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<br /> . . .. �.-�rl � .
<br /> � . . - -.---..— a � -
<br /> � . oz 1a-�sa� DEED aF 4RUST 9�►,.,�,Uq1.�.� poS{e 3
<br /> Loen Mo b11638 (Continued) =�
<br /> c— ------- • - �...__.� .
<br /> to pay,eo lorp ae Londera Interesl In th�Propsrty Is nol popudl�ed. il a Ifen arisey or Is fibd�e�rault of nonpayrtant,Trulta th�A wllhln � �`
<br /> Mlwn(16)d�ys UIK tlw Iien trfs�i a,if a Ifon ff�il�d.wilhin AANn(1b)deya nRer Trustor hvs not�e of IM Nlln�,t�aun tM dlscharQa ol lh� �
<br /> f{m,w M�qussNd by L�nder, dapos�!with l�nda cash or e sufAclRM corpaate eurety bond a oth�r s�curtty salift�ctory to 6�ndpr In an ,.
<br /> �mount tutAcNnf to dischnrpa Ihe Ilen pius�ny cosfs and�ttaneyre'faee w otlur ch�rpes fhai could accr����r�ult of�ta�aun ar tat� �
<br /> undar lh�IMn. In any cont�st,Trusta clwN dihnd It�N�nd l�ndu and aMll aatisry any adveraa Judpmsn9 bafor��ntorc�rt►�nt epalnsl lls�
<br /> Propaty. Trustor�hab nun�L�nd�r as tr,additional obNp�e uncf�r�ny sursty bond turnlsh�d In lh�contat procs�dlnpf.
<br /> L1r�G:+:ra a9 f��irr.:at. Tru�tor ah^JI upon C�m�nd f�sra9h tp Lender eetistaclory edd�nca of payrtHnt o}(IM lax�L or ttWilmants and ehall __
<br /> �ulhalx�tM appropd�t�Oovunmmtal OfflCIYI f0 flNlWf 10 L�I1dN l)�ny tlrtN a wdtbn sitt�m�nt of ttw taxM\fld�iS�f8�Mi1�!�Qt�R3�ItN
<br /> Prop«ty.
<br /> Motk�of Con�truCtMn. Tnntot ehtll notify Lvnd�r al letsl fitteen(16)doys before any work h oommenad,�ny eorvlc�are fuml�Md,or tny
<br /> tk
<br /> ' mat�b an�uppN�d to tM PropKty,If any rn�chanb's Iien,mabrialrrNn's Asn, a othor Iisn could be as�t�d on account of tha wak,
<br /> eKV{cM,or rr�t�l�fs. Trusta wiM upon raquest of Lendor furnlsh to Londer advance assurances satist�ctory to L�nd�r Ihal Tru�ta can and wfll
<br /> p�y tM cost of such improwm�nb.
<br /> � Pitt�'ERTY DAMAG:IHSllA1,lICE. TM followirq provlslonsrelating to Insuring lhe Property are�paA of lhis DNd of Trust. �
<br /> � Mrnt�nMfe�oi InwrMiw. Trusta shUl procun�nd mUntaln pdkWs of flrs Insurencs wlth standard ext�nd�d cownp�sndora�rt�nts on a
<br /> � ropiaa�mont basb for tM full Instxablo vtiw covarinp nN Improwments on the Real Property In an nmount suMcNnl to wnld tppNCaHan ol rny
<br /> cd�sunna ctaua,and wilh o standard mortpaQN ctwuH I�Iova of Lendxr. Trustor ahail dso procun and malnlaln compr�fNnsiw paw►al
<br /> il�bWty Insurarw�In such covenp��maunts as Londar nuy request wlth trust�e and Lender belnp nsmed Qs addiBor►zl Insurods U sucN It�blNty ��C,_
<br /> w�
<br /> � lnsurana poMcia�. AddlUOruNy,Trusta shaA rtwintaln such otiwr Insunnc�,Includirp bul not Ilmited lo huard,busln�ss Int�rtupHon,�nd
<br /> boN�r Iraunnc�,u Londs�m�y rKSOn�bty requk�. Polc�s ahall bo wdNan In form,tmounts,coverepes and basK rasonabty aoc�ptablo to , .�,,,, ,:. ._
<br /> l.�nd�r and Isswd by a compRny a companles reasoruhy aasp4abfe to Lender. Trustor,upon roquest of l.�n�r,wiN dailvK to L�nder kom �i,=---.,,�,��
<br /> Bmo to tlme Ihs poNclos or oerliflcates ot Insurerwe In fam salbtactory tq Lender,Includinp sUpulations that covK�p�a wIN nol W c�ncalNd or - � -
