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(� <br /> ..,�. . , , <br /> ._.....a,: � .. ' .. ... _ . . - . <br /> . `_ <br /> � - -- -.... , .. . r�.••-- . , <br /> .. j _�..� ... . ._ �. . . ,t��. �.. <br /> i �- -- -- _;-. .-- <br /> � � 02�3-1997 DEED AF TRUST • Pegr�6 <br /> Loen No (Continued) �7�" 10�U�g `> ' <br /> Riphl to Cun. If such a (allure Is cvrabta and if Trustor hea not been piven e notice ot q breach of the same provlslon o!thls Qeed ol l'vusl - <br /> wlthln th�precedlny iwelve(12)mpnths,II may be cured(end no Evenl o!Deteult wlll have occurred)If Tru3tOr, ofl6r Lendw sondy wrltten = <br /> � notice demandinfl cure ot such tailure: (a)cures Ine tnllure wlthtn len(10)days;a (b)I�the cure requlres maro Ihan!en(10)days,Imrtwdlately , <br /> Initlates steps sutNclenl to cure the telluro and lhereaNer canlinues and compietns ell reasonabfe end necesstry steps oufAClent to produce _ <br /> cnmpll�nca as soon os reasonabty pracl�al. <br /> , , ii1QHT9 AND HENIEDIE9 OM OEFAUIT. Upon the a:currersce ot eny Ewnt of Detauit and at any time thereaRer,Trustee a Lander,el lts opflon, <br /> � may exerclse tny orr�or m�re of the Idlowlnp hphts end remedles,In addluan to any othe�dqhts or remedles provld�d by I�w: . <br /> i ACCMNMIon upaf D�fwfl;AddfllorW R�m�dk�. If any event of d�fault occurs es psr the texms o11he Nob aocurW h�nby,L�nd1r m�y <br /> • deckre al Indebtedness securad by thls Deed of Trust to be d�e end payable end the same shaN Ihereupon b�corrN dus and paytbte without <br /> , � eny presentment,damtnd,pratest a not�e af any klnd. Thereafler,Lender may, <br /> . � <br /> , (a) Elther In percon or by apent,with or wllhout brinpinp any flCdon or proceedinp,or by a rscNver appolntsd by a Cou�t�ncJ wit�houl <br /> � reperd to the ad�quaay 9f Ils aecurlty,enter upon and take possesslon of ihe Property,or any parl th�rwf,ln Its own name or In the name <br /> � o}Trustea,snd do any acts whlch It deems necessary or desirabb to preserve tha vaiue,mark�tabillty or rentabliiry of th�Praperty,or pul �� � <br /> o}the Property a Interest In ihe Property;inorease the Income(�om the Property a protect the securlty ot ths 1'roperty;and,wlth or wlthouf � ' <br /> takirp possesston of the Property,sue br or otherwlse collect the rents,fssues and profits ot the P►oparty,Incfudng thoss p�st due and <br /> unpeld,and appty the same,less costs and expenses of operatlon and cd{ectlon,includlnp attansys'fees,to any indebtsdness slaured <br /> by thls Oeed o}Trust,eil In such order ns Lender mey dotermine. The enteriny upon and taklnp possesslon o}the P►operty.the cobctlon " � �'"'' <br /> of such rents,Issues end profits,and the application th6reof shell not oure or walve any default or not{ce of defaup undor this D6id of Trust ,�_L�'"�'-"`"�•` <br /> � or Invelidqte eny act done In response to such detault or pursunnt to such nuNce o!dofault; and, notwithstandirlfl the conlinuance In L�; ..—.3,� a:., <br /> possession of the Properiy or the collecUon,recetpt and applicatlon ot renb, Issues or proAts,Trustes or Lender shall be entitled ta .;;,�„�;;•_._:��s� <br /> .. exarcfse every right provlded tor in the Nofe or tt�e Releted Documents or by taw upon the accurrence of any event of dahutt,inciudip the :;,,:L£-- <br /> . dpht to exerGse the powor of sale; � "' <br /> . (b) Commence an acllon to toreclose thfs Deed o}Trust as a morlgage,appolnt a recelver a speciflcalty enforce any of the cownants �,,��,L.,__ <br /> • � heneof;and =-----— <br /> (c) Deliver to Trustsa a writlen declaretion of default and demand for sale and a wdtten noUCe ot detault and eWctlan to cause Tmsfor's �� � <br /> � � Interest In tlw Property to be soid,which nottce Trustse shall cause b be duly filed for recad In ihe approprlato afNcw.;of tho CWnty In �'—� <br /> f whlch the Rroperty is Icr.ated;and �' '�`f-- <br /> � { (d) Wlih respect to al!or any part o91he Personal Property,Lender shail have ail the Aphts flnd remedle9 of e beCUred perty under the � � ��= <br /> NabrsJke Unitam Commerclal Codo. <br /> �� Fonebwrl by Power of SMe. If Lender elects to faectose by exerGse of the Power oi Sale hereln contalned,Lendsr shaH notiiy Trust�e and � y �''.