes of Tn�stor's current sddress.
<br />_ I .
<br />- ' FIISCE].LANEOUS PROVISIOHS. The following miscelfaneous provislons nre u parl of this Deed of Trusl: !
<br /> � AnMndm�nte. Thb Oo4d of Trust,topether with any Related Documents,constllutes Iha entire understandinp and ayreement ot the pa�tlos tts '
<br /> to the matters set fqih In this Deed of Trust. No elterall�n of or emendmenl to thls Doed of Trust she�l be effecllve unless piven In wdling and �
<br /> i sfpned by the parly or parties sought to bA charged or bound by the aitorstlon or amendment. �
<br /> MnuM RepoR�. If the Prope�ry Is used tor purpo$es other than Trustor's resldon�ro,T�uslor shaH furnlsh to Lender,upon request,a cerliBed j
<br />_ � slatement o1 net operating Income rece(ved from the Property dudng Trustor's provlous fiscel yaar In such lorm end detnii a9 Londar shall i
<br /> roquke. "(Vet operatin�Income"shall mean ell cesh reCeipts irom the Property IeSS all cash expendllures mada In conneClion with the operfltlon
<br /> of the Property.
<br /> � AppNCaW�Law. Thls Deed ot Trust hss been detivered to Lender rnd�ccepted by Lenaer In the St�ts o}Na6nsk�. Thts Deed of 7rusl .
<br /> ,
<br /> .
<br /> i ' ' ,
<br />