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<br /> .,,, . . . .
<br /> � : . �:�.� � . ,
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<br /> 97- �011.05 � � °
<br /> 7. Ptoteotion of Londer'a Riphto In the P►aparty. u eorrow.r ta�b �o p�norm �ne cov�ntnta u+d �pr�n�nu
<br /> . oontahod h lAa Securtty InsUumsnt, or thero la o byal proceedlnp that may efpnHbanly atl�t Lande�e riphts N the Property(eu0h ae
<br /> a proc�¢dinp In ba�kiu�toy, proY�A;o, tor oond�mnotbn or torfatturo or to enioroo la►vo or rayuk�llonn),thsn Lendsr nay do end pay for , _.
<br /> whetw�r N n�c�f�ry Ea praleat lh• v�tu� o}th�PropMy Rnd lendrr'� rlpht� in t1i� Propsrty. Lendere aotbna rr�ay inaluds p�yinp '
<br /> cny tume elc�end Dy• IMn whfOD h�t prbrpy ovsr IhN 8�:u►ity In�tNm�nt appMrinp in court, ptylnp rwtantbM attom�y'� tw�and '
<br /> �ntKlnp on Ih�PropeRy to rtMke npsln. Akhouph I.�ndK rtNy tUn �otian un�r thb psnpr�ph 7, Unda doM not have to do�o. . :;
<br /> I�ny unaunt� dMbunW by UndM und�r thb pu�pnph 7 sh�N b�corn� addNbnal d�bt ot BoROw�r qcund by thb S�curiry I "";�,
<br /> Inelrum�nt. UnMa Borrow�r and L�ndN �� to oth�r t�rm� oi p�ym�nt, th�t� amount� 6htR bMr InlK�st hom th� d�t� of '`'a�
<br /> dlsbureement nt Ihe Note rete dnd ehaA be p�yabk, wkh Inl�naL upon notfc�kom L�nd�►to Bortowx roqueslNp piyment. _
<br /> 8. Mort�s�e InwraDCl� I} L�ndM nqulnd moAp�g1 htunna a� � condkbn of makinp th� b1n securod by thN '
<br /> S�CUrfty IntWmint, Bortow�r ahtl p�y th� pnmiumi nqut�d to mthYain th� mortpup�hsurinc� h �M�ot,If, for my reason, th� „
<br /> • mortqspe Inturanco cowirtQ�roqulrsd by L�nd�r f�pt�� or CeRSq to ba In�M�Ct, Bonowlr shtlf pay th�pnmiums roquMad to obtaln =�-
<br /> auwny� �ubst�ntMly squlvaMnt to the moAp�p� bsuruic� prwbu�y In �fhot, at a cost wbstantwNy oquMaMnt to th� cost to ,;-•
<br /> Bortow�r of th� moRpap� hfunnc� prwbuay b �fhat, hom m tlt�m�to mortptp� incurw �pprowd by I.«�d�r. If substtntl�Ny �fi
<br /> �quNaMnt moRp��a Insunnce cow►ap� la not avafkbM, BortowK ahtA pty to L�ndK s�ch month s eum equU to one�twdith of the �� -
<br /> youy moflp�pe hsuranca pr6nlun b�lnp pald by Dorrower when tho hcu�anca covuapa Bpscd or coasad to bo In eftect. LanQar v+rlN .
<br /> acapl, us�and rstth th�se paymantr as � bts ��rw in li�u o1 martp�p� hauran��. Loaa reserve pRymmta may no bnper be
<br /> requirsd, �t the optbn ot Londsr,Y mortpepa InaunnGO cowrwpl(h th� �mount u►�for the period that Lsnda nquln3) provided by �
<br /> an haunr tpprowd by L.ettdK lpah b�om�s �valltbN tnd b obl�ined. 8orrower sh�M pry the premiums requind b mahtatn
<br /> . mortpaps Inaur4nco h ettsat,ar to provlda a bas rsssrvs,unttl tha nquYe�nent tor mo►tp�Qe fnsunnce ends h accordanc� wRh any ,
<br /> written�prvansnt bebvsen Bnrtower�nd Lender or�pNcabb law. ..
<br /> 9. In�pectlon� Lsnd�r or ks �psnt may rrwks retaombM �ntrks upon and hap�otbna of th�PropKty. Undw shaM plw j; _
<br /> Bartower notice et th�tkn� of or prtar to�n hspactbn spacMying naeonabM cause(or th�hspeatbn. __
<br /> 10. Condemnatton. Th� proceods of any award or ckkn for dartuQes, dlrect or consaquenlVsi, h conn�otbn wRh any :
<br /> oondenu►�tbn or othK taklnp of my part ot ths Property,or for conwyana h Nou of cond�mnatbn,�rs hKeby aasipnW and shaN ba �
<br /> pald to Lender. .
