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<br /> d2_���gg� DEED AF TRUST Page a �
<br /> Lo�n No (Continued) 97m���,6�s1 .. ., -
<br /> � . _ � -- � ,.
<br /> � ProCNdN�pe. it eny procaedlnfl In condemnation Is filed,Truata shell promptty nollty Lertder In wdtlnp,and Trustor eh�tn promplty lake euah ^ _
<br /> �t�pt��rr�Y bs n�csseary to detend tl�wcllon end obtaln ths�w�rd. Truata may be the nanirul pary in such proceadlnp,but Londer eh4ll ':
<br /> be en11HW to puticipaU fn Ib proceodinp end to be npr�sanled In tlw proc�dlnp by counsel of Its own chofa�and Trustor wlii d�llwr a , ,
<br /> � aus�to be d�liv�rod to Lander such instruments as m4y be requeated by II f►om Ilme to time b p�rmit auch ptrt��potlon. � .,
<br /> IAAPOSITIOM QF TAxE6� FEES AND CHARtiEB SY OOY�RMNIENTAL AIJTHORITIEB. TPM to�owirp proNslons r�ktlnp to pov�rnmsnt�l Wx�s,
<br /> . � laes end chtrgee are o part ol this Deed of 7rus1; - -
<br /> ^I CunMt T�1te�,FNS MNl CMrpe�. Upon requost by Lender.Trusta stuill ex�cuto such daumenb In�dditlon to ihls DMd o1 Trusl ond taka ••
<br /> wh[tewr other�cllo�Is requested by I.�nder to perfect and con�nua L�nd�r'e Ilen on th�Ral Propwty, Trusta shtM rMmburs�L�nde ta all `
<br /> � ..- IImlWtlon all taxse,(oas�docum�anteryr itmDgl and ottier cht pcs lor rec d np a rsplst��INS Oied of T u'st��of Trust, Includinp without
<br /> ,..r:r� �_
<br /> '` T�x��. Ttw followln�ehall constitute texes 1a whbh Ehis sectlon appiies: (a)e spsclNO tax upon Ihis fypo o}Doed of Trtnt or upon�A or�ny
<br /> part of lhe Indebtedness socured by thls Deed of Trust; (b)�speclAa tuc on Trustor which Tru9tor!s authaized or requlred to daduct hom
<br /> peyments on the Indebledness secured by this typo of Deed ot Trust; (c)e tox on thb ly�se ol Dwd o1 Trust charpeable apalnst ttw Lend�r or _
<br /> the hddor of the Note;and (d)a specfflc tax on all or any paiton o}tha Indabtedn„t.:. or sn PBYmertts of prinC�pAI and Interest made by : _
<br /> Trustor. " , ,
<br /> �_
<br /> • BubMqaent T�xes. II eny tex to whlch this seclion a�piles Is enacted auhsequ�+nt ta the d�le af thls Deed of Trust,ihls event shall hnve the `,.:•�,`'�r���
<br /> e8me ettect as nn Evenl o}Defaull(es deflned b61ow),snd Lender may exerclse any or atl ai Its evuilabie remedlos for an Even1 oi Oetaull as �• +�_:._=_:�--
<br /> . r`.Y.'gl.At_='=-�=`
<br /> •f provlded below unless Trustor elther (a)pays the tax betore it bocomes delinquent,or (b) canlests the!�as provlded above In tho Taxes and .,_,::_
<br /> Llsns e�allon and depos�ts wlih Lender Cash a a sulflclent corpaate suroty bond or other security 5at►slactory to Lender. -i,=��_,_
<br /> ; � gECl�i�Tl/A(;REEMENY;FINANCINQ STATHMElfiB. The fdlowlrp provislons relaHnp to lhts D�ed of Trust 4s a aocurfly tpnsm�nt�n�P�rt of �,,._�.
<br /> � �...�.-.
<br /> Ihb Deed Ot Ttust. �°� — - -
<br /> ._ ... . -
<br /> , � 8�curity Apr�emsnt. This Instrument sheil constitute a secudty epreement b the exteN ony of ttw Prope�ty consiitutas fixlures or a� .,,,,.. -
<br /> pereonal property,and Lender shail heve aN of lhe dphts of e ss�ured party under Ihe Ur�am Commerc,4d Cade as amertded trom time 40
<br /> N nme.
<br /> � : � S�curity IM�t��t. Upen requesl by Lender,Trustor shalt execule Ilnanclnp statemenis end Itke whatever otlwr action ts requested by Lender '.1:•v`'N�
<br /> ,� , to paixt and continue Lsnder's secudhr Interest In the Rants and Personal Property. In�ddtdon to recordinp lhis Daed of Trust In tl►o roal ,�c;�c,, :;,
<br /> proparly records,Lendw may,at any tima end without further authalzation Nom Trustor,file axocuted counterpaAs�CopNs cK roProductions ot , '°�. _
<br /> lhis Deed of Trust ns o financ�ng statement. Trustor shall reimburse Lender for n1i e�q►ensas incurred In pwlecflny or contlnulrp thb security
<br /> .A� ..•
<br /> Interest. Upon default,Trustor shall assembte the Personei Properly in e manner and at a pltce reasanably convenWnt ta Trusta and Und�x .,!�y,,�
<br /> ! and m8ke it avail�bla to Lender wilhin three(3)days after receipl of w�itten demand irom Lender. r�}.�s;;.
