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<br /> ,or a beneficLil intcrest in a trust owning all or gnrt of the Property,is sold or . �.y}�,.:
<br /> " (i)AA or part of the Propeity .,:�,. ,:
<br /> otherwis2 trensfcrred(ather ihan by davisc ar dascent),nnd .-,:_n__�
<br /> (Ii) The Pro p e r t y is not occupicd bY �e R� but his or her credit hav nat bccn approvcdidn n�o r���e _-_-
<br /> pwchascr or grantee does co occupy the Pcoperty �_
<br /> w;th the mquirements of the Secrctsry. :U�,
<br /> ' (c) No Waiver. If circumstences occur that would permit Lender to require immediate payment in full. but =-
<br /> Lender does not require such paymenta,I.ender does not waive its rights with respect to subsequent ev�nW�it �=="'�
<br /> (d) Regulatbas ot HUD Secrets�ry. In many clrcuins4ances reguladons issued by the Sccretary �_�_.
<br /> ' L.�nder•a dghu,in the case of payment defaults,to reyuire immediece payment in full and foreclose if not paid. : ._
<br /> _ _ __
<br /> • This gecarity Insuument does not authorize acaleration or foreclasure if not per�'�►Itted bY re8u1a8ons of the ..
<br /> Secrctary. ..
<br /> (e)Moa�tgage Not Insured.Bonower agrces that if Ihis Sr.cudty Instrument and the Note are not�dndernmay,at - -
<br /> � be cligible for insurance under the National Housing Act within 60 daYs from the date hereof, ___
<br /> its optinn, require imm.,diate payment in full of ell sums secured by this Securiry InswmenG A wriuen . � ::�_
<br /> " s t a t ement of an y authorized aBent of the Secretary dated subseque�t to 60 dnys from the date hereof,declining 4
<br /> to insure this Securiry Instrument and the Note, shall be de.emeci conc lusive proo f o f s u c h i n e li g i b i l i ty. "�'�,�^
<br /> �� Notwithstanding the foregoing, this opdon may not be eaer�cised by Lender whcn tha unavailability of „•r='�� ,
<br /> , � insurance is solely due to Lender's feiiure to remit a mortgage insurance Prert►ium to the Secretary. T `
<br /> 10.Reinstatemen�Borrowe,r hes u r�ght to be reinstated if Lc�►der ha�required immediate PaYment in full because �, - ,,
<br /> , , lles even after • �
<br /> __�� �f Anrmwer's failure to pay an amount due under the Nou or this Sc:curita►InstrumenG Thls right app � ==
<br /> J.: ,--F" _ -
<br /> foreclosure proc.eedin8s ara insflwted.To reinstau+the Security inswmeni, Bom;w�+shatt ic�dcx in s 1� �*n eL� i= _
<br /> `� amounts requlred to brin8 Borrower'4 acc°wt c�urent including,to the oztent they are ubllgedons of Bomowcr under „ -.
<br /> � s; thls gecurity Instrument, foreclosiue costs and reasonuble and customary ettomeys' fees and expenses pro�+erly _
<br /> �•: associatetl with the foreclosure proceedin8• UPan reinstatement by Borrower. this Securiry Instrument and the
<br /> obllgadons that it sacures shnll remain ln effect as if I.ender had not rcquired immediate PaYment in full. However,
<br /> Lender is not required to Pennit reinstatement if: (i) Lendu hes acr,eptal reinstatement after the commcncement of '"'
<br /> � foreclosure proceedinBs w�thin t�'° Y� ��ly pt��g �0 CO���ment of a current foreclosure .
<br /> proceeding,(ii)reinstaument will preclud�foreclosure on djfferent g�rowids L� the funu�e. or (iii)reinstaumu►t w[11 t
<br /> " adversely affect the pdority of the lien crcaud by this Securiry Inxttument ent or
<br /> li. Borrower Not Re{wsedi ForbeArance BY Lender Not a �f'aiver.Extension of the time of paym _ .
<br /> mpdification of emorti�ation of the sums secured by ihis Securlty Inst=ument gsar►ted by Lender w any successor in �
<br /> interest of Borrowu shall not opecute co releascs the liability of the origin�l Bmrower or Borrowes's successor in intcresG _
<br />� Lender shall not be requlre�to comme�ce pi'°�ecd�gs�st any snccessor in �nterest or refuso to extend tune for r..
<br />�� � , � ��� payment or othuwise modify en►ocdzatton of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demea�d �_:
<br /> mede by the orlginal Bormwer or Boaower's successors in i�►teies�My forbearance by Lender in exerclsing any d8M �
<br /> or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of eny right or rematy. `;
<br /> . 12.Succes5ors and Assigns Bound;Jotnt ond Several LWbWty;Co-Signers.The covenants and agreemeats of `�
<br /> zt`'''-�.. , thIs Security InstNn►ent shall bind and 6enefu the successors and assigns of I,ender end Sorrower. subject to the �..—�----�-
<br /> �„-
<br /> - . � provisions of paragraph 9(b). Borrower's covenants and agraments sha11 ba 3oint end several. My Borrowcr whA r_•
<br /> co•signs this Securicy Insaument but daes not axexute the Nous: (a) !s co•signing this Security Instnu�►a►t only to �_._
<br /> �
<br />'" � mor�gegcs.grant end convey that Boaower's interest in the Property under the tenns of this Secuiity Instnunen� (b)ig ��
<br /> . not pe�sonally obligated to pay the sums se�ared by ttils Sec�rity Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other .
<br />�i�.�.;` s� ,� .—__
<br /> • �•,��.�—----
<br /> '4 ' •� Borrower may egree co oatend.modify,forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Secunty _y�
<br /> :h:��—��.a�
<br />_ ° Insuument or th�s NoUe without that Borrower's consenG ;;:�����:�.�:
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