<br /> �.
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<br /> � ' paymcnGv may no longcr bo rcqulccd,nt tho opdon of l.endcr, if mongaga insuruncc cavcrngc (in thc sunount nnd for thc period �
<br /> + thnt Lcnder rcquires)providcd by an i�surer npproveti by l.cndcr ngain becomes nv�ilablc nnd is obtained.Dorrower shall pay the �__
<br /> ptcmlums ms�uired to mainmin mongnge insurancc in cffect. ar to peovidc a lass rescrvc, undl thc requirement for mortgagc
<br /> � insurance ends in accordnnw wilh any wdtten agreement b�;tween BoROwer su�d Lender or upplict�ble Inw.
<br /> � 9.inspesti�n. I.end�r or its ngent mny makc rcasonable cntrics upon and inspecdons of the Properry.Lender shell givc
<br /> � Bartower noflce at the time of or prior to an lnspecUon specUying reusonuble cause for the inspecdon. ,
<br /> , 10.Condemnatiay�. The proceecis of eny nward or clnim for damnges, direct or wnsequendel, In�onnecdon with any
<br /> � ooeidemnadon or other taking of nny part of the Propercy,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,ere hereby assigned and ;
<br /> shall be p�id to Lendcr. ",`,
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property,the proceeds shaU be a�plled to the sums secuced by this Securily Instrument, _���;.
<br /> whether or not then duo.with any cxcess pald W Borrowcr.In the event of a partial taktng of ttic Propeny in which thc fair market __- _
<br /> velue of 1ha 1'roperty immcdiately bcforc thc taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security �_ _
<br /> . Instrutncnt Immcdlatcly before tha talcing. uniess Borrowec and Lender oiherwLsa agree in wridng, the sams sc;cured by this , ',�'.�'"
<br /> Security Instnunent shall be reduced by the ar►tount af the proceeds muluplied by tho foUowing fracdon:(a) the total amount of f,,�--
<br /> che sums secnrcd immcdiatcly bcfore the takir►g, divided by @) ihe fair morket value of thc Pmperty im�nediately before the .,�_
<br /> - � taking,p�y baLsnce shati bo paid to Borrower.In the event of a p�!rral tAking of the Property in which thc fair market value of the '�:fx~� _
<br /> �,_..
<br /> • " Propeny immediately before the taking is less than the emount of the sums secured immedlately before the telcing, unless :�,;�:,
<br /> Borrower and Lender othenvise agree in wridnB or unless appllcable law otherwisc provides.the proceeds sha11 be applled co the _ .__
<br /> sums securc;d by�hls Securiry Instrument whether or not tho sums are then due. ' fr����
<br /> � If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by L.ender w Borrower Ihat tho condemnor offers to make un
<br /> award or seitle a claim for damegcs,Bomnwer fails W resportd w Le�►der within 30 days nfter die d.ate the notice is given,L.ender ' �i.
<br /> ' is authorized W collect and apply the procaa�s,at its option,either w mswradon or repair of the Property or to the sums secuced ;:=.;.'"�'°°"
<br /> roc
<br /> � by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. ��:�;�+'�`
<br /> i Unless Lender aRd Borrower otherwise agm.e i►i writin8�anY aPPU�uon oF procc�eds to principal shall not extend or postpone ,
<br /> ro ed
<br /> ' �� the due date af the monthly payments refe:rcd to in paragrnAhs 1 and 2 or change the�mount of such payments. h�.;�?�_ ; ,
<br /> 11.aorrower Not IteleASed;Forbearaace By Lender Not a Waiver. Bxtension of the dme for payment or modificadon �:1ti• � ��
<br />-- - _'`� ui ra�iio�'tf��,�f slsc�a�utEd bi lh�s S°`'�tt�tY lnQtmment granted by Lendet to enY suCCCSSOr in interest of Borcower shsll
<br /> not operau to release the llabil�ity of the odginat Borrower or Borrower's surccssors in inte,resG L.ender shall not bo cr,qujred to •�
<br /> commence procec�in8s aBainst eny successor in interest or mfuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amorti�aflon of
<br /> the sums securerl by t�is Security Insuument by m,ason of eny demand made by the original Bo�rower or Barrower's successors _
<br /> ''� in inte,resG Any forbearance by Lender in eaercLsing any right or remedy shall not be a watver of or preclude the eacrcise of any �ti :.�
<br /> ��� dght or remedy.
<br /> 12.Succe�sore and Assigns Bound;Joint nnd SevuAl Lirbiltty; Casignere. 'Rie covenents and agreements of this "
<br /> � Securlty Inswment shsll bind and benefit the sucetssore and assigns of Lender end Bornowe�. subject to the provlsions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Boerower's covenants end egreemeats shall be Joint and several. My Bonower who co-signs this Security � '
<br /> ��- Instmment but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securicy Inswment only to mortgage,grsu►t and convey thet
<br /> Borrowe�r's inumst in the Property under the terms of ttiis Socurlty Inst�ment;(b) is not personally obligaud to pay ihe sums -
<br /> sectued by th�s Secudty Instrwnent;and(c)agnees thae I.ender and eny other Borrower may egree eo extend,modify.forbear or
<br /> make eny accommodations with cegard W the terms of this Seeucicy Instrument or the NoYe without that Borrowcr's consen� ��
<br /> _� 13.Loan Charges. If the loan sacurerl by this Security Insuum�nt is subjoct to a law whkh sets maximum loan chargrs, �
<br /> and that law is finally inte�pretecl so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be wllxted in connecdon with the loan __
<br /> eacoed the permiued limits,then:(a)any such loan chargo sl�all be reduced by t�e umount�necessary w reduco the charga ao the
<br /> ' '� pe�mitied limit;and(b)any sums slrc�dy collected fr�om Bocrower which exceeded permIttcd limits wlll be c+efunded w Borrowc�.
<br /> Lender may choose w make thls refund by �ducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a di�+ect payment to _
<br />� ' Borrowu. IF a refund reduces principal, the reduction will ba treaced as a partial prepaYment without eny prepayment charge ��
<br /> ' +�� under thc Note. ---
<br /> -f' 14.Notioes. Any nodce to Boraower provided for in�l►is Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it �___
<br /> � by first class mail unless aPpllcable law requires nse of anot�u method.'I1ie notice shell be c�irected w the Praperry Addrrss or ���._.._
<br /> ��� any other address Bor��ower designates by notice to Leteder. An��notice to Lender shaU be given by Cust class mail to Lender's _�._
<br /> � address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Sorrower. My nodce provided for in this Security __ -_
<br /> � i Instrument shall be deemed w have bccn given eo Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. r=�;`—�=--�''�'-
<br /> ,; r 15.Goveming Law;Severebility. 'Ihis Security Inst=ument shall be govemed by fodernl law and the Iaw of the » _,-
<br /> 'uaisdicdon in which the Property is located. In the event tliat any provision or clause of this Security Inswment or the 1�Iote �x�*.?''�-�^�-
<br /> � r l
<br /> contlicts with epplicable lew.sach conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Socurity U►strument or the Note which can be ,
<br /> given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instr�ment and the Note are declamd to .
<br /> be severable. . . :
<br /> � Form aoae o�oa " , �
<br /> . �•AR(NE){021�1.0f Pip�4ol8 inmai�: - ---
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