<br /> i In tha ww�t of� totai t�tcinp of th� PropMty, th� procwds sh�N b�applMd to ths sums socund by Ihb 3acurky Instrum�nt,
<br /> � whethK or no! th�n due,wRh�ny �wc�sa p�id to Bonoww. In tho wont ot �partkl takhp of th� PropKty h whbh the hlr mukN
<br /> � t. valw o} tM PropKty Irtxn�diti�y �fan tM takhp k oquU to o► pn�tw th�n th� rmount of th� sums e�cund by thN S�curity -
<br /> '„ � IntWm�nt IrnrtwdkUy bNon th�takinp, unMss Borrow�r ond Und�r oth�rwla� �prw in w►khp, th� sums acurod by thl� S�curRy +. .�.
<br /> " � IntWrr�t thall W nduc�d by th� �rnount of th� proc�ds muktpl4d by the foNOwhp kactbn: (a) th� toul amount of th� �um�
<br /> . '�i,� securod Ymwdi�t�y beton th� Wchp, dhr(d�d by (b)tha (�Ir muk�t valw oi th� Propwty tmmedlatey bNo�a Ihe hkinp. My baYnc� __—
<br /> ' shaN b� ptld to Bortowu. In th�want ot e parttal t�k(np of th� Property h whbh tha hfr mukat valu�of th� PropKty YnrtNdktsly
<br /> bNon the faleinp b Mss th�n tM amount of th�suma secured 1nm�dkt�y batoro t?�s t�khp,unkce Bortow�r and Unda oth«wis� .,
<br /> _____ _� a0ree In wrkinp or unfess appikable Ww otherwi�a provkks. tho proceads shaq be appued to tho sums elCUnd by thle S�cuHty •�:��
<br /> UsWment whMher or not the Rums aro thsn due. �
<br /> If the Prop�ty le ab�nao�d by Borrow�r,or M,sRsr not��by Und�r to Bortow�r th�l th�cond�mnar otNra to mUa �n twud a �
<br /> , � settle e oYM fa damapes, 6oROwer htNs to rsspdnd to l.ender wkhh 30 days aRer the Gte the not�e b fllwn, Lsnc9er is wthaixW
<br /> ;� to colqat md appy the proceeds,at Re optbn, ekhee to restor�tbn or rep4t of the Property or to tha sums eecured by Mis S�curky _
<br /> ,; InaWment,whether or not th�n due. -
<br /> � r Unl�s�Lend�r md Borrowar othsrwias ayns in wtkhp, any�ppYCatbn of proce�ds lo prhapal shal not trxtend or postpona tho -
<br /> ' dw d�ts of ths montAy p�ym�nts rekrt�d to 7� puaqnphe t end 2 or chinp�the amount oi suoh payrn�nts. s�
<br /> ��� 11. Borrower Not Releesed: Forbe�►ance 8y Lender Not •Welver. Extenabn or che ch�s ror �.ym.ni a �•-
<br /> � modiNCatian of unortizatbn of th�tums R�cund by this Sacu�ity InsWment prant�d by L�nd�to sny wcc�asa In Int�t of Borrovwr ���
<br /> � shtN not op�nt�to roiwte ths A�bilily o}tho�ripinal Bonower or Borroww� suecaason h htaroct. Undsr�haN not tr�raquind to
<br /> ' . comrnw�c�procwdinps �pain�t �ny succossor h htre�t or refu�� to extend tYne for paymsnt or oth�rwlp modiy amoRtxuion of tM
<br /> sums Ncund by thk S�curty Inawment by ro�son of my dxnand rtw�s by th� orqhal Borrow�r or BarowK't suc�stors fn
<br /> ' htersat. My torbs�nncs by Lsnder in exerclshy�ny rlpht or rwnsdy ehaA not be e waNr of or praolud�th�aerois�of mr eipht or ��
<br /> ,�� �y.
