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,� <br /> ' "'a�6�" ' _ .� : <br /> ,.,�:,. , <br /> , <br /> .y. ., . .. .. .. „ . ' . ..V."�k� ..1(.'?'.�.._ <br /> a. <br /> - ' _'_':dl�•� . - ... . .- , '�.. ' <br /> .. . ,. . . . ... ... ...... .. .. .'_'_. ._. . . . _. � . <br /> _...... . . . .. . .. 97r �V�i-v`J �.., ;fa'qc�t., <br /> • � 17. Tranefer of tt�e Property or a Beneflclal Int�reAt In Borrower. II all or any purt o1 lho Propoity or <br /> nny Interost In it Is sold or tr�nsierrod (or II q beneficlnl Inter�st In Qorrowor is sold or Irnn�larred ond Borrowcr Is not a natural <br /> person) wlihout LQnder's priorwrltten consont, Landor mny.nt Ita optlon, requlrn Immndlnla paymenl i+i lull ol nll sums socurad by <br /> � � this Security Instrument. Howe�er. Ihis optlon shall not bo a�orclsed by L�ndor If oxerclso is prohlbitod by loderal Inw as ol tho <br /> dato of thls Socurity InatrumeN. <br /> Ii Lendor exorclses ihis optlan, Lender �hull glvo Borrower notica ol nccolerntlon. ThQ notice shall provide n perlod ot not <br /> lese than 30 days Irom ths Wte Iho notice Is doliverod or mallod withln whlch BoiTOwer must poy ell eums secured by Ihfs <br /> Security Inatrument. 14 Borrower ic{ds to pey ihoso sume prfor tu tho oxplrntion o1 ihl3 peHod, I.ender may Invoke eny remedlas , <br /> pertnitted hy thls Security Inslniment withoul further notice or demard on Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrower's R ight t0 Relnstate. I1 Borrower mQeta ceRaln condillone, Borrower shafl heve the right to have <br /> enforcement of this Security Nstrument discontinued nt any llme prior to the oarller o1: (a) 5 deys (or such other period as <br /> ,n�.. appllcable law may speclly torrelnstutement) before salo of lhe Property pursuent to eny power of sale conlelned In this Security , <br /> �'� Instrument; or (b) entry of a wdgment enfarcing this 3ecudty Instrument. Those canditlons are that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all <br /> �' sums whlch then would b� due under this Secutily Instrument and the Note as if no acceleretion had occurted, (b) cures any :';`° <br /> • � defnuR ot any other covenant or egreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred In enlorcing thls Security Instrument. including, but �;; <br /> not limited to, reasonable attomeys'fees; and (d) tukes such acUon es Lender may reasonably requ(re to assure that tho lien of '-` <br /> this Secudry Instrument, Lender's dghts In the Properry and 8orrower's obligatlon to pay the sums secured by this Securlty . '-'�' <br /> Instrument shell continue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the obligatlons securod „,;,"'" <br /> ::;,..,.�.�,...... <br /> • he;eby shall remain fully effedi+a as It no accelerallon had occurted. However,thls riyht to reinstate shall not appy In the case ;;.�:.;;�;: <br /> • �"'�'��' of eccele�xtion under paragreph 17. �.��� '��_ <br /> � ���'� 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or e a partlai Interest In tne Noce ;o9etner with this �<_`- <br /> ' � Socurity Instrument) may ba sotd one or more times without pdor notice to Bortower.A sale may resuit In a change In the entity -_ <br /> (known as the'Loan Servicery that collects monthly payments due under the Note and lhis Securily Instrument. There atao mey _ <br /> be one or more changes of Ihe Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sale ot the Note. It there Is e chenge of the Loan Servlcer. , <br /> ' �'�- Borrower will bo given wdttennotico ot the changa In accordance wRh paragreph 14 above and appucabla law. The notice wlll '.• <br /> , state the neme end eddress d the new Loan Servlcer and tho eddrese to which payments ahould bo mado. Tho notico wlil ol�o �' <br /> � „ contaln eny other iniormetlon requlred by eppilcable law. <br /> � 20. H�z�rdou� &Nblt�I1Q��. 