<br /> dminishad wilhout�t Iwst ten(10)d�tys'pnor writlon noUCe to Lender. Each Insurance polby otso shalt Inciuda an endorrarr�nt pro+Adlrep thnt , !�----
<br /> cownp�In favor ol Londor wiU not be Impakad In any w4y by any act,omisslon or deisull of Trusta or any otherp on. Should the Real 4 L�,.;-
<br /> Proporty at any dms t»come locatsd in an area desipndod by ihe Oiractor of the Federai Emarpency Manayemint Aq ncy ts a epeclai Aood b
<br /> haurd are�,Tiuslor ayrees to obtalrt and melntain Federal Fload Insuronce for the full unpaid pdncipal balent:a ot the loan,up to th�ma�clum ; `;��'
<br /> . poticy Ymlb sN und�tha National Flood insurance Proynm. or ns otherwise required by Londer,and to mnintafn such Insuranca ta Ihe term of �.� --
<br /> the loan.
<br /> � of ProcNds. Trustor shall prompfly notiy Lender of any loss or damage to the Prqporty. Lender may mako proof of loss If Trustcx • � �`�
<br /> 4o do so within fffteen(16)days of the casualty. Wtwmer a not Lenders security Is Impalred,Lender may,at Ns el�cdon,rocNvs and rotain
<br /> th�p►oc�sd�of�ny Insunnce and appiy the proceeds Io Ihe roductlon of the Indebtsdness,paymenl o}any Nen�ff�cNnp th�PropeAy, a tIH
<br /> rsstonHon ond rqak ot the Prope►ty. If Lender eiecb lo appty the proceeds to restoratlon ond npak,Trusta ehaN rep�k a rsptace th�
<br /> �� d�map�d or dsstroyed Improvements In a menner sathlictory to Lendor. Lender shall, upon seNstactay proof of such expendture,pay or
<br /> ntmbuis�Trusta lrom the pror.eeds ta tha reasonabk cost of repalr or reslaation If Trustor is not In defauft undsr thb Oesd ol Tnnt. Any
<br /> � prooeeds wNCh htw not been Wsbursod wltNn t80 day�atter their receipt and wh►ch Lender has not committ�d to tM repalr a rsstoaHOn of
<br /> th�Prap�rty BhaM be ussd Mst to p�y�ny amount owinp lo Lender under this Deed of Trust,then to pay accrued int�nst,and th�nmalnder.H '' �
<br /> � �ny.siMii b��ppNd io ii�principii`vitaiR.�in Y��o Iti.�.a',pdT�:». �!!«r�t h�d'Sfl;Pr^-^°°�s"-N'K 9aymsnt In(uY of Ihs Ind�bt�dness.such ' '
<br /> procNds sh�M b�paid to Trusta ae Trustors Interests may epDea►• '• � �
<br /> ..,.• �� ,
<br /> Urnxpk�d Insu�r�ce M Sale. Any une�cpired Insunnce ehall Inure to the benefil ot,and pass to,lhe purclwsu of the Property covarW by this
<br /> D�sd d Trust at tny hustea's sa{e a olher sab held unMr IP�e provislons of ihls Deed of Trust,or N nny tarectosure sak of such Prop�rty. ;
<br /> TruMa's Report on Inwran�e. Upon request of Lender,however not more than once a ysar,Trusta shall tumtsh to Lender a repal on each � ;i
<br /> �xistinp poNCy of Insurance ehowinp: (a)the name of the Insurer, (b)fhe risks Insured; (c)the amount of th�poNcy; (d)the property insured, � : "
<br /> the than curtont rqtaament value of such property. end the menner of delerminlnp that value;and {e)the w�kadon date of the pdiCy. ;1 �,;;'i'� :
<br /> � �' Trus}or=h�q,uppn nqw5t of Lsnde►,have an independent eppraiser saustactory to Lender determine the cash v�lu�reptacern�nt cost of IFN jt .
