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<br /> Bortoww��ecrow acaount undev the federal FNaI ��tot� &Mt�t Prac�dure� Aot oi 1974 as un�nd�ci(rom timo to tYrN, 12 U.B.C. .
<br /> 280t o2 seq.("FiESPA•),un�9n anothsr taw thet npplbs to the Funds eet� t leseet�mnunt. It ao,Lend�r m�y,�t any t4ne,ootbct and
<br /> hold Funde In nn tmount not tp exceed lha baeer rmount. Lendx m�y estknats tho amount of Nnda due on the bneb o1 curcant dats
<br /> and r�aeontbla ��timat�s at e�sndRur�s of futun Etorow ItKns or otherwb� in acoordtnc�wkh�ppl�abb I�w.
<br /> Th� Funds 1heH M held In an InslRutbn whoeo depoaRs u� fnwnd by � hdanl aysnoy, Inurumente�ty, Or erltky (tnoludhp
<br /> LmWr, M LYnd�r Is suoh an Instkutbn) or In any Fed�nl HorM 10�n Batnh. Lsnder eh�ll appy the Funds 4o pay the EsCrow Itans.
<br /> L�ndK may not eharp�BortowM for hutdhp and appyl�p !h� Funds,�nnudly anayzlnp ti�� �scrow accaunt,or wriylnp th�Bscrow -k_
<br /> IG:m�,unL�o Lcnd�r psyo �orra�:•tr lntere�t on the�unde nnd eppNaabb Mw pemike Lender to make aucP�e ohnrpe. Howe+rer,Lender „
<br /> m�y nquh Borrow�r to pay� ono-time ohar�tor an Ind�pmd�nl rorl�ateta Gx nportinQ esrvk^e usW by Lsndsr In conneotbn wkh --
<br /> thb b�n,unNaa rppifctbfe kw provkfes otherwlsa. Unhse en RyresrrNnt b made or applfcabb I�w requtree interest to be paW,Lender °_:-
<br /> ',•�_.
<br /> sh�W not bs raqulrod to pay Borrower any Intere�t or eamhpa on the Fu�ds. Bortower and Lender rtuy aprew In wrkhp, howmrer, that --
<br /> �� Inte�e9t ah�tN b�paW on the Funda. Lander shaH qhre to Bortower,wkhout oharpe, an annuil accounlhp oT the Funda, Bhowhp _°
<br /> � crodks and d�bkt to th� Funda and th�purpos�tor whbh uch debM to tha Funds was made. Th�Funds an plad�od as addRbnal '�;_
<br /> seourRy for aN eums secund by thb SscurNy Inatrument �'' � _
<br /> If th�Funds h�id by Laider w�coecl thA amounte pwmNtod to be hokl by appUCUbb Inw, Lender ehaN ecoount to 8ortowsr tor th� _--�
<br /> axc�as Funds in acaordance wkh ths nquPerr�ents o1�ppUcab6e I�w. If th� amount of the Funda hdd by Lender at any tims�S not ���:
<br /> suifbient to pay ths Eecrow Itema when due,Lender mey so notYy Bortowe�In writhp,end,h auch ctsa Bortower ahaH pay to Lender
<br /> ' th�amount nscwaary to mtko up the doNoienoy. Borrower�haY make up tho def(aNncy h no more than MreMe monthy paymants,at
<br /> Lenders soM dbcretbn.
<br /> � Upon paym�nt In IuM ot tN auma e�CUrsd by thls Securky InaWm�nt.Lsnder shaB promptly wh�nd to Bonowar�ny Funds htld by .
<br /> L.encieP. 11, und'd parapra�h 21, I.endar shaN acqu(ro or s�8 tho Property. Lender,prbr to the ecqubRbn or sak o}the Property,ahaM __
<br /> � apply ony Funds h�td by Lender at the tims of�aqutakbn or sak ss o credN apahst the eums secured by thb SeourRy inawmait. _-
<br /> 3. Appllcetl�n of Paymenta. Uniese appNCabk law provides othenvlse, �N payments receNed by Lender undar pareprapha _
<br /> 1 and 2¢haA bo applkd: flrct, to any prepayment ohar�es due under tha Note; second,to amounts psyable under parepraph 2; thYd
<br /> to htorsat due;IouRh,to prYiolpal due:end ket,to any lat�oheryit dus under th�Note. F
<br /> p� 4. Ci1�qEa; Liena. Borrower sAau pay all texes, essessments, oharpes, fhes end Imposkbns ettrbutabb to the Propertyr L
<br /> '� whbh mty tttah prbrlty over thls Securky Inotrument, and basehold paymer►t� or pround ronts. H any, Borrowu shaN pay th�
<br /> oblfp�tbns h the mannw provldad In parapmph 2, or M not paid h th�t mmner,Bortowsr shall pay them on tim�dirootly to th�p�reon !
