. • � �
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<br /> ...`.-
<br /> . � ; ':. '. . :• —
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<br /> 97- �01p�1 `•
<br /> �
<br /> 16.Horrower's Copy. Bonowcr shall bc givcn ona conformcd copy af tho Nata und af this Sccuriry Insvurncnt, ;�
<br /> 17.7'ranster of th�fProperty or p Bencfklnl Interest In Borrower. If all or any part of thc Propeny or nn�intcrast in it is
<br /> � sold or Unnsferm.ci (or if a beneficial intcrest in Dotrawcr is �ld or Uans[crrcA and Barrowcr is not n natarulperson)without .
<br /> Lender's pdor written cansent,Lender may,ut Its opdon,rcquire immedjate paymcnt in fuU of nll sums sccured by�his 3c.eurity -
<br /> Insi�ument I�iowever,this aptian shall not tw axercised by Leuder if exercfse is prohibited by federal ls�w aq of the deto of this
<br /> Socurlty InstrumcnG
<br /> If L.ender execcises this opdon,Lender shall giva Borrower notice of nccaleration.'Ihe notice shall provide apetiad af not lcss
<br /> � than 30 duys from the dute the nodce is delivered or maiied within which Bonower must puy nll sums isecured by this Security
<br /> ' InswmenG If Borrower fails to pay Ihesc sums prlor to tho oxpiradon of this pedod,Lcndcr muy invokc eny rcmed}es permitted �
<br /> by this Securiry Inswmcnt witdoutfurther notice or dunartd on Borrowcr.
<br /> 18.Borrower's Itight tq �nst�fte•� ��'"B�K'� q►�� �n condiuons, Sorruwer shall havc thc right to huvc
<br /> enforcement of this Secvrity�n�trurr�ni�dlscontinncd et lany time prlor w the earlier of:(a) 5 days (or such olher period es
<br /> aPPlicable law may spec{�'y fht reinstataMa�!)brC(tir�•e�'di the Property pursuant to a.�y�wcr of�lc wn�incd in this Security -
<br /> Instrumcnt;or(b)entry bf a judgment enforclttg'this Se�il]f ty Inswmu►t'IhoSe coitdidons arc d�at Borrower:(a)pays Lcnder aU .
<br /> ' sums which then would be duo under this Ser�urity Insavment and the Note as if no acceleraaon had occurred: N) cums anY „ -.`-�''-°".
<br /> i default of any other covenants ar agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurrcd in enforcing this Security Instrument,including,but ��.Tr��,
<br /> not limited to,reasonable atiorneys'fees;end(d)talces such ecdan es Lender maY rcasanably require to assure that the Hen of this f,��,:�a'��""
<br /> •� Security Instrument, Lender's rights in tha Property and Borrower's abliAation to pay the sums secured by ihis Security �_f�_ "�
<br /> Instrumeat shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrowar,this Security InsUUme��t r�d the obligadans sacurerl , ;;=� -- _
<br /> hereby shall remain fully effecBve as if no ecceleradon had occurred. However,this right co reinstate shall noc apply in[he case of =�d,_..Y,�.°
<br /> acceleradon under paragraph 17. "�� '-
<br /> 19.Sstle of Notei Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partiel interest in tlie Note (tagether with this Security ��, '`?���s
<br /> Instnunent)may be sold one or more dmes without prior nodce to Borrower. A sale may msult in a changc in the entity(known �
<br /> as the"Loan Scrvicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and Ihis Seconty Instnunen�There also may b�s one or ��'
<br /> s
<br /> more chnnges of the Loan Servicer unreluted to a sale of the Note. If tkiere is a change of dio Loan Servicer, Bonower will be , _-
<br /> given wdtten notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and appllcable law.'I�e nouce will state the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. 1he norice will also contain Any other �•��•�;;' �
<br /> infocmadon required by applicable law. . ,: � .
