` �
<br /> _ , . , . �,.. .
<br /> ,...__,�_._—....
<br /> , . � . ... . . .
<br /> � 9�'- 101i.�5 �
<br /> i 18. Borrower's Rlght to Relnstst0. u eorrowe mee�s certrM condklons, aorrow.r snrn naw �n• r�nt co naw
<br /> � entorcement of thls 3ecurity Inetrument dl3COntlnued et eny Iime prlor to the eerlier of: (e) 6 deye (or euch othar perbA ee eppHCabb
<br /> � �aw msy epeaNy (or rehstat�nent) before eale o1 the Propsrty pursutnt to eny poww o}nab oontalned in thls S�curky Inatrum�nt; or „
<br /> . (b) sntey ot a Judpment enlorahp thFS Security Inauument. Those oondkbnl ltro thtt Borrower. (a) paya Land�r aN suma wh�Ch th�n
<br /> would be due undK thls&eourky In6trumsnt and the Ncte aa M no accebntbn had occunsd; (b) cures tny dr/auk of any otha
<br /> coventnt or �prsemente; (o) piys aN e�►enaes incurrsd fn enforohp thN� SecurRy Inatrumsnt, WoUdlnp, but not IknRed to, r�tsontbls :
<br /> �ttomsyt'tMS; md(d)tnka euah�otbn a Und�r may re�ton�by rpuin to�ssurm th�t th�If�r►of thb F�curity Instrum�nt,Londws
<br /> ryhta in ths Property�nd BoROwerC obffp�tbn to p�y ths auma eecured by thle SeCUriry Inetrument ah�ll aonthue unohanped. Upon
<br /> reinslatertwnt by BoROwsr,lhl�Securiiy Insfrunwnt and tho oblyyotbns aeound Nenby OIi�tU remain Iulty e(fectlw re H no aacshntbn
<br /> had occurcstl. Howswr,thb rqht to relnstate ahaM not appy h the case of icakntbn under panyr�ph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of l.oan �ervlcer. The Note or e partkl Interest h the Note (topethel wRh thls SeCUtky � �
<br /> InaWment)may be sotd ona or more tMes wkhout prbr notiCe to Bortower. A sek may nsuR k� �ohanpe h th�mtity(known�t th� , �
<br /> ' 'Loen Servicer') that oollecte monthy paymants due under the Note and this Security Instrument. Thsn dto may b� on� or moro •
<br /> i ohanpes ot the Loan Servicer unreWted to a e4ie ot the Note. If there Is s ohanye of the Lo�n Serv��t, Bortow�r wAI b�pM�n wrkt�n �
<br /> � not�e o}the ahanpe h accordance wRh paregraph 14 ebove and appi�abla Iaw. The notfce wlll state tho ncma�nd addross o}the '
<br /> new Loan Serv�er and the nddrosa to tivhloh pcymonts shouid bo made. Tho no¢fco wiU etso conteh sny other infortnetbn requMed by --
<br /> ., � s..r;.-
<br /> aPPlbable Idw. ' ti,�, r
<br /> 20. Hazardoua Substances. Dorrower shall not cause or permk the presence, use, dtsposal, atorepe, or release of any '�' ;;� �
<br /> Hezardous SubstanCes on or in the Property. Bortower shall not do,nor elbw anyone eise to do,anythhp ntteothp the Property that � �
<br /> . fs In vtoktbn ot any Environmental Law. The precedinp two sentences shall not apply to the presenae, use, or atorays on the �
<br /> . Property ot smaR quentklea of Haurdous Substances that aro peneraiy reoopnlxed to be approprlate to nomwl realdsntkl ua�s and to
<br /> • mahtenancs of the Property. -
<br /> Borrower shail prornpty pive Lender wriiten notice of eny hvestipatbn, cinim, demand, lawauk or other aatbn by nny qovsmmental I
<br /> . or repulatory apenoy ar prNate party Invotviny the Property and any H�rardous Subst�nc�or EnvMonmer►tat Law of whbh Bortow�r has �
<br /> aatual knowfedpe. If Borrowar leaens, or is notNied by any povemmental or repulatory nuthority, thst any removal or other remedi�tbn
<br /> , ot any Harardoue Subetance aNectinp the Propcxtyr is necessnry, Borrower shall promptry tgke all neceseary rorrwdlni actbns in �� �
<br /> accordancs wRh Envkonmental Law.
<br /> As used fn this parayraph 20, "Harardous Substances' are thoso substances de0ned es tox� or herardous eubatancss by
<br /> � Envkonmental Law and the(olbwhp eubstanccs: flasolhe, kerosane, other Nemmsble or toxb peuoWum products,toxb pesttalds�nnd -----
<br /> herbbides, volatlle 6okents,matertats contalnhy asbeslos or formaldehyde, end redbaCtNe materlats. As usad In thls parapnph 20, � ;���
<br /> 'Envkonmental Law" meana federal lewa flnd Inws o} the Jurtsdiatbn where the Property ts bcated that relate to health, aafety or �-
<br /> �., environmw�t41 protootbn. ;!�'� _
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENAM3. Borrower�nd Lenda�turthw Covenant and aQree es tolbwe: �• �� . ��•
<br /> 21. Acceleretlon; Remedies. Lender shall q(ve noUce to Borrower prior to ecceleraUon followin� ;; -
<br /> _ -_ . � �nrrnu:�r�a i����t! �� �!!j �^`_�.^.C!!: O' �'�j.'t::Y1�:4t !.^. tt:�� wv::t:j �:�2i'i3fii'ivCi: ��:SZ .^•v: �f::v: .v —_.^.�� f:
<br /> ecceleration under parapraph 17 unlea� appiloable taw provid�a otherwise). The nottce shall apeeify: :,,.���u
<br /> , (e) the deisult; (b) the actlon r�quired to cure the default; (c) a date. not less thao 30 dsys from the <<,, , ,�. ;�_
<br /> date the noUce ta qlven to Borrower� by whlch the defeult muet tte cured; end (d) that tallure to cure
<br /> the deisult on or before the dete speclfled In the notlae mey result In ecceleratlan of the �uma ^;� �::
<br /> secured by thta Seaurity InaUument end eale oi the Properly. The nottca ehall turther intorm � •;.
<br /> • Borrower ot the right to refnstate eftar acceler�tlon end the riqht to brin� e cou�t actlon to assert the
<br /> ; non-exlstenee oi a default or any other dafense of Borrov�e�to ecceleraUon and sate. It tho default 1� � ,..
<br /> ' , not cured on or before the date speciiled tn the noUce, Lendor at Ite optlon msy requtre Immedtate �
<br /> paymon4 In tull of atl sums eacured by this Security Inatrument wtthout turther dema�d �nd may �" �
<br /> `' , Invoke the power of aale end a�y other remedie� permiried by epplicable law. Lender ahall be
<br /> -"r ; entltted to collect all expenaea incurred le� purwinp the remediea provided In thb parapraph 21� -
<br />