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<br /> � ��� `, c� r�_-.-�,.
<br /> �V��OII N,.,.�n,w
<br /> • 7,i,�.
<br /> i • Borrowar may curo such a deteult end ralnetato, as provldod In pnrepraph 18, by cnusinq tho actlon or procoeding to be
<br /> • dlamisood with o rulinq thal. In l.ender'c flood Inith dotormlinllon, procludos fotieltura of tho Borrower'e Interest In the Proparty or
<br /> olher mutedal Imppirtnent o1 tho Ilen crealed by lhl� Secudty Inatrument �r Londor's oecudty Inlorost 8orrovror 5hall also bo In
<br /> dolaull If Borro�var,durin4!ho lonn applfcnllon proce�a, gave mAtotlally(ulsa or Inaccurate Intormatlon or statements to Lender(qr
<br /> • fnilod to provldo Lender wlth uny metadal Intormatlonl In connectlon with the loan ovtdenced by tho Note, Including, but not
<br /> Iimftnd to, reprosentatlone concorning Dorto�vor's occupancy ol tho PropeRy as e principal residonco. II thls 3�curity
<br /> Inalrumont Is on e leasohold. Borrowor shnll comply wfth all Iho provlslone o1 tho Icu�a. H Barrowor acqulres fue titlo to tho
<br /> ' Property,lhe Ieesohotd end the tee tlllo shall not merpe unlesa Lender agroes to the merger In writlnfl.
<br /> 7. Protectlon of Lender's Rlghts In the PrOperty. H Borrower fn�ls ta psrtortn tho oovanants and agroements
<br /> contalned In ihls Seour(ty Instrument, or Ihere Is a legal proceadlnd tiiat mey slgnilicantty nttect Lcnder's rlphts In ihe Property
<br /> (such as a proceeding In bankruptcy,p►obate,lor condemnaUon nr toAolture or to enlarce lawe or regulatlona), then Lender may �
<br /> do and pay for whutever Is necosaary to protect the value of the Praporty and Lender's righte In iho PropeRy. Lender's actlono
<br /> � may Include paying any sums aecured by a Ilen whlah has priority over thls Socurity Instrumont, eppearing In court, paying
<br /> -�� '"� reasonablo attomeys' tees and entednp on tho Properly to make repalrs. Allhouc�h Lender may tako actlon under thls parugraph ,
<br /> , ' 7, Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> j Any amounts disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shall become additlonel debl oi Borrower secured by thls Security
<br /> � Instrument. Unless Borrower nnd Lender flgree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bcar Intere�t from ihe date oi
<br /> ?; disbursement at the Note rate and shall bo payable,with Interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting paymem. . „
<br /> _� :__
<br /> � 8. Mortgage Insurance. II Lender requlred mortgage (nsurance as a conditton o1 making the loan secured by this ,��..;:
<br /> .f; Security Instrument, Bortower shall pay the premlums requlred to malntaln the mortgage Insurance in eHect. It,for nny reason,the . •--
<br /> ' '.r. ..
<br /> mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to bo in eftect, Borrower shail pay the premfums required to • ,
<br /> • • � !�, obtaln coverage substantlaly equlvalent to the mortgage Insurance previously In eftect, et a cost substantially equivalent to the -r.,:.
