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=�� � � <br /> ":`� =;r,- <br /> ..�... , . , ..._ <br /> �.,,.,�.�, .� � _,. . , , .. . .,K„�,��.. ,,._.,��_ <br /> I . _. . . _ . . g�,� 1U��nQ .... , _'r _ <br /> - I • � TOQETHER WITH all tho Improvoments now or hereaftor erected on tho propr!rty. und nll easemr.nts, nppurtenancos, nnd <br /> � lixturce npw or herealler n port oi tho pr�ryoAy All roplacemonto nnd additlono shnll nlno be covorod by thln 3ocurily Insirument. <br /> All 01 tho torepolnp In rolorrod lo In thls SocuHty Inatrumcnl na tho "Propady" <br /> HORROWER COVENANT9 Ihat Borrowar Is luwlully�ollod oi tho estata hereby convoyod and hn�t tho hpht to prqnl flnd <br /> cnnvoy tho Proparty and thnt tho Proparty Is unon,unibnrad, oxcopl for oncumbrAncos of roco►d- Borrower�vflnpnte nnd wlll .� <br /> datend penarnlly tho tltlo to thn Proporty aqalnol all clatms nnd demnnds. eubJent to eny oncurnbrnncos of record. <br /> THI9 SECURITY IN9TRUM[NT combinos unif�rm covenenta lor nattonal uao nnd non•unflorm covennnte wdh Iimitod <br /> varintlons by Jurlsdlctlon lo conalituta o unlform aecurlSy Instrumenl coverinp ►eal property. � <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Dorrower mnd Lander covennnt and aflroo no followe: <br /> 1. Peym�nt of wr7nclpal aad Intereat; Prep�yment aa�d I.pts Chargee.dorrowor shul�promOtty puy when _ <br /> duo tho principal ot end Interesl on tho debt evidenced by the Note end ony prepayment and Inte charqes due undor Iho Noto. <br /> 2. Funds for Taxea anei Ineuranc�. SubJoCl tu 4pplicabl9 IAw or to e wrltton walver by l.ender, dorrower shall pny <br /> � to Lender on Iho day monthly paymenta nre dua under tha Note, unlll tho Note Is patd In lull, a sum ('Funds') lor: (n) yearly <br /> •• • •r"'"' taxos nnd aesessmonts whlch may arialn pdorlty ovor ihls Secur(ty Insimmont as e Ilen on the Property; (b) yearly leasehold <br /> '« paymenis or ground ronts on the Property, li any; (c)yearly hazard or property Insurance premlums: (d) yearly flood insurence � <br /> premlums, It eny; (e) yearly moAgage Insuranco premlums.I1 eny;end(n eny sums payable by Borrower to Londer In accordance _ <br /> with lhe provislone oi paragraph B, fn Ileu ol the payment of mortgege Insurance premlums. These Items are celled 'Escrow - <br /> Items." Lender may, ut any time. collect and hold Funds in sn emount not to exceed the maximum amount e lender for e <br /> federelly retated mortgage loan may requlre for Bortower's escrow account under the foderal fleal Estate Settlement Procedures - <br /> Act of 1974 es amended irom time to time, 12 U.S.C. Q 2601 et seq.("RESPA"), unless another law that epplles ro the Funds _ <br /> sets a lesser amount. It so, Lender may, at any tlme, collect end hold Funds In an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. <br /> Lender may estimate tho amount of Funds due on the basis of curtent data and reasonablo estimatas ot expenditures of luture , <br /> Escrow Items or otherwlse In accordance with epplicabte law. <br /> • The Funds shall be held in an Institutlon whose deposits are Insured by a federel agency,Instrumental(ty,or entity(including <br /> ,� . Lender, if Lender is such en inslituUon) or In any Federel Home Loen Bank. Lender sl�all appty ihe Funds to pay the Escrow �--_ . <br /> Items. Lender may not charge Bortower tor holding end applying the Funds, annualiy anelyzing the escrovi account, or verifying <br /> tho Escrow Items, unless Lender pays BoROwer Interest on ihe Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a r;:i;'�;�-_, <br /> �� �.� charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge tor an Independent real estate tax reporting service "'`-` <br /> �:�,;v;i used by l.ender in connection with this loan, unless applicnbte lew provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or — <br /> ���,��;�if;:`+ applicablo law requires Interest to be pald, Lender shall not be required to pay Bonower any Interest or eamings on the Funds. <br /> :r+�t�%• Borrower and Lender may a�ree In wriling, hawever, that Interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Bortower, <br /> - ��!