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<br /> Lm�n Wo�IA8ri3 (Conilnued) `3__'
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<br /> AnNndnMnt►. 11ifa OMd of Trusl,lopelher wllh ony Relatc�d Documents,conslltutes Ihe on1lrQ und�tand!nq and o�reen�ent nf 1►w partka e�
<br /> 1�ltN tnl�tt�re eN torth In lhis Deed ol Trusl. No dterafion of or Ymendmenl to this Doed o)Truat ShIN be NNctiw untete yNfn In writlnp lnd
<br /> � s Npn�d by tM puty or perttes soupht to b�charged or bound by Iho�Iterel!on a amondmont.
<br /> RppNCibte LNai.Thle DaeA of Tru�l ha bAen deitve►ed to Lender and�ccapt�d by Ltnde►fn tM itW�01 N�Wu. T1�DNd.of�r4tM� .
<br /> � �Mq W ppy�P�'Ad py�nd�onutued In�ccord�nce wllh the Imri of ihe Stato of N�br�. ,
<br /> C�ptlon FfMdlnpe. Captlon heAdings In lhis Oeed of Trust are ta Convenlervae purposof only�nd�n not to b�uNd lo InhrprN Or d�AM ih�
<br /> - +, . :�: prav�:�n:.of tFU 0::d a!Trusl �s
<br /> 1�p�i. TMn shaN bo rto merper o11he Interest or estate cretted by lhis Oead of Trust wNh any otMr Inbn�t or M►taM In tM Prap�rty al�nY �,
<br /> "�`� drtw hNd by o►la tlw benefiF of Lender In sny captcity,wilhoul lh�written consoM ol l.ondar. �
<br /> �� " Mwqpl�pul{q, A!I obNpations of Trusta under this Deed of Trust ehall be JoInI 4nd�ewr�t,�nd aM rMK�noM to Trwter th�M mMn Moh�rsd
<br /> ^`°"�� � � �wry Tnnta. TNs maans fhal each of the eorrowors a�flninp betow Is responslble fa MI obMpallons In this OMd dTn�t.
<br /> '�Mrw�►+�V�"� '� ;'
<br />, i�, .� ; Sw�r�Elliy. If�court of competent judsd�flon flnds any provlslon ot lhls Deed ol TnKt to b�InwMd w un�ntorwabf�a lo any p�rson or , .
<br /> •- ckcumslar�a,tuC h M d iny e ha l l no t ren d e r I h a t p r o v i s l o n I n v a l i d o r u n onlorceebb��to�n y OthK pMSOrM or droumeNnCM. H IMUf�i�,ar�y �,`.I
<br /> � .F �! suoh olNndfny provfslon shall be deemed to be rnoditled to be withln fno Ilmils of enforceebHiry t�►vAMdtty:hotiwvM�H Ih�of�ldklp p►o�Mio�
<br /> ., �� �� � ctnnot bo eo modttled,It shall be strlcken and all olher provislons of lhis Deed of T�ust in aN ottwr nssp�c.�ts she/rsm�ln wNd and�M�aabM• _
<br /> � Succat¢eti�d I1sH�n�. SubJect to the Omitatlons stated In this Deed of 1'rust on tnnsfw o1'Prt�tors ininr�ot,thb OMd o�Tniat thQl b�
<br /> • �i� bindinp upon nnd fnure to the benofit of lhe porties, their successors end essigns. It ownarshlp af Ihs Rraperty bacomcs wslod In�pMSOn �
<br /> �` other than Truslo►. Lender, wlthaut notice to Trustur,msy deal wiih Trusta's 6uccesGas wKh nN��1nq to tf�N ONd of TNtt tnd tM
<br /> IndM�lednos.s by way of tarbearance a exlenslon wtttaut ruleasinp l'ruslor hom ihe ob!fpaHons d thls ONd d Trw1 or IkbWly und�r 8w _
<br /> �, .. Ind�bNdnsSS.
<br /> - ' ' r�
<br /> TNn�Is of tAe Etaenee. Time ls of tha essence In the peAormance oi this Deed of Trust.
<br /> • yyMWr�1�nd Cpnsenta, Lender ehall not be deemed lo have waived eny riphls under Ihls�e�d of Yrust(or unckr ii�Ritii�d�u��N� �
<br /> ' unl�ss su�h wtivsr Is In w�itinp end slgnod by Lender. No delay or omission on the paR ot Lende In�dsinp any ripht tt�ll op�nM a� -
<br /> w�vsr of such tlpht or any olhet righl. A waiver by any party of a provls�on of lhls Deed of Tnist ShaR not cwnttltuM a VY�IYip of w phJudio�IM
<br /> pulyrs ripht olheawise to demend slrict compliance wlth thal provislon or any ot7�w proNslon. No pria wrNer by Lsntler,nov��Y�axa a _ -
<br /> _ ,�-�,��• W�Ikp.b�twan L�nder and Trusta, shau consUtute a waivar of any ot Lender's riyhb or�ml of Tn�tols obFp�Yon��s b any hAun
<br /> MnlaGilo�. WheneverCOnsent Dy Lender is requlrod In thls Deed ot Trust.lhe pnndop W�uch�oM��.bY�w��n any Ir�tu�a�hM not
<br /> *- +consYlute contlnulny consent to subsequent instances where such consent Is requlred.
<br />:-;�;.'ti.,.. k of_ SbM of
<br /> - Vdll�►k o�'Home�fNid F]cemptlon.'trusior hereby rotseses end waivos.nil riphls and benellb ol.lh�hom�syad�x�npMQn.v+i th�. � �,
<br /> , �•:.�� .N�braskq ts toAM Indebtedness secured by thFS Oeed of Trust.
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<br /> - --�"� pn lhM day bNor�mo,ttio undersiyned Notary publlc,personslly eppeared FAVMOND D and SANORA A FWlQEN,b m�known b b�
<br /> ��-��-�__�' ttN�ndividwis d�epibod tn and who executed Ihe Deed of Trus, d ecknowiedyed the rNd tM GMd of TYt�t a MNM'Jr�md volu�Y
<br /> �-, �CI and dMd.for lh�usa�and purposos lherefn mentl ' , a7-
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