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<br /> � 5.Hasurd ar Pro erty Iasur�nce. IIoaower shall kcep the improvemenu now cxistinB an c�rcaftcr erectcci an thc Propeny ;.
<br /> P
<br /> i insured against loss by fue. hazards includcd within �he u:rm "e.�tendod coverage" and any other haznrds,including [loods or
<br /> + tlooding, for which L.ender requires insurancc:.'R�is insurance sha11 ba mnint�ninul in ihe emounGS and for the periods Ihat Lender
<br /> j rcquires.The insurance ca►rier provtding the insurance st�all be chosen by Borcower subjcct to Lender's approvul which shall not
<br /> '' be unreasonably withheld. If Bonower feils to maintair+ coverage described above. l,ender mey, at Lender's opdon,obutin
<br /> i
<br /> � coverage w protect L.encier's dghts in the Property in accords►►ce With pazaB�P •
<br /> � pl►insurance policies end renewals shall be accepteble w Lender and sball include a standard martgage clsuse,Lender shall
<br /> ; have the right to hold the pollctes end renewals.If Lcnder requines,B�rrower shaU prompdy give to Lcndcr all receipts of paid
<br /> ; prcmiums and roncwal nadces.In tlie event of loss.Bormwer sha11 give prompt nodce to the insuranc�e carrier and I.ender.Lender
<br /> may maka proof of loss if aot made prompdy by Borrower. li��r����on or rcgair of the ,. ._
<br /> Unless I.endet and Borrower olheiwiso agree in wdting� ins►u'ance proceeds shell lxs app'
<br /> i propenjr damaged,if the reswration or repatr is economically feasibte and Lender's security is not lessened.If the restoradon or � �
<br /> � repair is not economically fcasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be applied to ihe sums ,,„„�._;P.
<br /> secured by this Securiry Inswment, whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Bo�rower. If Borrower abandons the ��: ,. _
<br /> � Property.or does not answer within 30 days a notice fram Lender that the ins�uance carriec has offered to seule a claim, then i.�=�.=---.
<br /> Lender may collect the insurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or eestora the Propcxty or to pay sums secured ,,,��
<br /> by this 5ecurity Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30�day period will begin when the notice is given. �:.�---R-
<br /> Uniess Lc:nder ftnd Rorrower otherwise agree in�vrit�B,a�►Y aPPUcadon of proceeds to prIncipal shaU not eatend or postpone ,�._--_
<br /> �':'�'..::
<br /> the due date of the monthly payments referred to i.n paragraphs 1 and 2 or changa the amount of the paymeatu.If under paragraph . ��_,_
<br /> � 21 the Property is ecquired by I.ender, Boaower's right to any insurance pollcies and pmceeds resuldng from demaga to thu �
<br /> ;,; Property pdor to the acquisidon shaU pass to 1-ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Securiry Ins�ument immediatclY {,.. -.�_
<br /> prior to the acquisidon. •
<br /> �y � 6.Occupxncy,Preservation,Maintenance and Protectfon of the Property; Borrower's Loan Applk�ttion;Lea.sehoWa• ^ •;,�.,�.,
<br /> Borrower shaU occupy, establish,and use the Prope,rty as Borcower's principsil residence within sixty days after the execudon of . ,�. ,
<br /> , this Securiry Instmment and ahall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year aft,er the ;;,.
<br /> �: date of occupancy. unless Ler�der otherwise agrees �n wrilin6� which consent shall not be unreas�nably withheld, or unless -'�,`.��• ,
<br /> _- - - - --�; tl:.tTl3$C•Jflt!l�311 IhP PmT,+�ty, °
<br /> . eatenuating circumstances exist which e�e beyonA�sorrowers wniroi.Boiiu�%ei st�a!!r.oi d�ts�„ _�
<br /> allow the Prope�ty to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower stiall be in default if any forfeidue ation or � �� _
<br /> , proceeding,whether civll or criminal,is begun chat in I.ender's good fattZ`�judgment could result in forfeiwre of the Property or ;,� ..