�- <br /> , shall deposit with Trustee thfs Deed of Trust and the Noto and such recelpts and evidenca of expsnditures made 8nd 6eCUred by this Doed of � ,. �., <br /> Trust as Trttstee ma y re quire. � '�"l• <br /> (a) U,pon►eceipt ot such notice trom Lender,Trustee shall cause to 6e recorded,publi.ahoQ and doli;rered to Trusla such Notics of DelxWt �' <br /> __ __� and�7otfce oi Saie as then requlred by law and by this Deed ot Trust. Trustee shaM,without demand on Tnuta,attar such dme as may <br /> ' - thsn he requketl by law anO aiter recordation ot eucn Notica ot uetaun anC aner ivoi�ce oi 5aie t�avinp bavn pivsn as nqui�eo by aw.sv8 - - <br /> the Prope�ty at tha time and piase of sale fixed by It In such Nqtice of Sale,elther as e whob,a In se�ar4te Iols or parosis or fii�mms as <br />- � Trusfee shaN deem expedbnt,and In such order es ft may determine,at publla auclion to the hfphest bldder fa cash in lawful maiey of - <br /> - the UnHed Stetea payabb at the Hme of sate. Trusteo stuill deliver to such purchaser or purohasers thereot Its pood and sutNdent desd a .- <br /> a deeds conveyinp Ihe proparty so sdd,but w{thou!a�ny eovenant or warcenry,e�ress or Implled. The recf�is In nuCh daed ol eny mattere • , ,- <br /> ' �`'' or facts shaN be conduslve proot of 1he truthtulness ihereof. Any person,includinp without Ilmitatlon Trustor,Tru9tee, or Lendar, mty ;�� ' ;: <br /> purchaso at such sale. <br /> ' ��t•,� (b) As may be permitted by la+v,atter deducting ail costs,fees antl expenses of Trustee and of this Trust,Inctudinq cos�s of evtdlnoo of <br />- 8tb in connectlon with sale,Tnntee shall appty the proceeds oi sale to payment of (q d sums s�ended undsr Ihe terrtn of tMs DNd of � <br />_ Trust or under the ferms of the Note not then repafd,includtnp but not Iimi{ed to accrued In4erest and kte cherga�, (ll)�I othu eums ttMn i <br /> 5ecured haraby,and (Ilq the remainder,ti any,to the person or persons lepally endtled thereto. <br /> ` (c)Trustee may In the mnnner provided by Isw postpone selo ot RB or any portion of the Property. , <br /> R�nNqMs Not F3�ehuiv�. Trustee and Lender,and each of them,shall be entltled to eniora pnyment and pKtorm�nca ot any lodsbbdrnce <br /> •� or obNpaMons s�ourod by tMS Deed ot Trust�nd to exercise all riphts and powers under thfs Ds�d of Truat,und�r tM Not�,undlr any ot fha ��" <br /> Ret�tsd Documsnts,a under any othx apreement or any laws now or herealter in torce;notwithstandirp,sort►�a UI of sucA IntNbMdn�ss <br /> ' ` � and obNpaHOns eectxed by this Dsed of Trust may now or hereefter be otherwlse securod,wheth�r by morlp�ps,de�d of hust,pl�dp�, N�n, <br />- � • • as�fpnm�M or Othsrwh�. Nelther tM�cceptance of thls Deed of Trust na ib ontorcemsnt,wh�ther by court�ctlon or purawnt to th�pow�W <br /> sab a other povrors Contalned U lhls Deed of Trust,s?�all pre�udice a In any rrwnner alfect Truste0's or Lendar's rlpht to re�Nn� up�n or <br /> � .,�.. ; erHace sny other sacurity now or hereaRer held by Trustee a Lender,e belnp agteed that Tnrstea Knd Lender,and snch o�th�m,thaN bs <br /> eMitled to er�ores thfs Desd of Trust and eny other securiry now or heresfler held by Lender or TrusNo in such ordar and manrnr as thsy or <br /> ' � efther ol them may in thek absdute d�scr�otion determine. No remedy conierred upon or reserved to Trustae or Undar,Ms Int�nded to be <br />- sxdusiw oi any other romedy In this Deed ot Trust or by law provlded a parmitted,but oact� shalt bo cumulabva and stwM bo In adddon to --- - - <br /> " �, av�y othx rertMdy plven fi lhis Deod of Yrust or now or hereaflar axktinp at law or In equlty a by statula. Every povwr or nm�dy pivon by tM — <br /> • Noh or any of ihe Rstalod Documenb to Trusteo or Lender or to v�h�h elther W them may be otherwP.,��ntltlW, may W�u�rcFS�d, _ <br /> . conCUrsently or ind�pendentty,trom dme to Hme and as otten as may be deemsd expedfent by T►�stes or L�nder,�nd eNt�ot tt�m mty - <br />- •' - ptxsu�Inaonsbtent rertwdbs. Nothinp in thfs Deed oi Trust shall be conshued as prohibilinp Lender from se�kirp a ddfcienoy judpment <br />, ' welnst the Trustor to the extent such scHon Is permitted by law. ___.—�_� <br /> ' ' R�qtltsl Fa tiotice. Trwta,on behal}of Trustor nnd Lender,hxeby requesb that e copy of any Nodcs of Dsisuit�nd a copy of any NoHcs -- <br />