9orrowor ahell nol cauno or parmlt tho presanco, uao, tllaposul, otoraqn, or rolcana o1 - <br /> � any Hazerdoue 3ubatencos on or In tho Property. 8orrower ohall not do, nor ellow enyono else to do, unylhlnp nllecting the <br /> Property Ih�t le In vlolallon ol v�y Envlronmental Law. Tho procodinp two senlencoe ehall not appty to Ihe prosence, use, or � ' <br /> � storepe on lhe Property of small quentltlon o} Heinrdoue Subntnncoe Ihat aro qonerelly rocognitod lo be eppr4pnate to nonnAl �'- <br /> renldentlal uoea�nd fo m�inien�nce o1 tho Property. <br /> �� Borrower shell promptly qive Lendm w�itten notico ol eny Investlpatlon, clelm, domand, Inweult or other ectlon by any & <br /> � govemmontal or re4uletory agmcy or privafe party InvoNing tho Property and any Hetardous Subetence or Envlronmentel Law o1 - <br /> whlch Borrower heo actust knowletlge. If Bortower Ieame, or is nounecl dy eny govemmencai or rcguiatory euinoriiy, inai any <br /> removal or other remedletion oT eny Hazardous Substance aNecting Properly is nacessary, 9onower ehell promptly take all <br /> necessary remedlei actlons In eccordence with Envlronmental Lew. <br /> � ' As uaed In thls parsgraph 20,'Hazardous Substences' are those aubstences deflnud es toxlo or hezardoua aubstences by <br /> �, @nvirnnmental Law and ihe fo�lowing substancos: gasoline, kerocene, other tlammable or toxic petroleum products, toxla <br />- pesticldes and herbicides, vdaGlo solvents,materiais contelning uobestos or tortnaldohyde, and radloactive materials. As used In <br /> �� paragraph 20, 'Environmentellsw' means federai laws and lawa of the Jurisdiction where the PropeAy is loceted that relate to <br />_�ti ' heaith, safety or envlronmentelpratectfon. <br /> t.s, ,,�. NON•UNIFORM COYENANTS.Bortower and Lender tudher covenant and spree as follows: . _ <br />�_�, 21. Acceleration; Ramedles. Lender shall glve notice to Borrower prior to accelaratlon '" <br /> : following 8orrower's braach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Inst�ument (but not — <br /> --^����:••��• •��� prlor to acceleratlon under peragraph 17 unless applicable law providss otherwiss). The notice � <br /> :�f'a�.'x•'L:�:.... <br />;�.; .,.�. �hall specHy: (a) the default; (b) thA actlon requlred to cure the defauft; (c) a dete, not leas than <br /> Z,;; �...,,,� � 30 days from the date tl�e notice is given to Borrawer, by wY�ich thd default must be c�red; ancl -. <br />' " " � " (d) that fallure 4o curo tha default on or before the date spocified In the notice may result in <br /> k�:�'.:.r;{':rt. , <br />�;;.•��;�{i- accelera4lon of the sums secured tsy thia Security Instrument and eale of the Property. The notice <br />�;;; ����v• shall further Inform Barower of the right to reinstate after accoleration and ths right to bring a — <br /> -- �=`r-� ` � '` court ectlon to assed the non-exlstence of a defauit or any other def�nse of Borrower to <br />�-�`;��•.�u,:.. <br />__'�.. •,� .,� aaceleratlon and sale. If the default Is r+ot cured on or befora the date apecifled in tha notice. <br />;.��''���`.� .'' Londer at Ite option may require immedlate paymont In full of all sums se�cu�ed by this Securfty <br />��.r:�r-�`"""`• � Instrument without �adher memend and may Invoke the power of sale and a�y other remedies - <br />_' "`'�'��''' permitted by applicable Iaw. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses inaurred In pureuing __ <br /> --,,� .,_.. ... <br /> "",�_�^'�" � the remedles providsd in thls paragraph 21, tncluding, but not Iimited to, reasonable attomeye' G_ <br /> •�= •• feea and coste of tit�e evidence. F�:_ _ <br /> , If the power of s�le le invokod, Trusteo shall recprd a noilce of default in each county In ` _--_--- <br /> �,_r_--�.--------- <br /> � which any part o! the Property Is located end shall mail coplea of auch notice in the manner -- - <br /> ' � prescribed by applicabla lew to Borrower and to the other persone prescribed by eppllcable law. <br />