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i <br /> T. <br /> ,:i . - <br /> ..,___ .... .. ,�---_ " <br /> � ...t. ,. <br /> . ...�. <br /> DECm O� 7E3US�' ��g��� P�De 6 „ �, <br /> . p2��a�ss� _ _ .. ._ .- - <br /> • Loen No 409T13 (Contlnued) 97'— _ � <br /> � of Ihe Property a Int�rest In Ihe Proporty;Incroasa Ihs Income hom Ihe Property a proteol ltw e�curity ol Ilw PropoAy;and,wilh or wIIP►out { <br /> takinp ppasesslon of the Property,sue lor or oihenvise collecl lhe rents,Issuos and profils of lhe Pro�wty.�ncludlnp lhoa piat dw and <br /> unpald,and appry tho same,Ieas costs end expensos ol oporallon and coliection,Irrludir►p aHarNYs tta,to tny Ind�btWn�s 1atx�d �� <br /> by thb Deed of Trust,nil In such order es LenCer mey dnlermine. The onterinp upon and MkinO po�s�lc^o��h��+�Y����bn � <br /> i ol suCh ronls,Issues and profits,and lhe nppfcaUnn Ihnrnol shail no�cure or wa�ve any doteuN a notlo�of d�f�uM under lM!OMd dTrott � <br /> � or 1nv�Adate any acl done In ro30onse lo suCh delnult or pureuant to s�Ch notiC�ol dN�utN,and, nolwitMttntNnp RM condnW"c�In <br /> possesslon o1 iho'Pr oadevlorthn ILeiNols a Ih�R�lated DoCOmon/s orf by I,qw upoun/he opcurr�nca o�y wn1�d�(l H InCiu n�the ' . <br /> � rlpM lo exe�c se�the powor ol salp; . <br /> (b) Commence en acllon Io foreclose Ihis Daed ol Truel us a morlpngo,eppolnt a recNvsr or tMdlIC�IIY���oro���Y o�����^in� <br /> hweoh,and � <br /> (p) palvat to Trustee a written decinrnllon o�detnuit and demand lor sale end a wdit�n noHa W d�flutt and NiCtlon to causa Vustor� <br /> Inte�at In the Properly lo be aotd,which nolbe Trustee shell cause lo be duty fibd 1nr rscord In lh��pprop�kt�oMc�of th� County In <br /> which the Property is located;snd - <br /> (d) With rospect to ell or any p�tA ot Ihe Personal Property,Lender shall hnve all lhe tlpht3 ond remadlo�of n aecured party Cndsr�tw <br /> Nebr4sico Uniform Commercial Code. <br /> Fonebsurs by Power of Se►e. It Londer eiecls lo foreclose by exere�se of Ihe Powc�r of Sa�e herein Contain�d.Und�t ihdl nofHy Trus11�md , <br /> shtG deposil wilh Trustee Ihis Deed of Trust and Ine Nole and such receipts end evidence of expendtturs�roAd�tnd aCUnd by Ihh Oesd of :`���� <br /> � Trtkst as Tnutee mey require. "F'ri�'^^?'-�- <br /> (a) Upon receipl of such notice trom Lender,Trustes shall cawe to be reCOrded,pubtlshad and dNlwrid to TtustOr suCh NpUC!d Do(tult ,� Y 2,� ,y ._ <br /> ' tnd NotiCe of Sale as lhen requlred by law end by this Deed ol Trust. Trustee BhaN,without amand On TNStor,afNr YuCh tlm1�s rt�ay ^�._ <br /> ttt�n C�re�u!►ed by law A�A after recordation ot such Notice of Oofeuit and aHer Notk:e ol Sal�MWrp bwnQ�!�as nquM�d bykM,tM� ,.:-_- — <br /> Ih�PropsrlY at the tlme and place of sale fixed by it In such Notice of Sale,either as�wiwk,Or�n ccPar�U��►R=���� ° �:��- <br /> ; TrustM sholl deem expedlont,and In such ader as It may determine,et publb auCtion to tM h�phK�blddlt(or atsh In kWft�mOneY o} ��L.