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<br /> �,,,�'; 18.Forccbsure Pracedure.lt I.ender requfres immedls�te paymcnt tn fuU undcr pAragrAph 9,Lender muy
<br /> .... :+M! [nvoke the power ot eak and�ny aiher reroedks permitted by applicable laa.I.ender shall ba eatitkd to collect
<br /> � All expenses Incurred in purauing t6e remedks under tht�paragrs�ph 18,includtng,but not limited to,reasonable
<br /> - -- �t��,:,�o�¢.�acdc�bQ!tt4l�trtrease.
<br /> If the power of snk iy invaked,Trustce shall recaxd o notice of detauit ia each rnunty tn w6ich Any part of � ;,_.
<br /> ' ; the Property is lo�z�led and shall mnjl copies ot auch nodce fn We manner prescrtbed by uppllsable I�w to ,-,:__
<br /> :•i Borrower and to the other perso�s prescribed by applkubk Isiw. A,Oter the time required by applkabk law, �
<br /> :' Trustce s6s�11 give pubpc notice of sak to the persons�nd in the manner prescribed by appllc.able law.Trustee,
<br /> M'; without demand on Bormeer„�YaU e�U i6@ Pro rty at public aucHon to the Wg6est biddor at the time aad plstce ��
<br /> �+ and under the t s�esign�ted Yt th!'�notke,ot�ak in one or more pArcel�anrl ia any order Trustee determines. �,�__
<br /> �'�� Trustee may pc�ne.ds�i�:ot�II�r wny•Porcel�the Property by pubiic Aunounce�eai at 9�e tine aad pL^ce of _„'a
<br /> �Y Prevbualy sc6edukd a�te. Len�ler or�tts designee mAy purchase the Propprty at any sa1e. �'-
<br /> ' ! If the Lender's interest in tlais Security Instrumeat is held by the Secretary snd the Secretary requ�ires
<br /> immediate payment in tull under PArwgr�ph 9,the Secretary mwy invoke tl�e nonJutlicia!power oP asile provkled �:_�,
<br /> fn We Sipgk FamUy Mortgwge Forecbsure Act of 1994 ("Act") (12 U.S.C. 3751 et seg.) by requesting a
<br /> �� R� foreclosure cnmmtssbner desi{nated under We Act to commence toreciosure And to sell the Propert� es �,�
<br /> provWetl In the Ac� Noth(ng In tde preceding eentence s6�11 deprive the Secretary of any ri�hte otherwise �r�_
<br /> nvc►ilxb{e to A Lender under thi�Paragraph 18 or ppplkabk law. �`
<br /> • Upon receipt of pAyntent ot the prkx bW,Trusta elwll deliver to the purchs�ser Trastee's deed conveyinQ ��
<br /> • the Property.'The recltal4 In tbe Truat�e'e deed shall be prima tsrcle evidence of the huth ot the statements made _
<br /> Werein.Trusta d6o11 apply t6e pmceeds of ihe sak in the following order: (a) to aD costs aad expebses ot
<br />. , exerdsing the power of ss�k,�d the sitle,mc[uding tne payrnent oi iue i r:uu�b:�&s�s:s;l��:':::r�►��*.��
<br /> exoeed 3.o00 �!6 ot the principAl amount of tbe note at the t(me ot tbe declstration�t detault,
<br /> and re9sounbk Atiorneys'tce9�s permitted by I�w;(b)to all sums secured by thia Security Instrument;ond(c)
<br /> �ny eaces�to the person or persons kgsUy entitled to it.
<br /> .,-:.,+;�. :. .
<br /> --° 19.Reconveyance.Upon payme�t of all eums secured by this Sec.uriry Instrument,Lender shali request Trustee to
<br /> .`�'w�-�.:;T reconvay the Propaty and sl�all surrender this Security Inswment and all notes evidencing debt sec�uod by thls Securtry
<br /> `��,°�.�."I�'�' lnstru�t w Trustoe.�i'rusue sl�ll roconvey the Proputy wlihout warranty and without chergo w the person or pusons
<br />. .-•°"'""'��� legally endtlod W i�Such pason a pasons ehall pay any recordadon costs.
<br />="';�>::�,;.
<br /> �.t�,�.�� 20. Su6stitute Trusta.Lender,at its option,cnay from dme to ttma remove Ttusteo und appoint a successor
<br /> ____,�--.,� trustca to auy TYusteo appointed hereunder by an L�sWma►t recad�d in the counry in which this Security lnsttument 19
<br />::..�,�;:��� . recorded. Without cnmeymce at the I'�nputy�the successox trustoo shall succced w all the dtle.Wwer and dudas
<br /> -- confa�rcd upon'IYustx herein and bY ePPl�bk law.
<br /> —� 21.Requrst tor No�las.Borrower nquests ihat coples of thc nodces of default and ssile be se+�t W Bonower's
<br /> .����:�;..
<br /> - :°_� address which is the Y�coperty Addness.
<br /> _ - �.�
<br /> r,-i�[
<br /> :_��
<br /> _---=--- 22.Riders ta tD6 Securih Iaatrumen�If one or more ddels ane a�cecuud by Borrower and recardod togethu
<br /> --- -= with this Securiry Jnsuumcnt,U�e covenants of esch such ridu shall be incoipora�ed inta and shall amu�d ar�d
<br /> ��"`u;�:;� supplement the eovenants end egrexments of this Sec�uity Instcuumant as if tha rlder(s) w�re a part of�his Security
<br /> _,�'w�"� In�w,_m, en�[Check applicable lwx(es)]. -
<br /> �'�=°"�`.�• L.._1 Condotninium Rida � (imwing&I�ih*Aida un Othu[spccify)
<br /> ":��'`�s: [] Plenned Unit Devclopmcnt Rider � Ciraduaced PaYment Itider Mortgage Addendum
<br /> '_ .y'}�y�7.
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