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<br /> I .�g�R VVi7'}{ ull thc improvcmcnts now on c�reuDcr crcctcd on thc propcny, and all cascmc�4q,appurtcnanccs,und .
<br /> � Cuctures now on c�reaftcr a part of thc propeRy.All rcplacements and addidans shall ulso bc covcrcd by this Sccurlty Inswmcnt. _
<br /> All of tha forcgofng is refcrred to in�1nia Sccw�ty Instrument a9 thc"Property:' _
<br /> BORROWER COVENAN'I'S�Dorro S er� ce����PL for n�cumUrances of record. Borrower w hazrants and wtll -
<br /> I wnvey tlnc PropertY and thnt thc p�rtl+
<br /> .� dafend generally che dde co Ih�Pc°P�'�S�st aU claims and demands,subject to any encumbrsu�ces of record.
<br /> { THIS SECURITY INSTRUMEN7'cambines uniform covenants for nadon�l use and non-uniform covenents w►th lim�ced
<br /> � vuriations by jwisdiction to consdtute A uniform socw'ity instrument covering real propeny.
<br /> � UN�ORM COVENAiVTS.Borrowcr and Lender cov�nont and agee as foAows: a when duc die
<br /> I 1.Payment ot Pr[acipal and Interest;Prepayment and Late Cc a ment and late charge,duc under�tt►e Note. ' .
<br /> prineipsl ot end interest on thc debt evidenced by the Note�b��W or w a wriaen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> 2.Funds for Taxes and Insurancx. Subject w upp' .. :;`;
<br /> Lcn�cr on ihe day monthly paymenu are due under the Note,undl the Note is paid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearlY texes . :��4
<br /> and assessmenis which may ausin priority over this Securiry Instrument as a lien on ihe Praperty;(b)Year1Y leasehold payments .
<br /> if any�(c)Year�Y hazard or propecty insurance premiums:(d)Yearly flaod tnsurance premiums.if .� '.:�'''��=y—
<br /> or�round rents on the Property. :. "--
<br /> �Y; (e) yearly mortgage insurance preaniums.if any;end(�emY sun►s Paylble by Bonower to i.ender,in accordance with the f ,.., -_ �
<br /> l provisions of paragraPh S� �n Ueu of the pa.yment of ireoatgage insurance premiums. 'Il►ese iten►s are called"Escrow Items." .��j___
<br /> Lender may,at eny dme,collect and hold Funds in an emount not to eaceed the maxlmum an►ount a lender for a federallY related k �;
<br /> mortgege ban may require for porrower's escrow accaunt under the federal Real Estate SeuIement Procedures Act of 1974 as ��,;',:
<br /> I hes to the Funds sets a lesser ��'
<br /> � ��d�hom pmc to time,12 U.S.C.Section 1b01 et seq. ("RESPA),unless enother law diat app�
<br /> � amoun� It so,Lender may, at any pme.collect and hold Fwids in'an ar►�ount not tc� exceed ihe Iesser amoun�. L.ender may ����x.
<br /> ,, estimute the amount of Funds�ue on the basis of cunent dats and reasonable esdmates of expendidues of future Escrow Items or
<br /> � othErwise in accordance with appllcable law. �!,
<br /> '�! • 'lUe Funds shull be held in an u►stitution whose deposits are inswed by a federal agency,insaumentaliry.ur endry(includia►g
<br /> Lender, if Lender is such an institudon) or in any Federal HAme Loan Bank•Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow �`1; .".