- ,: <br /> h ,L : <br /> Itw Unfted Steios payable at the timo ol sale.Trustee shall delive►ro such purcheser a purchaf�e 1hKw1 ib pood�nd sufACi�+�l dMd or �;K w._ <br /> deed9 Conveyinp the proparty so s�ld,but wilhoul any covensM or wananty,express or ImpN�d• The ncltab��tuch dMd of�°9�� w�it�`� <br /> a hcts sheN bs Conclusive proof of!he t�ulhtulness thereoi. Any person,Includiny without Ilmltadon Tru�lor,TrusiM, or(.�ndM. mtY t�;� <br /> . ptyrch�ss Yt suCh 581e. <br /> � „ (b) /�s m�y be permtHed by law,after deducling ell cosls,fees and expenses of Trustee and W Ihfs Tntst.indudkip cotts of�vldl�c�o� � ;'�;°° <br /> • ytfe In connectlon wilh sale,Trustee shell apply the prxeeds of sale to peyment of (I)YN surof s�n0�d�nd�1���5�� `i -- <br /> , ; Trust or under lhe terms ot lhe Note not then repald,includlnp but not Ilmiied to fla�rued InSar�st�nd k1s Ch1tQa, O <br /> '� ; � seCUred hereby,and (III)the remeindar,If any,to the person or persons legally entflled thereto. <br /> (C) Trustee may In the manner provided by law postpone s81e of all or any portion of lhe Propaety. � �-- ' <br /> nc�of tny Ind�bbdMSS i.: . <br /> _ � RemOdNa Mot ExC�uslve. Trustea and Lender,and each of them,shall be entfiied to entarCe payrtNnt and p�Aorn'M .� <br /> nr n6liantlons secured by�his Deed of Ttust end lo exerciso all rights and pt,wers under this Deed W TrUSt,undlt ttM NOte,undOr NY d tM '�1:.,. , <br /> Reln1ec10xuments,or under any other agreoment or eny iaws now u� ��is�&a1i6i 1st�;ac��i �• �r'.�.et'rt!!�a�I,���� i, , ' <br /> ' and obifpntions secured by this Oeed of Trust may now or hereaiter be otherv+ise seCUred,whether by m0Ap�0�� P���� <br /> pss{ynme�t or olherw�se. Neither the acceptAnce of thls Doed of Trust nor Its eMorcement,wheth0r by Col�t YCtlon or P1R�WM�0 ttMpOw�� , <br /> � z : saN w olher powers conlained in this Deed of Trust,shan preJudice or In eny manner sf(ect TrusNs'o a Let�'e rlpM to rMNsr upon or f <br /> entoro��ny other 68cudty now or hereatter held by Trustoe or Londer,it being agreed th8t TruSte�tnd lsnd�r�and MCh of tt�m,th�ll b� �l; � <br /> � ��fitl�d�p ontorce this Oeed of Trusl and any olher security now or hereaHet heid by Lender or TnitlM In tuoh OrdM and mannK u tMy or <br /> � • Nth�r o1 thsm may In thelr absolute discretion determine. No remedy conferted upon or resMVed to TNStN Or Lw�dM�b�nMt�d�d t0 b� <br /> exdusfw of nny other remedy In this Deed of Trust or by law provlded or pormitted,but eech sMN ba aumu4tlw and etW M In�ddidoe to ., l- . <br /> '�,,i:�;+ � ewry othK nmedy p�ven In thls Deotl of Trust or now or hereafler existing at Iaw or In equity a by�tatub. Evwy pOwK or rMMQ�►Otwn bY th!, `-+?