<br /> PropMty. t
<br /> D(PENDITI�iEB B1f LEIJOEH. If Trusla fails to Comply with cny provislon of thts Deed of Trust,or!f any acHon or prawdlnp b Commenced that
<br /> ER
<br /> woWd maMrf�My�ff+ct Lsndars inleresb In ihe Property,Lender on Trustor's behaM may,but shaN not be raquk�d to,tak��ny scUon that Lmd�r G
<br /> dwms�ppropriab. My�rtAUM lhat Undar axpends In so ddrp wIA bear interest tt fhe nte proNded for In tM Note hom tM daN Incumd or pald - =S—
<br /> by L��d�r to ths dab of npayment by Trusta. AN such s�q»nses,�t Lander's opUOn,wln (a)be payabN on d�mand, (b)b�addad to tM bo4na y����,
<br /> ot th�NoM and b�appatiorNd tmonp and be ptyabf�with tny installment paymenb to bscome due duriny Nth�r (q lhs t�rm of any�ppllc�bts ;; ��
<br /> Insunna poMOy or (N)the nmainirp term of lFw Note,or (c)bo troated as a balloon payment wh�h w�l!»dua�nd payabN at lM Note'e matwlty. . ..-
<br /> Tl�fs De�d of Ynnt�Iso wMi MCUn paymsnf of thes�amounb.The riahts provlded for In this parapraph shall be In add!tlon to any other riphls a any '"�v'�—
<br /> nrt�t b which L�may be�ntfti�ad on account of the delault, Any such actfon by Lender ahall not bo construed as curinp lha tkfauN so Qs to _��;
<br /> bar UndK hom any nmedl�that It o:herwtsa would have had. '�'�-____
<br /> Yyl,qpNRY;DEF�l1SE UF T17LE. The fdlowinp proNSlon�r�latinp to ownershtp of ihe PropeAy ere e paA of thls Daad of Trust. L
<br /> ' 711N. Tnnta wunnb thah (a)Trusta hdds pood nnd marketable tltle of record to the Property M foe almpN,h�e and dwr of�A Nem and �����_
<br /> onCUmbnnps oth�r thtn those set(orlh In the Real Ptoperly desc�tpUpn or fn any tlt1�Insurance polby,Htie report,or fln�t titk opinlan issued In ^���.��..
<br /> hvor of,and�oqplod Dy,Land�r in connectlon wlth thb Deed of Trust,and (b)Trustor has the full rlpht,poww,and�uthoriiyr to�x�cuto and , __
<br /> ;.���.
<br /> delfvw thl�Dwd W Trust to Under. -- --
<br /> D�NnN of TItN.SubJaCt to ths exCepuon In the part�yroph above,Trustor wartants�.nd wlll forever d�fend lh�tIW to ih�Prop�rty�9alnsl the :-v�'�,.
<br /> . I�yvful cWms of 11 psrsOns. In tlw oveM any ooHon u proceedlnp ks commenced thAt questions Trustor'a dtN or the Int�r�st of Tnrsle� ar '?`i�`��4C�!'y`r��
<br /> UrtdK undM thls Dwd of Trust,Trustor shall deisnd tM�ction at Trosto�s expense. TrustW may be fhs nominal puty In suCh procMdinp,but � �.t�.�•::::• .,�
<br /> L�nder sh�ll be�ntiikd to putkiptte�n the proceedinp and to be represented In the proceedlnp by couruel of Lsnde�'s own chokk:�,and , � ,
<br /> Tnuta wlll dNlwr,or cause to ba dellvxed,to Lendor such instruments es Londer mey request hom Nme to tirrw to permit such particlpAtion. . ••,-➢}
<br /> Co11opM�nc�WNh l.awa. Trustor warrants thaf lhe Properly and Trustor's use of the Property complles with aN eidstinp appllcabla taws, � ���'`
<br /> ordinancss,�nd rpultflons of povernmontel authwities. '.