<br /> �, owed payment. Bonowa► shafl prompty tumbh to l.aider aW not�es of amounts to ba ptld under thls pu4praph. It 8orrow�r makos
<br /> - , thes�p�yments direaty,Borrower shaN prompty fumbh to Lendar recapts widenolnp lhe ptymenta. __
<br /> Bortower ahtN pranpty dleeharQs�ny Nen whfah hae prbrky over thb Security Inatrument unMss Bortower.(a)�pre�s in wAttnO to
<br />--- !he�;:^°..�n!e!4he ob�i!^n!v!•�!t!� hy thw li�n In �manner ecCeolible to Lender; (b)Conte3kl h p0od 14kh the Ilen by,or defenda
<br /> � �palnat enforcernmt of th�Wn fn,lopal proc�sdhgs whbh h the LMder's ophfon operate to prwent tha �nforcwnent ot th�Ii�n; or(o)
<br /> � sscurea hom the hold�r ot ths Nen an iqrsern�nt satlsfactory to Lender subordlnathp the lien to thb Secu►ky Inshum�nt. ff L�nd�r
<br /> - detetmines that tny put of the Ptopaty b subJoat to s Nen whf�h m¢y �ttah prbrky over thb Securky Instrument, Lendar may Qlve
<br /> - Borrowar�notk� {donliyhp the Iqn. Barrow�r eh4N ptfay the Mn or teke ono or more of the actians sN foAh above wkhh 10 d�ys
<br /> of ths plvhp of notice,
<br /> . ' 6. He�d or Property Inwrence. sorrowK ehaH k,.p th• Ynprovsmente now exislNp or henana enaad on m•
<br />�� • Propwty haund��Nft b:s by Hn, huarda InctuGd wkhh th�tKm"extand�d ooverapo" and my other has�rda,hatudln�lbods or
<br /> � �•w• . fbodhp, tor wh�h Lender roquirss hsuruics. Thf� hsunr�cs �h4A be malnbinod In tho artwunts md tor th� p�rioda that Lendw
<br /> r�qutas. Tha Inturanc� carrMr providfnp th� haurnnC� ahaN b�choa�n by Bortowa eubJeat to lsndM's�pp�oval whbh shaM not b� �
<br /> : . unrsasontby wlthhsid. If BoROw�r falls to mahtah covenps descrDed abow, Lender may,Qt Undars optbn, obtain cownp�to
<br />'"'. ,,_ ,.:,,� prot�at L�ndw�riphte h tM Prop�ty In�coorduic�wRh puapnph 7.
<br />�Sip4�;
<br /> .:;..,�,�.. All fnwranC�pOfblls 4�d nrl�wiU thaM b�acc�ptnbM to Under�nd shaM Inoiud�a etandud mortQap� cMus�. LandK shaM htve
<br />�T.Y�('l.,':..�4� � GI� ripht to hoid th�poNoMt and ��wak. It Ltnd�r nqulr�s,8ortow��haM prompty phw to LendK�Y roc�ipb of pdd pr�nbms _.
<br /> Y=1� , ' and nn�wal nol�CSS. In th�av�nt of b4s, Bortowsr sha8 phre prompt notic�to the Insur�nca carrkr and Lander. Lw�dw may mtico
<br /> °`-'�' proof ol baa R not m1d� prompty by Bortower.
<br />--S'
<br /> Unkes Lend�r and Bortower othsrwise�preo h wrkhp,hsunnce p�ocoeda ehab bo�pplb0 to rmtonlbn or rep4M ot the Prop�rty
<br />- - damaped, M th�rmstontion or ropaM la xonombaNy MasibW nnd Lendero security b noi less�ned. It tho rostoratbn or ppaY b npt -
<br /> i��•� �• � economtcaly fe�sbM or Lendvrs aacurky would be leasened. the insuryncs proceeds shaM b��ppNd to th� auma s�cund by thia �'"
<br /> ysr-,-._t.. ..