<br /> `'' � 72. Sucaes�ors end A�al�ns Bou�d; Jotnt end Several Llablliry; Co-stpners. rna cov�n�nn �nd
<br /> ,� ` 1 � aprMrn�nn of thk S�curky InsCument shaa bad and MnWk the euccosson �nd �salpns of I.�nd�r end Borrowsr,�ubJ�at to th�
<br /> � � provisbns of p�niqnph 17. Bo►►owsr'o covsntnta �nd�pwmante sh�N be}oint and swud. My Bortowx who castpna this S�curky
<br /> Instrum�nt but doa nut sx�cub th� Notr. (�) b casqnhp thb Securky Instrument ony tn morty�ps, pnnt. md conwy th�t
<br /> Borrow�t h0�r�st In the Propwty under th�t;.�ms of this S�curlty InaWment; (b)Is nnt p�rsonaly obNpabd to pay tIN sums t�cured - -- - �,
<br />' by thM S�curify Inswm�nt; u�d(o) �ptNS that UndK�nd any othet Botrow�r may apra� to �ott�nd, modly, forbsat or m�k�any �'�
<br /> acconmod�ttonf wkh ropad to Iwma o}thM Security Insbum�nt or th� Note wAhout that Bonowsr's cons�nt �+,
<br />_• � ,: 7� 13. LOiO Chlr�Qi. If ths iwn aecurod by this S�curky InabumK►t ie eubJect to e Itw wh�h sete maxfrnum lom oh�rpM, - _ _
<br /> 'r � ' ,��`,.0 an4 that kw It May htKpr�tad to that the Int�nst or oth�r ban ohar�ps coNeetsd or to b�coNected h eonn�otbn wRh t!N Iean =_____.--
<br /> � � ' ''� e�ccsad th�pe�mkt�d Itmlro. tMn;(a) any suoh ban aharpy► ah�N b�nsduC�d by tho nrtaunt n�c�ssary to nduCe th�ahups to th� ":;_=_��
<br /> � � � permkted Hnk; �nd(b) any suma eMalidy coikotsd irom Bortowur whbh exceeded psrmit3�d HmRe wIN bs nfundld to 8orrowK. LM�d�r �."� .�c
<br /> � � mey ohooae to rr�ke thle refund by rodueinp the p►hotpel ovred ander the Note or by makhp n direet payment to Borrowrr. Ii• ���;
<br /> �� retund reduCes prk�olRal,the nduCtbn wAI b�treated as Y ptrtiol propaymenP wkhout any pnpayma�t ohupa undar tha NotY. ^.'=�.'y.�;y��
<br /> , : �, . 14. kOUCC�. Any nolfce to Borrower provided for h thb 3�curity Instrument shul be phren by delhrorNp k or by mafNnp h by �� • ; "„3':`
<br /> ••�• ftrot ol�ss ma8 unMss eppifctble law requirss uas o! nnother method. Ths notiCe shall bs dYeoted to the Property Addross Or any ' � •' �,.�i��
<br />_ �] '.�S.A�.i�•57._":�.
<br /> � other addnss Bortawer doa�jnates by not�e to Lender. Any not�e to Under shaN be� pMen by lirat okss m4it to La►defs adckesa q,�,�,��fi,�.:`�
<br />_ st�ted henh ur any other eddross Lender desipnatea by notia�to Borrower. My not�e pnovided for h this Security InstNmsnt slnY • - ,, ,,� ,
<br /> j. :.`•°'!4. �;�.'.
<br /> � b�dart�sd to haw Wai qM1n to Borrow�r or Und�r when ylwn as prcvlded h Mb panpreph. , ,,,:�"..�
<br /> 16. Governtn0 l.wW� SeveraB6Eb�l. Thb SeCUrNy Inbtrum�nt BhaN be q�vamed by MdAral Vw and ths Ilw oT 4�10 •
<br /> �� jurlsdlatbn h which the PropKty y tocated. In tM�vw�t that �ny provbbn or ol�use of thts Seaurity Inshummt or th� Not�ConfBatt '
<br /> wRh appNabfe Mw, suoh confllct shaN not affect other provtsbns al thb&scurity Inatrument or the PVote wh�h c�n be pHen �ffect
<br /> -" -- ' wYhout th�oonNotina arovhbn. To thls end th�provbbns oi this S�curilY Inetrurr►ont nnd the Note ara deciand to be aevx�bk. _____-_
<br /> : __
<br /> , 16. Borrowe�'s Copy. Bflrtower ahaN be 0� ons contomad aopy of ths Note and ot thb Security Inatrument.
<br /> � 17. Tr�nafer ot trie Properry or e Benetieiel Intereat In Borrower. If eA or eny psrt Ot the Properly or any
<br /> � ., hterest h k is�old or transhrrsd (or M s benefb�l htsrest in Borrow�b sotd �r tranaler►+ed and Bortower y nat �natural person)
<br /> � wkhout LendK's prior wrkten consent,Lender rtuy,at ks optbn,requle Nrnedleto payment in tull of dl sums securod by this SocurUy , �
<br /> � IntWrt�t.Howw�r,thls optbn ehaH not b�axerclsed by Lsnder M oxerols� Fs prohbked by tederal Iew as ol tha date of thls Socurky
<br /> IInswmscrt.
<br /> � I}I.e�d�r�on�okes this optbn, Und�r ahaN ptw Bortow�r not��of cccelentbn.Ths notfce shaN provldo a perbd of not tata th�n
<br /> 30 days hom tha d�t� th� noi�e M deMvered or rtwfqd wNhh wh�h th� 8onow� must poy ae sums sooured by this Socurky
<br /> - IneWm�nt,If Borrow�r f�lls to pey th�ss c�ms prfor to tho e�Intio�n of thta period,Londu may hvoks any remedios permitted by thb
<br /> --. S�CUrRyr In�trurtNnt wkhout tuAher nntice or d�tmnd on Borrower. Form soze oroo ,� '
<br /> • Fto�aLl:lA(p/Ge1 Pap�3 ot 6
<br /> �
<br /> i1Y �I
<br /> l_. _ .. . -- -
<br />