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<br /> � 13.Notices.AnY nodce w Boaowcr provided for in this Security Instrument sha11 be given by dcBvering it or by :, ��'(,.
<br /> muiling it by fust class mail unless applicable law requires usc uf anothcr methal.The nodce shall be directed co the ,.��=
<br /> iPcoperty Adtlress ar eny other ucldress Borrower dcsignatrs by nodce to I-ender.Any nodce to Ler►der shall be given by = _
<br /> � fust class mail to Lender's address atated herein or any address Lender designates by notice to Bormwer.Any nodce
<br /> provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be deemed to have been given W Bonowcr or iznder when giveii as
<br /> .� provided in this paregraPh• -
<br /> 14.Governing Law;SeeerabilIty.'Ihis Security Instrument shall be govemed by Federal law and the law of[he ,
<br /> � jurisdicdon in which the Property is located.In the event that any provision or clanse af this Security Instnunent or the ,:--
<br /> IVote conflicts with t!pplicable law,such conflict shaU not affect othea provisiona of this Security Instrument or Ihe Note _
<br /> • which can be gtven effect without the conflicdng provislon.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and
<br /> � -.
<br /> the Note are declared w be severable.
<br /> 1S.Borrawer's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securlty InstrumenG _,
<br /> ' � 16. liazardoua Subshtnees. Bocrower ahall not cause or pexmit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of ";_
<br /> � : any Ha7ardous Substances on or in the k'roperty.Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything�'fecdns -
<br /> �.=:.
<br /> t h e P r o p e r t y that is ln violadon af any Environmentnll Law. 'Itie preceding two sentences shell nat apply to the presene;e, -
<br /> . use, or aWrage on the Properiy of small quantides of Haurcdoi►s Substances t ha t a r e g e n e r a l ly r e c o g n l z e d t o b e �;W,_
<br /> ,. �, appropriata to normN residentiel uses ond to maintenance of the Property. __
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy giva Lendes written notice of any�nvesdgation,claim,demand,lawsuit or othes action by
<br /> any govemmen�l ar regulatory a8ency or pdvate party involving the Pcoperty and any Hazerdous Substence or
<br /> '�s . R�yimnmenral Law of which Borrower hes actual knowledge. If Borrower leams.or is notifled by eny governmentel or
<br /> �� regulawry authoriry.that uny removal or other remediadon af any He7ardous �uosusnces acixang 'u`►e �'�"-t�° i�
<br /> ;, necessarY,Bonowu shall promptly take all necessazy remedial acdons in accordnnce with]Bavironmental Law.
<br /> �: ps used in this paragiaph 16, "Ha�ardous Substances" eru those substences defined es toxic or hezardous
<br /> substances by EnvIronmental Law and the following substances:gesollne.kemsena,other flammabl�or toxic petroleum
<br /> products, w�ic pesdcides and herbicides, vo�atlle solvents, matertals wntaining esbcsws or formaldehyde. and —
<br /> - � radioacdvo materlals. As ased in this ParagrePh 16, "Environmental Law" means fedual laas and lawa of Qie
<br /> „ jnrisdkdon wbere the Proputy is locetal that relata to health,sefety or environmental protecdon. —
<br />' � NON-UNIHORM COVBNANTS.Harrower and I.ender furthu covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> � - 17.Aas[gnment of Rents.Borrower uncondidonally assigns end transfer�to LenAer ell the rents end revenues of
<br /> ,-:: , ., . ;,' ' the Property.Hoaowa suthorius Lender or Lender's agent�tp collect the rents and revenues end he�eby directs each
<br /> �-� �,: -!� � tenant of the Property to pay the rents to.Lendcr or Lender's agents.However,pdor to L,endu's notice co Honower of —
<br />- "''" Bocrower's breach of nny covenant or e�reement in the Sacurity Inatrument,Bocrower shall collect and reccive all rents _
<br /> .��`•°�"" ""� ' and r�venues of the Property as trust,ee for the benetit of Lender end Borrower.This assignment of tents consdtuus an
<br />- ;;.;�� absoluta essignma►t and nat en assignmcnt for additional secucity only.
<br /> - � If Leader gives nodce o£bre,ach w Borruwa: (a)all rents received by aorrower shall be held by Horrowa as
<br />' ' • uustee for benefit of Lender only,to ba applied to the sums secttred by the Socurlty Insttumeris�)Len�r h�b�e� __—
<br />--�j` endfled w colltct and receivo all of the rents of the I'roperty;and(c)each tenant of the Property paY
<br />=- � and anpaid to Lenda or Lendu's agent on I.endu's wriuen demand to tho tenan�
<br />;`�'�:;::... ` Borrower has not executed eny piior assignrnent of the rents and hag not and wW nat perform any ecc tha�t would
<br /> ."`"'"'�_., .: prevent Lendu from eaceecis�ng its rights under this pacagraph 17. _
<br />�as::-,.u,.�X.�.
<br /> ��'�" -�' Lender shall not bo required to enter aFun.take contsol of or maintaii►ti�e Property befor�or after giving nodce of
<br /> �� � -
<br />-�;.•� � r. . breach to Bomower.However.Lender or a judiclally appo�nted r�eiver muy do so at any time there is a�breach. Y --.---
<br /> " . � appllcaHon of rents shaU not cure or waive Any default or invalidate any other dght or remedy of Lender.This -
<br />_.. . assignment of rents of tha Pcoperty sha11 terminata when the debt secured by the Security Insuument is paid in fuU. _ __ —
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