<br /> � Items.L.ender may not cherge Bocrower for holding and applyin8 the Fwids,annually enelYzir►8 th�esGrow acc°unt,or verifying •.�•<•
<br /> �a tr law t,�ermits Lender to make such a chargc. ���"'-;� �
<br /> the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Horrowec uiteew��n th:,Fund�sisd s�Fl�--�-=-- -: �: ,
<br /> However,Lender�+ay require Borrower to PaY��°ble lzwe rovides otherwjse Unless an agreement is ade o applicablediaw ��
<br /> T.ender in connecYion with this loan,unless aPP� p � .;�
<br /> ' ' ��� ��t��p�id.Lcnder shall not be required to pay Borrowcr any interest or eamings on the Funds. Borrowet and : ;
<br /> „ Lender may agce in w��°g,�oaever,that intecest shell be pald on the F�luids.Lender shall give to Bocrower,without cherge.an .- ;S
<br /> .r .
<br /> annual aaoundng of the Funds,showing cmdits and debits tv the Fu�ds and the pumose for which each debit to the 1Funds was ,; '
<br /> mada Th�Funds ere Ple�ged as eddibonal sacurity for all sums secured by this Security InsuumenG �'�:`
<br /> �. 1f the Funds held by I.ender ea�caQ the amounts permitted w be held by applicable law,I.ender shall account to Borrower for � '
<br /> �e��g�d$��ecordance with ihe requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds beld by I.ender at any time is ', �
<br /> not sufflcient to pay the Escrow I� �cn p°��a�ciency Borrow e shall make up the defi e cy in noBmo�reWethan t�ivelve ---
<br /> to Lender the amoiu►t necessary :'"�° �„
<br /> monthlY paYments.at Lendcr's sole disc�redon. _-�-_
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured bY this Security Insuutnent,Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any Funds <-,.,��
<br /> held by i.eader. If,under ParagraPh 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisirion or sale of the _ "- _ _
<br /> p�p�,�Bhall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquLsiuon or sale as a credit against the sums seeured by this _--
<br /> , Secu¢it3'Insuumen� hcabl�l�w rovide.c otheruvise.all paYments received by Lender under paragcaphs �
<br /> 3.AppUc�tjon of Payments. Unless app' P '.`
<br /> ' 1 and 2 steall l�e apPli�d.fust,t° a�y F�3�1yment charges due under the Note; second,w amounts payable under paragraph 2; .. _
<br /> "`` Atird,to interesc due;fourth,to princiPal due;and last,co any late ch�rges due under the Note. __ _
<br />` . 4. Charges;Lkns. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments,charges,fines and imposidons atuibutable to the Property �__.__�
<br /> wP�ich may suain priority over this Security Jnswmen�and leasehold payments or�onnd rents,if any.Borrower shall pay these '-�-_q_L�,
<br />� obli�ons �n t1ie manncr provided i�P��Ph 2,or iif not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on ame direcQY w the +�-_��;���
<br /> � person owed payment Borrower shell prompdy fumi�st►to 1�a►der all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragcaph.If _r.�;.i��::
<br /> Batroww makes these PaYments directly.Soirower shall promptly fumish to Lendcr receipts evidcncing the payments. .,..,f;,.,,�.:,;��'
<br /> ,. ....::
<br />- Bonower shall promptly cUscharge any lien which has priodty over Qiis Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees ir� ,;.;:4_;,;r,.-,�:..
<br /> wri�ng w the payment of the obligadon sc:cured by the llen in a manaer aoceptable w L.ender,(b)contesis in Bood f�id��he lien ,' ��� :��-•
<br /> by,or defends against en4'�rcement of the lien in, legal proceedinBa which in the Lender's apinion operat,e co prevent the .:.ti�,
<br /> enfocr.e�ment of the lien;or (c)secures from the holder of tha 11en en agr�aement satisfactory co 1.ender subordinatu►g the Gen to
<br /> - �hi.y gecurity Instrumen4 If Lender determines thut any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may atLvn priurity over this
<br /> Security Inswment,I.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the Gen.Bocrower shall satisfy the lien or takc onc or more ,
<br /> - of the auions set forth above within 10 Aays of the giving of nodce. Fo�m 3o2e oiQO '�
<br /> P�p�2 018 Initlab: .
<br /> ��-8A(NE)lo�i2�.o�
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