<br /> '- otheruvi,se mateiially impa�r the Uen created by this Security Instrun►ent or Lender's securlry interesG Borrower may curo such a ,�;� ;
<br /> to be dismissed with a cu[ing t!►at.in i� � ,•
<br /> � default and reinstate. a�pmvided in parag�ePh 18,by causing the acdon or proceed�n8 � ,...
<br /> q. Lendcr's good faith determination,pcocludes fodeiwre of thn Borrowcl's interest in the Property or other material i�npairmcnt of . ..
<br /> v the litn creaced by this Security Instrument or I.ender's security ineeresG Borrower shall also be in defaulc!f Botrower.during d�e �� ;',_:
<br /> . loan epplkation pnncess,gave materlally false or ineccurate infomiadon or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with �
<br /> �' any mst�dal information) in connecdon with the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited tr�� ropresentations
<br /> conceming Bartower's occupancy of the Property es a principal r�esidence.If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold.Borrower ' _
<br /> shall comply with a11 cho pmvisions of the lease.If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Properey,the leasehold and the fee dtle shall �,_
<br /> �� not merge unless Lender agroes to the merger in wridng. ���
<br /> 7.FrotecHon of i.eoder's Rights in the Pro�erty. If Sonower Q'aiLs N perform the covenants and a�ements contained in .�.
<br /> '�'� this Seeuriry Instrument,or thera is a legal proccedi►►8 tl�t maY siBni��canuy��t�de�'s cights in the Propeny (such as a �'_---� -
<br /> proceec7ing in banlQUpccy�probate,for condemnation or foifeiwre or w enforce laws or regulations).then LcAder may do and pay _—_
<br /> � for whatevcr is necessary to prouxt the value of the Pcope�ty ar►d Le�der's rights in the Property.Lender's acdons�ay include -
<br />• � paying any sums securod by a llcn which has priority over this Securiry Inshumcnt, appearing in cc�un, PayinB reasonable
<br /> suomeys'fecs and cntering on the Property to make repairs.Althougl�I.ender may take action under t3iis paragraph 7,Lender y�=_�
<br /> � � does not have w do so. -
<br /> Any anwunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become addidonal debt of Borrower secured 8y this Security _
<br /> � Instnunen� Un3ess Botrower and L.endc�agree to other tGms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the date of J�
<br />~"� �� disbursement at the Notc cate and shall be payable.with interest,upon nodce fmm Lcnder to Borrowcr rcqucsWng paymenG ��-"
<br />_- �� :'� 8.MortgAge Insurnna. If Lender required mortgnge insurance av a condiaon of malcir+g the loan secured by this Security ',`- _ •
<br /> ;f Inswment, Bonower shall pay the pmmiums mquired w maintai�[ the mortgage insurance in effec� If, for eny muon, ihe ; �
<br /> mongege inswance cover.�ge required by L.ender lapscs or ceases oo be In effect,Borrower shaU pay the premiums mquired to °`;.����' �::,�
<br /> —.r�,, `
<br /> obtain coverage substanually equiv�lent to the mortg�ge insnrance previously in effoct,at a cost substantlelly equivalea�t to the - ;. •.w„4�_.....
<br /> • ..�,:-:•_;;�..;.
<br /> cost to Borrowrl of the mortgage insurance presviously in effect, from an altetnate mortgage insurer appcoved by L,ender. If . :,,, ,
<br /> substandally equivAlent mortgage insurar►ce coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay w Lende,r each mond�a sum equal to
<br /> one-twelNi of the yearly mortgage inaurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insnrance coverage lapsed or ceased co � , ;'� ;
<br /> � be in effec� I.ender will accept, �se and retain these paymenis ns a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insnrance. Loss rese�+e �. � . `
<br />— Form 9028 Ol90
<br /> �-aR(NE)losi2�.o� P�p�3 01 B imtiai�: .
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