+'���; without charge, nn nnnual accounting of the Funds, showing credita and debits to the Funds and the purpose for whlch each _ <br /> '�,M�1 deblt to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged eg additional secudty for ell sums secured by the Secudty Instrume�it. <br /> � `�' If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by eppticabte law, Lender shail account to Bortower <br /> :�; tor the excesa Funda in accordenee with the requlremenis of applicable lew. I}the amount of the Funds held by Lender et any <br /> ' time is not sutticlent to pay the Escrow Items when due, I.ender mey so notify Bonower In wrlting,and, In suoh case Borcower ---- <br /> t' shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the dellclency. Bor►ower shell make up the de0clency In no more then � <br /> �- twalvw mnnfhly naymaMn,at I,nndc�r'A RAIA dlar.r�tlon �' <br /> '�. Upon payment In tull ot all sums securad by thls Secudty Instmment LenAer shall promptiy re`und to Bortower any Funde r <br /> held by Lender. II, under paregraph 27, Lender shall acqulre or sep Iho PropeRy, Lender, prlor to lhe ncqulsluon or sale ol the = <br /> Property, shall epply any Funds held by Lender et the time of ecqulsitton ar sale es a credit agelnat the aum� secured by thls <br /> , Security Instrument, <br /> 3. Applie�tton of P�ymente. Untess eppllcable law provldes othenviso, ell payments recelved by Lender under <br /> paragraphs 1 snd 2 shall brr appitod: first, to any peepayment charges due under the Note; second, to emounts payeble under <br /> ' paregraph 2;third,to Interest due; tourth, to princlpal due; end laRt, to any late charges due under the Note. <br />_ � ' 4. Ch�rg�i; LI011i. Bo�rower shail pay ell taxea, sesesaments, charges, fines snd Impositlona etlributable to the <br />• • � Property which may attaln prlodry over thls Sacurity InsWment, and leasehold payments or ground ronts,It any. Bortower ehali <br /> . ,, pay thosu obligutlonc In tha manner provided In parcigraph 2, or It not pnid In that manner, BoROwer shall psy them on timo � --- <br /> . directty to the person owed payment. Bonower shell promptty lumish to Lender ell notices of emounta to be pnid under this <br /> paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments dlrecUy, Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender recelpte evidencing the - <br /> - payments. <br /> ° Borrower aheA promptly dlscharge any flen whlch has priodty over thls Security Inatrument unles3 BoROwer. (a)agress in - <br /> .,� -.•. wrlting to the payroent of tho obligation secured by the Ilen In e manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests in good lafth tho �� <br />��,,µ ' . . :�L � , Ilen by, or defends agsinst enforcement of the Ilen In, legal proceedings whlch In the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent the ?=` <br /> - enforcement of the Iien; or (c) secures hom the holder of the Ilen an agreement satlsfacto.ry to Lender subordlnating ihe ilen to �- <br />�y:� � � � , this Secu►ity Instrument.If Lender datertnines that eny part of the Properiy is subJect to a Ifen which may attaln priority over this <br />-�'' ��� . , Security Instrument, Lender may glve Bortower a notice Ident(tying the Iten, Borrower shell satlsty the Ilen or take one or more ot <br /> ' � the actlons sei forth above withln 10 days o}the glviny of notice. �;'�`` <br /> �.,;:. <br /> S. HaZAfd o� Property Insurance. Bor►ower ehall keepthe Improvanents now existing or hereafler erected on tho �_p= = <br />�.�;,�-:4�.�;� Property insured against loas by flre, hnzards Included within the tertn'extended coverags' and any other hazerdn,Including �"'- <br />:.