<br /> �' Addr�s�e�. The maNinp addresses of Trustor(debtor)end Lender(secured party),fromwh�h IntamaHon concernir�q the security Interest �
<br /> I., pnnNd by thls Deed of Trust may be obtained(each as required by the Unifarm CommeralU Cade),ere as st�ted on the Nst p�pe of thts Deed ���
<br /> �, of Trust.
<br /> _-_ ��T�.��e��o.,y�g��n�a,yFV.-tti-PACT. The fallowinU Provlslons relaUnp to turther�ssurances and attamey-ln-hct aro a P�rt of lhls �,
<br /> ' � Dsed of Trust.
<br /> ' � � puAher Aswt�nces. At any time,and Bom tlme to time,upon request of Lender.Tnntorwfil make,execule end deliwr�ur wfM cause to he �'°
<br /> mude, execuled or delivered. to Lender a to Lender's deslpnee,and when requested bY l.ender,causa to be 1Nsd,rocordsd.�sfM�d� ar I �
<br /> rerocpn�ed,as tho case mey be�at such flmes snd tn such otACes end places e5 Lender miy dlem�pproprlato,�ny and aM euCh morfp�pas� �
<br /> deeds of trust,seCUrily deeds,seaurtly ayreemenb,flnandnp statemenb,conllnu8tion statlaqnts,Ins7uments of turther�tsurnna�oKtlllcaMs� ; .�
<br /> and other documenb as maY.In tha so{e opinlon of Lender,be necessory or destrahle tn acier to eMoctu4te,compiN�,p�tect�contlnue,or
<br /> • , prasprve (a)the oblip�HOns of Trusta undar the Note,fhis Deed of Trust,and the RN�ted Dxumenb,and (b)the iNns and s�curity Intarosb `°
<br /> ' crwtsd by thb Oeed of Trust an the Property,whether now owned or he�earter acqufred byTruslor. Unbss prohibftad by 4►w or aprsed to tM T
<br /> conhery by Lender In wriHnq,Trustar shall reimburse Lender lor aN cosri and w�enses in�urred in connscHon wfth ttN rt►att«s nlortod to In F u'
<br />�.� .:� thbParapraph.
<br /> ABprnRy-k�-F�ct. It Trustor falls to do any of the khlnqs reterred to In the precedinp peny►aph,I.ender rtury do ao ta and in ttw rnrtw of
<br /> �� Tnntor and at Trustors e�ense. For suah purpo�'.,es�Trusta hereby Irrevocably eppdnb lender as Trusta's attaney-an-i�ai ta tlw P�P�e
<br /> j,.. � of makfnp,execuil�p�dellverin9�fiUnq, recordinp,and ddnp ell olher Ihinps as may ba moessary a deskabk,in Lendsr'a sols opinlon,to
<br />�; " ` �ccpmpNsh ths mattsrs rekn'ed to In the precedlnp pua�nph. �•��--
<br /> � � FI�L pERFORMANCE. If Trust¢r pays ell the Indebtedness when due,and otherwM�e Rerforrm d�the oblipatlons�mDosad�Pon Trustor und�r thfa
<br /> pppd d Trust, Lander shall execute and deliver to Trustee a iequest for lutl re,•.onvey�nd and shaH ex�cut� and dWlvx to Truclor cultablo
<br /> �� � sftl�mmb of t�rminaHon of any tinanclnp stat�ment on fik evidencirop Lender'e securfty inlar�st In th�Rants and ttw Pareonti Propwty. Any
<br />`` ' roconveyance tee reQi�ired by kw sh9N be pald by Trustor,It permiHed�Y eAP���w. �
<br /> �,''- �' ' ", iOEFAI�T. Eeah ot ihe tobwinp,at the optlon ot lsnder,slwH consHtuta an event of detault("ENnt ot Defautl")under thls DNd ot Trus�t:
<br />��'± ,., :',,, p�M p�I�t�dtwsr, Fallure of Trustor to make any payment when due on the Indebtldness.
<br />�,.�' ';••����:�+�
<br />,�,;�,4�,�, , pN�un pn AtMr p�ynMntf. Failure ot Trusta within the time requlred by lhls Deed of Tiust to meke any p6ymen!ta t�xss or insurancQ.or
<br />- „ ,...,... � eny otiwr paym�nt n�cessary to prAVant fiNnq of or to ettect dlscharye of any Nen.