<br /> ' .� cost to Bonower ot the mortgage Nsurence provlousty in eftect, irom an aftemate mortgage Insurer approved by Lender. I( _
<br /> , z , substantially aqulval�nt mortgage insurance caverage is not avallable. Bonower ahail pay to Lender each month a sum equnl to -
<br /> r;;�;;%�,�� ;' , one-tw2iflh ot the yeariy mortgago insurance premlum betng pald by Borrower when the Insurance covemge lapsed or ceased to
<br /> ' � `' {`i•�. ' be In eNect. Lender wW accept, use and retain these payments as a loss reserve tn Ileu o1 mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> ��';.��:'::��' --
<br /> . '"''+;"•' �' } payments may no longer be regu!red,Ett Iho option of Lender, if mortgage insurance coverage(In the amount and for the pedod
<br /> that Lender requires) provided by an Insurer epprovod by Lender agaln becomes avallable and Is obtalned. Bortower shell pay
<br /> • the premlums roqulred to malnteln mortgege insurance In eifect, or to provide a loss roserve,until the requlrement tor moRgage _
<br /> Insurance ends (n accordance with any wdtten egreement between Bortower and Lender or appllcabla law. • =___
<br /> * 9. Inspectlon.Lender nr its egent may make rensonable entrles upon and Inepecllons of the Property. Lender shall give :�_,.`•
<br /> Borrower notico at the tlme of or pdor to en Inspoctlon specitying reasonebie ceuse tor the fnspectlon.
<br /> 10. COlidemnatlon.The proceeds o1 eny eward or clalm for damapes, direct or conaequentlal, In connectlon with eny __
<br /> � condemnation or other taking ot any pad of the Properry,or for conveyance In Ileu of condemnatlon, ere herehy essigned and
<br /> shell be pald to Lender. -
<br /> In the event of a totel takinp o1 Ihe PropeRy, the proaeods ehell be applled lo the aums secured by thle Security _
<br /> — - - Inatrument, wneti�er or noi inrn duo,wii��as�y axcsoa�S:ld!a 8ossc:�:^r. !^�he wvant of e Qartial ttklnq of the Property In which =
<br /> �� the felr market value o1 the PropeAy Immedlstely before tha taking Is equal to or qreater thnn the emount o}the sums aecured �;
<br /> by this Secudty Instrument Immedktety betore ihe teking, unlesa Borrower end Lender othetwise agree In writing, the sums =,
<br /> , secured by thls Security Instrument eha6 be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multl�±ifed by the }ollowing frectlon: (a)the
<br /> total emount of the sums secured Immedlatety before the taWng, divided by (b)the telr me►ket velue ot the Property Immedktety —
<br /> betore the taking.My balance shall be pald to Borcower.In the event of a partial teklrzg of the Property m which the talr markN =
<br /> value a1 the Property Immedlatey before the taklnfl Is lesa than the amount of the eums secured Immedlately before the taking, _
<br /> unless Borrower and Lender otherwlse agree In wdting or unlesa applicable law othenvise provides, the proceed� shall be �
<br />� applied to tha sums secured by this Secu�fty Instrumont whether or not the sums are then due. __
<br /> Y,3.., �. ,:.,,� If tho Property Is abandoned by �orrower, or It, after notice by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor otters to meke an �� __
<br />- award or settle a claim for damages, BoROwer talis to respond to l.ender withln 30 deys after the date the notico Is gNen,
<br /> " , Lender Is authorfzed to collect and appy the proceeds,et its option, either to restoretlon or repair oi the Property or to the
<br /> ' suma secured by this Secu�iry InstrumeM,whether or not then due. =
<br /> ���^�•�s�� • Unless Lender end Bortower othenvise agree in writ(ng, any epplicatlon of praceeds to pdncipal shall not extend or __
<br />_�--�=.�;�r-°�. , postpone the due date o1 the monthly payments referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amount of such payments, _
<br />�-�-•f a 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lernder Not a Walver. F�ct2nsion of the time for payment or _
<br /> ._,..;.;��;. •„
<br /> -` ~' .r, modification of arnortlzetion ot the sums secured by thls Secudty Instrument c�ranted by Lender to any succeasor In interest of _
<br />�-;::'•�E;�� Borrower shail not operete to release the Ifability o}the orlglnnl Bortower or BoROwer's succossots In Interest. Lcnder ahall not
<br /> °`�'���'3 be requlrerl to commence Wroceedings egalnst any successor In interest or retuse to extend tl:ne tor payment or otherwise _
<br />�ic.. ti
<br /> -- • modity emortizatlon of the sums sewred by lhis Securlty Instrument by reason oi eny demand made by the odyfnal Borrower or _
<br /> _�'-� n' • Borrower's succesuore In interest. Any forbearance by Lendor In exercising any dght or remedy shall not bo a waiver ot or _
<br />_3_��,�_ :. preclude tha exerdse of eny dght or remedy. �
<br />�_ ,�: 12. Successors and Assigna Bound; Joint and SeverAl LlabUfty; Co-slgnors. The covenants and -
<br />-�==�-'• •� agreements of thls Secudty Instrument ahell bind and ben�t the successors and assigns oi Lender and Bortower, subJect to the _-.
