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<br /> � oz-,o-,�� D�En OF 'TFtUSY 9��.���C�� � �'Q
<br /> ! Loan No 408�'13 (Contlnued) _ I
<br /> � =
<br /> Currtnt T�x�s,Feeo�nd Ch�pea. Upon requesl by Londer,Trustor ohall execute such documenb In addidon to thN Daod o�Trusl and t�k� �
<br /> wtuWvK otha acdon Is requested hy Lender to perfect and continue Londels Ilen on the Reel Properly. Trusta etuN ratmbura�Under la ab �
<br /> tax�e,as described bstow,together wllh all expensos Inourred In recordinq, �erfectinp or conHnuing thb DNd d Trusl,InCludnp v�llhoul `�'
<br /> Hmllttlon�i tax�,kss�dxumantary stemps,end othor charges tor rncording or reflisterinp lhls Des4 of Tnnt.
<br /> p��of the Indab odn�s secu od�bY Ihls Deod o}Trush, (b)tia epecp'�c twi on Trp or whlch Tnn a M a�iAh nd a pu�d o�d��hom
<br /> peymonts on th�Indebtadness tsecured by this type of Deed ol Tru;1; (c�a tcuc on thy fyrpe ol Ueed of Truat char0e�bk Wa�n���M��nd�a
<br /> � fhs hddu of lhe Nole;and (d) t specifw tex on all or any portlon of Ihe Indebtedness or on ptyrn�nb af prtncqrl and Int�rMl r�wd�bY
<br /> Trusiat.
<br /> <��� gubNq�Nnt Tpcas. If any tex to which Ihis section applies is enactad subsequent to the date ot ihls DMd ot Trus���►�a�'rent s1uM h�w th�
<br /> same effoCt as�n Event of Default(as deflned„e tax befo e�tbecomos dei nrq enenor�b Contasb lha lex as P� No Wd' �bow�n lM Ya�ices and
<br /> provlded below unte�ss Trustor elthar (a)pays
<br /> Lisns 6actlon nnd depos�ts wlth Lender cash or a sufNClen�co�po�ate surory bond or other s8curity atNsiactory to LMdI�• -
<br /> 3ECURITY Af3REEIYIENTi FINANCINO STATEMENTS. Tho fallowinp provlslons relaUng lo lhls Deed ol Tn»t Its�NCUtfN�OrMment u�a pa►t of
<br /> thls De�d W Trust. ._
<br /> De d
<br /> ���A�~�and Lender shell hflvehail of theitr� hts of au50curo party1under the UNtorm Comrte�rd�l N��d��m�to
<br /> �SOnd Pr�Y� 9 =---
<br /> . tttM. . . �,,,._..v...
<br /> � S�eurity lnt�r�st. Upon request by Lender.Trustor shall execute BnanCing stutements an nddlNonhto r�Cadinp thb D�sd ��y��n� •,_�.•:'="��
<br /> to pBrfeC1 and conHnue Lender's 6ecudN Interest In ihe Rents and Petsonai Properly. • .
<br /> _ property recprds,Lender may,nt eny time and without further authoriretlon from Trustor,fib exeCUNd CuuniM�l�ts���d���t���� _-_--
<br /> this Deed of Trusl fls e flnancing statemenl. Trustar shall rolmburse'e8 meanner end at n p ce toYSOntbly��CO�nt to i'nata ond Lend:r „ `:_:-
<br /> � Ini�rost. Upon dofauit,Trustor sheil euemble the Personal Properly a,r�t-_,..,
<br /> end make it avatlable to lender wllhln ihrcte(3)days atter receipt of written demend hom Lender. �nbnst
<br /> Addr�sNi. The maiiinp addresses of Trustor(debtor)and Lender(socured pariy), kom whiah Inform�tlon corx.wnlrW tM s�cu�ftY �� ;
<br /> � �r�nted by thls Daed of Trust may be obtalned(each as required by the Unllorm Commerclal Code),ero u eLtaf on ths lVSt Pzpf at thK D�d • ���
<br /> • of Trust. � ___
<br /> �' ' FURTFER ASSURANCES;RTTORHEY-JN-FACT. Thn follow►np provlslons relating fo IuAhbr YSSUranCYS and attorrwWMac1 ara a P�r�o��� -�--
<br /> .. ? " Oeed otTrust. .. ,`•�,4 '
<br /> �. � p�t�e�Assu�l�ncta. At any tlme,end hom time to time,upon request of Lender,Trustor wip m�ke,wcecu►�and dNlver�or Ww Cau��o bY .�`;�J
<br /> ;? ��e�dcacutgd pr deNvered, to Lender or to Lender'a deslgnee, and when requested by Lendsr.Case t�b�nA ad���6���I ,�'
<br /> ,�r,� ��r�prd�d,as thp r,ase may be,at such times and in such ofNCes and places as Lender maY de�m aPP�� .•,,+
<br /> :�•a�' dMds pf trus�,s�curity deeds,security a9reements,flnancinp statemants,continuation statemenb,Instrum�nli of hxltw►au�M'a���''��' , ;
<br /> `�' •
<br /> .• � � and otMr docurtwnts ns may, In Ihe sote opinion of Lender,be necessary or deskable In order 10�fhctuat��acmpWM�P�����y0�'a • �
<br /> ==
<br />