<br />�.��:;;,"'Ft;,• pehult In F�vor of Thlyd Partle+�. Shouid Bortower or any TNStor delsult under any loa4 ext�nslon of Cndil,s�culty�praertwnt,purchase or
<br /> �;:.•- �� seles apreerr�nt, or any other apreement,In favor of any other credita a person that may mateA011y 4tfect�ny of Bortower's propertY o►
<br />',.�::�1'�_4�y�� 8orrower's a 4ny Trustora abllfty to repay the Lnans a pertorm iheir respecUve obi�atlais under ihis Daed of Trusf or any of lhe Related --
<br /> Documena.
<br />�. � "' CompH�ce pefMatl. Fallure of Trustor to compty wHh eny other term,obilpatlon,covenu�t a conditlon ConLlned In thFs Deed of Trust,the �_----
<br /> " Note or In any of the Relaled Dxumen�s. ---------- --.
<br />- FMN StNtnNntia Any warranty,represontaUon or st4loment rttade or fumtshed to Len Wr by a on bahalf of Trustat under thb Dead of Trust, ��y--�-;��-_-�-
<br /> • tM Note a the Rek18d Documents Is fa►se or misieading In any matedal respect,elther now or�1 the tlrtw ma�le a tumhhad• S�m�T'��-"
<br /> �t,npr.,•....�.-mru�
<br />� Deiecdve CoM�tenlla�tion• 1'his Deed of Trust or any af the Related Oxurt�nts cea:�esfo be in tuN force and eBect pnctudinp failurA ot sny �rs'w�
<br />_: ' . f coYateral docume�1810 cxeate a valid and perfecied securlty Interest or Ilen)at any Hrtw�nd for eny ratson. ;X�,�
<br /> Imotwncy. The diss�luHOn or torminatlon of Trusta's exftlence es e gotng bustnoss,tM Insdvenay ot Trusta,the Appdntrn�nt of a r�ivor # ".
<br /> ' for any po r t o f Trus t o r's p r o p a►y.a n y a s s l g n m e n t t o r t h e b e n e fi t o}c r e d i l o re, a n y t y p o of aedita wakout,or the commencsment of any x
<br />` ; � procesdinp under any bcnkruptoy or Insolvency la+�rs by or eGelnst Trustor. ••h(}:n���
<br /> ': f Fonclo�ure�Forteiture,eta Commencsment of foreclosure or fortefture proceedlnps. whbtt�er by ludicial proCwdir►p�setf-help.ropossnsalon •4;'�'�"?"��...
<br /> • ; or any other rtNthod,by any credita ot Trustor or by nny eovemmental a�noy apalnst any of Ihe Property. How�wr,Ihis aubs�Hon ahaM not .�,_�F.;''-:'
<br /> '•.,..
<br />= � apply in the event d a pood fetth dlspute by Truuta as to lhe velldiry or reasonableness of the delm wh�h b the bes1�of the forec;l�osurs or ;.
<br /> _ . ', -- -_ toratotture nroceatlino.orovlded that Trustor pivas Lender written notiCe o}such c�alm end fumishes reserves or a surety bond tor the clalm
<br /> ___ - - -
<br />_ � satis(ectoryi fo Lendar. --_°__---_
<br /> " �re�ch oi Qther Ayreerne�t. Any breach by Trusta under the terms o�flny other epr�eme�t between Trustor end Lender thet is nol remedled ,
<br /> withln any praca pa�od provided lhaein,Inciuding without limitetion any agreement concaming any Indebtedness or olher ob4�paflon ot 7rusta
<br /> ta Lender,wtwlher exlstlny now or lator. '
<br /> EYMb Att�Cqny(iUelr�rltor. Any ot the preCeding events oCCUr6 wlth respoCt to any (iuuantor ol any ot the Indebtldnss!or any l3uer�ntor , .
<br /> dles ar bacomes Incompetent,or revokes or dlsputes the velldity of,a Ilabluty under,anYGueranty of the Indebtedness. Lender,at Its optlon,
<br />-- may, bul shaR not be requlred to,permlt the�uaranta's estflte to assume unconditionaliy Ihe obllpaUons aris:np under the puannty in a �
<br /> • nunrsr saryshCtory lo Lender,and,In ddn{1 so,cure the Event of Deteutt.
<br /> Ady�ne Ch�np�. A material adverse change occura In Trustor's flnancial condition, a Lender belfeves the pro��racl of payment w .
<br /> " parformance of the Indeblednesa is Imp9Ued.
<br /> InwcueQy. lendar In pood f�ith daoms itsolf Insecure. •�
<br /> pditloy�nq�pt�a�. A detaull shali occur under any Exlsrin�Indehtedness or underany Instrument on the P{op�g s�CUrtnp any Existlriy , ,. .
<br /> Indebtedness,or commencomenl of any sult or other aCllon to toreclose any exlstinp Ile�on the Prop�ty. ;1 � . . 1
<br /> i
<br /> 1 � �
<br />