<br />�:,., . • � Sa�urky Instrummt. whether or not then due, wRh �ny excsas pRid to Borrower. It BoROwK ab�ndont th� PropKty, or doss not �`-—
<br /> ,i,, ;;
<br />�-.=�:;
<br />__,,.�.��.�� ;. anawx wRhh 30 daye a notice from lender that th8 �n8ur�nCe c8rti9r h88 04(clrod t0 88ttb l CYh1. Ihsn Land�r may coNeci t �
<br /> Nsunnca proc�eds. Lender may uae ths prxeada to npaY or restoro the Property or to pay sums s�curod by thb Securky K�_
<br /> .ti�• •`:• �-
<br />�� ��°�'*�� Inatrument,wh�hsr or not then due. The 30�day p�rbd wIN beph wh�n ihe not�Ce Is piven. �-�__
<br /> 1. • .�•;- �:_
<br /> UnMss Lenda and Bortow�r otherwise sproe In wrfttnq,any�ppicatbn o}proceeds to prhalpai sha0 not extsnd or postWone the �. :___
<br /> . : '� dus dtte ot tho monlhy poyments roferred to {n parearaphs 1 and 2 or ehanpe the emaunt of the paymente. If und�r panpraph 21 �, eL
<br /> tha PropeAy fs�cquWd by Londar,Borrowsrs rlpht to ony hsuranca polbMa and proceeda rosukhp knm damtpe to the Property prbr �
<br /> �_.�,..._.
<br /> ' to th� aCqukabn sh�l ptsa to Lsndor to th� eoct�t o} the eume securod by thia Seourky intwmmt Inxrwdktay prbr to th� �-�=;•-_
<br /> �;s���_.
<br /> . • � acqubkbn. ����:�-_--
<br /> 6. Occupancy� Preservation. MeUtenance tnd ProtecUan of the Property; Borrower'a 4osn �;i;;�.::��,
<br /> A�tpIIQaU0/1�LC�IEh01ds. Bo►tower BhaN oCCUpy. esteblbh, nnd uae ths Prop�rty aa Borrowera prY�clpal rosklence wRhn s�cty ��:-��,��.�>
<br /> .._„;-„u.--.
<br /> a day� afte th� eocecutbn ot thts Sscurlly InsWmer►t end sh�N conthw to occupy ifie Property ia Bo�rowK'i principal resid�nc� tor et -••r,:;,?
<br /> ...�:.,_F.�:-
<br /> ieast one year�iter Ihe date o} occupanoy, untcss Lender alherwbe eprees in wrkin0, whfch eonssnt shdl not be unrsnsontby , �
<br /> withhokl,or unNaa eatonuathp ctcumstu�ch exbt whlah ue beyond BortOwsrs control. BoROwer eh�ll not destroy,damepe or Impair ,
<br /> the PropMty, abw the Prope�ty to daterbnte,or commk waste on the PropeRy. Bortower SheM be B dehult M nny tor(ekure aatbn or -
<br /> ' �i ptOC9BdhIQ,whethex ckR or Crimnai,�s e�pun mac n unaers QOOQ ieitn judprtroni couid resuR n ioi�eicuii�i u�o�i�'poaTj v�vu.w.:AO — --_-_
<br /> I mate�ly irnpalr th� Yen croatrd by t�k SacurMy inetrument a Lendere securky htereat. Borrorror r�uy cure auch a dehuR end
<br /> reinstato,�s piovld�d h panpr�ph 18,by causlnp th� aotbn a p�ocoedlnp to be dismissed wkh �ru{inp thet, h Lenderc yood hkh
<br /> 1 det�rninatbn, prscludn toAaRura ot the Borrowars htens! if th� Prop�ty or other mat�rhl Ynp�Yment of th� Iqn cnated by thb
<br /> I Sacurkyr Instrumont or L�dar� securRy Y�terosL Borrower sh�!also be h defeuk R BoROwx, durhy�he ban applfcatbn procass,
<br /> � pavx materl�Ny hiae or Y��counts htortnatbn or stet�ts to Lendar (or faNed tu Rrovtdw I.er►da wkh ony materiat Intortnatbn) h
<br /> conneatbn wkh ths btn evfd�ncod by the Not�. hoMid{np,but not IimRed to, repnaent�tbne concemhp Borrowers occupanoy ot the
<br /> Property 4a a prhClptl residenc�. If thls Security Instrument b on� leaaehold, Borrower shtN compy wRh all the provlsbnn of the
<br /> „ loaso. If Borrowsr pCqukes fee tkte to the Property,the leasehold end lhe fee lkb BheU not mer�e unlesa the Lender eyroe9 to the „
<br /> , ��„�hp. Form ao2e v/uo . ,
<br /> . . .� . FtOi`�.LMO(?/Y6) P�p�2 0l 6 '
<br /> - I
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