<br /> • CONDE�ANAT60N. Thv foYOwiny provlsloris reiallnp to cortdemnaUon proceedlnps ere a pert of Ihls�eod of Trust. ,. °
<br /> ApplfcNion of N1t Proceeda. It atl a any paA oI tlw Property Is condemned by eminent domaln proceedinps a by any proceedinp or . � '
<br /> purcA�se In Weu ot condemnation,Lender may at its mlecUOn require thal all or eny portlon ot the net proceeds ot the�ward be appNed to the , .
<br /> IndobNdness a Ihe ropalr ur restaatlon o}the Property,The net prxeeds of tho eward shall mean Ihe awerd arter payment o!sil reasonable
<br /> cosb,e�nse�,and aRaneys'fees Ir►cuRed by Trustee a Lender fn conneclion with Ihe condemnation.
<br /> ProcMdMy�. If tny procoedinp In condemnation ls filed,Trustor shall promptly noliy Lender In w�itlrp,and Trustor shnU prompUy take such ,
<br /> •topg as may D�nacessary to defond the actlon nnd obWn the cward. Trustor may be the nominal partyr In such proceedinp,but lender shaN
<br /> bo snU1Nd to p��NClpds in tM proceedinp and to bv represented In the proceedinp by counsel ot Ib own chda,and Tnuta w�t deliver or
<br /> cause 10 be detiverad to Lender sucii instruments as maybe requested by it from ltme to tlme to permlt such part�ipatlon.
<br /> IMP081TION OF TA%ES.FEES AMD CPIAHGES BY OOYE(WMEIiTAL AUTMORITIES. The tdlowinp provlslons relatiny to qovernmental lexes,
<br /> _ � coas�na cnupe�aro�paa oi mis ueed oi Trusi: . — ,
<br /> CuRenl Ta+cqs,.FNS snd Ch�rpeti Upon request by Lender,Trustor shall executo such documents In addition to this Deed of Trust and take
<br /> what�ver ott�er�cHOn is requested by Lender to perfect end condnue Lenders Ilen Qn Ihe Real Property. Truslor ehaM relmburt�Londer for aA
<br /> � iaxas,cs described below,fopethor with all expen.es Incurted In recordiny,pertecUnp or continulny this Deed of Trust,Includlrp with4ul
<br /> Nmftatlan nll taxss,lees,documenlary stamps,and other charqes ta recordinp or replslerinp Ihls Deed ot Trust.
<br /> � Trott�. The tdlowinp ahail constltute taxes to wh�h ttd�sectlon eppiles: (a)a speciflc tax upon this iype ot Deed of Trust or upon ail a eny
<br /> , part of the Indebledness secured by thls Deed ot Trusl; (b)a specl8c lax on Trustor whlch Trustor Is authorized or requlred to doduct hom
<br /> ! paym�nts on tM Indebtedness secured by Ihls type of Deed of Trust; (c)�a tex on thls type of Deed ot Trust charpeable aqalnst fhe Lender a
<br /> i the hdder of the Note;and (d)a specltic tex on all a any portton ot the Indebtedness or on payments of pdncipal and interest made by �
<br /> 7rusta. '
<br /> ' Subu�uenf Taxls. If any tex to whkh fhis sectfon appNes Is enacted subsequonl lo the dafe of fhls Deed o}Trust,Ihls event shali havo the '
<br /> � same eMect as tn Event of Oel�ult(as defined below),end Lender may exerclse any or all of Its evallable romedles ta en Event of Detautt ns �
<br /> provlded betow untess Trusta ellher (a)pays the tex belore II becomes deilnquant,or (b)contests the lex as proNded above in the Taxes and I .
<br /> Llens sectfan and deposlts wllh Lender cash or a au4ftclenl corporate surety bond or other securfty salistactory tn Lender.
<br /> I
<br />