<br /> Z0.HAZardous Substances. Barrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use,disposal, storago, or release of any �':;�AV"
<br /> 3 Ha•rardous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shaU not do. nor allow anyone eLse to do,anything affecpng the Property
<br /> � that is in violadon of any finviranmentel Law.The proceding two sentences shaU not apply w the presence,use,or starage an the L��•
<br />- _ Propercy of small quanatles of t�zardous 5ubsrances ii�ai cuG gc���i�y ��,gr�iz�r3 ic�.:�m�ic i�norm:l zesidesss�!u�.�..� -- •. =
<br /> end to malntenance of the Property. ;� i
<br /> � " gorrower shall promptly give Lundar written noHce of any investigauon,claim, demand, lawsuit or other ocdon by any : ,
<br /> t'
<br /> govenimental or regulatory agency or prlvate party involving ths Pro�rty and any EIazardous Substance or finviranmental Law •,'°�
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower leuns,or is nodtied by eny govemmental or regulawry authorlty,that any
<br /> removal or other remcdiattan of any Hezardous Substance affecdng the Propeity is necessary,Boaower shall prompdy take aU �
<br /> necessary remodial.acdons in accordance wlth Hnvironmentel L.aw.
<br /> d
<br /> ''�• ps used in th�s paragraph 20, Hazardoua Substancss" are ttiose substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> ��
<br /> Snvironmental Law and the iollowing substances: gasollne. kerosene. other flammable or toxic petroleum �roducts, toxic � � -
<br /> pesdcldes end herbicidas,volatile salvents,materiaLs containing nsbescos or formaldehyde,and radioscdve matenals.As used in �
<br /> this paragral�h Z0,"Environmental Law'' means federal law�and lawa of the jurisdlcGOn where ihe Property is located that relate •����
<br /> ta health,st+ffety or envixonmental protecdon. -
<br /> NON-iJN1FORM COVBNANTS.Borrower end Lender fwnher covenant and agree as folbws: �
<br /> 21.Accekratbn;Remedies.Lender ahntl give notice to Barrower prior to Acce{eratbn tolbwing Bo�rower's breach ot ''`
<br /> .'�`
<br /> � any mvenAat or agreemeat in tbis Secur(ty Instrument (but aat prior to accekradoa under parngrapd 17 unless ..--
<br /> applkabk Is►w provides otherwtse).T�le DO�C 9hflll 6p8CLfy:(a)t6e default;(b)t6e actbn required to cure the defaulh(c)
<br /> 4 date,oot Itss t6an 30 dA�s firom the date the notke t�giveo to Borro�er,by whfc6 the detanit must be cured;and(d) . _
<br /> thAt taflure to cur�tbe detault on or before the date specified in the notfce may result in Accekration of the sums secured ,
<br /> `� by Wi�gecurity Instrument and astk ot We Property.The not{ce shaU fi�rther inform Borrower of the right to reinatate
<br /> 6
<br /> � . ' ana acakration and the rig6t to bring a court AMfon to assert the non�existence ot a default or Any other defeate ot �''�=
<br /> � Borrower to aocekrat3on and s�k.It the defAUlt L�not cured on or betore the date speci�led in the notta,Lender,at ite ==___—
<br />= optlon,may require immedi�te p�yment in tull ot ail sums secured by t�t�Security Instrument without turther demand ,�-:__-____,__ �
<br />�� � and may i�voke the power ot sa{e�nd any other remsdks permitted by applicabk Iaw.Lender sSsU be en�itkd to colkct ' ��q��.�:;t
<br /> .. ;� .
<br />, `�'�� oll expeases incarred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paa�agraph 21,inciuding,but no4 Wnited to,rensonpbk "��`�`
<br /> attornCye'tas and costa of titk evide�ce. `.��g�'��'
<br /> , ��.•}•,���_
<br /> ° U tNe power of sak is invoke�d,Trustce shall record a notice of d;fault in each count in w6kh An Art at the '�`��;'`'�"�'r i
<br />. Y Y p ,..�uC��` — �.:
<br /> Prpperty is located and shall maU copks of such notice in the mstnaer prescaibed by�ppltcable I�w fo Borrower and to the ^��:9,��,
<br /> c►iher rsons prescTibed by applicabk law.At�ter t6e time requirtd by applicable law,Trus4ee shall give publk notic.ot �;x;,_;;.�,.;:,�»;�.� �
<br /> i�
<br /> sale to the persons a�d in t6e mctnnv preu:ribed by Applicable I�w.Trustc�,w[thout demand on Borrower,shall sell the '�t�' �:"�'���'
<br />_ " Property at public auctbn to t6e bighest bfdder at t6e time and pl�ce and under the tenns designated in the uotice of sale '. . ....
<br /> • �;,:,;..
<br /> Form 904d 6/90 •
<br /> , �•6R(NE)1o2t21.o� Pap�6ot e IMqals: _. • ; ,
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