�-T•�- floods or flooding,for whir.h Lender requires Insurance. This insurence shall be malntained In the amounts and tor the pedods �-�-- <br /> q provlding tho insurence shan be chosen by Bortower subJect to Lender's approval '--- <br /> -'�- ,.�,�;:,� .,� thnt Lender re ulres, The insurance cartier <br /> i,�=..,�^�.--- whlch shall not bo unreasonably wkhhetd. N Bor►ower fails to malntaln coverage described abovo, Lnnder may, at Lender's -- <br /> _ ,,...�,.... <br /> :.t -. , option, obtein coverage to protect Lender's rights In the Property In eccordance with paregrapfi 7. o - — <br /> � °����� All Insurenco policles and renewais shall be acceptable to Lender and shsll Include a otandard mortgape cl�use. Lender ��-- <br />_-'��` '� � shall have the rlght to hold the pollcles and renewats. If Lender requfres. B�rrower ehall promptty glve to Lender a{I receipts ot °�-- <br /> • -�r - <br /> patd premiums and renewal noUces. In the event of Ioss, Borrowe�shall give prompt noUce lo lhe Insurence carrier and Lender. �':_°°--- <br /> ' � Lender may muke proot oi losa It not made promptty by Bottower. ==____ <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wdting, insurance proceeds ahall be epplled to restoratlon or repalr of tha <br /> • Property damaged,lt the restoraUon or repalr Is ecanomlcaly teasible snd Lander's secudty Is not lessened. II the restoration or ' ��_�� <br /> . .•_-�--_. <br /> repalr Is not economicalty teaslble or Lender's secudty would be lessened,the Insurance procoeds ohall be eppiied to the sums =-==�- <br /> secured by thls Securtty Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess pald to Borrower. I} Borrowe�abandons the ��=.�n v- <br />_ . Properry, or does not answer wRhin 30 days a notice lrom Lender that the Insuranao carrler has oftered to settla n clalm,than `�'�=��=-��- <br /> . ,; Lsndor may coiloct the Insurance proceeds. Lender may use Iho proceods to repair or rostore the Property or to pay suma � '��A`== <br /> secured by thls Securtty Instn�ment,whether or not then due. Tha 30•day pedod wlll begln when the notice Is given. ' �;::.;:_�� <br />= Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise ngreo In wnting, any application of proceeds to pdnclpal shall not axtend or `!�". '%"�� <br />' postpone the due date oi the monthly payments referred to In paregraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount o(the payments. If ---°-• <br /> � �•. under paragraph 21 the Properry is acqulred by Lender, Borrowor's tlght to any Insumnce policlos end pra�.eeds resuAing from ' , _ <br /> �----- ;�-�:• -�-- ---..�-W-- -�-�� ---- �--�-- •�- ----• . ... <br /> . ... .. .. . . . - <br /> -- -- -°�-_ ..a���oyo Q�. 2�o Y 7 Y�w. w 4`o a..y��muun ouan paoa iv �etwm iv u�e antent vi u�a auma uy tms ancun�y mstnlment ----�:--..;-:,.,_ .. <br /> - �� Immediately prior to the ecquis�lon. <br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Malntenance and Protectlon of the Property; Borrowor's Loan ' <br /> Appllcation; Leaseholds.Borrower shall occupy,estahlish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal rosldence within <br /> sixty days after the executlon of this Securlty Insirument and she�contlnue to occupy tho Property as Borrower's princlpal <br /> resldence for et least one year atter the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwlse ac�rees In writing,which consent shall not <br /> , be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating circumslances exist which are beyond Botrower's control. Borrower shall not . <br /> _ de�iroy, damage or Impalr the Property, allow tho Propedy to detoriorete,or commft waste on the Property. Borrowcr shall be In • <br /> defeult il any forteiture action or proceeding, vihether civll or criminal,Is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result ' <br /> " " in forfeiture ot the Property or olherwise matedally Impalr the Ifen created by this Secudty Instrument or Lender's security interest. <br /> -- F1316.LMG(1/971 P�gn 2 ot 5 <br /> � I 97rRit <br /> _ _ ' _ _ <br /> _--� - _ <br />