<br /> y��`"�,..�v�y •�� provlsions ot paragraph 17. Bonowor's covenants and egreements shell be Jolnt and several. Any Borrowor who co•signs thls =__ --_---
<br /> -�!�"`" '°""" Secudry Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•slgning thls Secudty Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey --
<br />'� � '���� thAt Bartower's Interest In the Property under the tertns of thls Security Inatrument; (b) is not personalty obligated to pay tho -
<br /> ..T�'�;
<br />�u•....�..�.... -
<br /> - • «�•• sums aecured by thla Secudty Instrument: and (c) agrees that Lender end any other BortowEr may apree to extond, modify,
<br /> -,;_%�; ,�' torbear or mako nny accommodations wilh regard to the tertns ot thls Sncudty Instrument or the Note without that Bortower's _-
<br /> consent.
<br /> - � � 13. Loan CNargea� If the loan secured by thls SQCUrity Instrumont is subJect to e law which sots maximum lonn -
<br /> chergos, and that law Is ifnnlly interpreted so that the Interest or other loan chnrges collected or to be coliected In connection ,-
<br /> � � with the loan exceed the permitted Ilm(is,then: (n) any such loan cherge shail be reduced by the amount nQcessery to reduce ���^;__
<br /> _ . the charye to tho pertnitted Ilmit; and(b) eny sums eUeady coliected from Bonower which oxcoaded permitted Ilmits will be `=-^_-_
<br /> s refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reduclnp the pdncipal owod under tho Note or by making a #r�-;:_..___.
<br /> ' direct payment to Bortower. It a retund reduces pdnclpel, tho roductlon wW be treated as a partlal prepayment wlthout any , '_-�
<br /> ,�...•—.
<br /> _ � prepeyment charge under the Note. '}'�"�
<br /> . �.,�=__�
<br /> 14. fVOtICeB. My notice to Bortower provlded tor In thls 3acudry Instrument ahall be given by delivedng It or by malUng it � �1±�-
<br /> ___ ,.1�• ' by firFt clasa mail unless epplicable Ivw requlres uso 01 enother method. The notice shall be directed to tho Propetty Addreso �--
<br /> _.,� _ti.0 ��..i....., ti., n..� .a000 ...ou e� s.._.
<br /> - -=��_"-- --•'-- •- ,....... ..., n...... ..� � _
<br /> or any other uddress Borrower ctesignates Dy notice io i.ender. nny nvua..+ w L<�...a� --• ---- ••— •-
<br /> ,� Lender's addross stutad hereln or any othar addrsss Lender designatos by notice to BoROwer. My notico provided tor In this
<br /> � Securfty Instrument shall be deemed to have bQen glven to Borrower or Lender when glvan es provldod In thls paragraph. �
<br /> 15. Governing Law; Sev�rebllity. Thls Security Instrument shull be govemed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> Jurisdictlon In whlch the Properly Is located. In the event that any provislon or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note
<br /> . conillcts with applicable law,such contllct shnll not offect other provisionn ot this Secudly Instrument or the Note which Can be
<br /> . given effect without the con0lcting provlsion. To thls end the provisions of this Socurity Instrument and the Note are deciarod to
<br /> �,
<br /> . bo severable.
<br /> 16. Borrowor's Copy. Borrower sFiall bo given one confortned copy of thu Note and of lhis Security Instrument.
<br /> .. Ft316.LA76(1FJ7) Puge 3 ot 5 ..
<br /> t ' � 9�0(I7 � .
<br /> I __
<br />