_ ' , <br /> k NoN a tny of the Related Documents to Trustee or Lender or to which ellher ot them may h� otMrw�M��d��Y d��K'��p <br /> ij�, conCUrtentty or Independentty,hom ume to time and as onen as may be deemed expedient by TtusteY or Undor,and NtMr ot th�m mtY <br /> • �: puraue�COnslstent remedles. Nothing In th►s Deed of 7rust shall be consirued es prohlblNrp Lendsv hom 6MIclnO 4 dMCNnCY I�d9rtMnt -- <br /> ayWnst Iha Trustor to the extent such action Is permitted by law. — <br /> q�qusq For Motke. Trustw,on behalf of Trustor and�.ender,hereby roquests that a copy of eny Notlw ot Ddtull tnd a Copy of�ny NWic� _ � <br /> , • � o!Sah undar thls Oeed of Trusl bo mflfied to them et ihe addresses sat(orth In the firsl parapraph Of lhfs De�d Of 7rtt31. I, � - <br /> p�• YYalyer;Efect{on ot Remedlea. A walver by any party ol e breaCh ot a provl5lon of ihls Deed Of T�l1SI 5hW riOt C011S111ut��w�NK a a _ _--_ <br /> praJudlCY tM parhrs riphts otherwise to dema�d strict compliance with that provis�on or eny other provfslon. ENCtlon by L�nd�r to pusu�ury �_ <br /> � � rertwdy Drovided In thts Deed of T�ust,the Noie,In eny Related Documont,or provlded by I�w sh�M not locdud�PtxtuN 0���Y����' _ _ <br /> � and an NeCtlOn t0 make expenditures or lo take action to pertam en obligatlon of Trusta under thb DMd O}TNSt atMr hlfun ol Tr6lstor to <br /> �. � p�rfprm ehaN not aHeCt Lenders ripht to declare e detault nnd to exerclse nny of Ils remedies. — <br /> AqprMy�'F�e�;pcpenees. If Lender Instilutos eny sult or actlon to entorce eny of the terrns of Ihb D�ed of Tnnt.L�rid�t sh�M W IntltMd to <br /> _�. <br />-_ ncpwr�uch sum as the CouA may adJudg� ronsonablo as eHomeys'fees et trial and on any�ppwl. WhNhM a nof any CouA�tsUOn•b — ___ _ �, <br /> Involvrd,aM waso►�abb expensos Incurred by Lender whlch In Lender's opinlon are neoessary at any tlrtw Ior ttM proMolbn o�ib IM�nst a 1h� _ <br /> ' �MprC�d•pf Bs rphls ehaN become e paA ol Ihe Indebtedness payable on demand and shaN beu Ini�st*t tho NoN rtt�kOrt1 fh�d�M.o! ---- <br /> ' � �xp�ndilur�untll repaid. Expenses covered by this paregraph Includa,without Iimftation,howevx tubj�ct to any Mrtiifs unde►applC�bN kw, �--- <br /> �sn���ttprnCys'fees whether or not there Is a IawsuN,Includinp attorneys'fees tor btnkruplCy prooMdlnps pndudUG Ntan ta modNy a <br /> v�oate tny automntic stay or Injunction),uppeats and nny aMicipated post;udgment cdl�tlon eKV�Cw� fh� eott�ot s�CMnp ncorde, ;:,.�. <br /> . ,"b � pht�Inlrp tltle reporls (Inciuding foreClosure reports),surveyors'reports,eppralsul lees,Gtfe Insunno�, �nd hM tor 1tN Trusle�, t0 d�exMnt <br />_ c � p�rmNtld by tpplicabb lew. Trustor also wu1 pey any coun costs,In ad6ltion to all other aums provid�d by law. � - -_` <br /> � .��i pi�Alsof T�u�tee. Trustee sheli have ail of ta�e dghts and duties of Lender as set torth in th�s sectlon. �y _•: <br /> ;"•'th.i.�:s.r.,,';_.v�`,� <br /> '. ,. a'.•, POWERS AND OBLIGA7i0NS OF TRUSTEE. TO�e Iollowing provislons relaHng to the powers enC oblipeHons o4 Tn1stN an part of IAb Da�d ot _ryy_^'Y;�,_ <br /> ' '' Trust. <br /> t S, �'�..�:',._c;t�-�. <br /> }, Powen of Trttatee. In addition to all powers oi Trustee arising as e matter o}law,Ttustee ShaN hev�e ihe pov+er to take ftN�oNovAnp acYons . • ': !.�AI� ' <br /> ��,; wNh ns(►�c.i to lhe Property upon tha wrluen request of Lender end Trustor: (a)Join in preparinp tnd IHinq�m1p a pkt Of ttN RM�PrOPsrtY� ' . <br /> ,��� �nq�ydkg t1q dsdirs8an af streets or other dfl'hb to the public; (b)Jain In granting any e8sement or CroaUtp any rKtACdO�on thv RNI Proqe�ty; <br /> �4•' and (C)Joln In eny subordinellon or other agreemenf aHOCting lhis Deed of Trust or Ihe Interest ot Lentlw undK thts^a�d of Tn�t. Y <br /> TNStM. Trustee ehall meet ali que���catlons requfrod for Trustee under epplicable 18w. in�dd►tlon to tt►e riphb and hrn�dl�s t�t lath�bow, <br /> wlth nSpect to e�l or eny part ot the Property,the Trusteo shan Aave the right to foreclose by notia tnd EU�,and LMld�r thaN hav�th�dOht to <br /> fonCtoss by�udiCfal foreclosure,fn efther case in uccordance wilh end to Ihe full extent provided by appliClb{s Nw. <br />' gucp�Trustee. Lendar,at Lender's option,may from fime to time appofnl e successor Trustee to any Truslee�ppdntsd hKwind�r by an <br /> InSWment exeCUtnd and acknowiedged by Lendar and recorded In Ihe otfice of the reCOrder of HALL COUnty,NYbnik�. Ths 1�6urtNM sheM <br /> --- .---- --•- .- -��--•--��.............x�.e„� n��tA�p� names ot the odalnal Lender.Tn►ste�,ancl Trustor.tM book �M p�(or <br /> -----_- �------- conwn,m av.n.�v�...,o.,.....o. .........._._�_..---• -- - <br /> . ' I compul9r system reference)where ihls Deod ol Trust Is recorded,end the name end addross of thi sucCesso►trustM.�ntl th��R3tiUrt10�^6^�" <br />- be eX�CUted end scknoKledgod by all the beneficlarles under Ihe Deed of Trusl or Ihelr SucCessore Irt(OIM�St.Tt»Gt�fOt Erlrili�.wHhOUt <br /> conveyance of the Property,shall succeed to an the mle,power,and duties conferred upon the Trustas In t?tis OYed of Ttu3t and by tppNCabM <br />= law. TNs proCedure for suhstitution of trusteo she11 govam to Ihe exciwion ot an other pravlslons lor aubstitutlon. , <br /> ' MOTICES TO 1'RU8TOR AND OTHER PAqTIES_ Any notice undnr lhis Deed of Trusl shall be In w�ltlnp,may be b�s�nt by kIM�CS1mW1�and sMM <br /> be elf�ecHw wf�en actualty de�ivered,or when deposfled with a nationelty recognized overnipht cotaier,or,M mntied�ihiM b�dN►Md�vo whM <br /> c <br />�, cfeposlled In the Uqlted Stntes mnil 8rs1 class,certified or reg�stored mn0,postage prepald,dkc�cted to the address�s shown r�r th�Dqinnirg <br />- thls De�d d Ttusb My patty may chnnge Its taddross tor nodces under this OWd of Trust by glvinQ tOtmi) Wdtltn nO1�lY t0 tl» OtlMf ptf1Nl, <br />- spec�lylny Ih�t Ihe purpose of the not►ce Is to chgngo the party's eddross. All cop!es ot notices of toreclostxo irom Ih�hotdK ot anY N�n wtdch has <br /> priorlty over th#S Deed of Trust shall be sent to Lender's addross,as ahown nenr lhe beglnnlnq ot thls Deed of TNSI. For etOtlCe purposes�Trusta <br /> � epree�to k9ep L6nder and Trustoo Intormed a�etllimus ol Tru5lor's Curtenl Address. <br /> ° MISCELLAMEOUS PROVISIONS. The 10��owing mlSCell3neous prOVis�ons ere n pert of Ihls Deed Of Tru4f: � , <br /> . � g ,� , i <br /> _ � <br /> ., <br /> . -� - . . <br />